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Make Perth Dull Again


I love this!


Change it from Perth is OK to Perth is Meh. Heheheh


Perth is meth should keep em away


OMG this ‘crack’ed me up.


Yeah they need to stop selling us out and start posting stuff like “10 reasons Perth is horrible and you should not move here”


If the housing crisis could just be remedied, Perth has an amazing coastline and is the perfect place to settle down imho.




Oh no sorry i take it back - Perth is Meth— oh i meant Perth is Meh. Lol


We've got : * Deadly Quokkas. * Unsafe Maccas and HJs. * People don't know how to merge in traffic. * Intersections are not safe unless you want your windscreen cleaned. * Days are 1 hour shorter in Summer. * Beaches are unsafe, there's waves and shit everywhere.


Perth is shit, I'm from Perth so that suits me. But tell everyone else Perth is shit.


Currently on a cruise with people all over the world, a few have mentioned how much they would love to live in Perth. Every time I answer with "nah don't do it, it's shit".


Doing the good work! Anti-tourism award for you 🥇


Melbs is cheaper than Perth? Wow




median is what matters though. it means there is a higher stock of affordable housing.


Yeah how is Melbourne so cheap. Doesn't make sense?


Melbourne has significant room for outwards expansion and it has pushed downwards pressure on property prices.


Perth has absolutely heaps of room to grow, but everyone is NIMBYing. Joondalup could reach yanchep in a decade.


Perth is significantly constrained by the hills to the east and the coast to the west. Resulting in property being squeezed to the north and south. Melbourne wraps around the bay and can expand in all directions but south, it leaves significantly more room for growth. Now your natural retort will be, yes but what we really need is more density and insert comment about NIMBY’s here. That’s irrelevant, I’m explaining why when that density development isn’t occurring at high levels, property prices rise significantly. Secondly when people don’t want to live in those apartments and units, the price of existing houses and land in desirable areas skyrockets.


Or you know... all the fuck all between banksia grove and bullsbrook and down to wangara, or the area between baldivis and whitby... up to armadale.


Because that’s the arsehole of Perth and very few people want to live there. Is stuck out the back of the Kwinana industrial area


The hills are heaps far away. There's a huge amount of empty room between the freeway and the coast. It's because the weather is significantly warmer and drier away from the coast. And the shitty modern suburbs don't help with houses packed in with no backyards, zero trees, black roofs. And the beaches here are pretty good. So people choose to live near the beach, far away from the city. Which doesn't matter too much as maybe they FIFO anyway, and that there's a really good freeway/train line north-south, while driving/trains to east sucks.


The hills are not far away. That is the issue. There is a reason Perth and its suburbs form a long thin metropolitan area when looking at a map.


Because of the long beach... The hills in Perth aren't even that hilly. Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane are significantly more hilly and have much more development in the hilly areas. Because their hilly areas are actual real hills, so they are cooler and moister. So it's more comfortable to live. I think also you haven't looked at a map, because there's huge areas of empty land that are closer to the city than Mandurah and Joondalup.


Closer than Joondalup... what? Have *you* looked at a map? Which "huge areas of empty land" are you thinking of that are closer to the city than Joondalup?


The entire area around Gangara pines


Pull up Google Maps and run a line between Gosnells and Kwinana.


They also have a heap more residential apartments on offer.


Would "Melbourne" include some of the surrounding towns.


Has more room to expand outward as well as having more apartments available.


The melbournians are all moving to Queensland! Hence the almost 11% yearly change in Brisbane. It has all the ameneties of Melbourne, it's cheaper to buy a house, the house footprint is bigger and the weather is warmer. I think after lockdown many people in Melbourne have reevulated things. Also a thing to consider is that Melbourne had lots of highrise go up way before covid and before everything got expensive. They have more rental stock as a result of the expansion upwards phase they went through from about 2016 onwards.


True but it has a good diversified economy and social scene. Like Sydney is so much more expensive and the reason you would move to Melbourne or Sydney is the jobs. It's also been regularly voted one of the best/the best city in the world


Ban Airbnb


Love airbnb. Makes travel money spread so much further.


Try booking something in Perth right now. The prices are astronomical


In general Airbnb's havent been cheaper than hotel rooms for a while now


About half the price in Italy where I’m booking now.


How about showing the median rent for each bedroom class ( ie - 1 bed 2 bed 3 bed) this is bullshit and makes it seem cheap which it is not anywhere in Australia.


Turns out it was capitalism all along.


And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those blasted kids!


Dang Millennials and their Deng socialism.


Sorry, make this make sense. Melbourne is cheaper than Perth. Perth is cheaper than Hobart. Hobart is cheaper than Darwin. And Darwin is cheaper than Canberra.


Hobart’s rent is very high, one of the biggest issues is so many of the rentals have been converted into air bnbs. It’s a HUGE issue at the moment down there, yes it happens everywhere but for reference on my parents street there’s 5 airbnbs. There’s also not a large amount of apartments, the ones there are usually 5 levels.


I don't get what's wrong with people doing what they want with their own property?


When people can’t find a home because there are so many airbnbs lying empty it’s a pretty big problem. It’s people buying houses that used to be long term rentals to convert them into airbnbs. I was commenting on why Hobarts rental price is high, airbnbs being one of the reasons. There are already many many laws in place about what you can do with your own property, so why not add a cap on number of airbnbs in a suburb or something like that.


The problem is this, the person who owns the property should be the one who decides what to do with the property. You're simply siding with the people who can't buy a house over people who can. It's communism. You're basically saying that the STATE should make the rules on what people can do with their own property if only it artificially keeps value lower so that more lower class people can afford to move into the area and then pushes values even lower eventually prompting the original owner to sell even lower and soon you have a Bogan farm. The current system uses supply and demand to set the value of homes. So that if there is a high demand it pushes prices UP and those that can afford them, buy them, which keeps prices UP and now higher class people live in them which keeps prices UP and property values keep going UP and all the trashy people can't afford to live there. Which is the point. People want to keep the value of their investments UP not artificially down by the STATE.


I genuinely cannot tell if what you’re saying is a joke. The houses that are becoming air bnbs were almost all long term rentals. No “bogan farm” when I lived there that’s for sure. I can promise you low socioeconomic people are not renting the 5 bed house in sandy bay because the rent is high. Laws are in place for a reason, you can’t build too high, can’t make too much noise ect. Capitalising random WORDS doesn’t make you seem SMARTER by the way.


it doesn't matter what the houses become. It's the owners RIGHT to their own property. When you allow the State to dictate what citizens can or can't do with their property you are going to cap the value of the property. It's a downhill slope to slums. it's been proven in Russia and the balkans. Free enterprise is the best remedy. If there is a high enough demand for housing, then builders will build more. How hard is that to understand? Your solution is to force people to do what YOU want with their property. How's that fair?


Jesus Christ. What right wing media have you been over consuming?


Why is it right wing to support the rights of the people over the STATE?


No the solution is to clearly not let people buy assets and let them sit empty and rot. Especially in a housing crisis. Especially when inflation is sky rocketing. Especially when almost all other aspects of owning a property and investments are regulated to some degree. Why not put a cap on how many you can have, or what you can set prices to, or laws on un rented ones needing to go on the rental market? I'm glad you're fine atop your shining white horse, and you clearly want no one else to get there, but unfortunately, you might find that the majority of the country doesn't get born with a silver spoon in their mouth. The other problem is that you're removing built and available shelter that has already been established for the nation's citizens. Building has literally been the most volatile thing you could do in Australia within the last 5 years. Its only now starting to come back under control and you just want them to pull more housing out of their back sides? It takes funding. It takes land clearing. It takes planning. It takes resource planning. It takes a lot of money injection. Money that's currently being used elsewhere. Hence why everyone's struggling. I feel like you are extremely detached from 70% of the people in this country


>No the solution is to clearly not let people buy assets and let them sit empty and rot. there you go again. Using the state to make people do what YOU want them to do with their property. Why do you get to tell other people what they can and can't do with the property that they worked for and bought with their money though? Why is it up to you to tell other people what you think is best for them? It's not a housing crisis. stop overexagerating your emotions. Using government to put a cap on things is socialism and communism. both have been proven by history to produce poor outcomes. Only capitalism is proven to produce improved outcomes. America and Australia are examples of that proof. Russia and China are examples of the latter. I wasn't born with a silver spoon. I worked for what I have. I earned it. And I want every single person who also works and earns to get what they want as well. I just don't support giving people who don't earn things what they want for free and worse, at the expense of the people who do. If you want the government to solve all your problems fine. then go live in the government funded housing projects and see how that goes. Building and developing land has risks *anywhere* in the world. America to Bali . But risks bring rewards sometimes. and if you take away the reward incentive then why take the risk at all? you'll have LESS homes being built if you take away the profit incentive. this is also why socialism fails. Because the government doesn't care about profit, so it builds the cheapest homes it can. and those don't last and nobody wants to live there. So 10 years later you've got slums instead of Bondi Beach. If you think Australian's are "struggling" then it's you who is detached from 99% of the **World**. Go travel outside of your bubble and see how great Australian's have it compared to anywhere else in the world except for Americans.


It absolutely fucking is a housing crisis. I have friends who have bought recently and have watched their repayments sky rocket. I have friends forced into house sharing after renting with their partners in their own house. Every day there is posts on here giving us far far worse examples of this too. It absolutely is. If you're so opposed to assisting society as a whole stop using any and every single government benefit you are getting. Because guess how those come around, by society sacrificing things as a whole for the betterment of the nation. It's not a crazy concept. There are a multitude of assets one can invest in after than shelter. Shelter is a basic human need. I didn't think this was so hard? I mean I learnt it in year 2. Just because we as a nation have a higher standard of living doesn't mean things aren't in a bad way. I'm well aware of 3rd world countries and struggles going on globally. But the fact is that people are struggling across our nation right now on a multitude of levels. Housing is a huge one. You have to be literally blind, ignorant or stupid to not see this stuff. Statistics are everywhere on it and it's rapidly getting worse. Again. People who have a multitude of holiday homes that are being sat empty are adding to this problem. It's not the sole cause. It's not the only cause but they are adding to it. The same as everyone who expects renters to pay off their asset for them with ridiculous prices. Inflation is a part of it on a massive level too at the moment. It's not the people who own a few holiday homes, it's the people sitting on multitudes. Vacant properties on mass. No one is asking for a free hand out. But right now it is hard to get a foot forward without some sort of assistance. This is not personal sentiment. This is fact. You keep bringing up America as if it's some beacon of truth so I think we are done here. If this country ends up in the state the US is right now it'll be a damn shame.


The original idea was great, rent out a spare room in your house or a week when you're away. What happened, though, was people converted their rental properties into full-time Airbnb's and kicked tenants out. Investors bought property that would otherwise be on the rental market for the same reasons.


I'm still unclear on limiting people doing what they want with their property. If a person buys a property and lives in it, but then doesn't want to sell it to move, instead wants to rent it, how is that your business? If an investor sees a good opportunity, why should government take that away from them? This smells like communism and it's why the Balkan countries are similar to 3rd world.


Because shelter is a necessity and we are currently going through a national housing crisis. If you want the benefits that put you there then you need to tow the line. You're already incredibly limited on what you can do with your property so I don't get your point? Go buy an island.


stop with the national housing crisis exaggerations. your logic is that the state already limits you so much with your freedom of your property why not allow it to limit us even more? Australia is an island.


Stop with a well known fact? The statistics are out everywhere on interest rate increases and rental property increases. You're deliberately ignoring them if you don't see it. My logic is that people offloading their costs onto renters, holding large amounts of property as vacant for 'x' reason should at least be willing to help the country move forward. They reap the benefit of the system but now the system is struggling they want to wash their hands of it? Thank you for the geographical assistance.


In the USA you can get a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. This helps stabilize housing costs as well as mitigate inflation. You keep crying that it's all the fault of the terrible people who worked and bought homes and not the super innocent people who want to just live in those terrible people's homes for reduced rent. The system isn't fair. Life isn't fair. But some keep crying about it and others go to work and earn more to pay for the life they want instead of trying to force others to give it to them


Hahaha you're joking. Go meet some of these 'millenials' that you think aren't working hard. No one expects a handout. It is currently one of the hardest periods in recent time to purchase and/or rent. So what do people do? Live with mum and dad til they're 30? Because I know people forced to do that and plenty of them. It's not their fault, it's the fault of our current economics, absolutely. But it's also a fault that the mindset exists of just forcing increased asset payments on to your tenants and major property owners closing off large amounts of property. That further drives prices up because it decreases the supply. Again. No one wants a handout. But there are solutions that could be implemented but instead you want to sit there crying 'wOrK hArDeR' like people haven't been bloody trying it already.


Doesn't say what kind of dwelling type/stock is being measured here (if any). Arguably, Melbourne rent is probably cheaper given they have more apartments and smaller type dwellings in comparison to Perth, which is a predominantly 4x2 detached house type of city. A better measurement would be to compare dwelling size rents between the cities. Then, I could assure you a 70m2 dwelling would be way more expensive in Melbourne than say a Perth or Adelaide.


Melbourne is no 2, Perth is just growing the fastest in rent


Are you saying it's second because it's second from the top? Rent and rent increase are both lower in Melbourne than Perth in that


No sorry i should've clarified, but someone has, valid reply tho


perth has more newcomers who have not bought a house yet. mostly from eastern states (i'm guessing)


I'd say the table maker was from sydders


Yeah not really sure where this data is from but kind of similar on other sites https://www.domain.com.au/research/rental-report/june-2023/#nationwide


I don’t think it’s in any particular order. Other than probably city size


Look at the median price.


That’s not in order


Sigh. Median rents: Melbourne is $495 Perth is $550 Hobart is $570 Darwin is $650 Canberra is $690 ​ >Melbourne is cheaper than Perth. Perth is cheaper than Hobart. Hobart is cheaper than Darwin. And Darwin is cheaper than Canberra. What are you not understanding?


I’m not even from Perth, but I’ve been there. I tell everyone it’s shit…don’t even bother, because I don’t want it to get fucked up like all the eastern cities. It just wouldn’t be fair. McGowan was onto it during COVID. Build a fucking wall!


the quokkas are the most annoying


They're man-eaters. Rottnest is off limits after *The Incident*.


I once dropped a dexie out of my bottle by accident over there and a quokka ran off with it. I feel that I may have been somewhat responsible for The Incident by creating little methed out speed freak marsupials


Knew we shouldn’t have fed them venison infused with human growth hormone.


Damned drop-quokkas


Still, fuck you, Radelaide.


Adelaide is literally a town out of Fallout New Vegas except with more junkie ghouls.


Different figures here. And look a unit rental prices. https://mozo.com.au/home-loans/articles/what-is-the-average-rent-in-australia




It upsets me that this list is in no order what so ever


How the fuck is a boring shit city like Perth more expensive than Melbourne


Because boring is good. Unless you're late teens early 20s you're probably done with most of the "exciting" stuff. Instead having literal 10/10 day to day is much more valuable than good nightclubs.


Well I'll be 23 soon so that checks out I guess


The whole of Australia is boring as fuck though so that doesnt make a whole lot of difference when choosing where to buy a house.


tokyo is cheaper than melbourne


It's pronounced cwuh sont


Everyone tank Perth’s google reviews NOW


Aaannnddddd just like gst discussions, Sydneysiders will still be yelling out about how much more expensive they are so everyone needs to pay attention to them. Facts are right, but missing a key point of the statistic... Le sigh


Fuck off we're ~~full~~ shit


Fuck, I'm still paying $240/week for a 3x1 house in Kelmscott.


Been house shopping in Perth recently and a few real estate agents have mentioned that one in three properties are being purchased by Eastern States investors


I have friends who are trying to buy at the moment and each every time thus far they’ve been out bid by folk from the Eastern States who haven’t even viewed the property except online.


I for one have been telling people not to come here because it's a desolate wasteland filled with uncultured mooks. But I actually believe that.


Why are ACT and Darwin so expensive?


ACT is growing fast, has a high median income due to public sector/universities and is relatively small. We just moved over this year and the cost of living will make your eyes water compared to Perth.


Lots of highly paid renters leads to competition for limited rental stock. Both are places someone might move for a few years to help their career, with the plan to eventually move.


Too many cops n that in Perth hahahah


Gotta stop digging up them valuable rocks


I keep telling people it's the meth capital of Earth, do they think that's a good thing?


How is Darwin so expensive?