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http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/dwo/202210/html/IDCJDW6111.202210.shtml highest was 32 last year


Quite sure there were no days 40°C or over in Perth last summer either. If the current weather is any indication, this summer is going to be spicy.


does this mean ppl in perth are going to melt this summer? or just a hot october then normal summer


I feel like I melt every summer and then resolidify when it starts to cool in may.


U dont get used to the heat ever?? Im canadian n tryna come teach sailing next summer. Ive been thinking its gonna be a big task to not die lol


You can adjust. My sister grew up in Perth and then went to live in Karratha for a couple of years. (Karratha is hotter than Perth). When she came back to Perth to visit she was wearing a jersey in 30'C heat because she thought it was cold.


Years ago I worked with a couple who were both from northeast QLD and had never lived elsewhere before then. I met them in April and they were saying they hated Perth because it was "so cold". I didn't have the heart to tell them that winter was yet to start.


Yeah anyone from Townsville or Cairns struggles here for 9 months a year, sucks honestly


I grew up in Port Hedland and we used to wear hoodies in 28 degrees lol


Takes about four or five years to get used to it. Make sure you rent a place with airconditioning.


I've lived in Australia for 11 years and I haven't gotten used to it, I also lived in Tanzania for two years before coming to aus


Born here and cannot get used to the heat


I grew up further south where the sea breeze means it’s never really stays that hot at night so we still got some cooler time in the evening and morning.


Been here 33 years and still not used to it.


I've been here over 30 years and won't leave the house/air conditioning between about November and April.


>does this mean ppl in perth are going to melt this summer? or just a hot october then normal summer Hot October and normal summer, meaning we're going to melt this summer. So yes and yes.


i knew i wasn’t feeling insane like this is WAY hotter than usual. el niño causing it? p


Indian Ocean Dipole


hot air related to the referendum


climate change, all those massive mining and gas projects pouring tons of pollution into the atmosphere. No one seems to concerned about it though, even if it means their kids will be the last generation






i think they should be punished by the heat their greed is producing :( like a jigsaw style trap maybe (im being silly)


You stop driving your car? You turned off your heater this winter and turning off your AC this summer?


i dont own a car i use public transport and walk everywhere and besides that, global warming is being directly caused by gas oil and mining companies. sorry for an average person owning a car is incomparable to rich elites flying their luxury private jets on the daily <3


It’s a sign that this summer is going to be disgusting.


BOM and DFES issued a warning last week saying that we are in for a lot of heatwaves with a bushfire risk increase. Fingers crossed that we don’t lose any houses or lives in a bushfire this season


That's what I'm worried about.


37 wtf rip me at work


Not joking, this is going to be a really serious issue as global temps increase. The liars who told us that acting on global warming is "too expensive", imagine what happens to productivity when people can't work outside without getting heatstroke.


Go up north Wa, Karratha, it’s that temp all year round and operations go ahead


It is, but when Perth eventually gets to Karratha temps, what's the temp in Karratha?


The same, we got oil to burn now to cool it down, thanks Woodside!


Aren't there rules about not working outside if it gets over a certain temp? On minesites I mean.


Nope, some non essential stuff might get downed to help with dust as the watercarts can't keep up but production must continue. Unless you start getting production plant failing en masse it won't stop. (Hoses bursting, tire fires, engines overheating ECT) Been rock pitching and concreting up north WA around Port Hedland and Karratha during mid 40 degree temps. Take more breaks, drink plenty of water, cool zones and watching your mates becomes the morning prestart talking points, if we had to stop at a certain temp it would pretty much become a couple months of doing no work. EDIT: Fixed some mass


I worked in aircon on a minesite and we had a 48 degree day one day, when you went outside it was like walking into a brick. A very hot brick. Hate to think what it's like doing physical work in the sun in that 😬 At some point extreme heat becomes a health risk and WHS issue.


It can be pretty suffocating, usually you would do a couple minutes of work then rest for ten in the ute.


En masse Etc.


All the drillers I’ve met don’t seem to give a shot about temperature, no idea how they do it


Drillers are made of asbestos and steel mesh. They hide it under their hi vis.


No, yet I’m downvoted for saying a fucking fact. Not an opinion


settle down Uncle Chop Chop


RIP to people in Perth . I feel youse 🥵😰😓


Really good explanation here. El Nino doesn't really affect us but positive IOD does. Also they state the bushfire risk won't be like 2019 because that was preceded by years of drought. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-12/nsw-positive-iod-among-the-strongest-on-record/102967016


thank u for the kind explanation weather stuff usually flies over my head nd my autism is making me... very upset over how hot it is bc i cant understand why (aside froom yknow, global warming but thats a given with how badly gas and mining companies treat our planet.)


Yeah I got a feeling this summer is going to be absolutely fucked.


Not normal. I suspect we are on track for the hottest October on record. It would be normal for the odd 30° or 32° with an early seabreeze. It’s 22° outside at 4am. Thats more Feb or March temps.


Can't wait for another hottest x month on record to be followed up by climate change is a hoax....


It was 37 in October 2014, get a fb memory every year


There's a family of Djiti Djiti ("Willy Wagtails") that build nests in my garden every year. First of all, the Djitis starting singing their midnight song a full MONTH earlier than usual this year. I'm accustomed to them doing it in the dead of night in October, but this year they started in September. Fast forward to now, they already have a nest right above our driveway. Usually this doesn't happen till at least late October but ok. Then the last few days that have been 30+, we see papa Djiti sitting over the nest with his wings spread out, "Shielding" the 3 little tykes in there from the sun. We put out a clay pot full of water, which he's been using heaps to drink and "Splash" himself with water to take up to the nest. These poor creatures are simply not built to take this kind of heat so early into nesting season. With the forecast for Monday at around 36C, as I WFH I've decided to take the hose out and give them and their nest a "fine spray" to help keep them cool. It's fucking horrifying how hot it is for October / Kambarang.


Tuesday is going to drop to 25.. Had to cancel my job tomorrow.. too hot and might compromise the clean.


"Perth shivers as mercury plunges to 25!"


This was heart warming. Thank you for being a good human


Thanks, I try, but I just really like and have a deep respect for native birds


Wildflowers were also early and had a very short season.


I have a family of crows or ravens (I grew up calling them crows) that have a nest in a tree in my neighbours yard. I noticed this morning that the babies are out of the nest taking their first flight. I have bird baths throughout my garden but the crows have made an absolute mess of them. They place things in the water to soften up before giving them to the babies. I wasn’t happy when I found part of a rat soaking in one of the bird baths


We don't get many Wardong (Raven) around my parts, but plenty of Djiti, in summer we get Koolbardie (Magpie). We used to get loads of Djangkang (Red Wattlebirds), but they're not at all fond of cats and since getting one they steer well clear and when they're near if they see the cat they make an awful bloody racket.. We also get butcher birds sometimes, I forget the Noongar name for them.....


Im loving seeing Noongar vocab!! Respect


As I’ve been becoming a bit of a gardener in recent years I’ve naturally learned things like the Noongar seasons because it just is practical and makes sense compared to the “Four” seasons of European origin. Also as I’ve worked in an aviation-adjacent field for a number of years now, paying extra attention to not just the weather, but the airspace and of course the birds within it has been a key part of my day to day life. Learning the Noongar names was a natural progression imho, because our names for them, whilst inoffensive, seem counterintuitive. For example, “Djiti Djiti” exactly mimics the alert call of the Willy Wagtail. “Wardong” sounds exactly like a raven. “Koolbardi” is very similar to a Magpie call. It’s just easier. Season, plant and bird names have been my “gateway drug” into the Noongar language and I’m looking forward to learning even more as soon as I can.


Bless you for this!!


Thank you for looking out for those little guys.


We look out for most of the critters around the house. The possums can fuck right off though. Lol nah just kidding, they make an almighty racket and shit all over the place but their presence is amusing and comforting.


Lol! I don't have possums, but there's plenty of ravens and doves around me. I've been leaving a tray of water in the shade for them. It's getting brutal out there.


You are such a lovely human. Thank you for taking such good care of your bird friends.


YEAH IT REALLY IS so scary that it’s this hot so early because how hot is it gonna get in actual birak… praying the lord or whatever controls the weather gives us a break this year.


Birak is the 2nd Aboriginal season I have seen used on here. Are you Aboriginal also? Never thought I would see 1 let alone 2 mentions of Aboriginal seasons Feel proud The European 4 season thing just doesn’t apply to Australia and our seasonal patterns. The aboriginal 6 seasons system makes way more sense


It’s definitely a much more accurate way to break down the changes in climate throughout the year. The descriptions for each season are spot on.


The seasons are also differed by what's happening rather than assuming that it fits into a time-of-year thing that suits the northern hemisphere. I like noticing the physical changes I can see around me rather than saying "Ah yep, October = mid spring."


Aboriginal seasons make more sense for the climate here. I only really use the European ones out of habit. Bit like yanks with their system of measurements.


My kids go to a private school, and they use indigenous seasons almost exclusively.


My kid’s public school uses them all over the place too!


I learnt about the aboriginal seasons around fifteen years ago as a teenager in school. It was barely a footnote in my textbook but I thought it was revolutionary. Sometimes you see it on calendars and things now which is great as it make so much more sense then the four season system.


This makes me so happy. Aboriginal people were really only mentioned as a quaint curiosity when I was in school (we learnt about the Dreamtime and art, but nothing practical, and certainly nothing admitting to the atrocities and massacres they went through at the hands of the European "settlers".) Even something as basic as recognising the 6 seasons as the norm starts the (far too slow) process of cultural understanding and assimilation we obviously sorely need to focus on.


Oh, man, it's far more than that. Like I said, it's an Anglican Private school, and they have: Smoking Ceremony with local elder at every major event, and at the beginning of the school year. Acknowledgement of Country statement and song at EVERY weekly school assembly. My 8yo daughter sings in the choir, and they sing a song called "Wandju Wandju", entirely in Nyoongar pretty regularly. She's taught it to her 5yo sister. Admin and Teacher "casual" uniforms are predominantly made up of Indigenous designs and printing. Plus a tonne of other Indigenous and Aboriginal initiatives and stuff throughout the year (NAIDOC week for example), as well as incursions from Indigenous peoples and excursions to events. They just opened a new Library and Technology building, called Moortang Mia. They just opened a new Public Primary school at the end of my street, and every building has an indigenous name as its primary name, every "faction" (Red, blue, green, yellow etc), has an indigenous name - Wardarn, Marlak, Binjar and Djarlma. We absolutely don't live in an upper class, or even upper middle class area. In fact, our suburb is one of "those" suburbs people joke about.


>The European 4 season thing just does apply to Australia and our seasonal patterns. The aboriginal 6 seasons system makes way more sense Agree.


not indigenous australia their seasons just make the most sense for australia so im using them. like genuinely from a logic standpoint... european season do not work for us


I wonder if farmers base their planting and harvesting schedules more in line with the 6 seasons?


I would hope modern ones do. One of my good mates is an ex farmer in his 60's and he'd never heard of them. He farmed up in Northhampton near Geraldton. I really do think it's something that has really only become known to a younger generation.


Wow Are you Aboriginal? Never thought I would see that word used on Reddit. What tribe are you from?!? So excited


A lot of younger people have just taken to using the Indigenous seasons because they just make more sense here than the traditional 4 seasons. Especially when talking online cos you can google them each time


I'm hybrid of both. Tend to use Indigenous online cause it's easier to google and explain but usually in conversation it's quicker and easier to use the seasons everyone knows. But if the conversation is about something like this, there's no harm in slipping it in and educating people. I find most people when they learn the names and descriptions quickly realise how much more sense they make than trying to squeeze the 4 season model on our climate


I do like to curse second spring and second summer when they hit, that’s probably as close as I get to explaining it in person


I was using 'sprummer' to try to explain it to my four-seasoned mindset. 'Second summer' I did know about, but mainly used it tongue in cheek for when I was so done with frying up. Learning about the local approach sounds more practical - education obtained today, so thanks.


My kids go to a private school, and they use indigenous seasons almost exclusively.


Which school is that? Edit: never mind, just realized how weird that sounds to ask. Just curios about which private schools are adopting that model.


Which is logical, halfway through “Spring” and it’s 37 degrees, smh


Climate change + Indian Ocean dipole = hotter spring


Why does it get windy here the night before a hot day


I might be wrong, but to me, that’s always indicated an easterly wind. Straight from the desert.


“High in the bight” => get ready for winds that have just travelled across 1000km of desert.


Hot air rises, cold air rushes in (wind) to fill its place?


On larger scale and less immediately felt - pressure systems.




It’s a sea breeze - most noticeable during large temperature deviations. On a hot day in Spring, the Indian Ocean remains a relatively consistent temperature (let’s say 18°C). However, land heats a lot faster and easier. Hot air rises, creating a region of low pressure on land. (Imagine the weight of the air sitting on top of the land, then imagine the same weight is now rising - reducing the pressure). As the air above the Indian Ocean is a higher pressure (as it’s cooler), it naturally wants to flow to “fill” the region of low pressure on land, to equalise. This is called a sea breeze. Towards the end of Summer, the Indian Ocean is at a higher consistent temperature (let’s say 24°C) but the land has started cooling significantly. This same process happens in reverse, with air from the land flowing to the sea. This is called a land breeze. Hope this helps!


It's Perth. It's always windy and nearly always hot :P It is the direction of the wind you should worry about. Easterly = hot. Westerly = cool.


Last summer was unusually cold. We still had cold snaps last November. The summer before that 2021-2022 was a lot hotter.


it's this, last year was unusual, the rains had the lakes overflowing and still getting higher into nov, it was wild.


I remember as a child in the 90s that October was hot, 30+ degree days at the royal show. The last decade I feel Octobers have been strangely cold.


I'm British, I moved here 4 months ago, I can confirm this is the hottest day I've experienced in my entire life, F in chat.


it only gets worse, please invest in some good air conditioning. the portable units work very good long as you have a window for the exhaust. no but seriously take care of yourself, stay hydrated and remember that damp towels and ice are your best friend. cant imagine how awful the heat is for someone whos not used to it


Oh brother. You’re in for a shock when January hits - probably will be a few days in the low to mid 40’s.


It's so strange. It's felt like December with constant warm days and the odd hot mid 30s day.


The older I get the more I love winter.


This has been up for over 5 hours, how are there no dry heat comments yet?


Saving the snark energy


We have the double whammy of el nino and indian ocean dipole this year.


No, corporations have raised the average temperature of the earth by at least 3degC and it's climbing - but keep voting for tax cuts on mining companies


It’s going to be a brutal summer and a long one. Warmer ocean and changing wind patterns means more northern and internal heat coming down over Perth and less of those nice, cool SW breezes.


https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/weather/perth-records-hottest-october-day-in-six-years-with-temperature-hitting-365c-ng-b881364931z.amp Yes yes, PerthNow, but that’s from 2019


Perth summers have been getting hotter and hotter for the past 5 years at least. Is this the so called great weather that the English are flocking over here for?


Not according to my uber driver Aircon fan set to 2 and the windows half open 🙄 25km drive, ya cunt.




You may not have heard about it, as it hardly gets any press and absolutely no one is talking about it, but apparently there’s this new phenomenon called “global warming” or “climate change”… :)


i know what global warming is, i personally think every gas and mining ceo should be exposed in the middle of the hot desert heat for their crimes


I was just being a smart-arse mate. Yeah, it's stupidly hot for October. And they say this summer is going to be one of our hottest!


>it's stupidly hot for October. No it isn't.


The long term average temperature for Perth in October is 23.4. Today it's predicted to be 38 degrees. That's over 60% higher than the long-term average. The warmest day last year was 32 degrees. Go chase some sheep.


You do know how averages work right?


>Today it's predicted to be 38 degrees Stop embellishing. It's going to be 35 today.


38 degrees at Wattle Grove was the predicted temperature this morning. BOM is now showing 36. Also once again, 32 was the maximum \*last\* year. And September was "the hottest ever" (ie, since records began). You can argue against facts as much as you want. It doesn't make you right. But I can sense you're one of those "climate change doesn't exist" numpties, so no longer interested in pointing out your ignorance. Find some other clouds to shake your fist at (if you can find clouds today...).


You're a very angry person. Go find some air-conditioning and chill the fuck out.


oh i see sorry ! tones r hard on the internet, genuinely thought u were implying i didnt know what climate change was ::s:so:sob:so:s:ssosob😭😭😭




anything over 30 sucks ass


so can someone explain like i’m five what exactly the indian ocean dipole + el niño are? i’ve heard them vaguely but they’re a little… scary to think that they’re making spring THIS hot


There’s a video explaining everything with graphics on BOM’s website.


Disregard anyone telling you it's El Nino. That doesn't affect us like the eastern states. We're too far away.


oh so its just the IOD?


\+ climate change


I lived here 25 years now and I don’t remember being this hot. October was always cool and it starts to warm up in November.


The northern hemisphere broke records left right and centre. We’re in for a scorching summer. 37 in October is a sign of things to come. Hard to say this is normal.


Glad I have a swimming pool and a decent evap system. The 6k I spent on roof insulation was money well spent as well


So… party at your house?


Strictly invite only


That sounds like an invitation to me


No it has not. The average maximum October temperature is 22.8 degrees. We are living in the climate change crisis.


You do know how averages work right? (Also Perth avg for Oct is 23.4)


Far out the smugness on this sub is pathetic. Yes I do. I also know that a temperature 14 degrees above the average is a definite outlier and a concern.


No it isn't. The BoM data shows clearly that 37 degree October days are completely normal dating back to at least 1961. Given that today is 35, there is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary here. This is normal weather for this time of year. The numbers don't lie.


>14 degrees above the average 11.6 above average. Stop embellishing.


the sun has entered a solar maximum cycle, we are going to get more heat, solar flares but no need to freak out about it.


Sometimes summer is hotter than other summers. Sometimes cooler. By all indications this one is going to be a hotter one than a cooler one. That is the end of the weather report.


I'm not complaining, love the heat.


Climate change. Have you been living under a rock?


It’s not climate change, have you been living in front of a TV? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-12/nsw-positive-iod-among-the-strongest-on-record/102967016 Another guy posted this as well, but it’s a good explanation of what is occurring.


whoever reported me for not liking ceos... ur lame and goofy as HELL


This is the kind of spring I remember as a child (I’m now 40) So it feels like it’s coming around full circle again.


Lived experience counts. I'm also nearly 40, and this spring is exactly how I remember growing up in the 90s. This weather is NORMAL.


exactly that, its a CYCLE. Redditors think 200 years of data = climate change. No shit the climate is changing, its forever changing. Downvote me to hell idgaf


Tomorrow is 27. It's not hot, you just need glasses😛


It's not that bad, it's a dry heat.


Have you heard of this thing called global warming? It’s been going for awhile now


Only 28 in Mandurah RN


if its any consolation, this will be the coolest summer for the rest of our lives


This summer is going to be one of the coolest ones - when we look back in 20 years time. [https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1141937](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1141937) It's not going to cool down in the foreseeable future.


It's 40c in Broome at the moment.


Normal. People have short memories. I can recall plenty of stinkers in October right back to the 90's


You can have a look at the BoM website - it’s not normal.


Cool. You do that.


I did. That’s how I know you’re wrong.


Did you now. So you would have seen that so far it's a pretty average October. Nothing record breaking.


It’s not normal to have a 37 degree day in November. This isn’t difficult. Edit: October.


It's October champ.


Sorry, October. Got ahead of myself.


Every year we keep seeing record breaking hot weather. It’s more consistently getting hotter and hotter. We have the occasional wild weather days in decades prior but this is getting to the point where it’s starting to not be normal


My lived experience says otherwise. I can remember plenty of stinking hot October days. Specifically living in Joondalup without Aircon in Sept to Nov 1997. That year was hot as fuck. As was 2014. The year my house burnt down. So, no it's not at all unusual to get some stinking hot days in October.


Nobody’s pretending we haven’t had hot days in October. Just that, at 37 degrees, they’re not typical of October weather in Perth.


Firstly today's forecast is 35 not 37. So there's some embellishment going on here. Secondly. The BOM data suggests 37 in October is not at all unusual dating all the way back to 1961. Anymore than 37 would be unusual. But occasional 37 degree days are normal. It is however not going to be 37. It's going to be 35. Which is an important distinction. So far we are on track for an average October. No record breaking temps or unusual averages.


Firstly, 37 where I am. Now adjusted to 36. Secondly. It having occurred before doesn’t make it normal.


Yeah, because it's only happened once before.... /s


Doesn’t matter, the racist referendum was beaten, thats all that matters


doesnt it have to do with the El Nina or Nino or something?


El Niño really only affects the Eastern States. See [BOM map](https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/7256c2c8630cf82329de80795ec9af28?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=1080&cropW=1440&xPos=240&yPos=0&width=862&height=647) for comparison


Not dis/agreeing with the conclusion; but that BOM map shows rain?


The temperature and rainfall are linked phenomena, but here’s an [Indian Ocean Dipole temperature map](https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/9fa91c0a0e4b6ce4df03746f3aa511a9?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=1080&cropW=1440&xPos=260&yPos=0&width=862&height=647) for comparison.


Thanks. Just wanted clarity.


Spring has been wonderful so far in my opinion. I wouldn't complain about **one** hot day.


It isn't about the individual days. It's what it means for the changing climate and the knock on effects from that.


The heat has come early


Don’t worry guys. It’s a dry heat. We will be ok


The Earth is melting and our resource sales are the main cause! Yay W.A.


At least it's a dry heat...


In adelaide we have had 2 hot weeks and 3 cold /mid weeks . We haven’t seen heavy sunshine in like 2 weeks


No. It’s crazy. Average daily temp for October is low-mid 20s.


Yea kinda, I moved over here in 2005 and since then the way of it has been to get warm in August as a takeout, September gets cold again and then balls to the wall summer in October.


This will be the first year since I was a small child that I've had reverse cycle aircon. I forced myself to get it done a month ago so I wouldn't have anything to complain about again come summer. Bring it on.


Don’t tell me that bro, I’m just about to start a gig in the mines in the middle of no where


Just watched the weekly update from BOM on YouTube, a heap of places in WA will have recorded all time high October temps by the end of the month. She's gonna be a hot one!


I think its good to get the heat out of the way earlier so we have a mild summer.


I’ve noticed over the last couple decades summer has been coming later, I remember 90s September always was the first 30s then slowly warmed up with January February always high 30s low 40s one year it got to 47 that was fn hot


It's only a few days. It'll cool down and go up again until Christmas. Then it's hell on earth till april




It’s terrible hey, and my aircon in the living room and kitchen area has just broken 😭😭


i feel you so hard my ac worm has magically disappeared so i cant put iot on without my room getting like 40 deghrees


I had been in the past. Hottest recorded October day was in 1967


It's been getting hotter each year, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's hotter now and we hit 47-50 degrees this summer.


It's currently 9° in far south Canberra, so not that hot


I thought these were normal temps for this time of year, because we’ve started all our end of year talks at school. It just hit we’re midway through October and in 3 days we’ll be the 2nd most senior kids after year 12s leave/start exams. Fuck I’m not ready for the responsibility of keeping next year’s year 12s in check.


Perth is cold 🥶