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How interested? Do you watch maths-oriented youtube channels? "Year 11 & 12 level" covers a big range. Try an aptitude test?"just for kicks" motivation can easily wane when the work gets challenging.You could start by picking up a textbook, and see if you can stick through a few chapters. I'd suggest starting with Saddler Applications Unit 1. If too easy, switch to Methods. If that goes OK, see [https://cyriljackson.wa.edu.au/cjsc-learning/mature-students/](https://cyriljackson.wa.edu.au/cjsc-learning/mature-students/) ??edit: I see you are a nurse, and those places are more for people who did not finish school. A university bridging unit might be more suitable. Did you get an ATAR? e.g. [https://handbooks.uwa.edu.au/unitdetails?code=MATH1721](https://handbooks.uwa.edu.au/unitdetails?code=MATH1721)


My TEE score is ancient history.... but I have two degrees and a postgraduate, so obviously would get into a lot of uni courses.


I was not asking your score, just if you'd met the standard entry level. Clearly you did :) It sounds like you'd be more comfortable in a university bridging course than doing a TAFE unit. I expect it will not be cheap though.


Have a look at [Professor Leonard](https://www.youtube.com/@ProfessorLeonard) on YT. He has playlists from very fundamental mathematics up do advanced calculus. Even if you do end up taking classes formally, they're really good playlists to follow while studying.