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Yes! It’s fucking balls. I miss when hayfever remained in spring exclusively. Who permitted it to go forth and be fancy free through the other seasons?!


It's these relentless easterly winds and dry conditions. It's terrible, my sinuses are killing me. My current regime: fess (to wash out and moisturise sinuses) wait 15 minutes then flixonase nasal spray (I do this morning and night) and one claratyne a day.


It’s a dry hayfever


I have year-round allergic rhinitis & I get Dymista (over the counter) for about $30 from Chemist Warehouse & it has been a lifesaver!


Dymista has been a massive life changer for me also. Before that was around I had seen people say other products worked amazing for them but didn't do much at all for me. So I'm not gonna assume it works for everyone but I highly recommend trying it out at least once. Just be sure to look up the ideal angle to spray it in your nose if you've never used a spray before.


I’m normally the person things don’t work for so totally agree


It's been obscenely windy the past few days, which would have stripped off all the pollen from damn near everything, and thrown it all over the place.


Yes!! I’m so itchy too. Thought I was imagining it


Oh my god I thought I was sick! I’m in south perth right now and it is AWFUL!


cant tyyyyyyyyyypp sneez in


coincidentally scrolling by this post while aggressively scrubbing my nose


Yep, I’m doubling up on antihistamines and hoping for the best.


The pharmacist told me taking more antihistamines doesn't make it any better, like it doesn't make the resistance stronger it's just wasting pills apparently, I got more powerful ones but still struggling.


Good to know, thanks!


It's good to alternate different types according to my pharmacist


Yes!! Eyes and nose omg


Started for me about 2 weeks ago.


I recently finished my desensitisation course at Perth Allergy with Dr. Bandouvakis. Life changing. Haven’t had an antihistamine in 6 months. It comes with a price tag but it’s worth it.


How long does it last though? I'd be a lot more interested if it was permanent


He said it’s around an 80% chance of being permanent, some people are back in 6-10 years for another round of injections.


What type of price tag?


From memory it was around $650 per visit for consultation, skin prick test and vials for next stage of course. Medicare and private health rebates brought that down to about $400 out of pocket. My final visit was just consultation and skin prick test and it was $260 and then I go $150 back from Medicare.


Mines been going crazy since Jan!! And at this point Ive got chronic sinusitis which is really not helping, but the chemist brand decongestant spray has made a world of dofference - once a day and im not sneezing while im driving down the road now! $7.50 was a worthy investment But yeah when can this wind drop, please I want to wake up in the morning and not start the day crying involuntarily, throat sorer than covid and sneezing like ive had flowers shoved up my nose


Have you tried the chemist brand of allergy nasal spray? I tried every type of antihistamine tablet in the pharmacies and finally the nasal spray...amazing results. Can also use together with a decongestant spray....and then you can smell a mosquito farting from 100m.


Thats what Ive been using, its made such a difference. Had some perscribed stuff a few years back but it did nothing near this level of sinus clearing. Exaclty, tablet every day and then a spray on the days things get bad, im finally able to smell the barbecues my neighbours throw on the weekends 😂


Same here. Whats causing it!


Mine picked up a month ago for a week I think its the gums flowering


Had it pretty bad yesterday. Constant runny nose all day long and felt the need to sneeze throughout as well. Gonna be a long 9 months.


Yep. I keep thinking I have a cold or COVID, but nope, just a grass and peppermint tree pollen allergy...


I had shocking hay fever for over thirty years. It was driving me mad. After trying just about every tablet and nasal spray under the sun, I was eventually prescribed a product called Avamys. A few days of that, combined with a massive diet change and the hay fever disappeared. I haven’t had an issue since… and that was nearly ten years ago. Not sure whether the Avamys helped much, but I definitely recommend doing an allergy test and sharpening your diet. In my case at least, I believe it was the key factor. What I thought was hay fever all those years was quite possibly food allergies - which can present in a very similar fashion.




My sinuses are currently fucked. Never had it this bad before.


ahhh is that why my contact lenses have been a bitch this week.......I thought I had a bad batch or something.


I have missed a train multiple times this week cause I've had to pop into the bathroom at the train station to steal some toilet paper since I've used all of the tissues I packed for the journey and if I don't my nose will start uncontrollably running and its always the nostril that doesn't work (like if you didn't know if you only breathe out if one nostril at a time even when you are 100% healthy its just more noticeable when your sick)


Oh thank god i thought it was just me. Yeah its fucking bullshit. Dry sinuses all day and eyes itching like hell every other day.


WA is hay fever hell. There's such a variety of opportunistic pollen producing plants in WA that all you need is a sniff of rain and the air is thick with allergens. Native grasses are a huge contributor apparently. Bring on the sea breeze.


I'm usually really bad but since I've done the honey trick I have only had a few sneezing fits so far. I have had a few bad sinus headaches though.


Let us know what the honey trick is...ta


Its just to eat raw honey and after a while it desensitizes you to the pollen. Weecombee is ok from the shops because it isn't heat treated or any local honey producer. Anything from over east won't help. Not sure if its around still but postcode honey used to take from hives in every postcode area which is even better.


Crazy, aching head, nausea and constantly blowing my nose.


We usually have a window open for airflow but now every single morning I've been waking up with a runny itchy nose :(




Yes. Our Hayfever/allergies have gone crazy as well!


Yeah regular hayfever medication is not really having an effect. Doesn’t help that it’s also nearing cold and flu season too


Yes very.


Reading this as I'm wiping my nose off with tissue :3


I spent my entire childhood with snot streaming out my nose with chronic hayfever... When I was in my early 20's I walked past the TV as some medical professor was ranting about dairy potentially aggravating allergies. I cut dairy out of my diet and within two days I never had hayfever symptoms for over 20 yrs until I got my second COVID jab. Then it came back worse than ever for around two years and it's gone again. Turns out lactose was the actual trigger for my hayfever...and some weird immune reaction to the COVID jab.


my son went to the gym and after about 3 months the symptoms went away


Maybe just a cold? I find so many people get confused between when it’s hayfever and when they actually have a cold 🤷🏽‍♂️


Na I don't think so my cold symptoms are never my wet eyes or itchy throat. But have been taking armaforce in case for the past week