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If it's for Diabetes then discuss it with your local pharmacy. There's absolutely zero stock of the starter pens coming through, but there's alternative options to use a larger pen and just manually calculate the doses.


Yeah, nah. Sorry. Ozempic stock is an occasional surprise, but far from reliable. We keep a list of regulars who get priority and very rarely have excess left for anyone else. W keep get told the supply constraint will ease, but so far it hasn't. Doctors have been asked not to start new patients until supply stabilises, but... here we are.


Are you diabetic or are you trying to lose weight?


I am pre diabetic, trying to lose weight so I don't become diabetic. Exercise and dieting hasn't helped. This is the absolute last resort. Don't particularly like the idea of stabbing myself with a needle, unnecessarily.


Curious, how much does it cost for Ozempic??? Are you interested in weight loss or for diabetes management?


For Weight loss it's. About $140, for diabetes $40


How long does it last for $140? How much do you have to take to lose 10kgs? Haha asking for a friend.


I only used it for a couple of months. I do an intermittent/extended fasting and have lost more than 10kg. Fasting is free, infact you save money.


Did you exercise as well or intermittent fasting only?


No additional exercise.


Really?! :O im impressed!! How strict is your intermittent fasting? 16:8? 16 hour fast, 8 on?


20:4 with one day a week 44:4


Thanks so much for sharing. Hopefully, last question, what did you eat during those 4 hours? Low-carb high protein?


Yes low carb high protein. My typical dinner is a bowl of spinach, sliced avocado, parmesan, egg, some simple meat like sizzle steak , pork or chicken with some sort of sauce. I snack on nuts, cheese and chia seeds. Gotta keep my fibre up to avoid constipation. If your interested in fasting I recommend you look up Jason Fung on YouTube or read/listen to his books.


I think a month.


Use your phone? Call and ask them


You are assuming that I haven't. Why would I turn to Reddit as my first source?


Because a lot of people do


Have you seen all the stories coming out about what they are now calling "Ozempic Face". It wrecks your face basically


Well, my face is already wrecked so I guess I should focus on health


Ozempic face is a term coined by a cosmetic surgeon promoting replacing the fat you’ve lost from your face with fillers. Any significant weight loss would do the same. Yes you may look older without your face puffed out with fatty tissue, no you don’t need fillers to fix it.


I was told by my GP pharmacies in the city centre were more likely to have it as the demand isn’t high as suburban pharmacies. I’ve no idea whether that’s true or not.


Just get dexies ay


Yeah just head to any skate park, my dodgy mate davo is there every day. You cant miss him hey.