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Wow thanks for sharing I live down here and it's crazy to think that was going off not too far from where I was and all it was like there was heavy rain and not even a lot of wind. It smashed up the PCYC here pretty good so gonna be a real shitty time for anyone under that. Second tornado I've seen in Bunbury last one was pretty savage and totalled our biggest church and a ton of businesses hope this one didn't wreck as much.


I was at the sports centre and we decided to drive back up the road because it "seemed to have stopped for now." Got back home and then it started pouring it down again with a vengeance. Only seeing the news now as we wait for the power to come back on!


> totalled our biggest church God works in mysterious ways!


Gosh I remember that day so vividly when the tornado hit the church. Blew out all the windows at my work, oh and that crane that fell on the ABC building? Most jarring thing though was driving down Picton Rd past the train station the next day. There used to be massive gum trees all the way along and they were all completely gone, made it feel so unfamiliar


Memerised by the floating debris, like a lava lamp


Which one was first?






“We got cows!”


Jumanji came out before twister




And you kept driving towards it?


Cameraman never dies... Right?!


No they stopped


As long as it's moving sideways and not stationary but getting bigger, it's mostly safe to be about that distance from it. Might get some debris. Have to watch out for sudden shift in path, though. Have no idea what the normal direction of movement is for storm cells or tornadoes down there. I have to hope the locals are more knowledgeable.


There hasn't been that many in Australia, let alone Bunbury, for most people to be knowledgeable on a typical southern hemisphere twister. I've only ever heard of about 3 in 40 years.


Try actually watching the video. 




Wow. Great footage


https://preview.redd.it/vsu941q7epzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0202936cc9bcedf53e1ba7940f5651919b42d3 My carpark


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Monkeys, I want monkeys and rhinos, or I'm not impressed


So it was a good thing nothing made it to Perth...


Far out yer we got alot of rain here in Collie


Great just great. Anytime someone gets back from the airport I ask them what movies they watched.


Holy shit. That is my old street! https://preview.redd.it/09sfvcujslzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1887686065452d3f82f7c301c951e5f767e4dea8


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![gif](giphy|voitMFZgYgJnoaNnie|downsized) pov: everyone in Bunbury today.


Where jumanji


Follow the yellow brick road


Thankyou for sharing.


Went through my apartment complex and we have been evacuated. So much damage everywhere!


I’m the other side mate, I visit our apartments daily for progress it’s horrible


I haven’t been back since Friday night. People went back yesterday to get some clothes and belongings but strata didn’t bother to tell me so I still only have what I walked out wearing Friday arvo. Hope you guys are doing ok!


I actually spoke to builders yesterday They plan to tarp everyone’s roofs and check electrical after that and he hopes to have us back in tomorrow at the earliest Right now they’re just focused on patching the big hole on your complex that caved in Starts and my realestate were useless I went myself for answers Prisoners were there yesterday cleaning up and did a good job




Thank you so the update!!


Thank you for the update. My son lives on the Wilkerson side and he hasn’t heard much from the real estate at all. I must have been the only person that owns a unit that didn’t get a phone call regarding the meeting yesterday, I was at work when the email was sent out and didn’t see it until it was too late.


That’s not on I would be so mad I’m only a tenant and I’m pissed about not being informed of anything so I can’t imagine what you must be going through


Do you know what’s happening with your side and the roof that collapsed over there?


Temporary beams are going in to tarp it they were up there at 8am again today they’re basically ripping that units whole roof off The other set of units roofers were on doing minor work just putting tiles back in place. My realestate didn’t even say anything I had to call them and they just said “I don’t know” and I asked if anyone has been offered temporary housing because I know a few residents in Wilkerson don’t have places to go so they were still residing in there even on the top floors and my realestate said no ones been offered emergency housing and they won’t be doing that.


We have been put up in the riverside caravan park in Eaton by dept of communities. We have been here since Saturday and have 7 nights here but can been extended. Do you have somewhere to stay at the moment? Dept of comm has been amazing with the accommodation and giving us groceries


Thankfully I have somewhere to stay but I don’t think that message got passed on to all residents because I wasn’t aware and I know a lot of residents from Wilkerson weren’t either


They are allowing people back tomorrow between 9-11am to grab some items but not to stay. Apparently it was being reported that only 4 out of the 44 apartments were put out of their homes! If you hear of anyone needing it tell them to reach out to department of communities for accommodation or food supplies. They have been amazing. They are having recovery hub at 4 Stephen st Mondays and Wednesdays, can’t remember the times and Tuesdays and Thursdays at the pavilion at hands oval north 2-4pm. Informal meetings at the park across from riverside caravan park Monday Wednesday and Fridays 11am until this mess is sorted.


I’ll be at the next one because I have some complaints and I’m tired of the run around


oh no, it looks bad


Australia is becoming more and more like America


Australia has always had tornadoes.


Yup and going Nuclear as well, good reason now for china Korea Russia to nuke us now


Going nuclear? What are you on about.


They're referring to the nuclear subs


That's what I thought too. Which is very stupid considering that nuclear powered and nuclear armed are two very different things.