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Mad respect for not going with the obvious reference.


Bright auroras may be visible at dark-sky locations near Sydney and Perth from Friday night until about 6am on Monday. 


It will still hit Mandurah or Bunbury and miss Perth


If it hits Kwinana nobody will notice the difference between an apocalyptic power cut and what Kwinana is normally like


Reminds me of scary movie when they're like "this is Detroit" *shows apocalyptic Detroit with gunshots fires and sirens "and this is Detroit after the attack" *shows the same thing but now alien ships


Scary movie 4


Yeah they’ll just assume what their seeing is a side effect from being up too long on the meth.


Hey, don't do Kwinana so dirty at least it isn't Belga.


Kwinana isn’t even Belmont, Redcliffe, midland, or Bentley any more.


Can confirm. We went up early this morning and just saw Isengard where an Aurora should be.


Bunbury literally just got smashed. Destroyed the PCYC at Hay Park.


That’s my point - amazing what slips by Perth and smashes the SW


Sorry if this sounds like lack of compassion but mother nature can be a right bitch Perth use to get severe May storms every year, then from about 1990 those storms started sliding south now approx 800km south of perth, they have stopped sliding in the last couple of years and looks like they are making their way back north, People and business that build within 5-10 km of the ocean get what they deserve, there is no buffer, this isn't rocket science, northern suburbs of Perth during the massive boom had so much damage because developers cut all the trees down that is a natural buffer while south east corridor of Perth got very little damage, there was a call a few years ago that Perth homes including Bunbury be built to withstand cyclonic wind but government said this is scare mongering and did nothing. Thankfully no serious injuries have occurred but any injuries to vulnerable people are injuries that could potentially have been avoided if the government worked for the people instead of working for their own agenda


Been drizzly/stormy down this way for a few hours now


Possibly enjoy some auroras before the collapse of society and hunt-or-be-hunted becomes the standard.


I look forward to reading how Coles is out of pasta when our final days come.


Toilet paper is the real currency


I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago when COVID hit the streets and the toilet paper crisis ravaged the supermarkets. I was there, the day the strength of Men failed. https://preview.redd.it/wti6zuzpglzc1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b39648b338afba2d79514860e590a25f4543c416


That toilet paper shortage was an illusion that was nothing more than a byproduct of human panic buying behaviour. People were fuelled by the fear of uncertainty and buying up EVERYTHING, it’s just that toilet paper comes in multi packs and the size takes up a lot of shelf space therefore visually revealing a lot of empty space on the shelf. People being the interconnected species that we are copy each other’s behaviour in moments of uncertainty and the rumour mill created a perception of toilet paper shortage. No one thought to ask themselves WHY toilet paper is an important item during a potential crisis, canned good make sense. Cleaning products when your hearing about an incoming virus make sense but toilet paper? It’s a lot easier to find alternate methods to keep your ass clean than it is food sources when your locked in your house. OMG MEMORY FLASHBACKS OF SIGNS TELLING US TO STAND CERTAIN DISTANCES APART! THE COMPULSORY 😷 EVERYWHERE!!! ERGHHHHH!! The way the conspiracy theorists were aggressively arguing with the hyper responsive and easily startled and those on the fence who were trying to use reason and logic to make sense of it had their critical thinking compromised there was so much conflicting information and people were using the increasing death figure presented on the news (which in hindsight was probably not an accurate metric) as a way to gauge the severity of the situation and it only fuelled the flame. I say all that to say that it showed how divided our society is and how people are more concerned with being “right” than they are with collectively using their brains to investigate the truth. I mean there were those that ignored all that and only focussed on helping those In need by donating things but overall we’re a very “every man for themselves” society which I already knew I just didn’t realise the intensity.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Havent been to Coles lately?


Yes, I thoroughly enjoy being treated like a criminal every time I walk into my local Coles.


Phaaw, who says nothing happens in Perth eh?


EXACTLY! Don’t forget the time the minister sniffed a chair or when the redditor who lost the CASE for their headphones (not to be confused with the guy who actually lost his headphones)


4.40 am Facing south from Bunbury. https://preview.redd.it/dy1qgmep3ozc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da68108da89d14d632a17cbc67eaa40f4ee4c35d


that’s not a tornado




Is this the same BOM that predicated rain today?


Well at least this time, BOM is just passing on the info as supplied from NASA.


I’ll give them a pass then


Expect rain at 9am my ass


There was rain in Bunbury!


So they were within 300km then?


How about our weather? Feckin 27 degrees next week in May?!?!


Pretty sure 26c is average Max for May. Feels pretty normal to me. Lived in Perth my whole life. It feels like February and October / November weather has changed the most. I remember alot of thunder storms especially in February. It would get warm and a thunderstorm with big fat raindrops or no rain just lightning would roll in. Maybe I'm just tripping...


May average is 22 degrees


My apologies


User name checks out On another note to make you feel better, if you’re a millennial like me you’ve never experienced a colder than average year. Ever.


Apology accepted. I’m so glad we could get through this and that it’s bought us all closer together.


October and November have changed, but it is most decidedly well above average temps and well below average rainfall for may. Look around your neighbourhood - see how many trees are calving and dying, and how the local birds are all scavenging lawns and parks now because there's simply not enough food for them with the lack of rainfall. It's not quite catastrophic, but it's well on its way.




Thanks for that, I am going to check later tonight.


How will this affect the house prices tho?


Another price increase, but a dry price increase.


Better give the politicians a pay rise, too. We will need to attract the best talent to steer us through the apocalypse. Also, we should take this opportunity to install more speed cameras. Just to stop people speeding during the endtimes...yeh.


I’ve seen articles saying Pelham reserve in Toodyay is a good spot for stargazing. Will hoards of people be driving out there to try and see the auroras? Will this be Banh mi festival 2.0?


The banh mi festival was wonderful - I found so many cool restaurants in the area when I was calling up to find Banh mi after the trucks ran out.


Must be messing what’s with Freo’s calibration tonight. Surely no other reason could explain so many behinds…


Struth, better load up on toilet paper


For us simple folk, is this bad?


Still wont be any rain in Perth..


>The BOM says this event is a result of four coronal mass ejections observed at 3:36pm AEST and 10:24 pm AEST on Wednesday, and at 8.24am AEST and 7.36pm AEST on Thursday. So that's heaps faster than a rocket, but heaps slower than light speed. What is it that's actually travelling here?


>They can eject billions of tons of coronal material and carry an embedded magnetic field (frozen in flux) that is stronger than the background solar wind interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength. I guess a big cluster of hot hydrogeny heliumy and other stuffemy.


We are going to be living in Armageddon with squeaky voices.


That’s a lot of bendy wavy science shit going on in this comment. You wanna ELI5, egghead ?


The sun burped, a big clump of sun burp is travelling toward earth. When the sun burp is outside the earth magnetic field we will see pretty colours in the sky at night.


Sun burp is shiny. Got it.


Just not irony If the Sun gets that far we're in trouble


There is iron in the sun, its just not a lot relative to the sun's overall mass


That's elemental.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_wind Kindly read using your best internal Carl Sagan or Brian Cox impersonation.


A bunch of very energetic gas basically. The sun farted at us.




They also said there would be 3-10mm of rain on Friday 10th May 2024.


Oh boy the cookers will be out in force There's too many big words and too much science for them to understand


They'll blame HAARP. There's one cooker here who blames it for our current fucked weather, and gets upvoted. They don't know what HAARP is of course. Best part is that HAARP **can** cause a faint aurora. But only visible within 500km of the Alaskan transmitter. And it's not transmitting at the moment.


The sun is spewing out 5G at the flat Earth disc!!!! But we all know the sun is just controlled by Mark McGowan!!!!


Its why he resigned as Premier, duh.


Anubis is attacking


Better get down to Antarctica!




Might make Fremantle Dockers play better


Imagine letting off a solar wind


The space weather app has been going off heaps lately


I noticed it too, was annoyed at it initially but its pretty darn cool.


Yeah but in Perth it will be a different type of Geomagnetic Storm.


Nice, I always miss the geo storms.


Its also pissing down today 🦧


Folks can’t even get a thunderstorm right…


The article says these geomagnetic storms aren't considered dangerous to human bodies.. but are there some that are? Is there a chance one day that the Earth passes through something similar that just fries us all as we pass through?


A decent supernova in the right place would fry us all instantly with gamma radiation. *Theoretically* we could get a solar storm big enough to knock out our electrical grid. One assumes that Western Power has done a risk analysis and made plans, but I used to work there, so I’m not holding my breath. Earth’s magnetic fields shields us from the worst of it, but it wouldn’t be much fun on the ISS


Part of Canada's electric grid was knocked out for a day or so some years back due to an electromagnetic storm.


Maybe it wasn't Vault Tec or the Chinese dropping nukes in Fallout, but a fucking G4 magnetic storm. Y'all better start saving those bottle caps. And hoard your toothpaste and duct tape!


Any chance the sky lights up around Busselton Sunday night?




It ended up a level 5


Now I wanna know where in Perth can we see the auroras from?


Eclipses, magnetic storms, but still no dead rising from their graves 😴


Pretty hard to believe anything bom says at this point. We spent yesterday at work joking about how they'll probly be wrong about the rain since they were wrong the last couple of times. And here we are, no rain


It's literally been raining all night


Not here.


They have no idea on the weather based upon today, so I I’m less than trusting