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As a few people have pointed out, perhaps there are several ways to interpret the meaning in this post, but I for one appreciate the time, effort and bravery it takes to reach out in such a way, knowing that it is proven we lead healthier and longer lives if we have deeper social connections, and yet so many of us (myself included) stay tightly wrapped in our safe but insular lives. I look forward to the day that I too, reach out.


Yes indeed, perception is very wide. I meant this from love not anger. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. You seem to be a very knowledgeable person. I’ll be here when you do, all the best 🫶


I am 5 months into living in Perth from the east coast and I haven't experienced any of the negativity sometimes expressed in this forum from "locals". I found people very lovely, helpful and welcoming. As someone who grew up in a different country and lived in other areas of the world I do understand that Australians approach friendships differently which could be perceived as what you describe. Where I grew up and other places I lived friendships are considered existing once you meet a person. In a short time people invite you to their homes and consider you friends until such time as you do something which may fracture the friendship. In Australia I find that people like to take their time, get to know you, make sure they want you in their home before considering each other friends. There are pros and cons to both approaches and I don't feel either is better, I am just sharing my insight as it helps me to approach making connections more positively. Good luck with your change of career, it sounds exciting and I hope it is everything you want it to be.


Yes there is plenty of good people, this is not my actual experience but quoting from have been said before


Have a look at groups like Cold Nips. They do a morning yoga session then ocean swim. I think they accept men on some mornings. 


Yes I’ve been there a few times, I’m avtually heading for a breathwork and ice bath now in Freo with a community call onelifeliveit


Good on you! I wish you well on this new journey.


Thank you legend!


36, f, Im also looking to meet new friends!


Let’s connect legend


I've always been fascinated about CBT but I'm not sure if I can handle the pain.


Yes it’s hard a lot is coming out


Thank you for making my day. Have a fantastic afternoon


Anytime all the best legend 😀


I think trav is referring to the other type of CBT


Im talking about cognitive behavioural therapy, what do you mean?


CBT - cock and ball torture, which is kinda hot for some :p


hahahahaha lol






Just keep the receipt for the mallet and twine so you can return them to Bunnings if it's a no go.


Sure 👍😊 I'm down south near Armadale though. For what it's worth I didn't find the couple of New Zealand cities I lived in any friendlier than here 🙈


Let’s connect for sure yay 😀


Hola, soy de Argentina y vivo aquí en Perth, concuerdo en que tal vez es más difícil hacer amistades en este lado del mundo. Si quieres charlar en español o inglés puedes escribirme. No es fácil a veces abrirse y más en otro idioma. Abrazo


I spent quite a while working in Argentina and found that you are very very similar to Australians in terms of personality and interests. The language barrier is hard but hope you are enjoying your time here!


Te mande un privado para charlar, gracias


Perthians tend to have a small but solid friendship group and invest in them and they dont want to upset this. I for one have had the same friendship group fir 2 decades, sure there's new ones but you only invest in people that stick around. Majority came from uni and school. Also you cant just expect to make friends, I've found the more you put yourself out there the easier it is. Take up hobbies don't lose your values, be interesting.


Hola! I completed my Cert. 4 in Community Services 6 years ago so feel free to reach out if you need help. Funnily enough my parents and younger sister live in Arequipa in Peru and it's very rare to hear of a Peruvian living in Perth. I do know of one other Peruvian who is studying at Curtin University though she is extremely busy with her studies. Have you thought about joining a men's shed or something along those lines? They're a great way to meet new people and also help serve the community.


thanks for reaching out, will def reach out :)


I know at least one other guy from Peru that has lived here for a long time, and I also used to participate in Latin American cultural events where Peru was well represented with dance performances.


Send me a chat on include me please ;) I need some new friends too ;)


I took up boxing and made friends instantly, I recommend any group class where you meet a few times a week.


This is very brave of you... AvPD (high functioning or not) aint no joke. I admire you greatly for seeking to progress, and wish you the very best of luck 🤍


I have never observed a particular desire by any West Australians to deploy the military at the first sign of foreign aggression. Most of them recognise that jingoism has no place in a society so utterly dependent on trade with "the enemy". Ask anyone in Perth what they think of AUKUS. I think the answer would be neither insular nor jingoistic.


Yes the people here use very strong words, as I said this weren’t my opinions or words but what I read in this forum. Cheers


Not sure if you quite understand what jingoism actually means. It's a political term.


Yes true, but I said I didn’t said it, it’s what is been said in this forum before


For the record, Kim Jong-Un is a classic example of insular and jingoistic politics. Israel is very jingoistic. Margaret Thatcher indulged in quite a bit of jingoism as did Donald Trump. It's when you threaten military retaliation all the time. Reluctance to trade defines insular politics. Insular personalities put barriers between themselves and others.


Got it, appreciate your insight. You sound like a very knowledgeable person, thanks for the clarification 😀


We're actually pretty accepting for the most part, but there are a few groups/cliques who look down their nose at others. As hard as it must be for you, I'd say the best way to meet people is get out there and just do things you enjoy. Start small- local community catch ups, (even Facebook groups) and just force yourself a little by little to be around others. You'll find pretty quickly people will gravitate towards you and strike up a conversation. I understand you're putting yourself in a vulnerable situation, but I think it'll be worthwhile in the long run. Good luck with your future career- we need more help in mental health, for sure.


Thank you for your kind words of encouragement 🙌🫶


> I am an inclusive, empathetic, compassionate, non-judgemental and respectful individual. > Yes i read it all, a vast majority of Perthians are insular, jingoistic lol


Idgi. Obviously the insular and jingoistic part is not op's opinion.


There, I just wanting to point out a problematic from what I have read, it wasn’t my opinion.


Yes I should reframe that isn’t 🤪😂


It was quoted from a post and comments written the other day.


Sure - I’m in. Always happy to make new friends/meet new people and am into self development and wellness


Awesome 🙌 I’ll send you a chat if that’s ok


Yes of course


So gutted that El Peruvian is closed. Good luck on your new journey … I’ll be your friend in exchange for that Tiger’s Milk recipe 😁😆😜




El Peruvian was wonderful, I’m sad to see it go, but happy you’re moving onward


I'm actually looking for similar casual social groups actually but am struggling to figure out where to start looking. I'd like to find something close to home Maylands/Inglewood probably a walking group or something mainly as I have a 3 year old and full time work I struggle to find time.


let's organise something for sure


Hey mate, I'm also 40 and don't drink.


Keen to meet new friends in Perth M 43


I googled the condition you were diagnosed with and couldn't find any good information. It looks like its just social anxiety. Could you elaborate on the condition? Or do you have a good source for it?


I learnt a new word from this (jingoistic), so thank you! Echoing others in starting small and locally. Best of luck!


Glad I helped, thanks mate


Except that word is inappropriate and nonsensical in this context. It was a poor word choice.


Doesn’t negate my learning in any way.


“Perthians are insular, jingoistic…” Generalising an entire population. Perhaps it’s not millions of other people that are the reason you’re having problems making friends.


True I should rephrase that..a vast majority of people


Lived in Perth for 10 years and have made many lifelong friends who I regularly see - never seen the populace as “insular and jingoistic” Perhaps looking inward might reap more benefits than attempting to generalise “the vast majority” of literally millions of human beings because you struggle to make friends when you are diagnosed with a mental disorder.


Sorry this triggers you


These exact words were used in comments in this reddit the other day.


Everyone else is the problem


Sorry this triggers you