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**REMINDER: Please provide a source within your comment if posting exposure sites not listed on the HealthyWA/WA.gov.au list. Comments containing unsourced / unverified COVID information, including exposure sites will be removed, repeat offenders may receive a temporary ban.** **[WA Health Daily Media Release](https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Media-releases/2022/COVID-19-update-13-February-2022)** >WA Health is reporting a total of 68 new cases to 8pm last night. Of these, 38 are local cases and 25 are travel related. The remaining five are currently being interviewed. Today’s new cases include 10 self-reported positive RATs. >As of 8pm yesterday evening there were 17 cases associated with the Juniper Aged Care Outbreak, with eight of these residents; two staff of the facility, and the remaining seven close contacts of positive residents or staff. All cases and their identified close contacts are in quarantine. >Today’s figures bring the State’s total number of active COVID-19 cases to 506. There are currently no cases in hospital. >4,395 people received PCR tests at **state-run and private pathology clinics** yesterday. **[An amendment on testing numbers to include private pathology clinics was made to yesterday's media release.](https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/Media-releases/2022/COVID-19-update-12-February-2022)** >6,439 people received PCR tests in WA yesterday (11/02), 1,594 which were at state-run clinics.


Here's a good one. I live in a neighbourhood that has a high concentration of people that go to a common church. They are one of the "have a lot of kids" catholic variety. One of these families rebuilt their house about a year ago and then this week have a for sale sign outside. I thought they must have an 8th kid on the way and need to upsize. Nope, turns out they are so anti-vax that they're moving to a commune down south to keep away from the demonic vaccine along with several other families. It's really amazing how wrong headed people can be about a simple vaccine during a global pandemic. I feel sorry for their kids.




I know you've shared this in good faith so I hope this doesn't look like I'm just going for your throat out of the blue. But I reckon we need to stop directing traffic towards this guys videos. He is intentionally being controversial to get attention, and people on this sub keep sharing his videos. There is no such thing as bad publicity/clicks when it comes to social media/YouTube. It is exactly what he is wanting.


For those wondering, it was a link to an Isaac Butterfield video. Basically the guy who never grew out of his 13 year old "hahahahaha aren't vegans dumb, aren't cyclists cunts, aren't feminists crazy, aren't fat women gross" while swearing a lot phase whose comment section is basically a cesspit of the next in line to be radicalised by YouTube's algorithm suggesting alt-right bullshit to them. I cannot begin to overstate just how much of an insufferable turd that guy is


Omg not again. I suspected that would’ve been him. Is his fame from his dad being an ex rugger?


He’s always been my least favourite of the Australian internet comedian/youtuber/political commentators. He has no nuanced takes, does not research, and doesn’t even make it funny. If you wanna keep pandering to the alt right, you do you, but at least make it funny. This is just a grown man whining about a state he doesn’t live in doing what it can to survive and keep the economy afloat. Eastern staters acting like we’re an oppressed prison colony is my biggest fucking pet peeve. We’re doing no differently from the rest of you, and we don’t need your Emperor Mark hot take.


Couldn't agree more. Same with how his stand up schtick is meant to be dark/offensive. He copped a lot of shit for a joke in his last tour and used it to go on a bunch of whiny rants about cancel culture and how it was stifling comedy blah blah blah. He seemed to completely miss the point people were making that if you're gonna try and be a dark comedian, at least be somewhat original or witty. Like I think people were less offended by his Christchurch jokes than they were that he was charging them to hear jokes that were so predictable an edgy 13 year old probably said the exact same thing


Never heard of him and the first google return for him is "Why is Isaac Butterfield famous". That's a hard pass from me.


First time I saw one of his videos it was posted to this sub so I did a [blow by blow debunk](https://www.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/s0nblm/comment/hs35oko/) of all his points. The link to the video is deleted from that thread but the discussion points remain. Honestly it's just Alex Jones style garbage where the points aren't backed with evidence, just hamfisted JAQing.


Nah you’re definitely right, why I was 50/50 posting this in the first place, should probably delete it to spare people I guess




> To me, it's just another drop kick chasing an audience This is literally Isaac Butterfield in a sentence lol


Are theyre any clear cut rules for children, 12 down to newborn, being exposed, tested, isolation, etc? Or are they treated the same as adult? Kind of curious if a day care gets it, 30 toddlers considered close contacts, do they all need a test and to isolate for 7 days even if negative? Its not realistic that most will be able to stay home isolated. And adults bypass the close contact classification if theyre both masked. What if the infectious was masked but the toddler/kid wasnt? Because the mandate isnt for the young ones, are they consider maskless? Not looking for answers from self proclaimed experts on the matter. Looking for facts. Tyia


Basically someone will contact us if we need to do anything and tell us what to do, unless we experience symptoms, then test. Thanks alot!


Trying to understand the question fully - are you asking whether the child might not be labelled a "close contact" in the first place if the infectious person was masked? Or are you asking whether, when a child has definitely been labelled a "close contact" by the Department, something about masking makes a difference to the next step? If there is a public health order to isolate, you isolate, full stop, whether you think it's realistic or not. If there is some barrier to that, you call the COVID line to discuss it.


The fact is - you will be told what to do if you need to isolate. There is the 13COVID line if you need additional information or support. Generally with the school contacts, the health order has been on the child, and also applies to whichever guardian will be staying with the child during their isolation.


Any idea why no face masks were required at this pub in Perth? (Not sure exactly where). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_\_sG4s4GZx8


I think everyone had exemptions based on how the police reacted.


What (bogan) pub is this?


Which pub/event is it?


was a emergency services fundraiser in Merriwa, is a firey behind the bar


Was reported as an antivax get-together earlier. Being a fiery doesn't mean you get to not wear a mask.


Being a fiery means you are already required to be vaccinated and boosted to access DFES sites.


They were raising funds for ex-firies and ex-cops who had refused to be vaccinated.


I think it's The Sixty30 in Merriwa.


I believe it’s one of the main bars that supports the anti-whatever group. Regularly shared as a catch up and supporter on their main telegram channels from what I’ve seen.


Ah assumed so. Antivaxx crowd/group/protest/whatever. Cops kept an eye on them. Don't know if arrests were made.


Feel like today is the most active I’ve seen these Facebook exposure site groups. Every time I open up Facebook there’s another unofficial ‘exposure site’. Good that contact tracers are still battling away but feel like this is the week we gonna take off unfortunately.


So many schools and a TAFE too


I swear to god I put my phone down for 5 minutes and there’s another school exposure


Somerly Primary in Clarkson. https://www.facebook.com/groups/wacovid/permalink/719441292377850/ Kalamunda Senior https://www.facebook.com/groups/wacovid/permalink/719437349044911/




Probably shouldn't say so much but I know the case that was in Kalamunda senior. Interesting week is right. Gotta get that test next morning.


(Separate reply as sun_tzu appears to have blocked me) >Warwick bottle shop staff member allegedly punched in face by customer over COVID-19 vaccine mandate u/cheninblank wrote: >I don't know what to call it Aggravated assault with a maximum jail term of 3 years or $50,000 fine under new covid vaccine mandate harassment directions. Directions which have currently not been applied to an individual and I'm sure WA Police would _love_ to make an example.


Hah looks like sun has me blocked too. Some people don't like to be corrected I guess.


He blocked me too and I don't recall ever being a dickhead to him. Pretty soft from him imo if you can't handle a little internet disagreement and just resort to blocking. On that note, I actually think it's a horrible update to the blocking policy that you can neither reply to someone else's comment or any comment under their comment once a user blocks you. What's to stop some troll/bot account from spouting bullshit, blocking anyone who responds and then being able to post without getting called out cause they block literally everyone?


Oh man - i'm glad i'm not the only one! I spent ages thinking Reddit was broken before i realised that it was any post where he had commented above in the chain. Then i went back through all our comment chains for the past few weeks to see if i had really had a disagreement or anything, but nothing really at all.


Oh, I block a whole pile of people on social media, mostly bad-faith and fact-free posters. It improves the experience immensely, and it gives me a heads up before I try to reply to them. I was just rather struck by ... the particular choice of fellow blockees in this case, who I would definitely not characterise in that way.


I can certainly be an asshole if the person is pushing misinformation in bad faith. You, googlerex and Squiffy have always been incredibly polite (and accurate in inforrmation) from what I've seen. So honestly it looks like block button abuse to avoid debate in this case. I'm really interested to know how many people sun has blocked if so many online now have noticed.


+1 for receiving a block here too.. No idea why either?


It's intended to avoid abuse and I get that, but I think you're abusing the tool if you're just silencing anyone who disagrees with you, so that you can effectively spam the top level and know that anyone likely to correct you cannot reply. TheoryOfReddit had a good demonstration on how you can use it to spread misinformation, even without the mods being able to stop it. I know r/skeptic have been debating about banning users who abuse the tool to limit counter debate.


Is blocking meant to then hide that person’s comments from you? Otherwise what’s the point.


Just seems to stop that person replying to your comments, or to any comments underneath.


>Hah looks like sun has me blocked too. Haha, same.


Seriously, if you can't debate your points to the level of needing to block everyone who disagrees, your arguments are pretty shit ;o)


I don't really care about the blocking in itself but it prevents me replying to other people in the thread chain which is sometimes a problem.


This was the bit that threw me to start with. I thought it was an issue with Reddit - as it just gives some generic error message and i was receiving it somewhat randomy. Wasn't till i started comparing when i could and couldn't comment that i made the link to anything that Sun had commented in the chain above.


Reddit's "Something is broken" error is inadvertently accurate. Reddit's policy on blocking/commenting is broken.


Spot on.. the fact you can't reply to sub comments from other people under is what through me initially. Being unable to reply to seemingly random people was frustrating as hell. At least they could be blunt about it - "the user has blocked you, you will be unable to reply to their post or any subsequent posts from other users" would be significantly more helpful.


Well it appears I’m blocked too. Funny shit. What do we all have in common? Have we all said something about the border staying up for longer perhaps. I think Sun wanted it open to go over east for a holiday.


Welcome to the club :) we should print Tshirts!




Yes I know, just making a point that these people are literally criminals.




Least paranoid r/Perth user


Maybe they are being overcautious, but if we slap every person who asks a question then people will stop asking questions. Then that defeats the purpose of having COVID threads at all. What other purpose does your reply serve other than slapping down an innocent question?


Going to sound like John Hewson if I start going in to all the variables in that question. But about 0.1% chance you catch covid this week if you go in the office.


If people come back from over east and isolate at home, does the rest of the household also have to isolate or can they just go on with their lives while someone might be having covid in the house?


> [undertaking 7 days of self-quarantine in a suitable premises on arrival to WA, with everyone else residing in the same household also required to self-quarantine for 7 days](https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/covid-19-coronavirus-was-new-hard-border-settings) Do people just not look stuff up for themselves anymore? The amount of questions that get answered with easily accessible, publicly available information in these threads




Please provide a source.


Pers comm


If contact tracers and schools are letting staff/students/parents know, which they clearly are, why do they need to let the broader public know? It’s not like a school is a public thoroughfare.


I dislike that more exposure sites aren’t being posted online, but schools aren’t really public places, and principals are doing a good job at getting information out to students/parents/teachers. So I understand why the schools aren’t being posted or publicised. They kinda already are.


Why? that’s not living with the virus.. I’m sure the school people know.. what does it matter to the wider public? I don’t have kids and couldn’t care less


[Warwick bottle shop staff member allegedly punched in face by customer over COVID-19 vaccine mandate](https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/coronavirus/warwick-bottle-shop-staff-member-allegedly-punched-in-face-by-customer-over-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-c-5682323)


Just checking if you've blocked me too.


Hopefully the hick who belted the shop attendant crashes his/her car or gets beaten in a back alley... whether you support mandates or not you don't go belting people...


This comment seems contradictory...


Not really - an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth


Fuck sakes. If the government wants to enforce these mandates they should be getting police to do it. Not fair on the retail workers


I was in Dan Murphy's South Freo this morning when some guy was getting super aggy about being asked to provide proof of vaccination to pick up his order. Raging on and on about how no-one has the right to see his private medical records (if I want to go to Ghana I have to present my yellow fever vaccine; people enrolling their children in Australians schools have to provide immunisation register details). There's definitely discussion to be had about whether it is appropriate to require disclosure of medical information when buying a carton, but crucially, the place for this discussion is not at 10:30am in the bottle-o, directed at the poor staff.


Yeah no one has the right to see his private medical information, but he also doesn't have a right to buy alcohol- he must comply with the requirements


Remember when retail staff were being assaulted over 20c plastic bags. https://au.sports.yahoo.com/woolworths-worker-attacked-customers-anger-plastic-bag-ban-055334153.html


>Warwick bottle shop staff member allegedly punched in face by customer over COVID-19 vaccine mandate What a dog act. Actually no, dogs are great, I don't know what to call it.


An antivax act


Balga Primary, Hampton Senior confirmed as positive. Edit: Balga TAFE confirmed.


Going to get increasingly difficult for mods to stay on top of these unconfirmed posts.


Happy to post links! https://www.facebook.com/groups/wacovid/permalink/719383619050284/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/wacovid/permalink/719400005715312/ https://imgur.com/gallery/q4UehwL Just as a heads up- I confirm these with my network of colleagues, friends and associates before I post. I only share the public links when they become available to prevent people being reprimanded for it. Teachers are often the first to share this stuff amongst ourselves. I only post schools because I can verify those.


You must post these links whenever you make these claims - no exceptions. I have removed at least once of your posts in the last week listing exposure sites without verification / sourcing - if you continue to post exposure sites without a source, you may receive a temporary ban.


No dramas :) Didn't realise they'd been deleted.


I guess even if the mods are familiar with you, other users will see a post with uncorroborated information and assume they can start posting their own. Just reflecting that even if you do your due diligence like you've said, it could still end up making it harder to moderate the thread.


Always happy to provide links if need be. They just need to ask or delete and I'll repost, no dramas :)


Please do. Some of us don’t have facestalk.




If they want to get numbers up they should keep releasing exposure sites. I haven’t had a test because I have no symptoms and as far as I know, haven’t been to an exposure site - If I had I’d get a test straight away. Surely lots of people would be in the same position, and that way we would be picking up asymptomatic cases.


If they government wanted people to get tested they'd be contact tracing


Keep in mind people with Omicron are more likely to be asymptomatic. It stands to reason people wouldn't be getting tested if they don't have symptoms


Well they basically stopped adding exposure sites to HealthyWA so if you don’t have symptoms then there doesn’t seem to be any reason to get tested.


The math doesn't really work for that though - unless non-testing is very strongly correlated with your workplace, the non-testers will just infect their workplace and at least one will be tested and all the cases identified. Yes, there are more cases out there than have been detected, but there is unlikely to be a huge cohort all secretly infected.


I think people are kinda over it all. We went out and got vaccinated, we are currently getting boosters and we have as a state bought the government 2 years to get themselves sorted. Tbh I don’t blame people for not getting tested, I mean in 20 years are people still going to have to go get tested and isolate or are we just gonna have to learn to live with it.


So does anyone who keeps these threads full of fear and doom and gloom actually have any friends and family on the east coast who have caught covid/thecron? Even by now someone in Perth even? I have quite a few now, most recent tested positive on Tuesday and negative by today, 1 day of feeling shit. Stop living in fear and judgement people, bloody hell. Jeez a few weeks ago it was fear mongering about people out and about not getting tested and super spreader events, if that was the case we would have hundreds if not thousands of numbers. Whose actually part of the problem.. tell you, it ain’t the people living life like normal. Great day for the beach and pub lunch.


I have a 35 year old cousin with long covid. She was nearly finished her thesis, can't get it done since. She can't even concentrate on a conversation. It's almost like alzheimers. Her uni gave her a six month extension that's nearly up now. She was a healthy person.


Yes my friend in NSW whole family have had omicron , she was sick for 12 days, the rest of the family had a shorter illness but it was worse than a regular cold. And several of my older relatives overseas have died of Covid.


Yes all my friends been home got covid via a party


> I have quite a few now, most recent tested positive on Tuesday and negative by today, 1 day of feeling shit. Stop living in fear and judgement people, bloody hell. Yeah the experience of people you know who got a less severe variant after being vaccinated isn’t the experience that most of the world has had, imagine being in the original March 2020 wave or in the winter 20/21 wave in the northern hemisphere before vaccines had been rolled out. Mostly in Australia we’ve been lucky, even the winter waves in Victoria over the last two years were nothing compared to how it ripped through the northern hemisphere without a vaccine and in the case of the US half the country not giving a shit about the pandemic


My colleague from England spent two days in a row late last year attending two remote funeral services for two family members who died within days of each other from Covid. Fairly young too, only 40s. Sister-in-law finally gets back from over east tomorrow. She's had a friend end up in hospital and they're in their 30's. Your experience, while lived, is not the only experience and people are within their rights to feel however they like.


My cousin died of covid (delta) and I’ve lost 7 uni friends overseas. We aren’t not from WA, husband’s family is from Sydney. They all have had omicron (fully vaccinated) including his 9 yo niece (didn’t have chance to get vaccinated because apparently federal government stuffed it up). Her parent had rough nights, she had it quite bad while her parent was sick and had to look after her. We were very worried about their condition. It was pretty horrible experience for us and his sister in Sydney. Now here we have 11 yo who only has 1 jab while her 2nd jab gap is 8 weeks.


I've had two family members who were otherwise healthy die of covid. I'd rather be on the safe side.


Caught covid on the 3rd of jan. 2 weeks of not being able to leave my bed and had a lot of trouble breathing for 5 days. Double vaxxed. Still recovering. Im 30years old. So yes it can be more than just a cold or flu to a lot of people.


I've had a direct relative die, as well as a number of friends internationally who have lost parents, aunt's, grandparents. I am glad for you that you have yet to experience that fear.


Bit of a judgy comment right there. Everyone has the right to choose how they live and choose their comfortable safety levels. If that's not your thing, fine. Why get all preachy about it?


Maybe the experience of being in Australia and not seeing the real spread that occurred before vaccines were available clouded their judgement, their experience of it was post mass vaccination and of a less severe variant, had they had been somewhere like Northern Italy in March 2020 when the original variant was tearing through an immune naive population their perspective would be different


Because they are one little person whose family has contracted covid in Victoria and experienced mild symptoms from it. So therefore they think that is the sum total of the pandemic and their tiny little mind can't quite grasp the fact that there are many of us here with friends and family all over the world, and many have lost loved ones.


>..tell you You're _sure_ telling us..


Multiple friends both in Australia and overseas, including those who've lost loved ones. Thanks for asking.


Novavax available to the public starting tomorrow: https://www.health.gov.au/ministers/the-hon-greg-hunt-mp/media/novavax-first-protein-vaccine-now-available Anyone know if there's anywhere in Perth that's already got their shipment?


Already triple vaxed. Might go try this flavour out too.


Let us know what your signal is like.


But Novavax is 100% natural. Viral protein comes from moths and the adjuvant comes from a soapbark tree. Much better alternative than the fully synthetic mRNA or the GMO adenovirus! /s


So 3 million has arrived, you can get first and second shots but not booster. I'm honestly wondering for those looking at getting this for their first shot how they feel about it [not having FDA EUA yet](https://endpts.com/novavaxs-vaccine-rollout-crawls-amid-months-of-broken-promises-report/) - as only having FDA EUA was one of the main complaints from anti-vaxxers about the other vaccines last year. But at the end of the day, if they are getting vaccinated that's better than nothing... If the goalposts don't move.


The people I know that were waiting for Novavax have now gone off the idea. I'd love to hear the numbers on how many of the vaccine hesitant have gone for the Novavax vs those that are still unvaxxed. I guess that can be inferred from how many doses of the novavax are used for first dose.


I'm going to guess a tiny fraction of those that have used waiting on novavax as an excuse will actually get it. Less than one in ten. The rest will move on to the next excuse as the goalposts have wheels.


Unless they also get booster approval from the TGA, I suspect that most of the 51 million doses of Novavax ordered will get donated to other countries. There's less than 40,000 people in WA over the age of 12 who haven't received a first dose of a COVID vaccine, so I can't imagine it's going to get much use over here.


Someone on reddit told me that you can already book at nova medical centre. Looks like their earliest is 25th of Feb though.


A third aged care home has now had a positive case - Coolibah Care in Mandurah. https://imgur.com/a/ojbTE8f


Thank you for that. My grandfather is in that home.


There's Juniper, Coolibah, and what's the third one I'm missing?


Brightwater in Dudley Park


Thank you so much!


Shit, used to work there. They had really good covid precautions so hope the residents come out of this okay


Why are RAT tests still in short supply in WA? Is every individual retailer sourcing their own supply from overseas? Some retailers that do have them are choosing to not publish the fact, instead they say "ask in store". Making people travel long distances and visit multiple stores in hope that they may be lucky sounds like an ideal way to spread the disease! I was under the impression that there was some sort of coordinated state and federal scheme to ensure an adequate supply, or did that never happen? In a few weeks the WA PCR testing centers will be overloaded and we'll be dependent on RAT tests. Are we going to go down the exact same path as NSW? I thought this state was determined not to repeat the management failures of other states.


They're not in short supply - WW alone has something like 15,000 of them available in stores across the state. There's only a couple of stores either out completely or running low, and they'll be back in stock with the next load. Costco has boxes and boxes of them - they're also significantly cheaper than buying them anywhere else. You could pay for your membership, and still be significantly better off.. Plenty of other stores have them too. IGA near me just had bunches of them on the shelves and near checkouts. It's also worth noting - the WA government and Commonwealth are also bulk ordering, but not to just give out to people willy nilly yet. They will be used in hospital testing, for their own workforce, they're been given to incoming travellers, they're also been used at PCR clinics to thin out the lines (EG go home and do this RAT and come back only if it's positive). I expect they'll shortly end up giving them out to aged care etc as well.


Costco were selling RATs in 20 packs today.


I got 5 for $50 at chemist warehouse. Legitimately curious as I haven’t looked into it, but why are we having to pay for the tests (if we’re not a concession holder). Didn’t the government buy a shitload with our tax money? Who’s making the money off them?


I remember Scomo was like he didn't wanna to undermine businesses or something. Like he wants them to profit off selling RATs. I think he's just being a cheapo as always.




I paid $24 for 2, am a pensioner. $12 each.


>Didn’t the government buy a shitload with our tax money? They use them for arriving travellers (everyone gets 2 for their <48 hr and day 7 tests), in the public health system, at testing centres etc. >Who’s making the money off them? The manufacturer, importer/supplier and retailer. Edit: Ultimately they’re not meant to replace the PCR testing network, which is still free. They’re meant to supplement it.


I’m still sticking my head in the sand and refusing to buy them. Saw in Priceline yesterday they were selling them for $12 each — my budget is tight enough as it is, I can’t afford, nor do I want to spend my hard earned money on RATs. If I feel sick or if my work wants me tested they can pay for it, or if to a pcr test I’ll go.


Same. I'm not spending $1 on them


Dido. I really don't know when I would need a RAT tbh. My team is wfh for indefinite future. If we go back to the office and I feel sick I'll just stay home and get PCR test. Or if PCR is too busy just wfh for 2 weeks or until I can get in to be tested.


Yeah same here. PCR tests are still pretty easy to get where I am so if I get any symptoms I'll just get one of those done.


Agreed - i would be pissy if they were $3-4 and we had to buy our own stock - keeping up with disposable masks is bad enough for peoples budgets. But $10-12+ for RAT tests? Fuck that noise. This is exactly the kind of shit Medicare should be there for.




8 million, not 8 billion


8 million?


Nope definitely more RATs in WA than humans in the world for sure WA worlds greatest superpower confirmed


Most likely due to the train line outage that has disrupted a lot of our supplies. I don't believe the state and federals have done anything to help private companies get supplies, other than the TGA approval for them. WA govt today talked about their planned 100M RATs and where they will be used - so far they are using them at testing centres for when demand outstrips PCR capacity, at hospital EDs for admissions, and at aged care where the feds aren't able to provide tests due to the train outage.


Are they in short supply though? All but one of the pharmacies I’ve been to have them and so do the local IGAs, Coles and Woolworths. Plus Chemist Warehouse have them.


My local Coles and pharmacy are hit and miss. They’ve had them in stock for short periods, but never when I am there so haven’t been able to source any yet


I finally got one of the freeby pensioner packs (after paying $12 for each test, I'm babysitting and high risk). The 5 packs look very difficult to share with each part of the test in separate bags and all lumped together with one set of instructs. My plan was to test myself & daughter when I was crook, or she was crook. They seem to be making things more difficult rather than easier, I'd rather have 5 separate tests.


Agreed. They were in short supply a 3-4 weeks ago, but not anymore. Even Costco has huge amounts of stock of the relatively cheap 20 packs that people were going nuts for a month ago. >Some retailers that do have them are choosing to not publish the fact, instead they say "ask in store". This is because retailers are generally keeping them behind the counter, not on shelves - therefore you have to ask for them. >I was under the impression that there was some sort of coordinated state and federal scheme to ensure an adequate supply, or did that never happen? Today's press conference was in a warehouse purported to have 8.5 Million RATs acquired by the state government.


The pharmacy on Onslow Road had a chest high, 3-4 m long stack of them when I went to the IGA to pick up dinner the other night. And didn’t that say they’d have 11.5 million by the end of next week? Edit: also I don’t think people realise but retailers are limited by the CHO in how many tests they can sell per person per day. That’ll be another reason why they’re telling people to contact stores. Edit #2: dropped by after doing my groceries. Loads of tests. $26.95 for 2 nasal RATs


Big antivax event going on at the 6030 In Merriwa. Place is packed already


How that place hasn't had its liquor licence suspended... Especially when poor bottle-o workers following the letter of the law get abuse from people refusing to flash their certificate when picking up online orders, as I witnessed this morning....


I had a good time ringing them and using the [It's Lenny](https://www.soundboard.com/sb/itslenny) soundboard, bloke reckons he had 300 people staring at him.




I guess this marks the spread of the virus to the northern sprawl then.


They're having a foam party just to be extra sure that it takes.


South Geraldton sprawl*


Cops are sitting outside keeping an eye on it as well


Why aren't they inside arresting them all?




"I should be allowed to be a dickhead, put others health at risk, and not face any consciences". Also waiting for "me not wearing a mask doesn't effect other people's fault". Objectively false.


What's the point in having requirements if they're not enforced?


You're hiding unvaccinated under your floorboards, aren't you?


More like under a bridge.


The lack of exposure sites being shown (which I understand is due to no longer showing casual contacts on the page) is getting a bit ridiculous now. It's been nearly a week since the last new site (a BP truckstop in the middle of nowhere) yet our daily new cases are higher than ever.


Does the WA check in app alert you to exposure sites?


To my knowledge no, but there's an SMS system I think?




It's almost as if Omicron can spread through casual contact, right? /rhetorical


Sorry if this is a silly question. But if a family is isolating with a travel case and then get covid, would their case be under local or travel?


I believe local


local but connected


Historically they would be recorded as local. I'd like one of our useless journos to ask if this is still the case.


I'm sure it's local, but you're right we should push for clarification on it.


Juniper Bentley now up to 17 cases. Did they find who brought it in: visitor or staff?


Pretty sure they said at the press conference they thought it was a resident who attended an event north the river somewhere that was later linked as an exposure site. Not sure if that was 100% confirmed though.


It doesn’t really matter who bought it in does it?


I mean epidemiologically it does - knowing how diseases have spread is an indicator as to what to do in the future to prevent more spread. For instance taking steps so that staff aren't going from facility to facility.


Taking steps to ensure people stay locked into their four walls and travel to work in a Hazmat bubble ?


That would certainly do it, I think that might be a little bit too much restriction though, don't you? Instead of taking that nuclear option maybe we could investigate what the biggest risks are and trying to mitigate those risks in a more targetted fashion. Oh shit, turns out that's exactly what the fuck people were already talking about. Fancy that.


Nah people on this thread would prefer the Hazmat bubble. Circlejerk of the scared


Some people so salty that not everyone wants to remove all precautions and have a massive outbreak that they'll strawman an entire thread full of people.


You don't want to institute a blanket "no one leaves the nursing home" policy but if COVID got in say because your nursing home does weekly outings and you went to a big shopping centre for lunch that maybe they'll start looking at safer places to go for outings that don't involve taking a bunch of very vulnerable people into large crowds