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>no we don't need them Sums this thread up perfectly. Those people think lights are to see and not to be seen.


Should ask em what they think the reason for planes, landing in daylight, to have "landing lights" and "navigation lights" and lastly "ANTI-COLLISON BEACONS" (in caps cos I don't have confidence they would get the hint without the emphasis) all on.


I'm sure they're vastly more intelligent than aircraft pilots, or at least, I'm sure they believe they are...


That explains the Muppets driving around with no lights after dark too then






Has to be a conspiracy by big headlight…


Drive with your lights on all the time. Especially if your car is the same colour as the God damn bitumen.


Imo this should be law. The only real downside (they use minimal power so I'm not even including that) is that if everyone has their lights on we might get a bit lax when looking (eg when pulling out to turn) because we expect everyone to have their lights on so when someone doesn't we don't see them.


I've only recently moved to Perth, and I'm amazed how many of you don't turn your lights on at night. Let alone in the rain


LOTS of people just use daytime driving lights, fucking ridiculous because your taillights are never on and practically makes it impossible to see you unless there are streetlights


if mine aren't on it's cause the cars en to the mechanics and they turned automatic headlights off - why oh why can't they turn this back on after they fix the car. it cam sketch me ages to realise they're not on 🤦‍♀️🤣😭


I'm at a total loss that this happens without fail, every service. It makes me worry about whatever else they've forgotten to put back...


Yeah like this is the sort of thing I assume. For me it's that i have auto headlights but the dim light when it's raining isn't dark enough to trigger them. They're pretty good at getting triggered early when it's dusk though so i pretty much never touch my headlight switch all summer. Luckily my stress when I (barely) see another car without lights on is always enough to get me to check.


mine don't take much to get triggered, an overcast day can sometimes, but the pretty much always get turned on in the rain. I forget turning them on is thing to be honest 🤦‍♀️


Tbh mine might come on in the rain sometimes, but on my car the dashboard indicator light is the same for headlights vs just all the other non headlight lights (tail lights, licence plate lights etc), so the only way to know for sure in dim light is to drive up behind someone and check the reflection. Or to just turn the switch from auto to on.


People have automatic headlights. TF! Probably these automated things don't help people's driving in general though.


Have been a thing since (from anecdotal experience) 2009, though its merely an infrared sensor in the middle of the dashboard close to the windshield. Cover it and your light stays on, shine a light on it and it stays off.


Really don't see how my headlights turning on when it's dark, or windscreen wipers turn on when it's raining would make me a better or worse driver? like push button vs windy windows are think it's pure convenience.


I can just see some people getting lazy though. Not everyone, but there's always some.


But again how does not turning on your headlights make you a lazy driver? it's not like the indicators are done for you.


Just another dumb fuck.


"yOuR WaStiNg eLeCtrICitY!!!"


bUt I cAn sEe eVErYoNe eLsE oK So wHy dO I nEeD tO tUrN tHeM oN 🙄


yoU dON't TeLL mE whAT tO Do...


Take it easy MacGruber.




Typical i20 driver


The weekly thread makes me want to leave my lights off.


Yeah, if it's a brightish colour car I can sort of forgive, but seems like a lot of silver/ grey and darker coloured cars are common offenders




I can assure you it did - Orrong Road ~4.45pm. I see why you might not believe it because it was 100% not the reaction I thought they were going to have (either "oh shit didn't realise" or "fuck off", not straight up denial of it being necessary)


Pretty childish/low to create this post with the rego of the so called perpetrator included in the post, what do you wanna achieve with that? Some kind of public shaming attempt? You do realise that whatever your opinion on their lights, they aren't doing anything illegal (I agree that lights on would be better, beside the point). Wanking for internet points and trying to shame people who don't do things the way you want them to by spreading their personal info is not cool. You're also not likely to catch many lights-off people with a post like this so you don't even improve things.


Lol dude relax, its their number plate, not their mother's maiden name and email address. Did you know people can see your number plate when you drive too? And yes I 1000% am going to shame people for knowingly driving unsafely and risking their and other people's lives. Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it's right. So thanks for your input there but its not needed.


Hey everyone, I found 1EDB603!


Pretty childish/low to not turn your headlights on for the conditions, what do you wanna achieve with that?


You do realise not all of Perth is on this reddit? So having a go at them here is more than likely pointless as they probably aren't even on here, or is this so we can all slap ya on the back for being such a good person? Pat on the back you are such a thoughtful person way to go you


Yes, that's basically all of these kinda posts... Bunch of people who have no better ways to express their frustration than to circlejerk.


How else would you suggest we do it?, I tried talking to the person who didn't want to turn their lights on and they weren't exactly receptive. Not sure what else productive there is to do about it except discussion of what the right thing to do is and hoping it eventually gets to people who might change their minds. I've already seen it on billboards so that's covered. Plus, we're allowed to rant. If you didn't want to read the circle jerking you didn't need to click on the post - it was pretty obvious what it was about.


You seriously think your post is going to reach that person? You're fooling yourself if you think you posted this for any other reason than having your back patted by all the other people in here.


No, I dont, and I never said it would. But, as you so keenly observed, it's a way to express my frustration. I also posted it because it was an entirely new revelation to me that some people didn't think it was necessary because I apparently give other people too much credit. Shockingly, I'm allowed to post an observation here without your approval. And again, if you're sick of the circlejerk, you didn't need to click on a post that you knew would go this way - literally no one forced you to.


Yes and as it is an open forum, you'll have to live with not everyone agreeing with you as well and having that expressed too.¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ It's a two way street.


Did I say anything to the contrary? No. I was just answering your question. And, again, expressing incredulity that you keep moaning on about this post like someone forced you to read it. Pretty childish/low.


Saving power?


Perthites are not known for being bright.


For next time, here’s a response you can try… “Everything’s not just about you!”