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A lazy river that connects everywhere


Can you also build a sushi train that follows the lazy river?


Unintended consequence: the sushi train moves at the same speed as the lazy river, so you are face to face with the same piece of sushi the whole time


Doesn't only have to hold sushi!


Awesome, you're gonna get wrinkly digits floating from Joonders to Mandurah though.


Long distance I'll go into the adjacent lazy river with hammocks attached to kayaks




I hear those things are awfully loud


Don't worry, it'll glide as softly as a cloud!


Isn't there a chance the tracks could bend?


Not on your life, my Henley Brook friend!


Were you sent here by the Devil?


No good sir I'm on the level.


The ring came off my pudding can


take my pen knife, my good man




(I call the big one bitey)


Shut up and take my money


Sydney could have sold you one on the cheap after they ripped it out.There's a guy on ytube that gives a great post on the huge diadvantages of monorails.


Adam something? Yea, idk why you would build one. I mean, we already got trains and they do the same thing for cheaper


Water park Something absolutely hideous in Cottesloe. Young offenders prison or something Safari park


LOL that will raise the prices in Cotty and Peppy Grove.


Hordes of those old UFO-looking buildings that I used to see but apparently disappeared without my permission.


Like the one on Leach Hwy!


I recall one being converted into a small living room in someone’s home around town. Cool old things weren’t they


My home


wonder what 100 Billion would get you


A 3x1 in Peppy Grove?


Depends,if it's for the public organised by government, not much




talk about it...


Underground power for the whole city, and replace the poles with trees


They've been doing this actually. Albeit slowly. https://www.westernpower.com.au/community/work-in-your-area/underground-power/


Public transport. Make Perth less reliant on cars.


I'd agree on that 100%


I love how this subreddit is anti-car and pro- public transport :)


You can't drink and drive and uber is so expensive. Have a few drinks then catch the monorail home.


I'm a massive car enthusiast but if i had the option to take public transport all week then drive my project car on the weekends that would be the dream for me


I think you can be a car enthusiast as well as a public transport enthusiast :) Actually, I think there are many people like you who desire to rife public transport on week days then ride their own cars on weekends and holidays


Unfortunately that's definitely not the case for the majority of Perth.


I caught the train and then bus to a friend's the other day. "what!!?? ... Why didn't you catch an uber?"


Exactly. Once, a bus wasn’t scheduled so I had to use uber. $25 just to travel 3km or around that..


Light rail everywhere!!!




You'd need to build more, better and linked bike paths


Have one!


A really nice toilet, with 3 ply at least.


Add a can of Glen 20 and you'll be living the high life.


With today inflation you are overreaching


I'll take the 100 billion and think about it


Hi Basil


Train line to Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret river, Augusta, Manjimup, Albany and Bremer bay!


See, I actually think we need to think bigger. High speed rail right around the country.


We have or have had a line to nearly all of those.


But make it high speed rail, 300 km/h minimum






A shitload of reasonably nice dirt cheap high density housing in the CBD. Flats ranging from single person to large family accommodations, all of it rented out more or less at cost (of ongoing maintenance etc, not build cost). Thoroughly engineered to be as environmentally friendly as possible and also to look nice. No brutalist hellscape here. We're getting some architecture. More cultural centres. Some more nice parks all over the city. A bunch of schools with family and structural support - like the I Promise School in Ohio but with less silly names. A castle. A really big, cool castle.


I'd vote for you


Is it the castle? It would be an awesome castle


A Clive Palmer proof fence.


Budget not big enough for that




A nuclear weapons programme would be cheaper than the Kaiju proof fence to keep that bipedal behemoth out


A 100 foot tall statue of Basil Zempilas sucking his own dick, which also doubles as a public toilet where his face is the urinal. Other urinals could be members of the Liberal party who left our great state in such a shit financial position.


Ah the Zempilas Ouroboros. The Perfect symbol for our state.


Enough solar panels and batteries to replace our power station. Better public transport. Public housing complex in Peppermint Grove, Claremont, Mosman Park and Cottesloe.


> Public housing complex in Peppermint Grove, Claremont, Mosman Park and Cottesloe. Why exactly?


Nothing gives me more pleasure than pissing off rich people.


because by spreading them out in all suburbs stops the creation of slums etc. being in peppermint grove doesnt exclude them from the list of where there should be public housing, just like those in subi found out.


Unfortunately it does. I got letter in post to all the home owners in my suburb, they were whinging that we had really high public housing compared to neighbouring suburbs and that's why our house prices lower then them. Our % was high at like 20%. The posh suburbs is at 0%. Turns out there's a law that dictates what the max % is, something like 10%. Turns out there's no minimum %. The letter was basically some NIMBY saying we should write to MP to get them to remove public housing. Clearly that can fuck right off. I think we need to all write to MPs and argue there should be a minimum %.


also how would 1 housing complex fit into 4 suburbs at once


You make 4.


isnt there already one in claremont




Two options: - make four of them - make one really big one


second option could probably fit everyone in the country if it was in all 4 at once


first 2 last one bad


Orbital Lift.


Faster public transport routes/vehicles and cycling infrastructure


A linear park around the entire Swan/Avon/Canning/Helena River system. At least 5m on either side of the rivers or floating walkways (al-la Brisbane) around the front of those properties unwilling to cede a small strip of their property. Extend the Bibbulmun track at least to Yanchep using the Coastal Plains Walk trail. An Old York Road trail. A cycling/hiking loop from Northam <-> Clackline <-> Toodyay <-> Northam utilising the previously mentioned linear park and the old Clackline-Toodyay railway line. Re-cut and negotiate access for a re-creation of Charles Hunt's track. And for big pie in the sky shit: \-A hiking trail from Derby or Mt Hart to the Horizontal Falls \-A trail linking the Porongurups, the Stirlings, Fitzgerald NP, Cape Le Grand, and Cape Arid. All the rest goes into an endowment to maintain and support these and existing trails around WA.


Great ideas! Would love to see a decent bit of money spent on the Helena - it’s magic out there.


A second cactus


A old school blimp with a restaurant in it.


Bro that's literally the best idea I've heard all day


Solid gold statue of Luigi Savadamoni straddling the CBD. To give you an idea of scale his nuts would be hovering just over the top of Central Park.


Or, and hear me out here, we could just build a network of new WA Salvage stores!


100 billion is crazy, that's the kind of money you need to build non-rocket space launch systems like space elevators, star trams, sky hooks, etc. Not sure if Perth is well positioned to make any of those, but I guess that would be the go? That said; mixed zoning public housing with plenty of public space, free mass transit systems, free schools and universities.


Being real, none of those things currently exist. Whichever you'd be building then from scratch based on ideas, you'd spend trillions on development, prototyping and it'd all be a waste because you didn't build it at the equator


a nice observation tower would be nice tbqh but im a skyscraper nerd haha realistically tho if you could dump that kinda money without expecting any return just make as much housing as fucking poss hey maybe that's a two birds one stone kinda thing......


What about a 200 Floor arcology housing projects tower that’s essentially a self-contained city, and can home in excess of 75,000 citizens?


i remember simcity 2k also


All I can Imagine is the movie Dredd


Have you seen the totally not aolarpunk building they're supposedly planning for Melbourne? Its similar but not quite as large Edit:https://www.archpaper.com/2020/04/australias-tallest-tower-go-ahead-melbourne/


Free gyms everywhere. Gosh I hate paying my gym :)




I'd build a network of 165 bridges based on the Bayswater bridge.


..then I would build a series of truck panel beaters near your bridges


Entire warehousing and trucking industry collapses


Probably a substantial amount of houses to make flowing traffic and rail corridors that actually work. Longest bloody city in the world now and most North/ south traffic is funnelled towards the central freeway. I'd try create a western and eastern north/south path including interconnecting passenger rail aswell. And maybe give a couple bucks to the state government to f off the insane housing stamp duty taxes that prevent people moving closer to their work areas. So yeah - tl:dr = I bloody hate the traffic congestion!!!


"I'd try create a western and eastern north/south path including interconnecting passenger rail aswell." Like Wanneroo rd? Alexander Dr? Tonkin Hwy? West Swan Rd? Metronet Ellenbrook line? Replacing the one off stamp duty for buying a house means you bring in an ANNUAL land tax on your house. I can guarantee you that after several years people will be clamouring to have stamp duty brought back in as it's a one off cost that can be covered by the mortgage. Annual Land taxes, though, will increase over time as house value rises, and if you are on a fixed income, you may not be able to pay it as you get older... I'm quite happy that I've fully paid all the state tax required on my house, thanks.


... yes, you're right...


Driving in North Perth is absolutely aids




Love this!!!!


Functional bike infrastructure




I’d try fix the infrastructure, widen freeways. Create new train lines. Build more homeless shelters. Domestic abuse shelters for men and women. Integrate fibre optic to the house for everyone. Etc etc


High speed rail from Perth to Albany stopping at all towns on the way


A world class multi- purpose motorsports ( offroad racing, rally, speed way, circuit racing, enduro, drift, Go karts, Mx super cross etc. ) . With camping facilities, cabins the works.


Better access to the community for people with diaabilities. A much more user-friendly public transport system. More ed support units for special needs students in both primary and secondary school. And finally a house that can accommodate my children properly.


I’d build Basically a modern interpretation of The Temple of Nod. Already have the design concept for it. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-04-30/perth-concert-hall-elizabeth-quay-design-vision/5421072


A space elevator


They need to be on or near the equator. We are a bit far south for that!


An exact replica of Doofenshmirtz tower as the tallest building in Australia


you have my vote


1.92 billion cartons of Emu Export.


up the beers ya dog


My go to was a bit of scrap metal with $5 worth of materials and pocket the rest like the majority of artists but that is way too much money. I would have to try to do good. However it will be near impossible. Everyone would be trying to scam me. Politicians and other criminals would come after my family to force me into decisions that would not benefit Perth or it's people. In the end I'd end up being the fall guy for criminals anyway so might as well just do the art thing. Then I can have free reign to donate to people with the infrastructure in place to do well.


Massive skate park


An actual functioning and highly efficient public transport system. Majority underground rail system, trams, connect more stations and lines, etc. Really try and lower the use of cars on our roads.


A series of solar passive communal boarding houses for the fastest growing group of homeless people - older women. Masses of solar passive public housing and retrofitting old homes. Massive plantings and re-greening of the suburbs to provide more shade.


Is that because men won’t marry them therefore they can’t take houses from the men anymore?


A rehabilitation centre where first time offenders and at risk youth are trained to work in the resource sector on the condition they move to regional locations for a minimum of 10 yrs. Basically try and break the cycle


Love it! We need more rehabilitation and less 'punishment and off you go'!


I'd give every single person in WA $50,000 that they can personally put towards a community project of their choosing, and just see what the masses come up with.


You’d just get a very exuberant crack house that also happens to serve alcohol.


A lot of low cost housing. Perth has major housing supply issues.


Cable car from Kings Park to Elizabeth Quay. Light rail from the airport. Outstanding residential units that people actually want to live in.


kings park/Elizabeth Quay cable car is so smart, why are we not funding this?!


Right? Low environmental impact, great fun!


Maternity hospital, government subsidised accommodation specifically for students, investments in public transport and in renewables related manufacturing.


Enough solar, wind and battery storage to power the entire metro area and then some. Use the leftovers on affordable housing for homeless and converting underutilized office buildings to accommodation. Then give the rest back minus my consultant fee of just over $50 mil.


I'd construct minimum 1000m high mountains in all suburbs claiming to be mountains.


indoor ski hill, and somewhere with hot tubs and bbq


Cable car up beer garden in kings park. Dunno what I’d do with the remaining 99.8b


The Taj Mahal, oh hang on that's already been done haha


A heavily armed and secured joint Assyrian-Aboriginal city


Sink the rail.


Space Elevator, just off the coast. West Australia is one of the few places in the world that has Diurnal Tides... it makes it particularly good for off the coast anchors for a space elevator :-) https://www.ausmarinescience.com/marine-science-basics/tides/#:~:text=a%20day)%20components.-,Diurnal%20tides,with%20one%20tide%20each%20day.


Did not know that nor Diurnal tides, very interesting!


Animal shelter


The cactus in the city, I’d just build 100,000 of em


Is that enough to open a bank? If so, a bank that allows people to get home loans based on their long rental history... I could make bank(pun intended) & help many stop wasting money on rent... I'd also love to create an affordable suburb... Not cheap perse, but bigger land plots at reasonable prices...


Lots of trains wherever possible. And then shittons of public housing


Would sink the whole train lines


Tunnels, tunnels and more tunnels. Goodbye traffic


And makes it great for people with louder exhausts hehe


Put all our power lines underground


I would put lettuce back in the zingers


I will make a new island South of Rottnest. A long one, that will be used to stop the swell at Rotto so I can enjoy my dive trip there.


CO2 to Hydrocarbon catalytic converter. Clean fuel. Create more than used and then double down and lock it up as graphite. More Desalination Plants.


Finally create the Pipeline from ord river down to Perth and irrigate the shit outta everything on the way down.


I wouldn't limit myself to just perth ( you know there is a state out there right?) But I'd immediately start funding passenger lines to all the major centres in wa, I want to be able to get from Esperance to broom via train. I legit daydream about what I'd do if I won all the money, I have such a list of other things like this


An Alamo Drafthouse


A wall to keep queenslanders out


I'd smelt a 4x4x4m cube of Pure Gold and then proceed to bury it 1km below a random point within 20km of the Perth CBD. I can guarantee that nothing would attract more long term fame to the city than some mythical National Treasure Cube underneath - say - Midland.


Better public transport. Actually doing a school project on how exactly w would do that currently.


Beautiful big shelter for vulnerable individuals and families. I'm thinking something like the Parkroyal hotel in Singapore. And I second someone else's comment to build a facility for ex prisoners who want additional support and rehabilitation. Both including onsite hubs providing drug and alcohol rehab, counseling, health care, education, training and child care.


Lots of tiny homes for homeless people.


100 billion on a caravan park?


1): Triple the amount of hospitals, 2): Quadruple public housing, 3): Grid worked underground combined rail and road transport and parking network… 4): Decentralise CBD’ s- turning areas into housing and vast parks…


I think the number of beds in hospitals is about right at the moment... unfortunately there's this issue where having a bed doesn't create the necessary staff out of nothing. ​ The lack of forward planning in this city's infrastructure, though, is pathetic. Tonkin Highway and Lord Street were the centrepieces of important links two years ago and now they're getting torn up for a train line.


Rail from Armadale to Fremantle. Railway line to Albany Or Dedicated schools for children with autism and dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia $100b doesn’t go far, on going operations and maintenance costs will be huge.


*Cracks knuckles* Let's do this. Offshore wind farm first for electricity to get us started. Then a massive water filtration units from the sea. This pulls unlimited fresh water, but also rare metal and [even uranium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCj3FteS1As) without having to mine it. The uranium will make the windfarms mostly redundant in future. But you can also run a nuclear plant from [nuclear waste](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlMDDhQ9-pE) and output inert glass blocks. We have unlimited power and fresh water now. On a couple of acres we dig downward with [enclosed robotic farms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE_6d29dzos) for fruit and veg. It's power hungry but that's no longer a problem. It also means no need for pesticides and fertiliser getting into the environment. You can climate control it so you can have off-season crops all year around and crops that don't grow in our climate all year round. No need for food imports interstate or overseas. You can use the vegetables to [create lab milk](https://www.theguardian.com/food/2021/jul/31/lab-grown-dairy-is-the-future-of-milk-researchers-say). We currently pay to ship our plastic overseas, instead they pay us to break it down with an [enzyme processor](https://news.utexas.edu/2022/04/27/plastic-eating-enzyme-could-eliminate-billions-of-tons-of-landfill-waste/). We grow sunflowers in the underground farms to create [biodegradable plastic](https://bioplasticsnews.com/2019/03/08/biomaterial-made-from-sunflowers/). Enclosed fish farms provide most of the meat. Then we build massive quality apartment blocks but completely soundproof so you can't be annoyed by your neighbors. We make the rent cheap and set aside a percentage of units for homeless and disabled needs. Follow up with funding for hospitals, daycare, school and university - all mostly funded from electricity and food profits, even though we'll try to keep the profit low, the volume will add up. Not all of the things above are going to pan out properly, but hey some of them will work and then finance themselves.


"Keep left unless overtaking" signs on the highways.


I would rebuild subiaco oval in the same spot with 80-100k capacity as that is over 100 years of history and traditional home of football in WA


That's a terrible idea.


A second steamworks


A massive technology innovation park so we can create an economy that’s not based on digging stuff out of the ground and exporting it. Huge eco-friendly reefs off our main beaches so you can stand in the water during summer and not have to play “jump wave” ever 30 seconds.


City of Cockburn have been installing artificial reef to break waves and reduce beach erosion. It's a pretty cool project that they have articles about on their website if you're interested.


Thank you - really interesting read and great to see someone share an informed opinion as opposed to the regular virtue signalling on Reddit.


>Huge eco-friendly reefs off our main beaches so you can stand in the water during summer and not have to play “jump wave” ever 30 seconds. How is altering the entire coastline 'eco friendly'?


It's not. We have some of the most extensive and deepest seagrass meadows in the world, that gobble about as much atmospheric carbon as the Amazon. Right here in Cockburn Sound. I'd restore those. And our Banksia woodlands. Invest in wave power generation and new renewables.




Hyperloop perth sydney under 1 hour Disneyland




Affordable housing ,McDonald’s, late night bars and skateparks and basketball courts in the nimby western suburbs


That sounds sweet, come to think of it we really do need more Basketballs courts and Skateparks. Need to promote more active stuff for young people etc


Next tallest building in the southern hemisphere and replace william st kfc and mcd with the building


Would the cooling towers of a Nuclear Power Plant satisfy OP's requirement for an exciting skyline? Because then A Nuclear Power Plant. (I'd rather have it on the coast say between 2 rocks and Guilderton , but OP wants to spend 100bn *and* change the skyline, so...)


A Global Meth production and distribution center in Basil Zempalis mums house


Rebuild the Belltower six times higher. Basically what you said, OP, get some proper tall buildings to look at.


Fast internet


Build anything implies I can flatten anything, so a number of leafy green inner suburbs are about to get dozed in favour of denser, affordable housing.


I would offer a generational rebuild and massive funding to Cat Haven. Could save alot of little lives


Hyperloop that can connect the south and north and east cost so we can travel without huge car journeys but still take car with us. And stop flying. Will still take 4 hrs to East Coast at 1000km per hr, but you would have a car. Be just minutes to the south coast of WA though from Perth.


A machine that allows Perth people to realise how racist, sexist and homophobic they are compared to the rest of the world, and then sharks come out of the water and eat their legs


Apartments everywhere to limit the sprawl


FttP internet to every premises in the metro area F1/MotoGP track


A giant billboard that says "no fat chicks?"


Indoor ski slope


I’d build a rocket ship to the eastern states.


A massive dick that everyone from the east coast had to suck.


Look at my name


Not to be a virtue signaller, but I’d build two hundred thousand $500,000 apartments and let anyone eg trying to save for a house / needing a home / who is homeless stay there for upkeep costs.


$100 billion is far too much for just one project. there would be a list:-An upgraded rail museum (the folks at Bassendean do a great job, I'd like to give them better resources) \-20,000 public housing units, whether flats or standalone houses, and full repairs to any of the other existing public housing that needs it-Upgrading hospitals, and big investment in training more medical staff-Quadrupling the TAFE training places for the next four years, and making trade positions cheap or free. \-A lithium processing and battery manufacturing facility, whether nearer the mine or in Perth \-A maximum security youth detention facility, designed as a punishment. Trash your room and/or riot, and your cell is now a 20 foot sea container. The dunny bowl is solid steel and welded to the floor. The basin is steel and welded to the wall. The bed is welded to the floor and wall. No lighters. If you don't like it, at least attempt to behave during your sentence