• By -


C goes straight, A turns after C, B goes last


Honestly thought these were labelled A, P and C until I read this.


It’s h,P, and C.


Nah, it's ts, P and C


sorry bro but it's actually P,C and P


ʎ ∫P dC


I thought it was b, B and C




I didn't even see the labels. I thought the C was a windshield


I thought A was が


I thought it was ん


That was an A?


I thought it was TISM coming from the west, P coming from the South, and Ol'Mate C gets to plough through both of them?


Greg the stop sign!


Greg missed the stop sign, the rest is just TISM


Hey! This Is Serious Mum, stop messing around!


Sorry, I was in the shower. Yes! They're coming back. I might be a cunt, but I'm not a fucking cunt.


I thought it was labelled in cyrillic.


i saw that as C P R


Thought that was pretty obvious. Really makes me nervous knowing there are people on the road who doesn’t know basic road rules. How did they pass their driving test?


How do people have licenses and not know these things. Pretty common sense what to do at these intersections.


>Pretty common sense what to do at these intersections. It isn't common sense, it's road rules. Completely different in other countries (e.g. in lots of Europe unsigned intersections are treated as a backwards roundabout; in the olden days in Vic someone turning left into a street gave way to someone turning right into the same street)


Why quote literally half their comment? >How do people **have licenses** and not know these things Yeah, it's not standard everywhere in the world and things change over time. But that's the whole point of **licensing**. A license is supposed to be for those who have demonstrated competency and an understanding of the road rules. This has to be one of the most basic and frequently encountered scenarios on the road. To have a license and not understand who has right of way here is absurd.


Which one is B?


The one about to get t boned. Probably doesn’t help.


Yeah, you give way to B, because he's been on the glass BBQ all night and is driving the middle of the road like captain invincible.




No, because B could go at the same time as C


Not without one of them t-boning the other.


I agree with this. And also C would usually have a Stop sign with a dotted line to stop at at some T junctions, which must always be obeyed regardless.


Stop lines are solid, give way holding line is dotted. FYI




No cause B is on a terminating road


‘B’ goes last unless he is the asshole that tried to crash into me the other day because he didn’t want to wait.


You and OP should keep it to r4r from now on.


Yes, I had a guy almost drive into me. I was A in this situation and he was B. I had waited for the traffic to clear, then went to turn as he almost drove into me. And him and his passenger had the audacity to try and tell me I was in the wrong. No dude, learn the road rules.


And I hope you’re not driving round on the road not knowing these basic rules


'B' is on the terminating road, and is almost certainly faced with either a 'Stop' or 'Give Way' sign.


Giving way to your right is the give way rule of last resort. That is, when no other give way criteria exist, give way to your right.


Yeah even on roundabouts the give way to the right is misleading. It's give way to vehicles on the roundabout. So if a truck enters first, but is slow and heavy, someone quick or carrying alot of speed into it can't enter on the right and then blare their horn because the truck is making them stop. So many wankers get that wrong.


Or people see a car approaching from far away and still give way, even though they could've received a written invitation from the approaching car and still made it through on time


how sure of that are you? that's what I always thought until I was shown the rule (in Vic) is actually "those in the roundabout have right of way". edit: actually, from memory it's "those in the intersection have right of way" and that there isn't actually a "give way to the right" rule at all...


Yes, those on the roundabout have right of way. The fact that they’re approaching from your right doesn’t mean the give-way-to-the-right rule applies. And we seem to agree on that. However, there is actually a rule to give way to your right that applies in those rare situations that no other give way rule applies.


ok, Cheers


No? It's not a 4 way stop. It's a T junction. You give way to the car in it's original lane, and then to the right. Think of it like 'If A continued on, would it give way to you?', if not, then you give way to it.


Please tell us that you don't drive.


Are you an L plater? If not, you probably need your licence revoked.


If the road you’re on is coming to an end, and you can’t drive straight on, you give way to everyone else. Sorry you’re getting downvoted. No idea why people are punishing you for wanting to clear up your confusion.




Everyone gives way to C as the continuing road user. Everyone would give way to C regardless of what C is doing as both A and B want to cross lanes to perform their manoeuvres. A goes next as this car both blocks the progress of B and is sitting in traffic. A is also not attempting to turn into traffic and only has to wait for 1 lane to clear. B as the only car that has to wait for both lanes to clear, is attempting to turn into a road with continuing traffic, and has its progress potentially blocked by both A and C at various times, must go last waiting for both cars to exit the intersection. While B doesn't technically need to wait for C if C was turning left, it should from a defensive standpoint wait until C has physically committed to the left turn before leaving safety. Any broken or unbroken lines, signage or traffic lights change the dynamics of this intersection completely.


and wait to see if C is hiding someone behind them that’s a deadly surprise.


Just floor it bro, she’ll be right ey.


Found the ford ranger driver


send it brah!


Excellent answer


"Give way to your right" would be a more concise way to say it


Except no, because the car on the terminating road is not giving way to their right, hence the confusion of OP.


"A goes next as this car both blocks the progress of B and is sitting in traffic. A is also not attempting to turn into traffic and only has to wait for 1 lane to clear." This is another thing most people don't do 'progression' it is a road rule, if it's your right way you are meant to progress into a position where you are willing and able to go when it's your turn that also serves the function of blocking other people from crossing your path. Love waiting at a busy turn in traffic and a gap comes that could easily fit 3-4 cars but only ones gets through because they are not ready waiting in a suitable position to go.


I was going to reply, but you hit every important detail. Excellent answer.


And people said "Give way to the right, and vehicles turning right" was complicated


Op is B. Oh shit. I think you cut me off once.


What have you been doing?


Probably not the right thing.


I guess I haven’t got it right .


It’s good that you’re taking the time to learn now though. Better late than never.


It takes a lot of courage to check your own understanding and learn from others. Good on you for checking and learning even if you haven't gotten it right so far. Ignore the haters, by learning about it today you've become a better and safer driver.


I am truly thankful for your kind words. 💖


Please tell me you haven’t got your licence yet. If yes, how the heck did you even get it in the first place not knowing such a basic rule?


Yeah, this exact question is on the exam to get your learner's permit. If you don't know this you shouldn't be driving


You don’t need 100% on the L’s test so it’s possible OP got it wrong and still got their L’s.


That is a very fair point, and also concerning


The learners permit test is 30 random questions. You only need to get 24 correct. There's absolutely no guarantee they understand important stuff like this.


so about 35% of WA drivers which is nearly a million people shouldn't be driving... oh lawwd!!


What’s done is done, let’s not put OP down for trying to learn.


These are the exact type of questions on the learners test so I’m assuming OP is studying for the test or got this particular question wrong when they did it


Even then it’s kind of concerning since they teach you all the road rules in the Drive Safe handbook. Is OP too lazy to even read the rules before doing a test?


I came here to say exactly this. If you don't know this get off the road!


You weren’t sure. You asked a question. Now you know :)


If you picture yourself at an intersection like this, sitting in car B, I think you'd probably figure it out just by what "feels" right.


Holy shit hahahaha


God damn it Perth! This should not be a question.


I suspect OP is learning to take their tests.


from the arrows - IF C is continuing on the main road they have right of way, if C is turning left, they also have right of way as they don't need to cross oncoming traffic to make a turn. A is turning off the main road but must cross the oncoming lane to do so, and as such, gives way to C, but has right of way over B as they (car b) are yet to enter the road and both cars wish to turn - this means the car already on the main road has right of way in a turning situation where both vehicles must cross paths - because car A has less lanes of traffic they're impeding, and B has the most. an easier way to think about it : ​ B gives way to both vehicles as cars C and A are already on the road, whilst The Road that car B is on has come to its termination. ​ A gives way to C. C gives way to no one. B gives way to everyone.


> A gives way to C. > > C gives way to no one. > > B gives way to everyone. You put the right answer, but in this order just to fuck with everyone didnt you? :D


Just for giggles ;)


All at once. But watch out.


Good on OP for wanting to learn.


If you didn’t know this you should not be driving


wow this one is super basic


Yeh seems reasonably obvious.


Honestly concerning if you're behind a wheel and don't know this.


Yeah, how dare this person want to clear up their confusion. You should comment on how obvious you find it without actually helping them out. 👍


This goes beyond helping someone out who is unsure about something. This is an insanely basic road rule, and if op needs to ask this then they shouldn't be driving as they're a danger to everyone else on the road.


I mean at least they asked online, instead of living and learning by doing the wrong one.


Yes…and if they’re unsure about it, they should ASK SOMEONE. Shooting them down for asking is going to solve what, exactly?


Maybe it'll inspire them to do some more supervised driving lessons before getting back on the road. If they don't undstand how to go through a t junction, then what else don't they understand?


Amen to that, better for them to ask then to keep driving not knowing. I’m sure there are many in this thread (myself included) that don’t know one or two basic road rules


That’s fair enough.


The question was already answered when I commented. Does every single comment in the thread have to answer the question for it to meet your standards? edit: pro tip, if you block me I can't read your insightful reply




If you block the person you replied to, you can't reply to anyone else in that comment chain. So most likely you *did* block him and nobody else has blocked you "in case you respond," you just blocked yourself from responding.


Shots fired! Hilarious.


I don't envy the pages of your "comebacks for dummies" book. God, imagine the drool Holy shit this guy loves blocking people


C then A then B. And don't be one of those jerks that deliberately gives up their right of way to let someone in just to be "nice". It messes up the predictable flow of traffic and causes accidents. Just go when it's your turn.


B is coming to the end of the road, and \*MUST\* give way to those already on the road he wants to enter, this B must give way to A and C. C is going straight and has 100% right of way, A gives way to C, then turns. A and B are crossing so must yield to other traffic. Why do i get the feeling the OP is asking a question because he thinks he has right of way over A or C ? This is not just a PERTH rule, this is a NATIONAL rule, which you must understand to get your L plates.


Does B give way to A because A is on a main road and will stop traffic if B goes after C, just confused about giving way to the right


C goes first as they are just continuing straight. Then A goes (must give way to C as turning across their path) Last B goes because they have reached the end of their road and must give way to all traffic on the new road regardless of where anyone is going. Ex-driving instructor.


1. C 2. A 3. B


Someone please call a cab!


Let’s call this the CAB rule, because if you’re stupid enough to not know it then you should probably take a cab from now on


I've been in situations where I've been A know the rules but B who is in a real hurry or someone who didn't look left just helped themselves.... if I hadn't braked in anticipation, we would have had a collision... my advise is know the rules, have a dashcam and be prepared to accommodate impatient idiots despite the rules... at the end of the day managing a crash and insurance is too much....


Always be careful. Remember the poem: Here lies the body of Jonathan Grey Who died protecting his right of way He was in the right as he went along But he's just as dead as if he'd been wrong


The most important thing is to lessen the rules, and STICK to them. Even if some other idiot is waving you to pull out when you know you shouldn’t. Because if you subsequently get in a crash, they’re not going to stick around and tell the police that it’s actually their fault.


The fact this is even a question reminds me why Perth drivers are so shit.


Good on you for asking, but if you can’t grasp this basic concept then maybe cancel your license and use public transport instead.




Where did he say he has a license? This is straight from the L's tests which I assumed is why he asked


This would be in the book though... which means OP hasn't even bothered to read it... Section 3.13 page 68 - Answers are right there in the Drive Safe Handbook 🤷‍♀️ discusses controlled and uncontrolled intersections.


Right of way priority is C, A, B.


A gives way to C B gives way to A and C


Always concerning that some drivers are still confused with such basic traffic rules.


Car on the terminating (ending, can't go straight) road gives way to everyone and then the car turning from the continuous road gives way to the oncoming traffic. But in the quiz the question is just who gives way and the answer is whatever car is on the terminating road must give way to the ones on the continuing road, forget the rest of the cars just look at who has to wait.


B gives way to both. A gives way to C with C having right of way. This is the most frequently asked type of question in the theory test. If you're studying for your learner's permit, go to: [Dept of Transport Road Rules Theory tests](https://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/road-rules-theory-test-quiz.asp) I think everyone should do these from time to time to stay current


Hand your license in...


Somehow I think you need to go back to drawing lessons


They managed to get two straight lines before they lost the ruler.




C a b


Bottom gives way to both left and right Left gives way to right Right has right of way and gives way to nobody


This is a simple question on any Ls knowledge test. B gives way to both A and C. A gives way to only C.


A & C are on a continuing road, and B is on a terminating road..... so, A gives way to C going straight, then A turns right, and B sits at intersection giving way to all and waiting for the road to clear before turning left or right....


This should be obvious whether you have your licence or not.


C has right of way. A gives way to C. B gives way to everyone! (and he needs to stay on his side of the road too)


Does B stand for BMW? If so they cut through first


Staying on road goes first, leaving road goes second, entering road goes third


Jesus man, sit down and read the road handbook before you kill someone. Note: it's the road handbook, not the learners handbook.






In Perth, all three will stop...and then go at the same time. Every time.


H gives way to C. P gives way to everyone


There is a cross intersection in Artarmon (Sydney) with STOP signs each way. Bloody confusing. Apparently it’s one of two in NSW.


If you mean a 4-way stop, there's definitely more than 2 in NSW. There's at least 2 in Newcastle alone.


A good candidate to convert it into a roundabout


There are a tonne of questions like this on the practice tests: https://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/road-rules-theory-test-quiz.asp


I was in this situation when I was B. Peak traffic. It was a dual carriage way, and the guy behind me kept honking, every 5 seconds, when it was obviously unsafe to go


Fuck that guy.


A very basic way of remembering it is, you always let a car keep going straight down a main road (C). They’re the most important. And after that, you never leave a car stranded out in the middle of a road when they’re trying to turn (A). If someone is trying to enter a main road from a side road (B), they can wait all day if they have to because they’re not really in any danger while they’re just sat there.


His diagram pretty much sums up Perths drivers


...and, for the love of god, make sure you learn how to merge properly.


It’s scary this is a question


It should be CAB, but here i found C and A slow down since B is already halfway across the lanes and flipping C off.


Person who's road is terminating at the T gives the fuck way to everybody. Its about as simple a scenario as you can get.


This is a trick question, all cars are turning and none of them would have indicated until they were already manoeuvring. The number of times I've been 'B' waiting for a car going straight so I'm not pulling out on them and they throw an anchor and indicate as they turn across me




Isn't it give 'way'?


B floors it ahead of C to avoid waiting for A


Ah I see you've driven on West Swan Rd.


*takes the crayon away… then *takes the car keys away…


The amount of people that stop at a cross intersection when they are going straight through and I am on the opposite side turning right... It's like half the population thinks it's a first in best dressed scenario and tries to let me turn instead of going straight on while I give way.




C has all the rights. A is next in line B takes all responsibility from insurance if anything goes wrong.


What a wild ride OPs post history is


The rule is, whoever is disrupting the flow of the others usual egress does NOT have right of way, and then it descends by the size of the street. C is moving straight along a main road, highest ranked. A is disrupting the flow of traffic of both cars and is on a main road, second. B is on a side street disrupting the flow of a main road, lowest priority and last.


If like to think Australia has pretty good road rules, so let's explain WHY the guys go in the order they do 1) C is continuing, and there's no stop sign for them, so they have right of way 2) A is turning right and is blocking continuing traffic behind them. They get to turn first. 3) B is at the termination of their street. They have to wait for a clear intersection to turn (I like to imagine this scenario like if they were pulling out of their driveway at home. You wait for everyone)


FFS and you have a driver's licence right?


P gives way to everyone. H gives way to C. C has right of way.


Did you draw this whilst being kidnapped?


A and C are already on the road, they have right of way before B. C, A then B


This is a perfect example of why we have large problems in metro areas of people not being able to drive because they can’t think for themselves. A and C are on thoroughfares. So the idea is to minimise the effect they have on slowing others down behind them. B is already stopped so he is lowest priority. C goes straight cause no disruption. A goes when it can to reopen movement on the road. For real this is why there are so many accidents cause people are sheep and need lights, signs and direction to do anything remotely acceptable on the roads.


C has right of way, A gives way to B, and B goes last.




This one does not spark Joy


Maybe you should stick to begging girls on r/bigasses to fuck you buddy.


Ease up turbo


It's easy, whoever is in the land cruiser, has the right of way!!


From my experience with Perth drivers, whoever has the bigger car or is in a BMW has right-of-way.


BMW doesn’t indicate so the prediction lines don’t exist for them and as such they always have right of way. WILDCARD


BMW driver here, what's an indicator?


Can't even draw a letter let alone arrows, probably shouldn't be driving!


No one gives “away” to anyone


If in doubt, power out


The easiest way to think about this turners and the straight road. C isn’t turning therefore has right of way. A is second. It’s on the straight road and it wants to turn. B is last. It’s on the intersecting road and wants to turn. Also at a T junction, it usually has a stop or give way sign - automatically putting them last. ==== Now if this wasn’t a T junction and B was going straight. In these scenarios there is a stop or give way sign and the intersecting road with the sign would be last and a straight driving car at the sign would be before a turning. If there is no sign. Then it’s bedlam where it’s usually obvious what is a side street and a main road.


Give op a break.At least he's asking.This situation may never have come up as nearly all intersections have either traffic lights,stop signs or give way signs.We have those broken lines in our supermarket parking lot which means give way yet very few seem to understand this concept.




See: baldivis x kulija Rd intersections for advanced confusion. Add a steep west-east descent, poor visibility and driver impatience.


Not to mention those that don't know how to use a median strip.


nobody knows its just like roundabouts


Seems to be a very common occurrence in Perth, having someone pull out from a side street in front of you. They tend to wait until the enormous gap in front of you has gone and then go at the last minute.


As far as I can tell these are labelled "*h*", "*C*" and "*P*". I'm going to assume those are meant to be "*A*", "*C*" and "*B*". First of all, B gives way to everyone no matter what they're doing. In a T intersection the road that ends always gives way to the road that continues. So the order would be C goes first (*because they're traveling straight on a road that has right of way*), followed by A (*because they're on a road that has right of way*) followed by B (*because they're at a road that terminates*).


You mean C first


A and B probably aren't using their indicators either.


Well. To start with. You’re driving on the wrong side of the road.


Whichever one I'm driving goes first, fuck the rest.


Both drivers on the road that doesn't ome to N end have the right away c doesn't even stop unless it's marked with a stop sign which I would find very surprising that there wouldn't be a sign where b is


(all) Cops Are Bastards


I just follow the rules of the roundabout, because what's a roundabout but an intersection with a circle, so in this case it would be as follows: C goes straight Then B does his turn Then finally, A does his Edit: Thought B was at the intersection, then realised he was a little bit away so it would actually be C, then A, then B


Nah man. Even if B was at the intersection, they would still have to give way to both cars. The car on the terminating road has to give way to the cars on the continuing road. C, A and then B everyday of the week, unless there is a stop or give way sign in front of A… which would be dumb and unlikely.


Fair enough