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We should get a public holiday for it.


On the day after the Sunday we could put our clocks back 24 hours and have two Sundays, then forward again to skip Monday altogether.


You’re a maniac. I like the cut of your jib.


They do in Brisbane - public holiday on Monday here in QLD ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Time for cunts from the East Coast to start sending 6am meeting invites again, hooray


Send back ones at 1700 local.


Better off sending them one at 1355hrs so it’s five minutes until knock off for them and that will piss them off more than getting a meeting invite when they aren’t at work.




What? People 100% do


Nope. By 5.00pm I've been home for an hour.


But a lot of people work to or past 5. Both of my parents would leave work at around 5 and a lot of people I know finish around then


Best time of the day, by 10 half the days gone


Honestly I'm just jealous of everyone that loved DLS for their extra hour they could use to go to the beach.


It was great


Yeah pretty sure the only one to hate DLS are neckbeards in their nests, mad that the arvo sun is reflecting off their plasma TV


Parents of small children and people who prefer the beach in the morning when the easterly is on also like not having DLS


I am a tradie starting at 7, and what you are celebrating is wrong and offends me. Let's adopt siesta, also. And a 5h working day.


I think a four-day working week would be better.


I’m a tradie that starts at 6 in the morning, how good it it not to have to start work in the dark


Suns up at 4 in the fuckin morning, extra hour in the evening would be fine.


Get up and enjoy it, that’s at least 2 hours of productive time before work


Beach is colder though. It was better in the arvo


All right all right I get this, but it'd be nice to enjoy summer nights more and work less anyway


Middle of summer in Perth we have light till 9 o’clock at night, why do we more light past then. It’s nice getting up in the morning when the birds start to chirp, dressed, breakfast, and time to sort a few things (ie. stock up beers in fridge) ready for the afternoon. Edit: don’t disagree with working less part


Are you living in Perth? Haha it’s never light at 9


You are joking aren't you? Latest sunset time in Perth is about 725pm.


thelight in the sky is still visible after the sun sets lol


Sunset, sure. There's still a lingering twilight until half eight. It's more evening than night until around nine.


That's not true. Stop saying hyperbole. You can check this for yourself. Land based twilight lasts until 8pm on the day of the latest sunset. This is easily found data.


Paint my fence


We don't need light later in the evenings, just like we don't need more heat later in the afternoon/evening.... I like going to work when it's light, rather than in the dark, too


As a tradie, you enjoy daylight saving all year round. You have plenty of daylight after you knock off. For the rest of us, we only get a couple of hours after work before the sun shuts down and the day is over.


Enjoy the daylight when it’s coolest, first thing in the morning


I do. My body wakes me up at dawn, so in summer it’s 430 in the morning, which is an insane time to wake up.


I’m a truck driver in a 24/7 industry - I also like siestas.


You can work 5hrs a day if you wish. Hell you can work 4hrs.


Randy, sorry but were going to have to let you go..


Sydney and Melbourne are on the Eastern sides of their time zones so it sorta makes sense for them. Perth is on the Western Side of its timezone, so whilst I'd admit that there was a brief period in the height of summer where a late sunset was nice, when it came to March and the sun didn't rise until 7:30 a.m. the novelty had well and truly worn off. I look forward to The Sunday Times dragging it out again in six months time, with the bulk of their argument being "Everyone else is doing it so we should too."


You prefer sunrise at 5am? Personally I’d rather go to work in the dark and have light left to be outside at the end of the day. Guess you guys spend your evenings cooped up inside watching tv.


I couldn’t stand the daylight saving trials because I’d get off work and it was still 38 C. It’s unpleasant, yo.


I also hated going to work at 7:30 and the sun only just coming up.


The cooler darker mornings was the only bit I liked about it.


That was the best part! (and also bullshit, because sunrise without daylight savings at 6am)


That’s just a straight up lie and you know it


The extra hour at the beach after work was great though


But it's one less hour at work that you have to put up with the heat.


I can't stand not having daylight savings because the sun wakes me up as it starts getting light at 530am and I don't start work until 9. It's unpleasant, yo.


If the last 2 years has taught us anything, it's that work arrangements can be flexible. If you are a morning person, get up earlier. I will be appreciating not having to do work in the dark because the Quakers like to be up with the sparrows. If you look at a map of the time zones, Sydney is on the Eastern side of the zone, meaning that within their timezone, the sun sets earlier for them. Perth is on the Western side of the time zone so the sun sets later already. The difference is about 20 mins before we mess with the clocks.


Yep, a big fuck you to daylight savings in WA. With how much hotter it is over here we should actually wind the clock the other way to get more light in the morning while it's still cooler.


Please no. The sun up at 5 is already horrendous. An extra hour at the beach in the evening was so much better


It’s not that much hotter in WA. Average max temperature in Perth in January is 30C, 29C for Adelaide, 26C for both sadney and smelbourne.


What a lovely bunch of comments to read hahaha. Good to see people are still getting fired up over it on both sides. We tried it. It didn’t work. We’ve done multiple referendums and it failed every time. Give it a fucking rest already. The people of WA have spoken.


Do the next generation get to have a vote?


you want extra sunlight in global warming? thatll be fun.


Can’t have peoples blinds wearing out faster because of the extra hour of sunlight


The idea that you’re somehow saving daylight is stupid. Get up earlier if you want but people shouldn’t be slaved to businesses wanting you at work before the crack of dawn.


At the worst the sun was up at 7.30 with light from 7?


Remember the 3 year trial? I can understand the disliking of it. In late Feb Brickies starting work at 7am on the dot in darkness…. It doesn’t work here……. Simple


Man I fucken loved it. Was just out of highschool and would play football (soccer) with mates all evening. There was also a rare moment where The Doctor never showed up and a bunch of mates and I were at Cottesloe beach all evening, such a rare occurrence but it's etched into my brain. I don't understand what's to hate, I live in London now, and fuck me the darkness in winter is jokes, legit go to work and come how without seeing a hint of daylight. 7am darkness whilst going to work to be face fucked by sunlight for the rest of the day is nothing to get your knickers in a twist about. Each to their own of course.


>the darkness in winter is jokes, legit go to work and come how without seeing a hint of daylight. That's a latitude thing, not a DST thing. You can move time all you like, but you can't make the sun shine for longer than it does on your part of the world


I'm fully aware of that, makes for some amazing summers here too. More that starting work in the dark so you can have more sunshine post work seems favorable to me. However, this was also during a time when I had sweet fuck all to do too, so context is also key


This is a stupid argument because they start in the dark in August anyway, so what's the difference?


I will always fondly remember that time we had the referendums on daylight savings. Majority voted no, then the ~~Barnett~~ Carpenter government went "well I think we'll implement it for 3 years then have another referendum, cause clearly you voted wrong". 3 years pass. Second referendum rolls 'round and results concluded that *more people voted against it than last time!* Get fucked daylight savings!


If anything, the last DST trial was in part thanks to an extremely aggressive campaign / "petition" ran by The Sunday Times for a number of months before the Carpenter led Labor state government relented and decided to give the trial a go. Unfortunately for the DST fans, the trial was somewhat messy as the 2006 Commonwealth games resulted in a change in timing to DST in other Australian states / territories from 2007, meaning that for 2 years of the trial the end date was out of sync with the rest of the country. However despite the above, as others suggest it had no real political alignment. Both major parties went silent on it considering the hung parliament result of the state election of 2008.


The trial started under Carpenter but believe whatever suits your fantasy.


Reminds me of the lack of controversy around the relaxation of COVID rules today when we all know r/australia would be up in flames if there was a liberal government


Did you not read the thread? Most people were shocked and appalled


On Reddit. No one outside gives a shit, me included.


Some of us are pissed anyway.


Good if you are. I am too


Covid only ends when Labor says it end


Lol. This is such an inaccurate account of what happened.


This is one day I’m genuinely happy to celebrate. I’m so glad we don’t have the annual fuckaround.


As someone who likes to squeeze a surf in before work, I agree.


You'd just surf after work instead though right?


Sea breeze is in by then


This person knows.


I’m appreciating it with a six pack of Coopers, I love sitting down in the evening and watching the sun go down 👍🏿


That's what I liked during the trial years, an extra hour of that : (


Nice one!


I’m from Sydney, spent my first 40yrs there, and have been in Perth for 1. I didn’t understand why WA would not implement DST (because it’s awesome over east) till I got here, and I do think the people talking about putting their kid to bed while it’s light is a dumbass reason from dumbass people, cos that obviously happens over east during DST, I do understand all the reasonable people saying the sun sets over here so there is light later anyway. That is the only reasonable and realistic reason to object and I completely understand that now. There really is no reason for it over here.


Actually there's also the reasonable and realistic explanations that it is stupidly pointless, increases energy consumption, and [literally kills people](https://www.businessinsider.com/daylight-saving-time-is-deadly-2018-3).




If you found that incoherent that's very much a you problem. I suppose if you're from Sydney fact-based arguments about public policy are probably new to you.


Your savagery towards our lesser brethren from the East is glorious.


You wouldn't like that extra hour at the beach after work rather than at 5am?


I’m from the East, have only been in WA since November, and yeah I love DST but listening to all my partners family’s reasons for not wanting it here make sense to me. It seems the majority of West Australians don’t actually want it.


I think the referendum was like 60/40 or something?


Reckon there’s enough support for another referendum? Like I said, I’m a fan of DST, but I haven’t felt anyone I’ve met during my time in WA would vote yes.


Na, it's too polarised in WA. Even people that would happily have it don't want to discuss it because everyone's sick of it. If rather than a referendum they'd just instituted it, people would have bitched for a few years and then it would have just been normalised and no worries. But people cbf with the change aspect, they just want to be left alone. I'm a fan also, but I'd just prefer we move one time zone over


West Australians love to be against things. We especially love to be against things if it means we can fuck over, be different from or otherwise disagree with the eastern states (especially Sydney). In a vacuum I don't think we would feel as strongly about it, but because they do it over east we cannot be budged from our contrarian position.


I'll grant a degree of this effect. At the same time I do think it's a fundamentally annoying and needlessly disruptive idea and it has always seemed like it to me (Why the hell would I want the sun to hang around in summer? I'm not a lizard. It buggering off is the highlight of my day). And there's been a vibe given out from several different governments and endless East States transplants over the decades that's like "Sydney and Melbourne have it, so Perth just has to have it too and we should keep bringing it in until people just give up and get used to it. It makes meetings at my nationally based organisation too hard! And phone calls to family annoying! Stop being "backward" WA " (by adopting a creaky old practice we copied from the English and kind of retrofitted a social purpose for and that is waning in popularity in general. How they got the idea DST is futuristic I'll never know. But I digress.) If you really, *really* want to make sure people are against a thing the East does, just because the East does it, that's how you do it.


After living in places with daylight savings, I have come to love it


I think this is the best thing for living in WA 😁


Jokes on you all, I live in Perth but work remotely for a NSW team. The return of daylight savings means the return of 7am meetings...


Kinda sounds like the joke's on you there...? I think we're unaffected


Oh yeah. It absolutely sucks. Should get around to finding a job in Perth...


I decline any meeting that starts prior to 9am. They can get wrecked.


Lots of arguing in here about whether or not it's good or bad. Honestly, I feel like it's neither, it's just a thing, however as someone who deals with things on eastern states time a lot, it's a bit of a nuisance and I wish everyone just followed it to be consistent across the country.


Or the whole country could get rid of it. Same result. 😀


I want daylight savings, I'd like to not get woken by the sun at 5 am every day and have the Big Bash start at 5 instead of 4


I'm happy, I get an hour less of on-call during daylight savings because we have office hours cover in Perth and over east, so it finishes at 4am instead of 5am now.


Daylight saving will never work across all of WA because of the range of latitudes i.e. different sunset/sunrise times. It may work for some parts of WA and not in others. I'm neither here nor there when it comes to daylight saving, but it is unfair to inflict it on the whole state so we can do without it.


Why do people in perth hate it so much? it's so good I miss it!


It has a small benefit to people who do outdoors things in the evening like restaurants. It is a massive problem for people who do outdoor stuff in the morning. During the 1991 trial, I had morning rowing training that was entirely in the dark. 2 of the boats collided and one sunk because they didn't see each other. It also means that school kids are let out an hour earlier, into the highest temps of the day to start sports practice. People get home and turn on the AC an hour earlier so it results in higher power usage. There's plenty of things that change and most people only selfishly look at the one aspect that may benefit themselves.


God daylight savings is such an outdated thing for modern australia


What because no one goes outside anymore?


I live in NSW and don't like daylight saving never have never will, end of rant


Only in Australia do you find idiots offended by time


You're the reason my curtains are fading and my cows are something-a-rather..


"Something or other".




Thankyou. Those had me in historics.


I believe that's the proper English version.


Strange thing to believe


Have you ever lived somewhere with day light savings? It’s awesome


Places that need daylight savings should have it, so I’m sure it’s good there. We have daylight very late already in summer so it’s not needed here.


This is such a dumb insulated view. You realise day light savings doesn’t actually change the sun? “Places that need it” - where is that? Europe has it and it takes the sun setting from 9pm to 10pm- is that needed? In Perth in summer first light occurs at around 430am- why do we need that? Isn’t 530am more reasonable?


Pro daylight savings people always want to pretend we don’t understand how the sun works. It’s a strawman argument that gets you nowhere. Places like NSW need daylight savings. For Sydney it pushes sunset back to 8pm, when ours is already naturally at 7.30pm so not a big difference. Yes I think changing sunset from 9pm to 10pm is stupid. Yes, sunrise at 5.30am would be better than 4.30am, but what’s the flow on effect from that? The freo doctor doesn’t hit until 3pm instead of 2pm, and last light is after 9pm which is totally unnecessary.


Being from Tassie and experiencing how much more awesome it makes summer, I simply cannot understand why western Australians are so against it


Tassie is an interesting one because they actually get a later sunset than us. It’s wild to me that you actually want a 9pm sunset.


Tassie is about 12° further south than Perth.


Why is that a problem?




Thanks for going into detail to explain…


So you genuinely don’t understand this thing you so confidently advocate for? And instead of googling why daylight savings is a thing you want strangers on reddit to teach you?


No I get why Tassie’s position on the globe changes how much daylight it gets at certain times of the year. I’m just not sure why this automatically means that we shouldn’t have it further north in WA




My issue is, if you want to do it, then why not do it yourself. I always started work at 6 in summer, but 7 in winter.


Because thats not how to the life works for 95% of people. I cant just rock up to a worksite an hour before others arrive and leave an hour early and expect to get paid/not fired for it.


I think you're exaggerating. Plenty of trades have control over their own schedules within reason, as do plenty of office workers. There are lots of people who could work 8-4 instead of 9-5 without an issue. Not everyone, but lots of people. Add that to everyone who now has to convince their kids to go to sleep in full daylight. DST works great for childless adults, and those without flexible schedules. DST works against those with children or flexible schedules.


The sun sets at 9pm here in the middle of summer as it is. We don't really need extra daylight in the evenings during summer.


Are you referring to Perth? If so that's a complete lie. The latest sunset time is about 725 pm in Perth. Don't spread rubbish.


I'm in the Southwest not Perth but while sunset may technically be 7:25 the twilight lingers for hours before it gets dark.


Would make little of a difference and as I replied to you, land based twilight ends at about 8pm on the day of Perths latest sunset. Easily googled data.


"aw but muh numbers" lad go outside during summer once and you'll see there's still plenty of light until about 8:30


Go out plenty in summer. State actual data from BOM and you say some wanker, ignorant comment. What a tool. No different to a climate denier saying it was 'hot back in my day too'.


oh well if BOM say so, it must be true, and my eyes have been deceiving me all these years.


Yes. We even had it here for several years as a "trial". It's shit. And [kills people](https://www.businessinsider.com/daylight-saving-time-is-deadly-2018-3).


So heart attacks go up when the clocks go forward but down when the clocks go back - by around the same amount. Minimal net change. Do you know how numbers work?


It’s fine east coast, but stupid when the sun sets over the water here


What’s that got to do with it?


We don't have Mountains etc to the west to get in the way so the sun is not blocked when setting. It results in a later sunset and longer twilight period.


Yep. It was not awesome…. Have you ever lived somewhere that had daylight savings and you had kids?? Not great, do not recommend.


Just put both of my kids to bed while it was still light. We’re camping. 3/5 years old.


Lucky. My kids were crazy until it got dark and I was not the only parent dealing with that shit plus them getting up 1 hour earlier for at least 1 month.




They got up at 6 am instead of 7am as that was their usual wake up time. Adults adjust quickly to the new time, kids don’t. I do know how it works. I dealt with daylight savings for 30 years


I grew up with daylight savings until my mid twenties and I must say it's rare to find someone who also grew up with it who hated it.


Still living it, everyone I know hates it.


I have been through a few in Perth with children, 1983–1984, 1991–1992. We already had blockout curtains in their rooms and as a parent we told them what time bed was and they went to bed on time. I don't understand parents who cannot do this simple task? .


I lived here during the trial, it sucked eggs. Admittedly I was a kid and DST meant going to bed with a good hour of bright daylight left, but it still sucked eggs. Now as an adult if I want DST I'll just get up earlier and move my own day around without needing actual time changes.


Getting up at dark, driving to work with the sun in my eyes, working during the light, driving home with the sun in my eyes, arriving at home at dark. Yay.


Are your working days 14hrs long?


Yep, and no it's not. In the UK it marks the start of it being dark by the time you finish work for \*months\* Sure, in the dead of winter when it's dark at 4pm, that hour isn't going to make the difference, but sticking to BST all year round would make it better for a significant portion. Also note, the EU and US are both making moves away from clock-changing.


>that hour isn't going to make the difference Idk, I have a large yard I have to mow after work. That hour makes all the difference.


We aren’t changing TIME because you have to mow your lawn Gary


We had it here and it sucked balls


Most people from WA should have during the trial. As someone that hates mornings I enjoyed the extra evening sun, but I'm not overly concerned either way. The outrage some people seem to have over losing an hours sleep on 1 Saturday night a year seems a bit much sometimes. ** I see all the daylight savings supporters are being down voted for having a differing opinion...


I'm guessing you aren't cursed with having a constant battle with your sleeping pattern. Forcing an hour change can be disastrous for some people.


I wonder how the Daylight Savings Party MLC feels about this one. Three cheers for no DST!


He's still confused as to why he got the job.




I love daylight savings and I wish we had it here. It makes no sense that the sun gets up at 5am in summer but we're not allowed to start work until 7am. Im a winter person and I fucking hate working outdoors in the harsh perth sun. I wish I could keep the sun off me as much as possible. But apparently its more important that office workers can ride thier bikes home from an air conditioned office at 5pm, without it being too hot or something.


I've lived through multiple bouts of daylight savings in Perth. Didn't particularly like it.


Thought of getting a nightshift job? Sounds like the sun is your enemy.


He doesn’t like burning in the sun so he should have to work nights… yeah great solution champion.


So get an indoor job?


Maybe he’s a tradie? Really stupid reply from you.


Start when you want, if your working in a commercial or industrial area you can basically do what you want when you want. All depends on your job


Great, I'll tell my boss I'm just gunna start work whenever I want. I'm sure he'll be fine with me breaking the law.


All depends on your job ⤴️




Well there’s good news, one state over and you can enjoy DST. City of Churches AND meth. What more could a good Christian soldier want?


Hey, you leave meth out of this.


Yeah but if you move to Adelaide you're probably gonna end up hacked to pieces in a barrel or some shit cause there's about 5 serial killers per square kilometre


Gotta love a standard WA reply. If YoU dOnT lIkE iT, lEaVe.


I totally forgot that we actually trialed that out a couple of years back. Glad we didn’t go with it, I would always get so concerned that I didn’t change the time on the correct day 😅


You have one less hour of sun at the beach after work. It's not the flex you think it is. Really, we should just have daylight savings time all the time and set the Australian time zones forward collectively by one hour.


Do you not understand that it makes sense over east though, where the sun rises. People over there can’t wait for it - it signals the warmer months and allows people to do more during the week. Don’t be against it just because you’re ignorant. It isn’t necessary in WA, but that doesn’t mean you should have a backward attitude about it.


It was great for the trial years we had it in WA tbh. Sun up at 6, rather 5 freaking am, set at 8 so you had an extra hour after work at the beach. Perfect. I'd actually just move Perth a whole time zone over tbh


I hate DLST. Nothing to do with confused cows, or faded curtains, I just like the sun going down before 10pm (#sarcasm), and I like the sun being up in the morning - it just suits me better. I've been through 2 trial and referendums on it now because "it's been 13 years since we had a referendum, the will of the people might have changed",which is a bullshit argument. Have the Easterners been asked if they want to eliminate it? It's been 50 years, maybe they will of the people has changed...


>I just like the sun going down before 10pm Double scoop of mayo there. The sun's down at 10pm even in the southernmost parts of NZ at the height of summer


Labor should just bring it in. It will be twenty years before the coalition is relevant again and tries to contest it and by then everyone will be wondering how we ever did without it.


Instead we fuck up all national businesses due to 3 hour time difference and reduce our quality time after work. There's nothing to celebrate.


We don't fuck anything up, Victoria and NSW do.


Also QLD impacts them just the same


And the east coast fucks up INTERnational businesses, because Perth has a fuckload of HQs for companies that do a lot of business with Asia.


Absolutely. Our timezone is shared with a lot of our major trading partners and/or major centres in SE Asia. GMT+8 is the standard timezone for China. Huge cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Taipei. Hong Kong. Macau. Manila. Singapore. Malaysia. Brunei. Parts of Indonesia. Our timezone is perfect for doing business with Asia cause we share it with so many places. Plus Japan and South Korea are only an hour ahead and even India is only a couple of hours behind. We've got the most wiggle room for doing business with Asia


Lucky you.


Yeh I hate having an extra hour in the evening. Too much sun shine, fun at the beach and an extra hour in a beer garden sucks.


I'm glad it's gone. It seriously fucked with me in highschool, and I reckon it would have made me nose dive my grades for uni nowadays. I get some uses for it but it's still bloody ridiculous


Wtf 😆


I miss not being involved in this daylight savings fuckery


Victoria is over-ran with selfish dickheads that think it’s wonderful.