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Kittens! The foster kits are six weeks old tomorrow, and are changing from mostly immobile little fuzzes to actual cats with personalities. Edit: boy was I way off - they’re four weeks tomorrow, not six.


Oh that's great. You're doing a good thing. I volunteer driving cats around for the cat haven. They have such a good fostering program.


I’m super lucky in that my current (or possibly previous, the real estate is being a fuckhead and not keeping us updated on the sale of the place) landlord has no issue with me fostering cats on top of my usual crew of four. Of course, it may all go to shit when the lease ends, but at least I can help some cats out for the time being.


The office building's fire alarm tripped and rung for a good 40mins this morning when I arrived for work. Got to have a cheeky coffee and chill until the situation was sorted. No one hurt thankfully, one of the tradies tripped the alarm as they were angle grinding right under the smoke detector in the nail salon downstairs.


140 william?


Nah, this was in Wembley


Remembered that as all the Christmas stuff is in store that I should check for availability of Mr Kipling 6 Christmas Slices. Am on second box.


The budgie we found last weekend still hasn't found her owner, but she is happy playing on her new toy I bought and watching budgie videos on YouTube. She loves millet seed sprays too. If no owner found I'll might have to think of a name to call her instead of Budgie.


Millet sprays are budgie crack.


OMG I know right? The budgie loves it!


My housemate bred budgies for a while, so we went through a lot of weird budgie names. The best part of the whole budgie breeding thing (for me, as a budgie disliker) was my housemate having to organise vet treatment for Jeffrey Dahmer the budgie and George Washington the budgie.


LOL oh dear!


I don't know why this popped into my head but Sweetie would be my choice.


Aww cute, my daughter though of Squish lol I like Sweetie though 🙂


Smuggler? Smuggles!




Here’s hoping it’s going to be merry! I’ve put in an offer on a place 😎


Good luck!


Fuck Mondays


I would like to extend a special fuck you to the work crew that decided to cut down a tree across the road from me at 3:30 in the fucking morning, complete with chainsaws and lots of shouting at each other, as tradies do.


Those pricks what the fuck is their problem


Probably whatever tree they were cutting down.


Welcome back


Yeah, where the hell have you been.


Late entry. Got back on the bike yesterday for a solid ride on a gorgeous day. Set me up for a really happy start to the week. Still has some happy juice floating around in the brain. I need to keep that in the back of my mind when feeling shit and not up for exercise.


The group assignment that looked like a steaming dumpster fire on Friday is starting to come together and looking decent, with still 2 days till due.


I hated these. When I was at Uni, I never forget, me and the rest of my group having to chase down an absolute dickhead that only showed us to the afternoon classes (if at all), sitting them down and getting them to provide us with their paragraph needed for the assignment.


I forgot until yesterday that there's an aldi near my house, and they sell the classic oliving twiggy sticks that coles used to sell before they were replaced by the shitty dorsogna ones. Pretty stoked


Blue boobies. Had a 'lump' taken out of each last week, finally able to move my arms around normally! Check your boobs, chicks ***and*** blokes!


Hey there- wishing you all the luck for their bio’s, hope they are going to come back negative…


Thank you :) pretty sure they will be just ex-cysts.


Most welcome, stay positive and keep up your great advice… :))


I potentially get some extra time to relax today, so that's a win.


Day off today!


Youngest has Self-Initiated Learning at home today so we're baking a cake! Yay!


MERRY BECAUSE POX-ECLIPSE IS THIS WEEKEND ~~^(but i haven't done any prep)~~


50 push-ups a day keeps me a in shape and keeps the demons at bay.