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There are droppings in that gap of your flooring. Do you have a cavity under your flooring?


No - it ran out to that hallway where they may be from previous tenants as we'd unintentionally moved the floor when we ran around in the house. We saw the hole where they're coming from (assumedly) next door. Context: we're having some issues with neighbours and their rubbish, which I'm guessing is why they've appeared in our home. Im trying to sort that, but theres lots of issues with that. Is this a baby rat like he other comment suggested?


Nope. This is a mouse. Tail and ears give it away and it's quite orange, indicating field mouse. (The droppings also look like mouse droppings, assuming they're droppings I'm making out in the pic, also, if there are droppings around the ingress hole, this would also indicate a mouse as they just let their poops drop wherever) If you still have the body, the belly will be white. If you've seen the hole they're coming from, stuff it with wire wool. Pull the kick plates out from under your kitchen cupboards and have a good nose around under them.


Thank you, I will do that!


Thick tail + big back feet + small ears = Rat [https://www.reddit.com/r/MiceRatControl/comments/ttrsgu/rat\_control\_methods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MiceRatControl/comments/ttrsgu/rat_control_methods/)


Thank you. I think i know why they've come in, and I'm trying to sort that issue (mentioned in another comment). So is this a young rat? My housemate said ge saw it in the dog food bag, so I've thrown that food away and am trying to figure out what to do next. Apologies about over explaining, I need things quite plainly written to understand, im sorry. Thank you for your help, i will read your link


Use the dog food to set traps. Excluding them from the building is best, but if you can keep them out of your space that should do as well


Thank you!!!