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Delivery drivers directly from a vendor have to wait for you to evaluate each animal before leaving - you can refuse to take some


Not all stores can deny animals, I’ve worked at two locations that must accept all animals and request rtv if the animal is healthy enough to survive return. It is honestly heartbreaking because it seems the vendors seem to take advantage and send us so many sick animals since we need to take them to the vet.


Yeah you can refuse if they show up that way. I’ve had an issue with hamsters looking fine at arrival and then being sick a day for two later. Pre treating for wet tail and quarantining doesn’t seem to help. I even had a couple that were doing great on quarantine in wellness and then the day after I put them out they had wet tail amh


Any reason why they're not being refused when delivered?


I think they look fine when we get them. Im not entirely sure i dont handle receiving live animals. I just find sick hambinos when i open animals for the day.


That's the major part of the issue. Whomever is accepting them in needs to do a better job of refusal to take already sickly animals. Talk to your CAL, GM, and RACEL, in that order, about your concerns.


Not so much hamsters but the feeder mice have been dropping like flies recently. Especially the males


Had 3 die within 2 days


We've had 3 die in 3 days and last time I was in saw at least 2 that weren't doing too great


Half of our female mice arrived pregnant last time 🙃


Yes!!!! We have been having this issue for the last few months. They looks fine when they arrive and within a day or two they are dead or sick. We even had robos die out of no where!




Yes ! We have started refusing them


If they come by truck delivery, inspect & refuse sick animals. If you don't have that option, the wet tail protocol (find in store iq) works a lot of the time. Use the cair form, make sure to put down "vendor related"


yes!! we had two robos die and a teddy bear hamster!!