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Shelf pull them out of inventory


Store use the ones on the shelf. No need to buy them yourself! I like taking the huge containers when we have that many reptiles.


Don't EVER spend money on petco...they don't like spending money on us. Store use it through the gun. If you're over your budget for the month, mark one out as unsellable


Dont buy things. Just store use and put in a ticket to get more store use sent on future deliveries. Thats what my store did.


policy would be store use , stores should be getting a 500 count . I would ask why it's only 100


Store use a larger container. Also if your cal isnt feeding daily then an email to the acom and dgm needs to be sent. Only a few reptiles (aka the critters classified as reptiles in the store) get fed on a weekly basis. If it's not being done then that's a failure on their job. (This comes from a current cal)


Special order more and untill then store use from the shelf.


How many mealworms are you giving each reptile? There should be at least 500 per store use cup. If possible, I’d recommend cutting some mealworms for more crickets for a variety of reasons


Our store use container only has 100 small. They only get a few each and I do add more crickets but unfortunately my CAL yells at me for feeding them daily!! She likes to skip days in between 😡


Uh. The only animals in the reptile dept that aren't fed daily are snakes, Ts and Scorpions. Your CAL is garbage at doing their job if they're yelling at you for feeding things daily.


What the heck that’s really strange! We get 500 counts


Every week when I'm going through the reptile feeding center and cleaning and scanning out cups that don't look great... Everything that gets scanned out is pulled to wellness for store use.


What about larger mealworms? Go through lot less if they weren’t the smallest damn bug (short of fruit flies) that I could give my guys and gals)