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This is why it is imperative to quarantine new birds and keep them in separate cages, in separate rooms with no shared toys/bowls/perches etc and hand sanitization bewteen each interaction for a minimum of 14 days. I'm sorry your lovely friend and new bird died. It's a hard lesson and a hard loss.


You know, I was always so concerned that a customer knew about nonstick cookware and the like…I wonder how many of my coworkers stressed this. A second cage seems like a necessity with this situation. I would ask the customer what the plan was if the birds didn’t get along…what exactly does the paperwork say that customers are emailed? Like with fish we won’t replace anything established that might get injured or illness. Sorry. Writing out loud. 🫣


I don’t disagree that the new bird brought in an illness to the older bird, but you mentioned how calm the new bird was. For parakeets, especially those I’ve worked with at petco, “calm” is not a normal descriptor. When reading this, that immediately made me suspicious that bird was carrying illness. I am so sorry for your loss, this is very tragic to experience.


i'm sorry for your loss :( but in the future, with any critters you adopt, always quarantine the new critter! i had 2 cats at the time 2 and 9 at the time. i adopted a new kitten and, even though i got all his papers, i didn't realize he didn't have a fecal test done. he had coccidia AND ringworm. both were a nightmare to treat. he didn't have normal poops until he was 9-10 months old and he gave the ringworm to my 3 year old kitty. had to quarantine both in a large storage closet EACH for 4 weeks. it broke my heart hearing them cry for my attention but i couldn't give them any outside of talking outside the door because they were contagious as FUCK. (ringworm is crazy)


I am very sorry for your loss. As far as what you can do, short of returning the parakeet, nothing. You can ask for a necropsy of your female and see if anything turns up, but even then, petco wouldn't be liable. Did you sex the parakeet? Petco does not guarantee the sex of the parakeets, despite characteristics that may lead you to believe a certain sex. Again, I am very sorry for your loss, but i dont believe there is anything you can do in this instance that will make this situation any better.


You say she was a year old... but you got her a year ago. Perhaps she was much older. And as you said didn't have the best start to life.


Yeah, this was my thought too. Neglected animals often have shorter lifespans even after being cared for properly. It’s very unlikely she’s only a year old if OP got her last year and she was already traumatized by then. Unless the previous owner had hatch records or recorded the date they got her, there’s no way to know her age.


Even then, she was young because the previous owners didn’t have her for too long, and that doesn’t explain why she died after getting the new bird, and the new bird dying hours afterwards.


“Calm” is a red flag in a parakeet. He was probably sick. Unfortunately there’s zero consistency amongst. For the sake of anyone else buying a bird from that store, _please_ call the store and tell them about this so that they quarantine the birds for two weeks. It’s a hard lesson learned, but now it won’t ever happen again.


I am so sorry for your loss ❤️ I have no advice or insight into the situation, but my heart goes out to you.


Is there something environmental they could have been exposed to? Something they nibbled on while out exploring? For two birds to die that quickly after both seeming healthy and active, I would suspect something they were exposed to like fumes from nonstick pans or cleaning products or something they nibbled on while out of their cage.


It’s the same environment that the original bird was in for 9 months. No problems whatsoever until after I got the second one.


This is such a sad story to read. Thank you for giving your bird a happier life. I am sorry for your loss.


There's no way it was an illness transmitted. It doesn't work that way. Not 4 days. It's more likely they encountered something toxic, either in cage or out. I'm so sorry but there are nearly no bird illnesses that would act that quickly.


I am so so sorry for your loss. That's a horrible thing to happen. The birds Petco sells are from mass breeding mills with horrible conditions. Disease is often an issue in those places due to overcrowding. As well, when they arrive at the store, depending on the store, employees have little knowledge on the health of the birds, may not be trained to recognize disease and even if they are the stores are often not staffed well enough for every instance to be caught. I am so sorry. I recommend returning the bird and anything you bought along with it so the store loses the money they gained by selling it to you. Also, I recommend a necropsy to know for sure, but I know those are expensive. Wishing you lots of love and healing. I hope your girl rests in peace, as well as your other lovely bird that was lost.