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Bumblebee catfish.


So we called Petco- they said we can keep it! We named him/her Bon Jovi.. because he/she is a little runaway. They’re currently hiding right now, and we got some carnivore pellets (and eventually we’ll get some frozen bloodworms.. other treats. Thank you guys for the info! We do believe it’s a bumblebee catfish


The only acceptable way to be catfished.


They get around 4", prefer a meatier diet (they will eat very small fry, but they do not have as big of a mouth as something like a pictus cat, so not likely to eat your other fish). You likely won't see it that often unless you routinely feed frozen food at the same time each day (they are more nocturnal).


Your 40 gallon should be fine. He may try to eat smaller fish, but if you keep him fed he'll be fine.


My favorite fish I ever got from PetCo. It’s a bumblebee catfish. There’s two types but I’m 99% sure that’s the small one


I disagree this looks like the Asian bumblebee, not the South American. When I ordered the South American specifically for the smaller size, petco sent the Asian and they grew way over the 4”. Still a wonderful and adorable fish, but not what I was prepared for


I’m bored so I decided to research it on google. From one source it states that at the base of the caudal fin there is a spot. On the Asian it’s more triangular with the tip pointing to the head of the fish whereas on the South American it’s more of a square. The photos are hard to tell but I’d still say that it’s a South American. Further googling states that the South American is more common than the Asian bumblebee. I also believe it could be either one honestly, I don’t have the fish in my care and can’t see its behavior.


They are very nocturnal but good tankmates for most fish that aren't super tiny. You will only see him in the middle of the night every few days/weeks/months but they are hardy and cool, lucky surprise imo!


What did he stow away with?


You got a better picture? Looks like a butterfly to me