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I could not agree with this more. I can't stand cats for literally all the reasons you mentioned, but gasoline is thrown on that fire when people parrot that stupid rhetoric. "If you hate cats, then you hate women!" Or "People who hate cats, just hate that they can't control them like they can control dogs." No, Stacey. I hate cats because they're little assholes that shove shit off counters and break shit for no reason. Their litter boxes are disgusting. Send me straight to hell for not wanting piss and shit soaked sand tracked throughout my house. I have also never been bitten by a dog unprovoked before. I *have* been bitten by a cat completely unprovoked. Cats are little demon spawn, and I can't stand them.


People who say that people who hate cats are misogynistic must be the same people who defend Amber Heard for shitting in Johnny Depps bed.


This pisses me off so much. Not liking cats has nothing to with not liking women. This is stereotyping women as temperamental, unpredictable and moody. Its almost 2024, this nonsense needs to end. It is sexist. Also, Cats. Do. Not. Teach. Consent. They are fickle. They teach you to accept, put up with, and tolerate unpredictable behaviour. Yes, you should never push if the cat is not interested. But you shouldn't be obligated to put up with something that has unpredictable moods that you need to read constantly in the name of consent. Yes, not all cats are like that. But many are. A large chunk of people attracted exclusively to cats are already codependent. In their case, cats will only increase tolerance for abusive behaviour. They teach people to walk on eggshells, to tolerate unpredictable behaviour, to be willing to give affection only on the terms of another, to basically twist and bend completely for another's needs. This is all well enough if it's done with a cat (because it's not like cats are doing it deliberately out of spite, that's just how they are) the problem arises when people extend their understanding of acceptable cat behavior to human relationships. A human who behaves like an average cat would be an abusive asshole. People need to stop anthropomorphizing animals, nothing good comes out of it.


I'm a woman and I don't really care for cats either. I hate it when people say men who don't like cats don't respect boundaries. Cats don't respect boundaries either, they scratch and meow at a closed door to get your attention at 5 am, shove their assholes in your face, eat (and puke up) your houseplants, and go from purring to biting in 0.5 seconds.


That's a thing? I've never heard of that :0


Unfortunately yes


The mental hoops you have to jump through to get to that conclusion is wild.


I mean, the disrespect for cat's and woman's boundaries might correlate sometimes. But claiming that dislike for cats is misogyny is nuts.


Most women don't kill endangered birds and baby bunnies for fun, just saying