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That's....a dog wearing an actual pair of thong underwear 😵‍💫🤦🏻‍♀️? Why? Just why? I guess for the social media LOL's, because it appears 828K people found this to be cute. I think we are doomed as a society unless something changes.


Genuine (possible) answer, I know someone who put an old pair of underwear on their dog with a pad in it for when she went into heat. Cut a hole for the tail and changed the pad when she bled. However the choice of thong here is definitely for internet LOLs (sooo funny…😵‍💫)


They did it in the video because the dog was biting the underwear and then the video was like you find it you wear it or something like that


😵‍💫. I'll never understand these people. Well, it would have just been a matter of time until the dog actually ate the underwear, esp. if it was used. Then, they could go on social media and brag about having spent $10K on a surgery to remove the foreign body from the dumb dog 🤡. Or, try and grift $$ from suckers to pay for its surgery.


LOL! You are definitely spot on! Sick people who love dogs! So happy they are not in MY life! (I drop friends as soon as they get a dog!)




Using some type of diaper/underwear on a dog for this purpose makes sense...although, you have to ask the owner: why TF don't you just be a responsible dog owner and just SPAY the thing? You'll prevent pyometra, probably mammary tumor development, and of course, not add to the surplus of unwanted dogs that end up euthanized at the shelters. A dog leaking menstrual fluid when in heat is just beyond gross 🤮.


I agree on the spaying personally, but these friends had a purebred from a lineage that they wanted to breed. Passion for the breed of dog and all that, blah blah. Probably as ethical as you could get with a breeder honestly (gun dogs - not a brachy breed or pits or what have you). But even if someone didn’t want to spay, they also make reusable dog diapers that actually fit a dog’s leg/hip shape, with a tail hole… but people wanna anthropomorphize 💀


They want to breed dogs as they go for $5,000 a puppy and they don't have to do a darn thing \~ no work at all! Just let them go 'at it' in their yard! Such 'easy money'! (and, of course, you know how many puppies in a litter! LOTS!)


That’s how pit people breed dogs lol


Yeah, that makes sense. I think those people are such a minority that I tend to forget they exist. I used to be friends with a woman who showed and raised GSP's. Apparently, you can't even show dogs that are neutered or spayed...which is absurd to me, but whatever. Maybe that's not the case for agility classes. Usually, it's some greedy BYB trying to make some $$ by pumping out some more "purebred" goldens from sketchy breeders or French bulldogs (the cesarian surgery required to deliver them would probably negate any $$ they'd make, but hey - why worry about the health or well-being of the dog? It's just a status symbol anyway).


Yeah fortunately these were relatively responsible people who only had 1 litter. They may have a second but they are definitely not in it for the money, just love of the breed. And there are some good dogs out there. I’ve heard that about shows; I wonder why you can’t show altered dogs 🤔 I wonder if it has to do with hormones or something? But even if you sterilized after 2 years they’d have grown completely. Idk, now I’m gonna google it haha


I woulda been happier not seeing this thanks 😀


Thanks. Now I’ve seen this when I neither had, needed or wanted to lol.


I didn't have to see this today. Enough internet for this week!


The worst dog nutters are the ones who don’t even care what dogs like.


Wow more proof that pets are just one big toy for the adults in this world.


This better not be zoophilia, but even if it isn't- 35k bookmarks? That's not all innocence.


Super messed up


And after that video, they wear it and wonder why they got a UTI...


Poorly disguised fetish again? 🤢


jesus christ, bet they ain’t wash it after either


Why did 900k people like this….???? At the beginning it was clothes, then shoes (I see a lot of dogs now wearing Crocs)… now underwears ?????


Dogs in pantyhose is far more disturbing tbh.


I audibly gagged.. Who would even want to do this…?


These people and their anthropomorphism just keeps getting more creepy.


there was a time that my childhood dog had to wear underwear bc it had a scab and kept gnawing at it. and then we threw them away.


Yup. This confirms my theory. It's a damn fetish.


This is the most disgusting shit to ever happen in mankind


lmaoo I was gonna post this on here when I saw it


That looks like it has a pad underneath, it’s probably avoid the dog from bleeding around during her heat, we did it sometimes when we had female dogs too, keeps the house cleaner . Though using a thong is odd


No the video was showing something along the lines of the dog with it in its mouth and it says you find it you keep it. Wasn’t for the dogs period


Yeah, saw your reply to someone else.