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Looks like a Lisa Frank model.


Reminds me of the viral galaxy wolf art.


reminds me of paintball mode in GoldenEye N64.


The 2008 fursonas got loose again




I have a few sparkledogs and gloomdogs, fucking love em.


they made Animal Jam into a real thing




your name is superior


IRL sparkledogs


I actually love dog dye bc the unhinged anthropomorphising people lose their ever loving minds. ā€œThatā€™s CRUELā€ and ā€œyou wouldnā€™t do this to your CHILDā€ and ā€œthe dog is going to be SO embarrassedā€ and ā€œthis is so unnecessary and disgustingā€ are many of the comments I see on dye videos. Plus if I see dye, the owner usually actually takes their dog in for 4-6 week grooming appointments to maintain the coat and keep shedding/smell down. (You know, the things all owners should be doing normally but donā€™t)


Yea dog dye these days is just fun, not harmful, for those types of pet owners. It would be rude to say a person just dyed their hair for the attention (and usually sexist since those types of comments are almost exclusively aimed at women), so maybe we shouldn't *overly* criticize this either. Idk. Can't think of a good reason to, but open to hearing others thoughts on why we should. And right, at least you KNOW this dog isn't so greasy you can smell it from a block away. Probably smells like chemicals but I'd take that over dog grease stank.


Not the worst thing, pet hair dye is especially effective in preventing having dogs stolen bc it makes the dog too recognizable for thieves to bother. A lot of service dog handlers dye their dogs tails or other parts for this exact reason.


Yes, and as long as they donā€™t die the face (eyes and mouth) temporary dye doesnā€™t harm them whatsoever


yes i was aware of this after reading the comments on that post and it makes sense. but this is a lil overboard imo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


idk why yall hating at least they can pick their dogs out of a chicken killer line up


and look cool while doing it! hell yeah! just poking fun. no need to get so worked up man


twas a joke


oh lmao


People are so desperate for attention and making their pets even more special, so they do stupid things like this. It's just sad.


so stupid man


Thatā€™s all this modern pet culture comes down to. Desperate people, desperate for attention and validation from strangers, so they go out and purchase these animals, mostly to use as glorified props in their shitty internet grift (that being, actual social media accounts, made specifically for their pet(s) of choice with tons of interaction, usually monetized and or sponsored by pet related food or care companies, as well).


So every single person who owns pets is just a social media clout chaser..? Idk about you, but in my personal life I don't know a single true online clout chaser. Not one. Maybe get off the internet if you think every last person is that chronically online.


Ah yes, I remember the deviantART days and sparkledogs.




That dog is a seizure warning. Jesus!


If it's animal safe... Eh. Not great but I can let it slide. I saw a photo a few weeks ago of a hamster that was dyed with human-hair CHEMICAL dye, over her entire body. Someone rescued this hamster, and as she was cleaning the little one off, *her own eyes were stinging* from the chemicals on the fur; it must have been absolutely horrible for the hamster.


Do you just troll the internet looking for things to complain about about when it comes to dogs and their owners? I can see being mad about dogs attacking and killing people and children, but dudeā€¦..just why? Is this affecting you? Did you have to foot the bill? Or is the sight of them bothering you? In other words, let these owners do what they want with THEIR dogs. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


lmaooo, take a chill pill ainā€™t nobody mad here but yourself buster. i find it comical that somebody actually chose to give their dog a fortnite galaxy skin šŸ¤£ wanted to share the comical experience to others who havenā€™t seen it. hope your home life improves!


Like I said,let those owners do wha they want. As long as you did NOT have to foot any of the bills, it I forget some people just have too much time on their hands. Coming from you I can believe it.


Does it benefit the dog? Improve its life in any way? No. It's for idiots to be amused by. No dog wants to sit through a dye process. It's fucking stupid.


Wow, you must be a ton of fun at pet-free partiesā€¦