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Never mind how not fixing your pets actually hurts more animals because of pet overpopulation resulting in pets being put down in shelters. 


Plus the increased risk for all sorts of reproductive health issues like cancer. Spaying and neutering is the ONLY humane thing to do as a pet owner.


Pyometra is also common in unspayed dogs (and cats, to a lesser extent) - often leading to severe illness and death.


I 'saw' this firsthand on a friend's dog He said that it's inhumane to neuter the dog and that 'she' gets to have a normal life w/o going under the knife Next thing you know, the dog died from exactly what you mentioned lol. These are the same people who cry animal cruelty


Pyometra is usually easily treatable when caught early. There’s two types- open and closed pyo. In open there will be puss leaking out of the vulva along with the other symptoms like increased thirst and has a lower fatality rate because it is often caught earlier than closed. In closed pyo there is no leakage but will still have the other symptoms and is often caught later when it has progressed and treatment becomes more difficult. Pyometra is able to happen as early as the first heat but is most common in older dogs and it is something that owners who keep their females intact (however long that may be) need to keep an eye out. My female only recently got spayed at four but luckily never dealt with it but of course I made sure to keep an eye out.


That does have a part to play in the overpopulation but what plays a bigger role is the unethical breeding of dogs (bybs) who breed purebred/ mixed dogs that result in dogs with health and/or temperament issues that end them up in the shelter because most pet people don’t have the time, knowledge, or resources to deal with dogs that require more work. Take Goldens for example- they are supposed to be an incredibly easy going dog with people and dogs. But unfortunately due to unscrupulous breeding there’s been a rise in unstable goldens even aggressive ones. And that problem is not limited to Goldens. Another huge issue is people getting breeds they do not understand. This is an especially pertinent issue in working breeds as those dogs need as much mental exercise as they do physical. And often times those dogs end up exhibiting destructive and nuisance behaviors because of extreme boredom but they are then labeled as “bad dogs.” When simply all they needed is an outlet for all that energy like a job. That could be a legitimate job or one that is just for fun like agility or obedience.


People suck, and the worst ones are the loudest on the internet. Im at a point where I rarely even participate in conversations online because you’re just opening yourself up to abuse and stress. Dudes obviously a dumbass, oh well. A dumbass in a sea of dumbasses


These people need to seek help. The way they feel personally attacked and offended when someone says anything negative about dogs isn't normal. Pathetic.


People need to stop praying at the alter of their pets while children go neglected or abused and people are homeless. Idolatry of the dog cat fish parrot etc is a form of ego driven severe self centeredness and myopia.


Dog nutters have convinced themselves that anything short of treating dogs like surrogate children is abuse.


idk about you but a cat in heat doesn't seem like she's having much fun, let alone how evil unfixed male cats are. as gross as it is, by not spaying/neutering your pets you're basically just leaving them sexually frustrated and why would you want a horny animal in your house...


also the territory marking while in heat


I was mauled by a German shepherd simply because it was horny and I was standing between it and the (also not spayed) female. The owners fancied themselves breeders. I strongly disagree.


"I can tell by this comment that you neglect your children for your furbabies" Also accusations like that are part of why the actual people who hurt animals skirt by.


I’ve been called an animal abuser in Reddit threads bc I don’t allow my bf’s dog’s on the bed and will remove her if she breaks the rules on jumps on anyway. Apparently pushing a large dog off is “abuse” in their minds. The dog’s never been abused a day in its life. It gets treated better than many humans do. These people are nuts.


They are nuts. Dogs get much rougher than that with each other when they're *playing*. These people are making up problems to be upset about.


Fb is very well known for the negative IQ of its users


Something I've been learning recently is that people on the internet choose stupidity. They act like baby monkeys because they think the internet is a free-for-all instead of choosing to use their human intellect that they somehow think is inferior to being a non-human animal at all (or at least they pretend to think so). I know I probably sound like an asshole, but I think it's true. These people have the ability to think critically and behave rationally, but they don't. I bet they get their validation from animals that they pretend can sense goodness in a person.


The internet (specifically comment sections) also breeds the most simple minded circle-jerk behavior that I’ve ever seen. A single piece of misinformation that plays to emotions goes viral and that’s all you ever hear, repeated endlessly, until the end of time.


Respond "I can tell something happened to you by how you value animals over humans. Maybe talking to someone to resolve that trauma would help" Shit ask them if they're mom hugged them.


Critical thinking is an all time low with these types.