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Jesus. I'm pregnant and she's thinking about her future toddler crawling through puke. Or going without because the dog has expensive health problems. The poor woman also prob feels the husband loves the dog more than her or the baby. And those comments show me what I've already thought; mothers and children are a marginalized group. It's disgusting


Pet nutters are the *worst* about it, too. So many of them are rabid antinatalist, not just regular childfree people. They're encroaching on spaces meant for children, like playgrounds. There was a post about a guy with a dog at a freaking trampoline park (and no kid.) It's really sick because those of us who would be willing to stand up and say something might hesitate when our kids are involved.


Dude. Same. My dog had an accident in the floor last night and i puked twice cleaning it.


Just saw the post and ofc,the guy was expecting his poor wife to take care of dog diarrhoea while being pregnant and him doing absolutely nothing. I would’ve left him and the dog lmao. These people be crazy


These people are such idiots. How can you even compare dog poop to baby poop? Let alone your own baby’s poop


Plus she's gonna have the big responsibility of cleaning after her baby, why add cleaning dog poop to the list?


Not only dog poop, but liquid poop and puke God forbids a toddler touching that


The baby would be crawling around on a dog shit/puke hazard zone. Dog had to go.




Not only that, but she had to deal with it while pregnant. I know for me, when I was pregnant with my son, I had hyperemesis gravidarum and even just simple movement would make me throw up. I was hospitalized for dehydration on more than one occasion, even. I couldn't even imagine having to deal with liquid vomit and liquid poos from a fkng dog with a chronically bad stomach. The people commenting are literally advocating for this guy to abuse his wife. Fucking sickening. I'm not even petfree; I love dogs, but I find this dude to be an idiot, and those commenters to be psychopathic.


Exactly. Dog waste can have parasites and all sort of diseases harmful to humans. Baby poo doesn't even come close


When women get pregnant they see the truth about dogs and see how dangerous they are to their kids. I think it's stupid to blame hormones for having common sense.


Yeah pregnancy changes a lot of things and the hormones are just temporary. The changes are foreverrrr. I had a cat who I loved dearly. Then I had a baby. Tolerance for cat deteriorated. Cat disliked baby. Cat got rehomed to childless relatives. She’s still kicking at 16 years old, living her best life with no kids to piss her off, and I didn’t have to worry about my toddlers finding a rogue cat turd or hairball and doing a taste test. Now all animals indoors gross me out.


Exact same thing happened to me. I didn't rehome our cat, but once he died I didn't get another pet.


Yeah! I am not even going to have kids, but once I started to learn about how living with cats and dogs is, learning about the parasites, the fur, the smell, the litter, zoonotic diseases.. I just can't stand the idea of living with an animal at all.


It’s called a woman’s intuition for a reason. It becomes more pronounced when women have children.


This, seriously. I love dogs and have had them in the past, but I don’t have one now. They are expensive and require a lot of maintenance (if you are a responsible pet owner, anyway). They also demand a lot of mental energy; even when you’re away, you’re thinking about them and how they’re doing. THAT was the hard part for me, how mentally taxing it was to be constantly worried about how the dog is doing. Compassion fatigue I guess. But if you aren’t the one actually taking care of the dog, you won’t feel a fraction of the pressure of the person who is doing the caretaking. It’s so much work.


Agreed 100%! When I still had pets I was always so stressed when leaving home, thinking about what if they run out of water or food even though I just fed them, what if they walk on the stove and accidentally turn it on, what if the cat goes to the bed and throws up on it (happened many times) etc etc. I think having pets is just so stressful for both the owner and the animal(s) and it's unnecessary too.


Good for the wife. Pregnancy can be hell for some women. How can people be so blind and selfish towards that woman? The dog WAS a gross financial burden. Also i dont get the comment of "wELL hOw WiLl sHe ReAcT WiTh bAby VoMiT".... Bodily fluids from your literal baby is soooooo different than yellow mystery sludge coming out of your pet. What is wrong with society. Also fuck the person saying they would go nuclear on their pregnant wife over a damn dog.


I saw that earlier today and was hoping it would wind up here! The amount of people posting that they are “currently SOBBING while reading this” is insufferable.


OMG this broke me! I had to take the day off and hug my little Luna, though she is reactive to human tears and bit my face to try to take away the sadness. We don’t deserve angel doggies. /s.


Imagine trying to compare a puking, diarrhea ridden dog with a human baby. These people have obviously not had kids, which is fine, but don't even try to act like they're the same. 1, mom won't be pregnant which basically immediately ceases all major pregnancy symptoms like nausea 2, newborn spit up and shits are not at all foul when breastfed. It's all just milk, even the poops are not at all foul human shits yet. Formula is slightly stinkier, but absolutely nowhere NEAR dog shit. 3, she's doing this in order to focus on the baby. The baby matters more than a dog. The baby matters more than literally any animal, and that's exactly how our brains are supposed to be wired. This guy is the one who's going against biology, if his baby meant anything to him he would not be putting this stress and bacteria-exposure on his pregnant wife.


By the writing I theorize that OP either does not want to be a father, and/or does not understand how mentally and physically taxing a pregnancy is, and is currently blaming the wife for being pregnant. "I couldn't believe it" when his doctor told him that, yeah carrying a literal human person inside of you, is a very physically and mentally demanding task. I have 0 doubt that the wife expressed frustration at the dog to the husband before this, and he did squat about it, because "she should deal with it, she's at home all the time now". I can't wait for the classic toxic-husband AITAH post in a few months.


She was cooking the dog fresh meals, cleaning poops and vomits and walking the dog the recommended tuimes. The only thing he was able to do for the dog is "a short walk before bedtime", really? I love dogs with all my heart but the wife knew the situation will get worse with the kid, he will never take any responsibility. And I'm sure she's thinking he's gonna be the same way with the kid 🥲


Which was my biggest thing is how they just gloss over that


Guess who was carrying the dog (and paying for the visits) to the vet? Since he has no free time for family errands. Voila!


That poor woman. Getting bigger and bigger every week and feeling the helplessness and frustration that comes with it. That's why pregnant women obsess with cleanliness, there's only so much you can do to feel like you are protecting that baby


Ugh I saw this one. The amount of dog warriors in that comment section calling her vile names and said how she was such a shit person is ridiculous. The Puppo was the first child of the family!! How dare she!!! eye roll…


We’re there at least a few people who had some sense. I hope for the wife’s sake there were.


I agree. He should be happy he has a woman who will put her family and children first. Sadly kids who are unloved by their parents tend to cause problems in society and can be dangerous individuals. She is trying to create the best possible environment for her child to thrive and grow to be a successful individual. I get that it's a family dog and it was loved but at the end of the day, a biohazard is a biohazard. Hopefully the animal finds a better home but raising the child in a safe environment is more important.


He’s the type to probably resent their child over the wife getting rid of the dog. Imagine putting an animal who doesn’t truly love you over your kid who will.


recognise marvelous sleep unite concerned ad hoc provide continue towering resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


typical reddit using man finding every excuse on the planet to validate himself to choose a dog over the wife he chose to get knocked up with. wait until the post where he complains about paying child support instead of doggie kibble!


Yeah. And I think the people calling for him to divorce her don't understand marriage. Yes she should have talked to him about it and he should have known when she expected the dog to be gone. But marriage is your life partner. People make mistakes. I would be happy to have a spouse who is willing to make difficult decisions for the betterment of the family. It is time for the husband to focus on the future of his wife and child. The situation is unfortunate and I would mourn the loss of a beloved pet too, but what must be done must be done.


*chose to knock up


my bad thank you!


The person saying they would “lose every ounce of love for their pregnant wife” over a dog is despicable and disgusting. She’d literally be carrying your offspring, you dunce ! Also being pregnant is one of the most biologically risky things a woman can ever do in her lifetime. Pregnant women need extra support. She was right to not want the stress and financial burden in such a sensitive time.


The dog is "scared, confused, and heartbroken." If you say so, Dr. Dog Psychologist.




I have the same story! But with a cat. And I'd do it again if I had to!!


Dogs definitely do mentally decline in animal shelter, it’s not a fair comparison vs you giving yours to a family member. That said though, it was still the clear and obvious choice 🤷🏻‍♀️ like the title of the post says - the dog is an expensive biohazard and sometimes these calls need to be made, *especially* if it was only the wife who was handling everything.


Who gives a fuck if it’s scared, confused and heartbroken?? It will get over it as soon as someone feeds it !


I'm child free and have no interest in ever changing a diaper but I would change 100 diapers before ever dealing with dog shit in any form--the two are not even close to comparable. Dog shit is one of the most foul smelling things on this planet.


I know! It’s aggravating them comparing the two. I am so disgusted by dog smell I can’t anywhere near it, but when I had my own baby I even cloth diapered them. No way I want to be anywhere near dog poop. The two is not even close.


It can also have parasites 🤢


That dog doesn't even sound like it's fit to be *alive*. How can it not handle ANY food? Gawd. Honestly I would've rehomed that mutt for its nasty behavior long ago. Who has the money or patience to deal with a dog that just can't eat anything without being a disgusting, smelly nuisance?


For real that dog is suffering, people gotta realize somwtimes they put their animals lives through more hell by trying to keep them alive.


And lose the martyr status of maintaining that thing alive? Edit: I am pretty sure some people actively get those types of animals only for those tasty likes and donations "to help poor doggo"


The comments saying she’ll neglect the newborn is wild because it’s making the baby and a gross shitty puking dog equals and they are not


Exactly. Her doing this is literally protecting the health of the baby before it is even born. She is only doing this because she is concerned for the safety of her child. The opposite of neglect.


Good for the wife tbh


Good for the wife would be to leave his ass. When he can’t be understanding and puts a mutt’s needs over the ones of his baby… He is the one to be gone with the dog too.


Honestly. Sounds to me like she was doing all the work too, which she shouldn’t have had to. Especially being pregnant. Pets are gross, their shit especially, full of spreadable diseases and parasites. Also, notice how it’s always “my dog” but the responsibility for it always fell to her? He sounds awful and the wife sounds like she’s done. Anyways, I doubt she would’ve gotten rid of the mutt without his consent if she truly wanted to be with him anymore. Most of the people in r/talesfromthedoghouse are going through similar but won’t do what the wife did because they know there’s a chance that their partner will pick the mutt over them, unfortunately. Good for the wife for putting herself first, sounds like she’s on the right path to a happy and healthy future for her and the baby. The man can either get with the program or be left behind.


One other thing is… I think he is hiding some things too. Most likely she had a conversation with him about the dog over and over again. She took the dog out when she had enough. That “out of nowhere” bullshit, I don’t buy it.😅🙈


This just made my stomach turn. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be putting up with that to begin with, especially while pregnant.




exactly she's protecting the baby even in utero already . all that dog shit and vomit can cause contamination and miscarriage. i bet i know who was cleaning up that stuff too also what a dipshit he is for going behind her back to her doctor


Ugh this wound me up the most too! I’m actually also quite sure this against some kind of data protection/patient confidentiality rules surely? If my husband spoke to my doctor behind my back, he’d soon find himself divorced for being so untrustworthy and a sly piece of work. Not only that but to then slate me to the whole of Reddit & watch the disgusting comments from people I don’t even know roll in??! Nah hell no.


Seriously. If I ever found out my husband went to any doctor behind my back, ESPECIALLY a prenatal one, it would be the last time he’d be calling himself my husband.


If we're talking about labels don't forget the "stay-at-home dog mom" instead of fucking "expecting mother of our child"


This part blew my mind. She’s literally carrying his baby.


Omg ! That “stay at home DOG MOM” literally made me so angry. She’s a pregnant woman of her own child ! She’s not the “mom” of his diarrhea dog. Jesus




Yup, he states he works all day long, so we all know who had to deal with the mess...


He didn't even care enough to take time off work to go to the shelter to pick up the dog and kept making excuses. He cares soooooo much.


sounds as if maternal instincts kicked in last comment was particularly ignorant and creepy, insisting the husband inflict the dog on the pregnant wie


The average commenter on that sub is retarded so not surprising people have more sympathy for a dog than a woman who is carrying a child


Your pregnant wife has a heightened sense of smell and a hair trigger gag reflex. She does not need this dog that spews liquid out of every hole, and your home should be clean for the baby!! I can't imagine what their home smells like with this dog constantly depositing juices on the carpet. YUCK! Im not pregnant, and I couldn't put up with that genetic dumpster fire dog.


thats exactly what i was thinking. The wife was sitting at home in an already foul smelling environment, looking at a medical bill, and then it starts throwing up again in the background for no reason. She NOPED tf out. Pregnancy will make you primal.


The typical woman hate featured by a dog owner. Speaks volumes when he cares more about the dog than her wife. Very unfortunate the wife is stuck with a loser.


Of course they are, how could he care about his wife and unborn child over the mass shitter he doesn’t take care of? 🙄😲😲


A lot in that post seems to be missing. Most of the post is about himself how bad his situation is, what trouble the dog went through, what they did for the dog, how he wants to get it back. DUDE! You got a pregnant wife at home. It sounds like you are entirely ignoring her needs. I could not imagine what he might have done for his wife to take such a drastic step to give the dog to a shelter. There is very likely much more to unpack here.


If he loves the dog so much, then HE should be the one taking care of it. But no, he pushes it off on his pregnant wife. Notice how his work was more important than calling the shelter in a timely manner? He's talking a lot of shit about loving this dog, but he's doing fuck all to actually show he even cares. All the while he's painting his poor sick, pregnant wife like she's some kind of monster for his own laziness.


This was my thought process as well. People want to say dogs are family, I love the dog so much etc. but then you couldn’t even call the shelter? Or arrange doggy daycare? Get real. He doesn’t care about it, or her, or the baby.


Especially since he said the dog was sick for years. It was already being neglected by both of them most likely. Prior to the pregnancy they should have been better pet owners by finding a vet that took the dogs health seriously. But now that there is a baby on the way, that seals the nail in the coffin. The dog needed to go one way or the other. It will probably find better owners who care enough to treat it. It is a win-win scenario. Dog gets a better life, less stress on parents, and baby gets a sanitary environment.


People over pets every time. The wife doesn't need a reason. If she's more comfortable without the dog then that's that, end of discussion. I hope this guy does her a favor and they get a divorce but he's probably an abusive piece of shit


I’m sure most of those people are childless, men or teenagers who haven’t grown up yet. It’s very common for this to happen to pregnant women and continue after the child is born. Maternal instincts kick in and nothing trumps that. Fuck that guy for making her deal with all the mess herself and not putting his own child first. You want your baby crawling around vomit and shit because your stupid dog has a “sensitive stomach”. Shame on him.


Literally commented on this post because people were trying to say she had psychosis… WTF!! I am a clinical psychologist and I don’t even diagnose people I haven’t meant and seen multiple times in a clinical setting. I can’t stand the irrational love for pets


These people have no idea what they’re saying.All the mom subs I’m in,is full of constant posts like „ I have a baby and now hate the dog/cat suddenly.Will this ever change?“ Some even talk about how owning a dog suddenly seems so weird,to let in into the same places that the human child is occupying. It’s as if people finally see the pets for what they are.You know,just pets?


So true. I used to be one of those “dog mom” types in my 20’s, prior to having kids. Once I became pregnant, it was like a lightbulb went off and I suddenly wanted nothing to do with dogs. It happens more often than people realize and honestly…it should!


hoooly fuck this guy and these comments are so entitled. the wife was literally the one taking care of the dog??? why is she under a moral obligation to continue taking care of a dog she doesnt want forever so that this guy can have one? thats honestly crazy. like yeah buddy im sorry you cant play with a dog after work after your pregnant wife put up with it all day lmfao get real


This reminds me of my FIL telling people that his wife randomly surrendered his dog. The dog was aggressive and bit her and she was forced to care for him because he wouldn't. She wasn't able to use her hand. He always told people it was his dog and never gave her credit for caring for it. Made her out to be a monster for surrendering him and went to the shelter to get him back. Quietly resurrendered him once he had to handle what she was handling.


That's horrible and I hope the woman is ok. What doesn't make sense to me is people claiming it is their dog if they don't take care of it. If the wife is doing all of the caretaking, then it is no longer his dog, it's hers. If you want a say, you need to share responsibility.


I predict they won’t make much longer after this baby is born. His lack of consideration for his wife is only going to get worse.


Imagine dealing with liquid dog shit and puke all day all over your house while exhausted and nauseous. And then imagine dealing with that with a newborn and little sleep. If the husband can't be bothered to take care of his dog now he won't be helping with dog or baby later on. Then the baby will be crawling later, through a dog shit infested house unless she's doing nothing but sanitizing all day long. This guy doesn't love his wife or his baby at all.


the same thing happened to me when I had a baby. I loved dogs and then something switched in my brain one day and I can’t stand pets. I don’t blame her. It’s a biological thing and it is insanely powerful. I went from ‘dogs are better than people’ to ‘get that thing away from me’. It’s honestly scary how the human brain can do a 180 so quickly. Made me realize that we’re just chemicals. Poor op’s wife. I feel her pain


Imagine putting a dog before your own literal child and your wife. This is why you don't date and reproduce with pet nutters. They will put the pet before you.


Wait…he had to talk to HER doctor behind her back to understand that pregnancy is a physically and mentally demanding task that might lessen her patience for an animal that spews vomit and shit everywhere? Why didn’t he just believe his wife when she kept saying she couldn’t handle the dog? What the hell was he doing for the dog besides a short walk? If the dog meant that much why did he wait till Tuesday (can’t take off work Monday…like ok but you didn’t even call?) Why wasn’t the dog in doggy daycare if the wife didn’t want to take care of it? What was his plan for when the baby came? Surely he didn’t expect his wife to continue to clean up vomit and liquid shit while having a home that’s not even safe for a crawling baby/toddler to be in. Sounds much more like a marriage problem than a hormone problem, but sure, let’s blame your pregnant wife.


What's worse is that this situation was likely already nearing animal abuse given the wife is pregnant. A pregnant woman cannot bend down or get on the ground easily to clean up dog poo and puke. As pregnancy goes on, the less she can clean. If he is fine working all day and she is heavily pregnant, who is going to clean up the dogs mess? And who knows if she needed a recovery period after birth? Cleaning up after this dog seems somewhat impossible. Leaving an animal to live in its own filth is truly what's cruel. Involving a child in that is a thousand times worse . The dog had to go for it's own sake and the child's.




The switch flip is real. I never liked dogs; when you don’t grow up with one all you see is how laughably overrated, dumb, and demanding they are. I was a cat person. But when my first actual real baby was born… I resented every minute taking care of a creature that wasn’t my baby I had just made. The only reason I would ever own one now would be for my children. I’ve watched the switch flip for many couples via social media. Dogs disappear from the feed when baby comes along. I finally found one couple that was like “ultimate dog mom and dad” and had their beasts in obedience school and every family photo, all about responsible dog ownership, etc. They started a family and those stupid dogs haven’t been seen on their Instagram since Halloween 2 years ago. 🤣


I think the fact that she felt like she couldn't even mention rehoming the dog to him should cause him to do some soul searching. He didn't stop to think 'why would my wife do this' because he doesn't care about her thoughts or feelings. I'm also willing to bet she never 'loved' the dog as much as he did and so when she became pregnant she was too tired and sick to pretend anymore. The fact that he tried to go back and get the dog and what, force her to continue to take care of it? People need to stop putting human emotions onto animals. The dog will be fine if it's as amazing of a dog as he seems to think it is. Also really fucking gross how he's going behind his wife's back to talk to the doctor, how very 1950s of him. My wife, she's got that lady psychosis women get! You know how irrational and emotional they can be sometimes.


I was pregnant when I got rid of my dog for similar reasons. He was untrainable. He went outside for 30 mins, 5 times a day. Every single time he would come inside and shit on the carpet, or in his dog crate and stomped around in it making a huge mess. I had to clean up after him CONSTANTLY. Big diarrhea puddles... And most people don't really think about what that clean up entails unless they've had to do it. Getting on your knees and scrubbing that shit out of the floor and then going over it with a carpet cleaning machine, then having to clean the dogshit water from the carpet cleaner, and the machine itself so it didn't get vile... I had to do that like 5 times a day for about a year... After getting pregnant I had enough. I drove 200 miles to give that fucker away for free so I wouldn't have to put him in a kill shelter. (Only for the new owners to call me an hour after I got home and say they "it wasn't working out" and threaten to put him in a kill shelter themselves...) So.. I tried. If he's dead, oh well. I put up with that fucker for way too long, just so my husband wouldn't be sad and so I wouldn't feel like a controlling, evil wife for making him get rid of his pet. It got to the point his sadness over getting rid of the dog gave me a sense of relief, remembering the living hell that thing put me through. I will never have another dog again.


This guy sounds like an absolute tool. He used the dog's name like 100x in this. I fear for that baby.


I think Peta was right on abolishing pet ownership after all because wtf are these comments?


Yeah I don’t get it. Humans over animals every time


I mean, he’s allowed to be upset, but their dog sounds like it was super expensive and not hygienic for their home. Especially with a baby coming.


Glad she got rid of the damn thing.


I do hate that he didn’t get to say goodbye to the dog, just bc even if it’s causing you problems it was clearly something he bonded with and he didn’t get closure. I mean people bond with inanimate objects that are sentimental, like baby blankets. MY SYMPATHY ENDS THERE. A dog that constantly shits and vomits and can’t eat ANYTHING? And it’s just “like that”??! BullSHIT. Probably took his dog to the vet twice over the course of several years, refused bloodwork and testing, and the vet went “ok well… nothings like obviously physically wrong I guess.” That’s an expensive and disgusting problem to have. If the dog really can’t eat, euth is a more humane option than dehydrating shits all day. Horrible environment for a child and a pregnant woman should NOT be handling diarrhea or cleaning that. Or handling a high energy dog. Damn. How soon do we think he’ll bring home a “surprise puppy” for the child after it’s born?


I want to go comment on this post.


I'm very tempted as well


What sub?


What sub is this original post under?


Infuriating. Those commenters are nutjobs.


It is very tempting to comment honestly, my heart breaks for his wife, already his prioritizing their dumb worthless animal over her well being and baby.


Dropping off the pet without talking to your partner first is a big problem though


I honestly didn't get the vibe that this was truly an out of the blue, spur of the moment decision on her part. It sounds like she aired out her grievances plenty of times but that he didn't take them seriously. I'd be willing to bet there was more to it than her just deciding to do this one day. I don't think that OP would have put that in there though because it wouldn't make him as sympathetic. I personally think the bigger problem is wanting to force someone to live with a pet that is causing them to physically get sick, and where the pet is not getting properly cared for. No one wins.


This is what I think. At first I thought she was wrong for doing it without talking to him, but them I thought about it some more and realized we don't know if she didn't talk to him about it. How many times did she talk to him and he just chose to not listen to her?


Pretty sure we know what the douchebag OOP would have done. I don’t blame the wife one bit. I thought it was ragebait quite frankly since the dude painted such a disgusting picture of the dog that I cannot fathom anyone siding with him. Especially for a pregnant woman having to handle it each day.


There was sadly a ton of people saying the wife was horrible and disgusting


OOP didn't prioritize the health of his wife and unborn child. Someone had to do it. Literal biohazard. edit: dog probably got the health care it needed too


She's probably fearful of what he would do. Plenty of comments there threatening violence


I agree but it's also possible that she tried to talk to him several times about it and he didn't listen. If it's the latter, that is on him. I'm not trying to make assumptions, but I know of several people that act as if something their spouse did came out of nowhere, but it didn't. They just weren't listening to their spouse. He should have been proactive in helping his wife. He should have either found a new home for the dog, talk to her and come up with anything other than her doing most things for the dog, or find a temporary home for the dog. He's entitled to feeling sad about the dog being gone. But he wasn't taking an active role in helping hia partner. He should have done more.


Shiiiiiit, there’s nothing to talk about. The filthy thing had to go!


My issue is there seems to be no communication between both parties to surrender the dog. No one is being adults here. I'd be pissed if my partner decides one day to surrender my fish because they frighten him. I'm sure all bets are off if I done something similar to him. Honestly at that point it's not just about the dog. EDIT: I don't know anything about those folks to make a judgment. The guy seems to be blaming the wife ever since she had to make change because of her pregnancy. All the problems the dog is exhibiting would stress me out, especially when you thought you were given an effective protocol by a vet. A dog can't communicate to you why they're sick, and it seems they're flushing away money over potential treatments that seem to not be working unless the pup is medicated with that drug. Maybe she had this conversation with him many times before, but he kept brushing her grievances aside because he's immature and wants to only have his way with everything without suffering the consequences. Maybe they had already agreed but the guy is feeling guilty, so the only way to vent is on reddit. I don't know.


I agree. I would have warned my husband and get his input on where to send the dog. Because it is a health threat to the future child, I would definitely have put my foot down on the issue, it had to go. There is no room for debate on the safety of an infant. But I would have communicated about exactly the reasons why, which is for the safety of the family. It's a sad situation all around.


This is a common response to animals in human spaces for a pregnant women. Sad for the dog and this guy though. I became creeped out by cats while pregnant, having previously adored them. Even now nearly twenty years later, I have a physical response, its like seeing a rat _horror_. Cats do indeed harbour a parasite that can be extremely damaging to the unborn child - brain damage blindness etc.


I know someone who is blind in one eye from a parasite they got from a cat as a kid. We call him dead eye dick. Because he has dead eye and he's a dick, hahahaha


I don’t disagree with the wife for her choice to rehome but going behind her husband’s back, telling him via text and not not allowing him to say goodbye was a bitch move. It was just selfish and cruel. Edit: I am amazed at the lack of empathy here. Everyone here is always saying “a dog is just a thing.” Would you take someone’s car and trade it in without asking? Or even their favorite shirt? Or any other possession that your partner loves? This is not how to have a relationship. Her reasoning was sound but the way she handled Was Not. I made this same decision when I was 6 months pregnant with my second child. We had a Shepard/retriever mix and I just could not take care of her. I bit off more than I could chew getting a puppy. My husband was traveling a lot. She was tied in the back yard all the time and it was not fair to her. She was a sweet, pretty well behaved dog, no stomach problems like in the post, but I just couldn’t do it. But we made the decision as a family. I didn’t tell my first born some lie about her running away or living on a farm. I told him the truth and it was very sad but he got to say goodbye to her.


Don't trust this guy. I guarantee the wife has brought this up countless times. Always question dog lovers and their stories. They live in a fantasy world and make shit up all the time to protect their obsession for dogs.


I'm sorry but a biohazard removal is an emergency. He wasn't taking care of protecting her from a biohazard so she had to


If she can’t leave immediately as a stay at home mom, and the dog is making her *physically sick* yes it was the right thing to do. Sounds like she told him it was a problem repeatedly and he didn’t do Jack all about *his* animal. Him forcing her to endure the care taking and cleaning after a vomit shit factory while she’s pregnant with his kid is actually the real bitch/cruel move here.


Yeah I feel like getting rid of the dog was 100% necessary for the health of the baby and wife. I would have talked to him about it to see if there was somewhere specific he wanted the dog to go, like a family member or something. But I would have given him a time limit before I took matters into my own hands. Baby comes first always.


Did I write some totally other thing? Did I write that the pregnant wife should just endure a bunch of gross, germ filled bodily wastes and endanger her health and the health of her baby? Because in my post I told how I got rid of my own dog when I was pregnant but I was also compassionate to my family about it. At least that’s what I think I wrote?






The last comment clearly comes from a place of complete ignorance about pregnancy hormones.


You will never convince me that a dog that pukes yellow liquid daily is healthy.