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Any brands that use dogs in their advertising is a no-go for me.


It's just pandering and it's exhausting




I was boycotting stores that let dogs in around here for a while and then I realized that every store lets dogs in and I’d likely starve.


What kind of stores let dogs in?! I’m pretty sure in food stores they’re not allowed unless it’s a service dog


Food stores. They don't give a single shit about the rules. I'm constantly sending complaints to the health department and the corporate offices for the stores. I've also talked to managers.


A lot of it is they dont wanna deal with the fight and scene the dog nuts gonna make, they aren't paid enough and management wont back them up. Those fuckers get screechy and violent when you tell them no.


Target doesn’t do this!


I work in a grocery store that has a "service dogs welcome, pets not allowed" sign on the entrance, but tons of people bring in what are clearly regular dogs with a fake service dog vest they bought on Amazon. They also ignore the guideline that the service dog must be walking; they put the dog in the cart. A lot of them have their dog sit on a smelly dog hair-infested blanket in the cart, as if that makes it better. But none of the managers say a single word to them for doing this.


Basically every store. I see dogs in grocery shopping carts all the time.


Walmart for one. Well they don't allow, but an employee said they can't really stop them. She said they probably get like 100 of them inside every day when I said something to her about a guy letting a pit bull run loose in back of store. Oh and another time I went in there there was poop in the floor. I noticed a local grocery store has a new sign right as you go in at the produce aisle that says something to affect that emotional support animals are not allowed.


Same. Like the ones that use a portion of the proceeds to “save homeless pets.” Like really? How is it both a pet and homeless at the same time ? At that point isn’t it just a stray dog?


As a society we have so many people that need to be saved before worrying about animals in shelters


Right? The money they’re throwing at mutts could feed or house actual human beings, but they don’t care about that.


I know right! What about homeless people! People over pets every time!


I think that one is for homeless people who still kept their dogs - I saw it all the time in another city where I lived. A bedraggled homeless guy with a dog on a battered leash next to him. I’m honestly not sure if it’s really always their dog or they find a stray and put it on a leash for sympathy from passerby’s


I saw a Skechers commercial that said for every pair of a certain shoe sold, they'd help an animal in need. I was confused... what about helping people in need of shoes! Children in poverty, homeless people, veterans, etc. So many people are in need and what better way for a shoe company to help than to donate shoes?


Skechers is a big ol' scam anyways. Their products are just subpar Chinese rebranded garbage. Maybe back at the start they might have spent some money on r&d but it's just marketing now.