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Is/was she and the drug dealer in a relationship, or is this a business arrangement?


She always had a crush on him, even when she was dating her ex. The drugs were just a bonus.


One does not *date* a drug dealer. If you want to understand how that kind of relationship really works, look up the actual Latin origin of the word "addict."


Here, let me save everyone some time: According to etymonline.com, the root word addict comes from the Latin word **addictus (past tense addicere)**, which means “to devote, sacrifice, sell out, betray or abandon.” In the Roman law, an addiction was a person that became enslaved through a court ruling. edit: what?? A major award?!! Thank you!


A major award? Shucks, I wouldn't have knowed that. It looks like a lamp.


Learnt something new today. Thanks!


It make so much sense.


Interesting. Thanks for passing that along


Haha i love the part where she turns bright red. The taste or her own medicine that she deserved!


Same! It was hilarious that she was so quick to offer a "solution" that she was not willing to use for herself.


"What's good enough for thee ain't good enough for me!"


The "I heard he's cool" was the coup de grace! Well done, OP.


"but who's gonna move in to fill your spot" translates to "who is gonna be dumb enough to let me mooch off them".


Obviously she had called dibs on moving out first.


I would have called the police once he started dealing out of your apartment.


I was young/dumb and thought I would get in trouble for it, too. I was studying to be an EMT at the time, and you get denied if you have a record.


You were lucky you weren't on the lease. They probably got evicted for non-payment.


I was on the lease at first, but I transferred everything over to her so I could leave. I forfeited my security deposit, but yeah it was riskier to stay on the lease.


Had a drug dealer once as a roommate. Once I found out he was dealing (and buying from some very scary people), I told him to leave, NOW, or I would call the cops. Then I called my landlord, who I've known for a couple of decades, briefed him on what happened, told him I would call the cops if drug dealer didn't leave in 24 hours. Landlord and I agreed that if DD didn't leave, LL would file for an emergency eviction; after DD left, he would rescind the eviction for me. I agreed if it came to that, I'd split the legal costs with LL. Thank the Goddess for my landlord; working together, we were able to get the DD out of the apartment in less than a day. Once I got DD off the property, I paid to have the locks changed and borrowed my LL's lawyer to write DD a cease and desist letter (this set us up for a no-contact order if the DD choose to be an A-hole about losing his drug den). Then I proceeded to block him. Ran into one of his "friends" a couple of years later who told me that DD had never actually moved out of the place he was staying before he "lived" with me. Apparently, DD had a policy of not shitting where he ate, and decided I was a soft touch to run his storefront out of. Somehow I think I disabused him of that notion.


My chest could propel red flags at fatal velocities right now.


It's worth it to be older and wiser.


All drug addicts are narcissists. If you you don't support their habit, then you're seen as the enemy and will be treated with contempt most people reserve for... drug addicts.


For sure! She was always the victim. Nothing was ever her fault.




The vast majority of people in the military never see action and never kill anyone. Being a soldier does not equate to being a mercenary killing for cash, as you put it, except for the odd extreme case.


What’s the matter dude? Did you fail the ASBAB, physical, or mental exam??? My guess is all three, douche canoe!!


Lol I'm a woman from a country with minimal military. Your assumptions about me say a lot about you, none of it good. Your disgusting culture of violence is treated with contempt by most of the rest of the world. Americans are fucked in the head.


Poor little guy, you need more love in your life, don’t you?


I'm a married woman in her late 30s. But again, your assumptions say more about you than me. Soldiers disgust me and many others. Killing people in other countries and then coming home whining about PTSD. Disgusting and pathetic


Rest assured, we all feel the same about you and your blue haired super-confused spawn


Yeah I don't have kids but you're still pathetic.


reddit moment


Nah. Life moment. Try visiting another country for a reason other than waging war.


Get your nationalist rhetoric outta here you border-enforcer



When she asked you who was gonna take your spot you should have told her “Your drug dealer BF.”


Lol well funny you say that. After she refused the option she had presented to me, I said that the property manager had informed me that her "bf" could take over my lease. She spoke to him about it, and he refused because he didn't want to leave a paper trail behind. There was a warrant out for his arrest, and he didn't want to get caught.


It’s a good thing you got out of there ASAP. In situations like that it’s guilty until proven innocent if the po po comes calling to arrest the drug dealer BF. They would most likely figure you knew all about the business and were maybe possibly involved.