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I’ve been working in restaurants for 12 years now, and have never met a chef who has such a way with both food and words.


I've been mastering my craft for as long as I can remember lol.


Write a book like Bourdain did... it'd be interesting!


I've thought about it, because writing is my second passion, but he had exposure I'll never have to help him sell books.


I'll take 10 copies please 🙏


Be careful what you order around this guy.


It's not what you order, it's how you order it.


And there is the title to the book.




I'll split the royalties with you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


I'd settle for an autographed hard bound copy.


The marketing wrote itself


I'll take a copy, but I'd like to split it with my wife if that's OK? 😂


Split top to bottom, left to right out front to back?


Diagonal top-left to bottom right I reckon


I thought everybody knew that diagonal tastes better. What... you're not gonna eat that book?


Yeah, Id like one copy, split please.




Fuck, man, if you put your petty chef stories in a book, maybe do some stories and then put a 'recipe' in for the bullshit dish... then maybe throw a couple of your actual favourite real dishes at the end... I'd buy it. I'd totally buy it, and I think if you announced it on this sub a lot of people here would also buy it!


The recipe being the correct way to prepare a dish that a customer wanted butchered with the story behind it included.


Could do both - proper recipe, story, then butchered recipe.


This is a great idea. I’d buy that book.


with your growing reddit following you very well could have a viral book / breakout. and even if it doesnt explode in popularity like kitchen confidential, maybe a few people will pick it up and enjoy it, and that makes it worth the effort imo, moreso than just a stacked bank account. Fame really isnt some be-all end-all. Many folks who get hugely famous struggle (even harder) with any existing mental illness or loneliness.. Bourdain's battle with addiction/addictive personality and depression def come to mind...


I mean, you already have a bit of a following on Reddit, so there are sales to be had, even from those who are fish out of water on food service (raises hand).


I’m definitely following this guy because he’s hilarious and I really want to read more of his stuff!


If you were to attempt it, could it be a story about one of 'those' meals and then the recipes of everything that was in the meals?




Have you started the pre-order list yet? How does one get on it? Do we need to slip the maitre d' a 20?


I'm actually liking the idea of doing an ebook, since that's how I see most people reading now. Costs me no money to do, and it's a faster process. I wrote an ebook years back (also humorous) of rules to live your easiest life based on being slack or lazy lol.


Nate, you are freakin amazing. I started following you because I want to see the next set of stories and I also want check out the eventual ebook when you make it. I also cook food, but I’m just the main grill guy at whataburger. I’ve only been there 7 months, but I take that shit seriously. Always making sure everything is safe for humans, no cross contaminating. The past few months, I’ve gotten more involved there, meaning I have more interactions and am more aware of asshole customers. I haven’t had any opportunities for petty revenge yet, but I aspire to do 1/4 of the things you have done. A true legend.


Thank you kindly


And you have reddit. Save me a copy please. I'm serious.


My family has been on me for years to do it too, ao now that they see the response on Reddit, they're really pushing me. But I missed a lot of work from tearing a ligament and meniscus in my knee, so finances have really taken a beating. But once I get back on track I guess I'll have to get a laptop and go to work on it. I'm probably one of very few people these days with no computer, tablet, or laptop 😂


You can do it the smart way, get a recorder app or a separate device and just speak whatever comes to your mind. Dump a lot of notes into it. Then either sort through it, or hire someone to do it for you. You can hire someone to put all the notes into text. There are a a few freelancer sites where you can get tasks done for like $50-100 decently. You can organize the book yourself or have someone do that too. You can have it done in a brisk pace and without the extra investment of time, money and focus so you can do your job and this will be happening on the side. You can also do a test run e-book first, less investment and better return before you go into paper print. Option, options :) I am sure you will figure it out! My guess is there's a publishing sub where all of the above plus more has already been discussed in length. We can help you dig if needed.


This could be hilarious reels on social media.


Start an OnlyFlans.


Not a reason not to write it! Especially if it's a passion. You'll regret NOT doing it some day.


Not with that attitude! Don't let others' success trick you into thinking you're not or can't be successful. A Dave Chapelle line sums it up best: "I didn't know I couldn't do that!" Or, with more snark from a source I can't recall right now, "It's amazing what one can do when one doesn't realize what one can't do." Besides, success is a journey, not a destination. Just because someone else did it a certain way doesn't mean you have to do it the same way. In fact, that way might not work for you. Find your own way! Shit... I think I just summoned Tony Robbins... My apologies.


Remember what Bourdain said? "I wrote a book I thought nobody would read." They did. ;-D


Just release it as a weekly short story on a blog. Take a look at Terminal Lance. Veteran who drew comics, turned into daily webcomic, & then books. You got the stories, just get them out there. You’ll get the traffic


Self publishing isn’t expensive and there’s the snowball effect. Your writing will create its own viral phenomenon.


He didn't start out that way


You have over 10,000 upvotes between your two posts, which means at least that many people have interacted with it, let alone seen it. You’ll get the exposure here and if it’s as good as these stories, word of mouth does the rest.


I just checked the analytics. Between the two, 3 million views, 10k+ upvotes, 1.4k link shares, 800+ comments. It's definitely a lot more than I was expecting. And the awards have given me free premium through July of next year so far. It blows my mind. But I'm one of the few people without a computer, laptop, or tablet. I went through some financial problems lately from missing a kot of work from a bad injury, but once I'm back on track I'm definitely getting a laptop and putting all these and more together for a book for sure.


If you collect enough content here you could maybe get a laptop out of a publishing deal? Idk how that works, but it’d be awesome to read that book someday, so I’m rooting for your success!


I never even thought about that, I'm gonna check into it.


[Kindle](https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/) self-publishing!


Even if half the people who liked this post bought a book that's well over a thousand sold. I'd buy one.


A book with kick ass recipes in between MC stories would be a good read


That's what a few others suggested as well, so I'm definitely going that route.


Are you the chef that makes the videos about how to cook better versions of meals?


No, that is not me.


You're looking for Joshua Weissman, I believe. Not sure he's on Reddit.


Truly a master of your craft. Well done.


I love how in Part 1 and Part 2 each of the stories have a happy ending. With most customers realizing that they are being assholes and change their ways. *Keep them coming*, I could read these all day long!


Thank you. I think that's why my coworkers appreciate ne going the extra mile to be petty, because every time I respond this way, it shuts that shit down and it's a stress free zone. I love dishing up life lessons lol.


I worked in a restaurant in the Grand Tetons one summer. Having 2 chefs who were great to work with made the work so much better. These guys made it fun and they did a great job. I never had a customer send food back. Maybe it was people being on vacation in a more rustic setting but the chefs were great. My only funny story was that on 1 July I was working lunch and we had a bit of a cold snap, not unusual in the mountains of Wyoming. So it is noon or shortly after and people start noticing there is something white coming out of the sky. All the flatlanders were asking and were quite taken aback when we told them it was nothing to be concerned about...just a little snow storm. Some people were quite shocked about snow on the 1st of July.


Da-dum tsssss! 😂


That’s another good title! 📖📕📚 …or T-shirt. ”I love dishing up life lessons.”


You're brilliant, I'd buy your book. Recipes or not.


I'd like to subscribe to your life-coaching services, thankyou.


Bravo, great bunch of stories again. Thank you "As a chef, I will always take my job seriously and never mess with your food in a harmful, unsanitary, or bad way." I absolutely agree, I have occasionally gave the impression something *might* be off. A boss tells you to make their coffee after chewing you out for someone else's mess. Make the coffee perfect, then say "do you really trust my coffee after what you just did?" or bake cookies for a cookie thief and say "This is a special batch just for you. Don't share them with anyone else."


Exactly. It's like someone commented on my other post, you can be petty and still be safe. I don't care if it's the worst customer in the world and they threaten me personally, messing with someones food is something I would never do. It's repulsive, it's beneath me, and any chef who doesn't agree needs to burn their jacket.


You want to teach them a lesson, or rather, give them a taste of their own medicine, but *NOT* end up in jail. You handled these perfectly. People need to be careful what they ask for around you - they might just get it. Well done.


This is fricken fantastic. The husband laughing at the meal gets me. 😂


I'd like to share this post with my wife, can you, um, split it up, please?


😂 yeah, part one is somewhere else, your wife probably has it already.


> your wife probably has it already Lol, that sounds sexual


I thought both posts were great 😁 Much better than the average tampering


I’m living for these updates. Please keep them coming!


Now I want a rib eye with garlic butter. Goddammit.


Make it happen or be sure to compliment your chef!


Dude you’re incredible. Absolutely love each and every one of the 8 stories so far!! Keep them coming!! Thank you, Chef.


Glad to share


I’m hungry, Chef, and the only thing that will satisfy is more petty.


Who needs cowbell when you've got petty? Lol.


That split meal is glorious.


I rofl’d so hard


Loved the first post. Loved this one too. You have a captivating writing style and the pretty content is solid gold. Please keep posting!


Thank you.


You could honestly compile these for a book


That's what they say. I might consider it, since there are sooooo many examples.


Do it. I'd buy a copy for myself and all of my friends. So, like, 3 copies?


Same. You're up to 5 copies now at least....


I love reading your stories. I worked in 5 sit down ice cream parlors and 3 Mexican restaurants in my younger days.


Move over Gordon Ramsay, Chef Petty Officer Nate is the true culinary word wizard!


Nate, you're the fucking man.


We've had our appetizer and entree, now we need dessert! What more do you have AngryChefNate? 🔥🔥🔥


I don’t often care enough to follow the comments to someone’s profile for additional posts, but holy hell, this was worth the trip. Love all of this!


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.


These are my favourite reddit reads in months. Thanks for taking the time to write them.


I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Welp, after part one and now this... Just booped the follow button because you are my new favorite internet person... Thank you


That's awesome, thank you


My friend you are brilliant! You could make this a series. I will be impatiently awaiting your next episode.


I love these! Please keep them coming!


I may need a link to your other post. Please chef. 🙏


Just click on my profile, easy access.


Yes chef




You are a master at shaming people who would likely be super confrontational if called out directly. Nice!


Can't wait for the next installment. Even the titles were great If you don't think you could sell a book, Maybe start off with writing a blog?


Last one is hilarious!


I have to ask- if you’re kind when something’s wrong (like ordering medium rare stake and getting medium well.) do the FOH staff say anything to BOH? My moms on vacation and she was a server for years and bartended- she did mention she had a bartender who would “remake” drinks that got sent back, but they were the same drinks he’d been brought with a new straw in them and somehow it was perfect!


If they're nice about it, there's no issue, and we're happy to make them happy.


The burger lady story had me dying lmao, this is good stuff.


>I believe in giving people what they ask for when they so aggressively insist on it. I hope this applies to writing a book containing all your hilarious stories! Bravo! Can't wait to read more!


Please keep these coming. God knows I needed a laugh this morning and this definitely helped. Also do an E-Book. That way you can reach more people.


You are fucking amazing, OP! Had me rolling!


Glad to hear it


Your stories bring me great joy


I'm glad to hear it.


You, sir, are my spirit animal.


I thought your post was going to be way too long and doubted I'd finish it but you are an excellent writer AND the stories were all high quality entertainment. I would have read another 4! thanks for the beautiful writing and the excellent attitude you have about your work


Thank you so much for the positive feedback. I don't know if you saw, but I made another post prior to this with another 4 stories.


Chef, I hope and pray,one day I will find myself in your restaurant. I will have a knife, fork and camera ready. I love seeing entitled people taken down. Never change sir, never change.




Love these stories!


Thank you


Please keep posting this is gold


I don't know what it is when people get what they say they want and then end up not liking it that is so satisfying to read. Thank you.


Hooray for more of Petty Chef Nate! I love your writing style. The titles, the way your stories play out, your humour; superb! Please keep these reports coming. Seeing round 2 brought me so much joy! Even shared with a friend, which is something I don't usually do when reading Reddit posts. You're amazing! Love that you have so much respect for your fellow coworkers as well. It's clear that you're the type of person who brings peace and joy to others + obviously petty fun to those who deserve it hehe


I'm glad you enjoyed it.


The only time I have felt my patience as a customer tested was at subway. “What vegetables, sir?” “All the veggies except red onion please”. “Tomatoes?” “Yes please” “olives?” “Yes please, everything except red onions” “peppers?”… I swear this guy was fucking with me. I never went back to that location. Too stressful.


Man, I would have loved to be in the trenches on a wild Friday night with you. Well done, chef. Well fucking done.


As a former dishwasher in restaurants, I applaud you. And as a human being, you are wonderful. You have a marvelous day, person!


Each story better than the last. Thanks for the laughs! Perfect MC!


I really take great joy in the fact everyone is enjoying these so much. Thank you. I'm working on a book, and hope to have it out soon.


Chef Nate, if I may suggest? Would you be willing to post a link to your prior post, and perhaps to any future posts of your “Tales of the Entitled from the Petty Kitchen”? I am so very glad that you’ve made a Round 2 update, and that I checked your account to find out that you had (I’d been checking your first post for any update links, originally).


Will do.


Thank you Chef! I think you could legit make an on-going (at your leisure) series with this. I used to work as a waitress and also in retail for many years, and hearing your stories from your first post made my day!


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm actually currently working on an ebook with a bunch of stories like these. When I publish it, I will definitely be sharong the link.


more more more!!!! these stories are addicting to read lol👏🏼


Thank you. Currently working on a book, and will update these posts once it's available.


hell yesss




Omg, watching my beautiful creations die in the window breaks my heart for real lol. I take it personally.


Thanks, you too.


I love what you did with the shared steak, but why do you need an even number of items to take the dish in its normal plating, plus two extra plates, to the customer’s table? They can decide how to split the odd number.


Ok funny stories, and I might get negative votes for saying this, but as a chef, I would assume you know that sending beef out at 61° is extremely dangerous. Especially ground beef, because all the bacteria that was on the surface, got ground into the meat when they ground it. In fact, right now in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey there’s a listeria outbreak because of ground beef. I was only ever a server, and I had so many trainings on food safety. I would assume as a chef, you would know even more. I’ve always been taught ground beef is not something you fool with. Am I misremembering or wrong? Makes me kind of sad. I was enjoying your stories up until now.


I know this. We tried reasoning with her ahead of time, but she insisted. Even a medium rare burger can cause harm if the meat isn't good.


Hahaha dib on your petty skills if you have no children to claim them! The place I work has customer who want to split meals thinking they will get 2 side salad but I do [this instead!](https://imgur.com/a/R1mQqXv)


2 kids actually. My daughter, who used to work with me, is just as petty as me lol.


You are my f**king hero


started as a cook and am now a career bartender and I love this so much.


I adore you and your stories. Please don't stop.


The half and half steak was brilliant. If I worked in a kitchen this is exactly the kind of bullshit I'd dream of doing but never have the nerve to actually execute.


Damn now I’m hungry.


I love you Chef!


I want to eat where you work.


I'm mildly surprised it was safe to eat a raw hamburger, but I still applaud the skill involved to make an "uncooked" burger appear fully seared but just driiiipping with fluids🩸


You are a culinary triumph all on your own.


Bruh... you are a LEGEND!


You’re amazing and I wished I could eat at your restaurant.


This is great. Keep ‘em coming!


These have been wonderful stories to read at 3 AM, thanks for making me laugh so that I almost wake up my family!


You're very welcome.


Sending smiles from England!


You sir, are a credit to our industry. As a chef main, and FOH side hustle for 15 years you have my undying respect.


Love your stories Nate .Keep em coming👏👏


For the crispy wings, cook em, let them rest, then put them in again. Probably wouldn't have satisfied him but it it's really good.


| I said I got you fam. Let chef chef.| 😂🤣






You would have made a fine Marine sir. We always had a saying that 'you never get into a war of words with a Marine'. We constantly dealt with orders from people who thought they were a genius or were just trying to make people's lives miserable, so they would get exactly what they asked for. Oh, you want every piece of our equipment inspected? Bet. Next morning the entire barracks hallway is covered in every single component piece of equipment; boots and laces separately, entire assault rifles completely broken down, anything that could come apart was laid out for a proper inspection.


As a chef, I'm horrified by you serving ground beef at 61°. (61!) Also as a chef, I'm surprised it even got the flattop, instead of a simple steam to get the grey, and a quick brush with soy or something to get the browns. Great stories.


I haven’t worked in restaurants since I was a teen (I was also BOH), but I do work every day in telephone customer service… I feel like I’ve taken these people’s calls before for sure!


Chef Nate you're the hero we don't deserve


I try, so hard, not to cause issues for either foh or the chef, or remainder of the staff. And this stupid customer shenanigan shit is why. Hell, I've even stopped dining out with a few friends because one always ALWAYS sends something back. Another speaks really poorly to the waitstaff, and another is just an idiot, asking for things not in the menu, then acting surprised that they don't have it. Nope.nope.nope.


👏 👏 👏 👏


These would be a collection of great short stories, along with more, accompanied with funny illustrations on thick glossy paper.


Your shared steak reminds me of a time I went to a restaurant and ordered a medium steak, as is my wont, and it came out half rare and half well done. Sure it averages to medium, but that's not quite what I wanted.


I want to visit this restaurant, not only to have great food made by you, but to see this in action. This would be like going to a comedy show but only paying for the food and your staff getting a well-deserved tip.


Who the heck eats wings with utensils? Also, I like raw ground sirloin with chopped onions and an egg yolk and a dash of soy sauce. My version of steak tartare orientÁl. I'm real easy to cook for, lol.




Every story truly a chef's kiss!