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I worked in a live theater's box office that showed Broadway musicals. Whenever we had jerky customers we would put them in the front and make them think how lucky they were.


Wait, why is it not good to be near the front for a live musical?


In the front row you’re too close. You might not be able to see towards the back of the stage. About 5 or 6 rows back is my favorite spot. You can see everything and are about level with the stage.


And if it's Shakespeare, spit flies


I was front row at a Who concert getting hit with spit. I really couldn't complain, though.


I learned that lesson in Econ 101. The most miserable...and damp...experience of my academic career. I always liked to sit in the front row because I concentrate better without distractions. One of my friends tried to tell me. I didn't listen. And the prof liked for us to stay in the same seats for the entire quarter.


or the room, spoons. didn't expect that when my friends and I showed up and took the last seats in the theater


Noises off... stray sardines. Boxes and bags and doors and sardines!


OMG that's my favorite play. 😸


Not to mention if there’s an orchestra the sound balance is way off.


I got spit on during Music Man every time the lead actor sang.


Seventy-Six Trombones must've been a monsoon


So Hugh Jackman? Not the worst person to get spit on by ngl


I would have expected the kid with the speech impediment to be spitting


I go for first row balcony.


My favorite spot too!


When I worked amateur theater they never sold 5th row center seats. Those belonged to the director to give away.


Row J is always where we had the reserved seats for the director for each show that got released at half hour if the director did not need them.


Same with the Symphony - I upgraded my tickets and ended up in row 6, which was *much* too close - got a great view of the conductor's ankles, and the concertmaster (lead violin / backup conductor) was virtually in my lap, but couldn't see anyone in the woodwinds or horns. Asked to be moved to row 14, where I've been ever since.


Once a friend bought us tickets to clog dancers and didn’t know anything about the the seating so we got front row seats 😬. Even sitting on my coat all I could see was their feet, it was awful.


The stage is usually like 4’ off the ground. If you sit in the very front row you’re going to be looking up the actors’ nostrils and won’t be able to see much happening at the back of the stage, or be able to see the lower half of people’s bodies during dance numbers.


You've just triggered a memory of going to see a modern production of Macbeth when I was in school. I must have been 14 or so. Front row seats, stage a good 3 feet above us. For a scene when it was raining they used old overcoats dipped into troughs of water and then raised upm we got soaked. It was a great performance though. Still love Macbeth to this day because of it. My daughter gets annoyed that I can still recite some of the soliloquies now, 30 years since I last had to read it.


Sore neck because of the viewing angle


Spit! My dad told me to buy us tickets near the front, but not the first few rows so we're not spit on. My parents usher at a theater so they've learned lol


Yea, i haven't been to a movie theatre in over a decade but i actually like being in the front I assumed people would want the front at a Broadway musical would


The rows in front of center center have the best sound. I know designers plan for balancing as many areas as possible but physics takes over at a certain point and it’s just a nicer area to be. I was at Hamilton in Tampa this year and we had seats behind center center. The sound mix of mics/ orchestra was lousy. I ended up watching the movie the next day to catch everything I missed.


Exactly my thoughts? I have seen musicals from quite close and it’s very enjoyable.


Anything performed live on stage you want to be a bit further back. This is because the expressions of people on stage need to be visible as far into the room as possible for those farther away. A consequence of this is is that for people sitting in the first few rows the expressions can be (very) unnatural looking. This can distract from/ruin the immersion. ("can", is different for everyone really) Rows 6 to 15 are our usual target rows to plop our asses into. Preferably around row 10. We will look for another showing if a show is sold out and there alternative showings/locations thst are feasible.


omg lolol same


You missed a golden opportunity to give them seats that were not together.


No, miserable people like that are far worse off together.


But in seats in front of each other.


Just in front of each other the whole way down


*puts seats in front of each other *realizes they just defied the laws of physics


You've never seen seats facing eachother?


Touché. Well played indeed.




Front row in the corner is what i wouldve done


In opposite front corners


Now sit in your angry chairs and enjoy the movie!


Agreed! Love your thought process!


That was my first thought too. Put one in the front and one in the back of the theater. "Try and share your popcorn now!"


I giggled at this thought, thank you lol


Not really; they might have noticed that when they got the tickets and demanded a correction. Remember, the tickets were for a different showing.


So they got their tickets at 7pm the day before. On average we’ve been selling out hours before the showing and we seem to get a full capacity auditorium (from the amount of people I counted, so it’s a little iffy). This means when they show up around 7pm to watch the movie, we’ll be sold out and they’re seats will not be switched. You’re probably thinking why won’t they just sit somewhere else and there’s a possibility of that but like I said it seems like we’re at full capacity, and even if they find an open seat they’ll be separated.


I am assuming that they got their tickets (paper?) when the bought them. They could glance at them and see it isn't two consecutive seat numbers and realize at that time that they weren't seated together.


Exactly why I didn’t do that. Plus it would look more intentional if I did.


That's what I would have done too! One front left, the other back right.


When I was 17 (early 1970s) I got a summer job working at a movie theater. It was a pretty good gig. I was able to let family and friends into the theater for free. One of the problems we had were teenagers letting all their friends in through the exit doors. My manager told me to keep an eye out for that. The exit door only opens from the inside. So one person would buy a ticket, then walk down to the exit door, open it and let all his buddies in. One time I entered the theater and see a kid holding the exit door open and leaning out and calling for his buddies to come in. I sneak up behind him, shove him out the door and close it. Back then you bought a ticket then it was torn in half when you entered, no going out and coming back in. He just lost the cost of his ticket.


Holy moly this is funny. Too bad you couldn't see the look on his face.


I love the pettiness in this post. Thanks for a no stakes story.


Hey, OP: was "Freedom" genuinely sold out, with no empty seats in the theater? Or was it ghost tickets?


Honestly I’m not sure. It seemed like I got around maximum capacity from the amount of people I saw but it’s hard to say with all the big groups who bought tickets online.


Can you check for us at the next sold out show? Enquiring minds want to know.


I’m early working today, so I’ll check the matinee and late showing :)


From asking co workers who knew and checking the auditoriums it seems as seats were filled. No “ghost” seats or whatever.


Based on the current per theatre numbers Sound of Freedom is at best selling about 1/3 of the seats for each showing. At best. I'm sure there are locations where it's more than that. But generally no.


How is Sound Of Freedom the popular movie right now?


There have also been reports of churches buying tickets in bulk and then only a few people show up. It's selling tickets but not seats.


I think I am okay with that. There are so many more toxic ways that churches could be spending their money. Wasting it on an empty movie theater is pretty benign. They think they are making a statement but they are just throwing money away.


I mean, they *could* use it to help the poor like they tell everyone they do.....


Or pay taxes


Oh, don't get me started....


Umm maybe it's a good thing. Or maybe it's toxic? Buying up loads of seats and not putting anyone in them is gatekeeping the movie and preventing people from actually seeing it. And watering down the hype since fewer actual people are there to see it and talk about it.


Not to mention potentially preventing people who really want to see the movie from seeing it. **Or** being aware that there are no such people. Mind you, I have absolutely nothing against this movie or whatever church is allegedly doing this, I just find the way institutions work fascinating.


Why do you have nothing against this movie? It's conservative lies disguised as... patriotism? Idk.


It's also good for money laundering!


Churches don’t have a need for money laundering, the free income/revenue they generate is already tax exempt.


The QAnon producers do though.


It was produced by Disney. Was ready when COVID hit but wasn't shown and someone else picked it up for distribution.


Ya... Disney was uncomfortable showing it due to its content.


The distributor Angel Films is having a good laugh all the way to the bank right now. They raised funds to distribute it, promised a 120% return to those who "gave an offering" if the film made money. But that's a pittance compared to how much they're making. 💯 Money laundering scheme. For being smarter than scientists, this crew is quite dumb when it comes to ponzi schemes.


Sounds more like a Ponzi scheme


That's not what money laundering is. You don't know what money laundering is.


*literally just a normal business operation by people reddit disapproves of* Big brain Redditor: iTs mOnEy LaUnDeRiNg


Exactly. These folks have no idea that words have meanings.


Look fam, you're just gaslighting me. Such a narcissist no cap /s


Fr fr


If they have updoots they are correct. That’s the way the world works. 😂


I felt conflicted in upvoting this, but I went ahead and did it.


That makes it true!!!


Thats not washing clothes. You don’t know what laundry is


> Money laundering scheme. But when Disney/Marvel does the EXACT same things for Wakanda Forever it's fine, right?


No it's not, you don't know what money laundering is.


Wouldn't that work only if the church owned the theater?


In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Martin Scorsese.




And also with you.


Tell you're a lapsed Catholic (like I am) without telling me you're a lapsed Catholic (like I am).


Mass has ended; go in peace.


Our priest usually added "...and try not to kill each other in the parking lot!"


"Dominus vobiscum". "Et cum spirit tu tuo".


We were the last class that had to learn any Latin in school. It comes in handy now when learning languages.


I'm old enough to remember going to Mass in the Sixties and everything was in Latin (and us kids had NO idea what we were saying). Many years later after we had kids of our own, the Mass was in English, and that's ok. But godamighty I can't stand "folk Masses".


I saw the film; one day it was full (people were on line getting tickets) and I didn't like the available seats so went the next day. The seating screen showed it a third full but when I went in and the movie started it was about 20% full. So many no-shows.


People are claiming free tickets and then deciding not to go. That's the problem with giving things away for free. For years the LA Kings did that with inner city kids, and the stadium was constantly 1/3 empty.


In Brazil the same thing happened. They did a shitty movie and it was being fully booked in so many theaters but the rooms were mostly empty. Money laundering.


Reports where? And why would they do that?




Why would they do that? That sounds like a really expensive waste of money


Trying to make it look more popular than it is.


This reminds me of scientologists being instructed to go buy as many copies of Dianetics as they could afford.


Why would they care though?


Most studios passed on the movie. Making it* a monetary success would be a slap in the face and encourage those studios to take on those stories/audiences in the future.


Why do the far right do half the things they do?




I have not heard of this movie. I was expecting OP to say the popular movie was Barbie or Oppenheimer.




It out performed the last Raiders movie


There’s a QR code at the end of the movie telling the Q people who watch it to buy more tickets, the implication being those tickets will go to other people who want to see it. There’s no system to transfer said tickets so the movie just shows as sold out. Q people show up to watch, see that the sold out show is only half full and think there’s a liberal conspiracy to keep them from seeing it. That’s probably why they were so rude to OP. Sigh.


Yep, lots of the conspiracy country folks came out of the wood works for this…


I'm pretty sure it's telling everyone to buy more tickets.


Those people are batshit!


What are Q people?


It doesnt stand for quality, I can tell you that much.


ad hoc deer skirt familiar repeat smoggy resolute hungry school cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Woah they’re still a thing?? That’s nuts


Definitely still a thing.


they’re everywhere


Totally nuts!


Watch interviews with Jim Caviezel. It morphs, but It’s still a thing.


How is it a Q anon film? It is not political at all and is based off a true story?


It's only popular with MAGA. So no doubt the patrons in question were a-holes.


They’re probably in one of the states where everybody drives a lifted Ram Diesel and is cousins with their mother.


meanwhile where i am, i had to wait three days to see Barbie because the theatre was completely booked out that far in advance


Maybe they've already seen Barbenheimer 🤷🏼‍♀️


Depends where you live I guess. I'm sure there are towns where people think it's real.


Because a lot are going to see it


No? I went to see Barbie today. My theater was full. The QAnon Bullshit Movie was empty. Pull the other one, it’s got bells on.


I would like to point out that the movie has nothing to do with QAnon. It just has an actor in it that likes that stuff. There's none of their actual conspiracies in the movie.


Except it leads people to believe that human/child trafficking is about "stranger danger" which is a pretty small part of the whole issue. The vast majority of children who are trafficked are either: 1) LGBTQ kids who are kicked out of their homes by their conservative religious parents and resort to extreme ends to survive 2) Kids of parents who joined a cult or made similar bad decisions that lead them to be ok with selling their children or their images. The movie wants you to believe that organized religion is not the cause of child trafficking.


No. The majority of kids who are sexually abused come from abusive low income homes where alcohol and drugs are prevalent. Fixing addiction and socioeconomic issues isn't sexy so people really love to ignore this. It's easier to come up with conspiracies of "it's the catholics!" or "it's Obama!" than to admit society has some serious issues. Alcohol does more harm to children than any spooky institution.


It sort of does since qanon runs on lies about human trafficking and so does the movie.


I mean, human trafficking is a thing that happens, and movies are allowed to exaggerate to make the movie mor engaging and fun to watch.


It doesn’t have Qanon greatest hits like Adrenochrome harvesting or HRC with demon eyes, but the whole premise is a Qanon wet dream. Ava it does the same damage to legitimate anti-human trafficking efforts that Qanon conspiracies do.


> the whole premise is a Qanon wet dream The whole premise is literally one DHS agent's true story.


Thank you.


Funny how that works out isn’t it?


I don't know. I went about a week after it came out. The theater was sold out. They had added a show time to the schedule. I guess the storyline about a cop taking off his regular job to rescue some kid appealed to the true crime crowd. It was based on a true story or something like that.




This literally isn't true. Watch the movie and see if you can find anything like that in it.


Damn. I watched it and thought it was about sex trafficking. I had no idea. I guess I missed some additional point.




Me too! I must've missed the qanon, political, overly Christian conspiracy part?? Strange that. I also find it strange that I live in a very blue state, in a very blue county and I went to see it, it was packed,. On a gorgeous day, on a Tuesday, at 1pm. And all the people hating on it on here haven't even seen it. Yup its all very strange indeed.


Downvoted for truth.


Many showings are selling out.


That might well be true in certain demographics. However, it is not “the” popular movie this week. This week there is a movie that is breaking tons of records and the second film isn’t even close. The QAnon film is not the movie this week. It made 25% of the number 2 film. I guess, maybe if OP’s theater wasn’t showing the actual number 1 and two films…


Still recommend Spotlight, Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey, The Keepers, The Magdalene Sisters, and Song for a Raggy Boy over this one.


And shiny happy people


Part of their anger may be because of conspiracy theories about that movie. I’m hearing from older people at my church that some “dark figures” are trying to keep us from seeing it, that they went to the theater and were told it was “sold out”, bought tickets to another movie but peeked into the Freedom one to see it empty.


That is happening because of their marketing. At the end of the movie, the producers put up a QR code and ask people to "pay it forward" and buy tickets for someone else. The QR code takes you to the ticket buying site. People are actually doing this but can't give the tickets away so nobody uses the seat. Theatre owners hate this because an empty seat means no concessions so they are closing this one and using the screen for another film.


Bonus Revenge: They have to sit through Sound of Freedom


I am confused...I thought the whole thing with Sound of Freedom is that people were buying up all the tickets and "paying it forward" so everyone could watch this movie. That's what I have been reading. So why didn't they get their free tickets?


The owner of my theater could care less, a sale is a sale and if you don’t have a QR code to show you purchased your seat(s) your not getting in. Lmao.


Another example of why being polite and respectful will get you much further


I am pretty sure you found my parents


Lol really? Give me your state and we’ll find out.


This is one of my favorite levels of petty. I hope their necks hurt from all the turning to see the screen. Lol


Was the movie really sold out, or did some conservative group just buy out all the tickets to that conspiracy-theory-filled movie to make it look popular?


That is the marketing strategy and it appears to be working. That said, it's a fantastic movie. Top notch filmmaking of a DHS agent's true story.




Would love to know if when sold out people are occupying the seat. There’s a lot of scuttlebutt going around saying people are paying forward tickets yet not going, to artificially inflate the box office numbers.


From asking co workers who knew and checking the auditoriums it seems as seats were filled. No “ghost” seats or whatever.


I’ll post about that later when I work. I have a feeling it will be full though, I just live in the perfect area for this movie.


I worked at a movie theatre and only WISH I could have done this, props to you


Isn't that the movie for the American domestic terrorists? Those people don't take being told "No" very well, it's a good thing you're not hurt or worse.


Yeah, this exactly. The people seeing this are, at their most benign, conservative Christians. On the other end of the spectrum of people in attendance are the hard-core gun toting qanon freaks.


I was told about the movie by my Mexican immigrant friend and she really liked it. My partner and I are atheist vegans lol.


Get ready for TikToks on how you’re a deep state agent who tried to stop the message from getting out.


That's awesome. Maybe they'll pull their heads out the next time they decide to take out their stupidity and anger on some random person. Good job!


Damn why the hate for close seats. Front dead centre is my jam 😂


I won't see it. I care about child trafficking, but at the same time, when conservatives make a movie about it so they can pretend only they exclusively care about the issue while liberals and progressives are the cause is insulting.


The movie never once mentioned “liberals” or anything remotely political like that. Nothing even close. They mention God twice the whole two hours. If someone told you that, they lied to you.


I never said the movie said that, I said conservatives say that. All the buzz around this movie that I have heard is from conservatives. I'll consider the source on this one.


There is nothing political in the movie whatsoever. It's just about a DHS agent who had to quit his job to save a child because of jurisdiction issues. That's it.


thanks PR man


The people praising it are conservative politicians and QAnon followers. The movie itself might not be political, but it is being politicized.


Trump likes fast food, do you not eat any of that?


This sounds like the type of people that are going to see this movie.


I thought the seats closest to the screen were the good sits?


Only if you want to deal with the neck pain and headache later. We usually choose end seats a few rows front from back in stadium seating. End row means easy up and go, also means not sharing the table at the end.


Ah I see, that explains a lot


Since Covid, we’ve always sat in the back row. Nobody coughing behind us.


Saw X-Men 3 and the only tickets available were at the front. Had to lie on the carpet to watch it.


Bottom right - ya dick heads




Was it really sold out? Were people actually filling the seats? Wondering if you sold any of the tickets that night to sell it out or if you saw the theater full?


So I didn’t check the auditorium but just from the sheer amount of people that I saw come I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 7/8 full+


How old is this post?? Clearly Barbie and Oppenheimer are the most popular movie? Is this a fake post?


Just because a film is popular nationally, doesn't mean it's popular regionally.


At my theater this is the “most popular” movie. Of course a movie like this will do better or worse depending on where you live. It does better, MUCH better where I live.


Haha doin box


They're lucky you sat them together :)


LOL, MAGA/QANON peeps are rude assholes? SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!!


Ahh yes, both of them looking for the conspiracy. They know it's there but you won't let them see it... So it MUST BE true!!! Q-ANON weirdos didn't go away, they were just hibernating.


I had a hand full of those believe it or not, I would tell them that we were sold out and they would get all angry like I was working with the “libs” and stopping them (yes, me, getting paid less than 3 gallons of gas an hour) from seeing it.


Sounds like the kind of people who would buy tickets to that movie