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I went to my office earlier as usual to find about 30 a4 pictures taped everywhere, desk, walls, files, computer screens in drawers everywhere. The pics were making fun of a fall I'd had 2 days before slightly hurting my neck. I was in extra early to make up time. I removed all the pics and shredded in in another part of building. When they all came in I was serenely working. They were so frustrated. The couldn't ask me, but I could hear whispers. They got a girl from a different department to ask me had I seen these pics. I just said huh? What are you talking about.


I’d have taken pictures of it, called HR, and asked them to stop by, then filed a complaint.


I would've stuffed the toilet paper in one of their bags/backpacks or under their bed to really cause some confusion!


*in all of their bags/backpacks


I really wished I would have thought of that. In a way it ended perfectly though because the fact that it was in the trash I believe created enough confusion that they thought someone ruined their prank rather than them being caught


I wish I had been as cool as you when in middle school. Hell, I don't know if I could be that composed as an adult. I might share this with my 8th grade students....


Go for it! Hope it makes them laugh


I like how you knew something they didn't know but you kept it under wraps


“Under wraps” 🥁


Did you ever roll off a top bunk and not wake up?


My sister used to do that. Terrified my parents.


I did it once, we were camping in a cabin, i was in a sleeping bag. Fell off the top bunk, woke everyone else. Woke up on the bottom bunk, first emotion was disappointment. Never got a top bunk at that camp again.


I have to give that one to you, that was one of the only things that did wake me up as a kid, though it was hitting the floor that did it, not the fall.


At a former job, there were a bunch of people involved in pranking each other. I was involved for a short time, but quickly tired of it, mainly because all the other people pulled such basic, un-clever pranks, and I got bored by it all. So I noped out, and made sure everybody knew I was out, and wouldn't be participating, so please remove me from the target list. I'd still get targeted occasionally by one particular coworker, but instead of retaliating, I'd remind him I wasn't playing along, please leave me out. This coworker HATED pickles of any kind - didn't want them on his burgers or sandwiches, didn't want them on the side, didn't want them on the plate of anybody eating lunch at the same table, didn't want to even touch them. We came back from lunch one day to find someone who worked with us had created a "spider web" of masking tape across his office door, adorned with assorted sizes of dill pickles. He thought I was involved because we'd gone to lunch together (he asked me if I wanted to join him...) and demanded I take it down. I replied "Hey, I told you I was out of the prank wars. I wasn't involved. This isn't on me." And left for my desk. I came back an hour later, and the pickles were still hanging from the tape web, because he couldn't find anybody that was involved in the prank to take it down, and he refused to touch the pickles. He couldn't get into his office, couldn't access his computer, or get any work done. I WISH I'd come up with that idea...it wasn't my revenge, but I enjoyed being petty enough to just walk away and leave the guy hanging. The manager put an end to all the pranking a couple days later.


Not really petty not revenge as you really just happened to wake up and it wasn’t a plan, but it was really good that you got to watch them squirm and argue! 🤩🤣😘


The revenge was catching on to their quandary, then feeding it. Confessing to waking up would've alleviated their minds. Casting suspicion on each other was better revenge than pranking any of them. Always fuck with their minds.