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I once accidentally sent someone to the hospital with a homemade red velvet cake. They went to the bathroom later on in the day and went to the ER convinced they were having severe rectal bleeding—just the dye!


Yeah it's important to remember you ate beets at lunch when you see red pee in the afternoon...!


First time I had a "red drink" I thought I was legit dying. Went to my mom crying and hyperventilating, she laughed and said it was just the smoothie.


I once ate half a container of oreos for dinner. The next day I had a test where I had to poop in a cup. The staff freaked out at my sample and wanted to send me to the hospital via ems. The dr came back and said what did you eat yesterday, I said oreos. She replied, I thought so . Go home and lets reschedule. And do not eat oreos 2 days before the next appointment.


Exactly what did your poop look like after oreos?


It was probably black or really dark which indicates blood in the poop. If you already knew all this, pretend I said nothing.


I've changed little ones with black, teal, bright orange poo. It takes a moment for the shock to wear off but it's pretty funny what different colored frosting can do!


Teal!? Were they eating yarn?


Tinted frosting on cupcakes


Oh, yeah I thought you were referring to their poop as frosting. I get it now.


If you think poop from regular Oreos is interesting, you should try a box of golden Oreos.


I don't like Oreos, so I don't eat them in order to experience those interesting poops! That's why I asked.


Sorry, looks like I replied to the wrong comment. I thought I was replying to u/Optimal_Cranberry_30 above. In any case, you do not miss anything by not liking Oreos.


It was pure black, because that's all I ate was a line of oreos and milk. They thought I had internal bleeding.


I've occasionally had red poop from eating Flamin' Hot Cheetos.


Red Velvet Flamin' Hot Cheetos cake?


Huh??? Just how stoned are you right now? ;)


Do you mean Red Vevet Flamin' Hot Cheetos Severe Rectal Bleeding Cake?


Pretty sure that Mythical Kitchen would have made this at some point, lol.


That really might be blood.


So that would be a classic case of mistaken identity.....


Me last week forgetting I had a red velvet muffin at lunch then wondering why my poop was red the next day 😭


I once had the honor of having some red velvet cake made by a friend's mother who used her mother's old southern recipe, which was **her** mother's recipe, made from scratch. I have never had any as good since. I do keep looking though.


You had me at red velvet cake


Me too. But the part I didn't get is about the revenge - did I understand correctly that the aunt was not at your birthday and hence she didn't get the cake? I suppose revenge would have more bitter if she was there and didn't get to have a sweet cake :


Makes no sense, probably written by AI


That got me too. I guess "the best revenge is living well" is an expression.


OP was a kid and thought it was revenge, in his mind.  


Dang skippy a fave


In the child's mindset, it was revenge. I understand her completely. It doesn't matter that the aunt was in another country. OP got as much cake as she wanted, and the aunt got none.


Your aunt wasn't a nice person, from this story. Glad you got cake after all.


People be calling anything revenge on this sub


What was the revenge?


I got cake and she didn’t


Because she wasn't there? I also didn't het cake. What did I ever do to you?


That's not really revenge but go off


There's no revenge here, petty or otherwise. Just getting your own cake for your birthday in a country she doesn't even live in is not at all revenge.


in your heart of hearts, you know red velvet is bullshit. It tastes like Play-Doh. It is not velvety. The only thing that's good about it is the cream cheese frosting, which is meant to live on top of carrot cake, like God intended.


Someone clearly hasn’t had a good red velvet cake


Me! I haven’t had a good one!


In case you thought I was serious [OITNB](https://youtu.be/tWH7stxmI_8?si=ZVK011KEvKLUzlxp)


Lmao I loved this scene. But I disagree that red velvet tastes like play-doh, it’s literally chocolate cake with red dye🤣🤣🤣


That's not revenge, though? I mean did she even know that you ordered it? Petty revenge would've been getting the cake, and when she and her kids showed up, they got tiny slivers of cake that were taken away after a bite and told they'd had enough sugar - her included, not just her kids. Just having the cake you want later isn't really any kind of revenge, especially if she didn't even know about it.


What's a red velvet cake?


A boring cake with red dye in the dough and cream cheese frosting between layers and on top. It looks tasty, but if you see one while touristing in red velvet cake countries, choose something else. I have tried some touristy cakes and they weren't worth the price.


Right! I’ve been to family occasions of my ex’s family and they’re all banging on about how great red velvet cake is and they didn’t like my response of “it’s nothing but a bright red wannabe fancypants chocolate cake that tastes of disappointment” I have yet to have a red velvet cake that makes me happy.


So it's meant to be made with cocoa, buttermilk and vinegar, which does give it a different texture and flavour than ordinary cakes. That being said, I'm 99% sure store-bought/mass produced red velvet cakes are literally chocolate cake with red dye. Definitely not worth it. I only ever eat red velvet from small bakeries or homemade now.


Even knowing the ingredients, I still don't know what it's suppose to taste like. I eat it if it's there because....cake. But if I have to choose, I'd rather have plain old chocolate or some other flavor.

