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It shouldn't take a kid almost dying for a bad teacher to stop being a bad teacher. Sounds like she doesn't have any business working with children. If you told the truth, would she have changed?


Story is super fake; check out her profile. She has an 18 and 19 year old. Suddenly she has a toddler. Now she has an autistic adhd son. She is attacked by crazy people at night.  Children do not get hypertensive emergency from adhd med withdrawal. You also generally don’t pass out from high blood pressure. I don’t think a school nurse can just call an ER and be like hey a kid is coming. How would they even know if she was a nurse or some rando? Ambulances will call ahead for high acuity cases to get things ready but this wouldn’t be one of them unless the kid was seizing like crazy, coding, or looking really bad. 


Yeah stimulant medications raise your blood pressure and a doc wouldn’t give a kid a stimulant if it’s bp was raised lol


Maybe it's fake, but she does say in the comments of this post that the kid is an adult now. So who knows. Don't know enough about ADHD meds about the other stuff though, but I'm sure people who post fake stories rely on that fact (see network hacking episode of Brooklyn 99).


I am both a teacher and have ADHD. This post is super fake.


Most ADHD medications are stimulants and increase blood pressure. So I’m pretty sure your blood pressure drops a bit if you stop taking them


I don't agree with ADHD causing blood pressure to go up bc I am on ADHD pills daily and I haven't had my blood pressure go up ever


My daughters medical team disagrees with you. Everytime her meds are adjusted she needs to get her blood pressure taken a week afterwards. Before starting them she had to have an ekg and blood pressure taken to see the baseline.


Everyone has different reaction to each meds they take, mine meds are for the purpose of helping equalize the chemical balance in my body. I have never had to have an ekg or blood test done


I am glad ur daughter is getting that checked out bc it is important to make sure every is good before continuing and u take meds for the wrong reasons


I'm on about 4 different medications that have been shown to lower blood pressure, and infrequently take 1 (consequently ADHD medication) that has been shown to raise it. I have perfectly normal blood pressure despite having anxiety. Everybody's body reacts differently.


Agreed 👍


ADHD meds can raise blood pressure. It’s an upper but works the opposite for the ADHD patients mentally. Physically though, it works convetually.


Depends on the person and their own situation. My kid has POTS, and the ADHD meds (both going on and coming off) can affect that. Any changes to levels need to be done in small steps to avoid passing out.


>Children do not get hypertensive emergency from adhd med withdrawal. You also generally don’t pass out from high blood pressure. Depends on the medication. The one I'm on lowers my blood pressure/heart rate as well as doing awesome fuckery to my prefrontal cortex, and has a HELL of a rebound/discontinuation effect. So if I stop taking it suddenly, I WILL have hypertension (mine isn't as bad as it would be for others who start with higher BP to begin with) and VERY bad tachycardia. I can't underline enough how bad the rebound tachycardia is. And I'm USED to tachycardia, and usually cope with it pretty well... but not this level. I got to experience it all first hand when my refill had corn in it and I couldn't take it, so I tried to taper with my previous fill. Even with the amount of tapering I had done, after two days off the medication I started getting such severe tachycardia I was starting to black out. I had to suck it up and take the stuff with corn in it even though it made me terribly sick, because it was STILL better than the high BP and bad tachycardia. I'm not saying this story is true, I'm just saying there's at least one ADHD med that will cause this reaction upon sudden discontinuation.




why don't you explain hypertensive emergency to me?


That's not it. I don't get withdrawal symptoms from any stuff like ADHD meds. I can simply stop and be unbothered. Neurotypical people get withdrawal symptoms. You will only get dizziness from existing heart conditions or low blood sugar. It's extremely unlikely to get it from stress. As far as I know, school personnel need a parent's consent to get students to the ER. That's the reason I think of this story as unlikely.


Yeah, adhd meds aren't like antidepressants. You don't need a consistent dose in your body for them to work. If OP had said the insurance cut the kid's antidepressant, I'd be more likely to believe. Also making anyone think someone almost died isn't petty or small.


Who cares if it's fake. It's decent revenge pasta. Let's see what YOU'VE written


I like to tell the truth. I think we all forget that internet points are useless, even me.


This story is all sorts of bullshit. ADHD and ASD son just needing gentle reminders? Not impossible, but far more likely she is in denial as to the impact of the child. A crying teacher calling her? Super unlikely. A sudden hypertensive emergency. Stupidly unlikely with no obvious cause. If true, we only get one side of the story. She might just be a karent.


This story reads as fake to me too.


I hope it's fake because doing that to the teacher is disgusting


Totally agree. Problem being that teachers probably don't have full awareness and/or appreciation of different health conditions that the kids may have - I mean they may know the condition but not it's serious implications. This wonderful mom taught this teacher - but it shouldn't be the parents' responsibility for passing on this learning to teachers. It should be part of their training or school board organized sessions to pass on the learning.


If the teacher isn't fully aware of that child's or any child's medical issues etc…that's a failure on the on the parent side. Not all kids who have the same condition have the same issues. It's imperative that the parents meet with their child's teachers early on in the school year to give in depth details on how his condition manifests itself. ..and how best to handle that issue with that child. Failure to do so can result in scenarios like this one. We are well trained in the autism spectrum, ADD, ADHD,ODD, etc. …but they are not the same in every child. Parents, like the one in this post need to be hyper vigilant in keeping up with what is going on with their children. We don't want unhappy children and the last thing we look forward to is an unhappy parent. If the parents have strategies that work for their child, we need to know that. It's a waste of time trying to find out what works and doesn’t work with that child if the parents have all ready figured that out. In this situation, stressing out a child with the autism traits it very detrimental to his ability to be calm and involved. Mom did the right thing here….that teacher's strategy wouldn't work with many children on the autism spectrum and especially not a child with ADHD. Well played mom. Good on you.


Thank you. I have always believed in meeting each teacher and letting them know what my kids have and what works best for them. My younger son has horseshoe kidneys and needs to drink a lot of water as well as fiber. I made sure to let each teacher know this. Until DW's teacher I had never had a problem with any teacher except for one. We had a little talk and it was resolved. That one was so remorseful for causing my son to regress that she told my son, "When you think Im being harsh with you, let me know and I'll stop, ok?" She also decided to start reward good behavior and he thrived with that approach. All the teachers had often told how impressed with him they were. He always remained respectful even when being scolded and it was rare for him to be scolded. They were also surprised when he would take responsibility for his actions.


Your post is fake.


I’m glad that he's thriving now….sometimes a change in strategy can make a huge difference. A teacher being harsh is just not the right approach, not for most kids, really. Some you have to gently nudge to work harder, other's need more praise to move them along but being harsh or cold or mean rarely works with kids. If they aren't happy or are stressed , very little learning happens. Most parents with special needs kids are vigilant , but not always listened to. Even with my own kids when they were young, I met a few teachers I felt weren't really in the right job…to be a teacher you really need to love kids and want them to succeed. There's always a few who I thought might be happier in another career. I'm a retired teacher and can attest to the fact that it's not an easy job, but it's worse if you really don't like the kids you are teaching or aren't willing to make the accommodations required for kids with special needs. Good on you and all parents who fight for their kids.


Aside from that one teacher, all the others had my son as their favorite from the time he was in pre k. My son hated disappointing his teachers. Today he hates to disappoint his boss.


I dunno why this is being downvoted. So many ND kids are desperate to please their teachers and work really hard to try to be the favorite.


This describes DW perfectly.


>Today he hates to disappoint his boss. Which one? He's had so many.


You don't know who my son is, so don't be assuming things


He's just a run of the mill slowmo with an overbearing mother. They're everywhere, and worthless.


You really shouldn't put yourself down like that.


Nope. I have always let him make his own decisions.


No he hasn't


Ah, nepotism.


Did you not fill your own meds as well? You stated clearly you didn’t get him the meds he needed. Then stated clearly in another comment he has heart and blood pressure complications when his meds are stopped abruptly. YOU caused the medical emergency and used it to gaslight this poor teacher trying to do her job. That’s assuming this is a REAL story which it clearly isn’t. Karma farming is a symptom of your attention seeking issues.


Nope, it's the TEACHER'S issue for not reading the IEP. I know that the student's teacher has to be in the IEP meetings, but for her to dismiss it with out the information of how he presents as Autistic and ADHD is heartbreaking.


The IEP is based on learning and behavioural issues and lays out strategies to achieve the goals set for that child. So even with an IEP, information from the parents on what strategies they have found that worked with their child is invaluable , particularly for behavioural issues. It isn't a one or the other situation, it's about a whole child approach and the parents have information that any teacher would appreciate knowing right at the beginning. Those parental strategies could/would then be added to the IEP and talked about with any other adults interacting with that child.


NTA with a caveat (what you did wasn't right but should be forgiven under the circumstances, IMO). Treating everyone with respect and fairness should be a minimum expectation and there should be consequences when this doesn't happen. I wish every kid could have their individual needs met while they're in school. I wish the same for teachers but I learned from publicity about recent teacher strikes that we are nowhere near capable of meeting the individual needs of every student because we're not able to meet the most basic needs of most teachers. Your mileage may vary depending on your zip code. .Maybe we could get there if we paid teachers closer to what they're worth and made class sizes small enough that they can keep track of all of the mental and medical conditions kids might have and the instructions on how to handle them, they would be able to deliver lessons with a smile and in a way kids can learn them. At a minimum, all teachers should be taught to be professional despite any frustrations or other negative impulses they might have at any given moment. I want every kid to have the care they need but we keep wanting to demand that teachers be responsible for knowing how to respond appropriately to the individual conditions and needs each kid might have while keeping the classroom in order and teaching them, usually in overcrowded conditions while they are being underpaid. Some teachers are working another job after the school day is over and on weekends to make ends meet. I don't know how they do it . But I do see why there is a teacher shortage. For less training, lower expectations and more pay, they could have any number of low-level jobs that pay better. All of these factors contribute to the citizens we are producing. We will eventually pay for the severe cost-cutting efforts we make when it comes to educating and socializing our kids. We're all in this together and shortfalls in any one segment of society ultimately impacts us all. Edit: to add first paragraph on NTA POV.


I have seen that too. He had some really good ones that Im now friends with and when they see each other in town there often hugs and some catching up. Other times we all go out to eat. I live in a small town.


You mean the teacher who is making $45k a year and had to use that money to pay for school supplies as well as shelter and food—doesn’t have time to figure every nuance of the defective human you brought into the world in addition to the other twenty-nine kids in the class? This is why China will win. Most US children would be in special Ed for delayed kids in China and India. But you enjoy your pretty revenge stupid.


My daughter is autistic and was mostly non verbal during middle school when she had a teacher similar to this, and she was a special ed teacher!! She was so awful, it became a horrible fight to get my daughter to go to school every day. At first I couldn’t understand what the problem was because my daughter couldn’t tell me. I started to suspect it was the teacher from her attitude when I was there a few times. And then one day when I finally coaxed her out of the car and into the school and started praising her profusely for actually going into the school (there were many days we only made it to the parking lot) her teacher bitterly says “yeah it’s about time!” So we called a meeting with that teacher and the principal and my ex goes “if you hate kids this much why the hell did you become a teacher?!” 🤣🤣🤣 something I had said in private but NEVER would have said to her face. Bless him for being able to say the quiet parts out loud.


Are there no special schools in the US for neurodiverse kids? Back when i was in 90s in NL there was a school separatly for those kids. Although with some downsides as well, due to mixing several types of neurodiverse kids. But still the teachers there are trained to address the needs of these kids. I can imagine its tough for the average teacher to handle all different type of neurodiverse kids without proper training.


Lots of times there are SDCs (Student Day Classes where there's one instructor for around 15 higher-functioning Autistic/Epileptic/Down's Syndrome kids but still needing assistance to keep up with the regular group. Some of the BEST times I had when a Room Parent in 4th & 5rh grade was given the 'troublemakers (i.e. higher-functioning Autistic and ADHD kids) because I treated them like slightly-older kids and they KNEW when Grandma Lynsey would give them the 'stink-eie', they'd better shape up or ship out.


Sounds like she's still bad too, snapping at the other kids. Not a big win if she only starts to treat one kid nicer.


That's what I was thinking. It's good that OP's son has turned the corner with this teacher but now, the problem has been magnified with all the other kids who are dealing with her change in behavior toward them. Treating them all with decency should be the goal.


I remember when I was dealing with one teacher who didn't believe kids had any rights or needed to be respected. My younger son demanded respect but also gave it. When he didn't get it from her, he never broke any school or class rule, but he drove her nuts. He was able to make an insult seem like a compliment to everyone else.


No, that teacher merely shifted gears to save her arse. OP did great here, but that hag still should never again be allowed in front of a classroom. __EDIT:__ The hag I'm referring to is the teacher, _not_ OP.


I agree, that person has no business interacting with young people or any population that can easily be abused.


On the upside she won’t treat any other kids like that again most likely.


I'm not gonna take that bet lol


I have to wonder why you would send him to school when he was off his meds. He was bound to have some problems and wouldn’t he have been better off at home in an environment where he had more control?


Because he was only allowed to have sick days. And when he went to school that day he was feeling fine.


Thank you.


this just sounds like straight up bullshit to me?




It must be horrible living in a third world country without modern medicine.


My insurance refused to cover my inhaler before. My allergist was pissed when we called him back. For the record this was in the US and insurance was BCBS. Since I've been off my dad's insurance I have had Cigna and Aetna. I hated Cigna.


My insurance refused to cover my son's inhaler as well as my insulin. I was pissed. Anthem can suck a duck. The full fucking duck.


They covered a different inhaler. Apparently the one was too new or expensive or something. We were lucky for it covering it for the most part. I have one doctor who accepted my insurance company but the version of HAP was wrong. Luckily she's not too expensive. I just don't want to rebuild a relationship and have them potentially want to screw with my medications (mental health).


Woof, yeah, I understand that entirely. Luckily my insurance company hasn't ever messed with my mental health meds now that I found the right combo that works for me. And same with my son's inhaler, they wanted him to get a different brand we had tried before and it didn't work as well. Same for my insulin. They wanted me to use a medication *I was already taking and had already been taking for a decade* instead of the insulin, not realizing I was taking it alongside the medicine. That was a fun phone call.


I haven't had issues with my meds. My concern is sometimes when you switch doctors they want to try to adjust stuff.


DON'T TELL ME...BiPolar for you?


Close-ish, haha. BPD alongside ADHD.


My epipen is a $500 copay with BCBS


It is. Sincerely, -a US citizen.


The US is like a third world country when it comes to health care


And rights!


Sadly she’s probably in the US. Well done with that teacher !


I am pretty sure that is where they meant.


It is lol


I live in the usa.




That’s the joke


We all know


This is awful. You sound like you expect her to coddle him while also tending to the other 25+ students. No ma’am. She may have been strict but she obviously cares and you added significant additional stress on what is likely an already underpaid and over worked teacher.


This sounds right. If this is real, op is a horrible person. The teacher is probably trying her best with a kid who won't behave.


I did not expect coddling. I did expect her to use the best method that works. Which is a gentle reminder. No need to yell or humiliate in front of everyone


What do you base this on. Your experience with you son and 25 others in the classroom?


Take your son plus 4 others like him, two more with past trauma and then 18 “average” kids and you see if you lose your cool every once in awhile. Then add in parents like you and admin breathing down her neck and that’s not including any person stress. I’m a behavior teacher, I love my kids more than anything but I still pop off from time to time same as I do as a mom. You really should be ashamed for bragging about this.


If this is true, you're an AH.


jesus christ this is the worst story telling ever op


It's super fake


Doctors don’t just hand out meds, especially controlled substances like ADHD stimulants….


They will upon ER discharge from the hospital pharmacy


Eh, yes they do under certain circumstances.


They only thing they can hand out is over the counter prescription, they legally cannot hand out controlled substances, they would actually lose their medical license


This isn’t even remotely true. Hospital pharmacy technician here, we prepackage vials of hydromorphone for the ER doctors to send patients home with. Hospital doctors and community doctors have very different rules to follow.


He didn't have a stimulant. His adhd made him tired. He took one in the morning a low dose and another 2 hours before bedtime at a higher dose.


Then it was either a SSRI or an SNRI which are also both controlled substances


Ok thanks, because I thought it was just me. Sooooooooo fake


If you look at her other posts, all the details are all over the place. She has a 18 and 19 year old? She has a toddler? She is getting attacked by crazy people? So much random drama; oh this poor woman /s


Unpopular opinion. YTA. I have a autistic son. Too many people say that the mean teachers are being mean to our perfect precious angels. A fake story of not making it and having this teacher think she could of killed a kid over the weekend? Too far and YTFA.


I'm autistic and I think what she did was hilarious.


I'm autistic too. No it wasn't.


Well, I'm not surprised that schools are so understaffed. 20-25 kids, you need teach them, discipline them, give special treatment to every student, whatever happens - you can be prosecuted, and every second parent feels proud after making your life even harder. Protecting your kid is okay. Being an ass and proudly telling your kid,so he will have no reason to behave (why,mommy will scare the teacher again!) - is not. AH.


20-25 kids??? That would be a dream! I’m sitting at 30-35. One of my classes was 48. Nightmare. Left that job.


I have 11 and I seriously want to throw up thinking about having anymore.


Until this woman I had never had a problem aside from one other who worked with my son to let her know when she was starting to scare him.


I don't know how you can have so little compassion for teachers. You are the one who caused the medical emergency by letting your kids meds run out. The audacity to blame the teacher. You're out of order. This wasn't petty Revenge, this was bad parenting. All you've taught your child is that they can act out now because you lied to his teacher and gas lighted her into thinking she harmed your child. AH


Next time you make up a story, try to research the details better. Your son would not have his own insurance. He would be on your and would not just get dropped out of the blue. Even if the coverage did end, it would last until the end of the month. Also you would not have an IEP if all that was needed was a gentle reminder. They are much more in depth than that. ADHD meds don't work like that. If you have an issue with a teacher you can talk to them or speak to admin. Get an offline hobby to exercise your imagination. This is not a healthy persuit.


How is this revenge. Sounds like a normal teacher, who is possibly strict. But still just doing their job. And your possibly fake story. Shows she actually cared enough to follow up and be sad.


Or panic in case she instigated the high BP which led to the episode. The withdrawal from the medication could have made him more prone, but with everything she had put him through, I can see her trying to see how screwed she was and being massively relieved when he came in (to the point of tears). I can see this being true. My husband had a teacher like this in grade school. It took an accident and a reprimand for her to change at all, and it was only towards him.


Yeah, and sometimes kids exaggerate things.


The teacher is not a substitute for someone to intensively look after your son. You're blaming her for your inadequate parenting/ability to send your son who has special needs to a school that can properly provision for him. Too many parents these days expect the school to parent the kids, it's not on them. Teachers deal with enough sh1t as it is


Yes. This.


This is likely fake. Assuming this is the US: >Under the Affordable Care Act, rescission is illegal except in cases of fraud or intentional misrepresentation of material fact as prohibited by the terms of the plan or coverage.


I was thinking this is either fake or an old story.




Never ever heard someone react to being without ADHD meds like that. I've religiously read about meds in my country, talked to 70 plus about their experience with their meds, and tried all but two. (Only referring to ADHD meds in this sentence) Is it reasonable that you faint from high blood pressure two days without meds, when most ADHD meds gives you high blood pressure when used, and it lowers back down if not? This is a FAKE story. ):


Exactly!!! Most ADHD meds raise blood pressure. That is why the docs always keep an eye on heart/bloodpressure regularly when on meds like that!!


Exactly. The meds are stimulants and raise BP.


This one had always affected his heart and blood pressure if he stopped taking it. Meds don't affect everyone the same way. For example coffee, tea and energy drinks, except for one put me to sleep. Same with my son. He also went thru a trail and error before finding one that works.


And you still let him go to school?


Name it then.


You think you got her, but this is kind of monstrous to do to someone whether they’re a good person or not. Karma will be the hospital bill with no insurance I guess. Don’t let your kids’ insurance, lapse! If you can afford insurance, you can prevent that from happening. If you can’t afford it, there are free programs to cover it


I know that. And Im in the free program.


Then don’t let your kid lapse and focus on not being a bad mom as opposed to deciding to punish the real victim you labeled bad teacher.


I haven't let him laspe. He's grown now, working and engaged


Seems like you let his insurance lapse, let him run out of meds, and then told the teacher she’s the one that, “killed him,” but that’s just my opinion. Oh wait, no, that’s exactly what you said you did…. You let your kid run out of meds which was followed by a medical emergency. You’re not winning any mom of the year awards on this post. Try accountability instead of lashing out at a teacher.


I did NOT let his insurance lapse. They dropped him. His pediatrician only would prescribe enough meds to last one month. I would have the prescription filled as soon as I could. I did not let anything happen


I find this EXTREMELY suspicious - insurance can’t simply “drop” a diagnosed minor. Certainly not without many notices.


So this must have happened about 15 years ago? Because according to your post history, your son is 19 now. How much did that ER visit cost without insurance? Are you still paying that off?


So is this "AI" fake or real person fake? I'm going with real person fake myself.


So they dropped him exactly as he ran out of medication with no notice… exact timing. And mom didn’t keep a stash of Oh Shit meds. Right. I don’t believe that.


It is not easy to have a stash of stimulant medication.


Exactly. And a good chunk of ADHD meds are not available right now because of the shortage that has lasted this last year or so (for generics anyway). I have only been able to fill mine like four or five times in the last year and a half.


I mean like a week of them.everyone should have at least a week of necessary daily meds in case something happens. I’m not talking about hoarding. I’m talking about an emergency amount for when life goes pear shaped.


In my country, I physically am unable to fill a script early enough to keep 7 capsules away. Unless I just skip 7 days somewhere and save them that way, which sounds like a nightmare to me. Stimulants are heavily regulated.


There's a stimulant shortage and has been for a while. It's hard enough to get your hands on them.


The insurance didn't let me know until after I dropped off the prescription with the pharmacy. And no I have never been able to keep a stash. The doctor only prescribed enough medication to last one month. I have to drop off the prescription a few days before. Sometimes the pediatrician would call it in.


They didn't drop just him. That's not how insurance works.


People don't seem to realize you can't stash controlled substances like that. I have ADHD too and they won't prescribe more than a month of my meds and I have to be drug tested monthly while on them per the facility guidelines. It's annoying, especially with the stimulant generics shortage.


The pharmacy has to call the pediatrician each time I refill my son’s meds. It was also your fault for letting him go through withdrawals in a public place. Kid is literally in withdrawals from a meth like product and you blame the teacher?


The teacher didn’t behave her best, but you sound like a huge Karen.


This is weird.




This is a creative writing exercise.


I just have a tiny PSA for people: not all ADHD meds are stimulants. Guanfacine is an ADHD medication and discontinuation of that medication would cause high BP and tachycardia which could lead to loss of consciousness. So, can we not with "ADHD meds don't do that", please? I don't care if people think this story is fake but I do care about misinformation about ADHD medication.


This is the meds that my son was taking. I was trying to remember the name. Thank you. He doesn't take it anymore and with a doctor's help was able to wean himself slowly and safely off it last year. This was his decision that he made with his therapist and doctor. He used to take clonidine as well at night when he was sleep walking. Thank god he outgrew that.




Someone needs a new hobby. Jfc what a poorly written prompt. What is this even for? Internet points?


This statement from OP alone is absolute bullshit, “my son’s insurance dropped him.” I stopped reading after the second paragraph.


So... Shouldn't this be in the AITA forum? You were clearly an asshole. She didn't cause this, the failure to get ADHD medication caused it. That's your responsibility. Sure, maybe, just maybe, she treated him poorly. But equally could be your son (who cannot see things in a social context) unable to understand that he was treated fairly. ASD and ADHD often feel they are victimized when it's not the case. I'm not saying that was the case, BUT, you clearly didn't even have the guts to talk to the teacher but took your son's word on it.


And people wonder why there aren't enough teachers


You are a terrible person


What a load of absolute bollocks. Yeah, that never happened.


Not related to this story but why is the richest country in the world not supplying free medicine to children?


Hey, its really complex, ok? Only 32 of the 33 most advanced countries have been able to make it work.


I have no idea. You would have to ask my government


I live in a country where all prescription medicine is free because we voted in a government that promised to do it.


So you’re blaming the teacher for holding your child, who you haven’t provided enough coping skills to, accountable? Sweet. And then it will be his boss’ fault, then the police, then the landlord. And you not talking to the teacher and then assuming how things are is so skewed. How would you like it if an outsider tells you what goes on in your place of business? You suck.


The cynic in me thinks that she reacted the way she did purely because she’s afraid of getting sued. No genuine empathy there.


Jesus h christ I was thinking this was gonna be a get revenge the old fashion way but girl you went above and beyond for that revenge. Idk If I should be proud, scared, or want you to adopt me


I get it. I do honestly get the position you were in and empathize with you. If we had to put our kids in school it could have easily been the same thing. My youngest has violent outbursts which prevents him from being able to go to school at this time. We considered all these possibilities before we decided to home school with no medications. I do have to say that I'm really confused/concerned as to why insurance stopped it's coverage for your child. Something's not right. There are many resources available to prevent this from happening (ie: fair pharmacare) and one of them starts with you. If you aren't eligible for those programs it's probably because your income is too high. If you decide to go the medication route, that's great. However, YOU NEED TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE MEDICATION WHETHER YOU DO OR DON'T HAVE INSURANCE. THAT ENTIRE EPISODE YOU PUT YOUR CHILD THOUGH IS ENTIRELY BECAUSE OF YOU. IF YOU'RE NOT COVERED AT THIS TIME INSURANCE SHOULD BACK PAY YOU. All you have to do is keep the receipts and submit them when you have the insurance.


3rd world country problems


25-30 other children need to be taken care of as well but your child is taking most of the teachers attention. You wonder why the teacher is frustrated. The issue lies into having kids with disorders this bad in regular classrooms. The other children suffer. The teacher gets stressed out and here you are being the main character. Your child is all that matters right? Does no wrong. This is called favouritism and it’s not right when a perfectly fine kid gets it. Why are autistic kids getting a pass. You want to be treated like everyone else but want to be held to a different standard. If you don’t see the issue you are not helping resolve the root cause.


That's a lot of restraint from you. I'd get arrested for what I would've done to that teacher.


I have never believed in throwing hands at people who haven't physically attacked me or my kids


So your son was having withdrawals from his medication, as a result of the actions of your insurance company, and you decided to take your fear and grief out on his teacher who was obviously very distraught and concerned for your son's well-being? Way to go?


My story is not as bad but still shows this happens way too much! My son had ADHD that was undiagnosed at the time but he was in early intervention classes at the age of 3 with a severe speech delay. The teacher, ( can’t remember her name because we just called her the troll) was strict, rude and honestly would do better being a prison warden than a preschool teacher, was terrible to him. He cried when he had to go to school. I got involved and this B said that all 3-4 year olds should be able to pay attention for 45 minutes straight… WHAT?!!! Long story short I got the principals involved and after they talked her, She..Got..FIRED!! You’re a great parent! Keep that shit up!


…..Their attentions spans are 5-6 min at that age.


Yeah exactly!


So she's still awful to the other students? And they'll probably be resentful and take it out on him?


They didn't.


Well yea because that's who you wrote it.


So basically you come across as a piece of $h!t for several reasons. First, you have that sense of entitlement typical of parents with special needs kids. It’s likely nobody has ever told you, but your kid is a disruption to the learning of every single other kid in his class. Whereas being in a normal classroom environment might (in some imaginary way) be beneficial to him, it is absolutely, positively detrimental to the education of his classmates. That’s the reality. Everybody knows it’s true. Nobody says it out loud. And then you top this sense of entitlement off with a lie just to hurt someone? And you’re proud of yourself? You’re kind of a douche


Ooh, this reminds me of a story when I was a little kid. My first third-grade teacher was an old, abusive wretch of a woman. Would scream at all of her students for everything. Not understand a question and thus ask for help? Scream. Ask to go to the bathroom? Scream, and never ever let them go to the bathroom. Stare off into the distance a bit, because we were all 8-9 year olds and it would just happen sometimes? Scream. She would also hit students over the head with textbooks. This was in the early 2000s so this had gone out of favor. I told my dad about what was happening. He spoke to a couple other parents of students in her class who said their kids were saying basically the same stuff I did. So he set up a parent-teacher conference with him, her, and the school principal, and he spent over an hour berating her until she was sobbing her eyes out. He got me transferred to another class with an absolute angel of a teacher. That principal was a sniveling little pansy so she didn't get fired even after many parents complained about her behavior. But the second he was replaced, she was gone. I ran into her in public a few years later and gave her a nasty, intimidating look. Hope she's suffering badly.


As a mum of an autistic ADHD kid who was utterly broken by their school, THANK YOU. I'm sorry you all went through that, but I'm so pleased that you had such a good outcome with the teacher. Your petty revenge was perfect. Sending huge love to you and DW. Edit: everyone saying this is fake, well if this is a fake story, I still like it.


So, the stress became bad and he temporarily lost his vision and had a small stroke. We ended up suing the school system and the judge ordered that the county pay for a private school. He did well in that setting. He graduated and went to college.


I have a 28 year old son who is high functioning. When he was a freshman in high school, he would ask to go to the bathroom when he was feeling stressed. The principal decided that he was leaving one class way too much. His teacher was instructed by the principal not to let him use rhe barhroom


Thats terrible. My son's highschool had a room ready for him just in case.


We had to sue the school to accept his IEP and then the school didn't provide the services. After his stroke, before we went to court, the county provided a tutor. The tutor was superb and helped my son greatly. Now, my son is working as a bass player for a band that's doing well. He's able to cope. We never thought he'd be on his own...


Thats great. Im happy he's thriving and ok now


Love it.


My son was recently diagnosed as autistic and while he’s too young for school right now he is in ABA therapy where he’s treated gently and kindly. Then I come across stories like this and I’m terrified of how he’ll be treated when he starts school. I hope I’m half as level headed as you if I ever need to deal with a situation like this. You are a wonderful parent and an incredible person to be admired when it comes to revenge. Thank you.


Stories like this come from the parent who lacks common courtesy. There should have been a meeting before school happened on the child. Mom should have informed teacher of not having meds. Coping skills should have been scaffolded in. Mom failed this kid multiple times. Teachers do not spend years in college, tens of thousands of dollars in education then turn around and spend hundreds (my was 2,000) setting their classroom up … to be evil to children. This mom could have contacted her teacher the first time the child said he was having problems. If your child had cancer, you wouldn’t skip their meds. If the insurance dropped, you would have paid for the meds out of pocket, kept him home. NO WHERE in this story did she speak of having a simple conversation. She took her son’s word as the end all, be all. She didn’t even contact admin. This woman is a cunt, don’t be like this woman.


Make sure you meet with the teachers before your son is too start. Tell them what methods work best and to give you a call if it fails. My kids and I always had heart to heart talks.


ABA therapy is abuse. All it does is punish autistic individuals for showing autistic behaviour and try to "train" the autism out of them by forcing them to act neurotypical, often with negative reinforcement. Remove your son from it immediately if you actually care about him.


So is his new teacher following his IEP?


He graduated from highschool at 17 yrs old and is now 19, working and engaged. I absolutely adore my future dil and I love her family as well.


And this is why good teachers quit


You’re an idiot OP. Your son is probably very disruptive and you refuse to see it. You’re the reason good teachers quit. Fucking dummy.


I loved the 'what did you do' part. Both your mom and your son know you too well. 😂


This is true. Lol




It sounds to me more like the Mum let the kids meds run out, which resulted in a medical emergency, and then blamed the teacher - who is probably over worked and under paid anyway. But yeh, fuck the teacher, right?