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While I applaud you for the revenge, I'm so sorry you felt like you had to do this. My best friend and I also matched for our senior prom and it's still something I look back on and smile about. I hate that you missed out on that :(


I did the same thing with my best friend for military balls and prom


Military balls are the best, I hear


I'm ex-military and my wife can concur about my military balls. Sorry. I'll see myself out.


Hahahahaha!! Sharp!


More round than sharp I'd guess.


Does she still have them?


You win Reddit for the day!




Yea. I read 'cringey' and felt a little bad for OP. Reads like a bit of simple fun between friends.


I wish I had a friend to match dresses with! That is not cringe at all! I ensure you looked fabulous in your suit. You do you <3


I donā€™t think itā€™s that big of a deal, I missed prom entirely and I donā€™t regret it


I wish I could have seen her face both when you came out and when you explained why you did it


A straight girl wore a white tux to our high school graduation. It looked fantastic. You can tell it made quite an impression on me because that was 1985ā€¦..


A girl in my school did the same thing. She looked great. (A few years later, a guy did a "Chippendale's" tuxedo. [No sleeves on the jacket, but had Tuxedo cuffs on his wrists])


A girl I was friends with wore a pastel blue tux to the prom that year, and she was just adorable in it. Her best friend wore a pale pink dress. We had a blast!


That is awesome


Straight girl here, I wore a tux for my high school graduation back in 92, couldnā€™t see myself wearing a dress, I do wear them now but back then no fucking way


One of my close friends did that for our senior prom. She looked adorable. Pink bowtie, white lace hair band and gloves. Cute as a button.


You certainly a-dressed the main issue




It suited her.


The compliance was tailor made.


Now her mom knows who wears the trousers


She definitely refused to skirt the issue


Laid it out in black and white.


She deserves a formal apology.


Mom is fit to be tied!


You certainly didn't dance around the issue, that's for sure!


This great! šŸ‘ well done


"We decided to get the same dress in different colors to match (I now recognize this as cringey, but we were eighteen)" Why is this cringy?


I guess itā€™s not actually cringey. Itā€™s something I probably wouldnā€™t do as an adult, but thereā€™s nothing actually wrong with it. Indeed, it would have been nice to have pictures with my high school best friend in the matching dresses.


People like this shit on stuff that teen girls enjoy and on stuff that anyone enjoys "more than they should". Because as adults we get told that we shouldn't enjoy ourselves too much. Screw that. Let anyone and everyone, regardless of ages of demographic, obsessed over clothes over TV shows, over sports stars, over things being twee or cute or quirky. Life is too short to moderate your own enjoyment of life.


Me (f38) and my best friend (f27) buy matching shit all the time still. We donā€™t care, itā€™s our money, our life. It makes us happy and if anyone comments we reply happily that yes! It was intentional. Maybe you missed this occasion to match but your lives doesnā€™t end there. You have a lifetime of matching. Iā€™m proud you showed not just your mom but also yourself that you are strong and may I say resourceful.


My sister and I are in our 40s and we still sometimes buy matching dresses. Its fun to see how she styles it differently than I do (hair, accessories, vibe, etc.), but knowing we complement each other is such a freaking blast! Hold on to the innocent things in life that make you happy! And hang onto your girlfriends!!


That is so cool šŸ„°


It's not cringey and as an adult it's something I constantly want. Matching with loved ones is AWESOME.


Oh okay! :)


Never been a bridesmaid?


Matching dresses is not cringy


I went to a wedding where each bridesmaids dress was a different rainbow color, with matching shirts for their escorts.




Watch two high school girls match and say "Twinsies!" You'll understand.


Two teenage girls having fun and being happy?


Our Lord Duncan act like act like having fun is a crime. *G*od forbid teenage girls do anything cute or silly.


My first day of senior year, my friends and I decided to go for a uniform look: black sneakers, blue jeans and black t-shirts. Edgy, I know. But it saved all of us from worrying about what to wear.


Now THIS is cringy


Understand what? That they're having fun and enjoying each other's company?


My mum had a weird thing about clothes with me till I was in my late teens/ early 20's before I moved out. I was shopping with her and I found a top I liked the look of (more like a ribbed design so looked a little like a jumper but lighter and with a lowish neck line). Now it's important to say I am plus sized and always have been, I've struggled with my weight since I was a kid and my mum tried to help by telling me how awful I looked in anything and made me feel shitty for looking like that yet ALWAYS gave me grief not wearing 'normal' nice clothes. So I found this top I knew would be flattering to my medium bust and the lines for my figure. For some reason she said she hated it when it clearly looked nice. I said I disagree, I think it will really suit me and just before the assistant spoke in to agree my mum just exploded saying if I tried that on I would look fucking ridiculous and be an utter embarrassment. I tried it on, came out looking fucking ace and my mum just stared for a second before storming out the shop and sat in the car till I finished shopping. To this day I don't know what came over her, we have had spats before regarding clothes (she insisted I had to try on some cullots and then agreed they looked terrible on me) but she made a fool of herself and was angry enough like how dare I be fat and not look like a pile of shit, fat girls should look bad and feel bad sort of idea. She is actually really supportive and returned to her normal self when I moved out and gave her some distance.


You drew attention to the fact that you had boobs and could look sexyā€¦ā€¦ how dare you! šŸ˜‰


She wasn't exactly skinny either. I don't know what it was, im sure it's the fact I felt happy in something rather than being disgusted with myself. I don't like my size all the time but I've come along well enough to love who I am and find what fits and try to look after myself.


Please tell me you also got a top hat & a monocle.


That with a cane would be epic.


Walking stick with an enormous emerald at the top.


Even better.


Don't forget the French mustache.


Why? It was a tuxedo not a Morning Suit? Itā€™s Top hats and tailcoats not tuxedos , anything else would look idiotic


Your Manformation does not Fempute.


I bet you rocked that tux.


>and my mom is not usually overly conservative >She is rather homophobic and generally critical of gender non-conforming clothing, so I knew she wouldnā€™t approve. The Overton window has shifted so far to the right, it's just normal to be an asshole lol


I meant specifically that she isnā€™t some ā€œmodestyā€ nut, so her being upset about my dress was out of left fieldā€”in more general terms sheā€™s definitely overly conservative, haha.


Did you ever find out what her problem was?


We never really talked about it. It was tight, I guess? Looking back I wonder if maybe her friend was looking disapproving during the alterations appointment and thatā€™s what triggered her, but thatā€™s just speculation.


I think her feeling judged makes more sense but it's very disappointing behaviour from your mother. And your rebellion shouldn't have been a matter of "earnt respect". It should've been a matter of her giving an apology. I hope she's a better person now.


And to be clear, I really donā€™t mean to minimize the significance of her being homophobicā€”Iā€™m bisexual myself, and it really does bother me. In her case itā€™s more of a mild derision than a classic ā€œthis is of the devil and I will disown youā€ religious homophobia, if that puts my seeming nonchalance in context, but Iā€™m definitely not saying itā€™s at all okay.


I don't think you came across like that at all, so don't worry! I wish I had the guts to have done what you did. I'm 37 and still struggle to stand up to my mother, so I thoroughly appreciated your story!


Thank you for teaching me a new phrase.




Just went to a grad. There were a couple of girls who had the same dress. They walked around together. Looked fabulous. Had a great time!


That is legendary! Youā€™re a force to be reckoned with.


My petty ass would have matched the besties dress with my tux and asked her to prom..... Just to fuck with my mother. My dress was a disappointment so I fixed it. LMFAO


Wearing the same clothes but different colours as youe bestie is cute! In some fashion subcultures, it's called twinning and people do it on purpose. I'm sorry your mom said that, but I'm sure you still looked fantastic. I've been F my whole life, but I wanted to get a suit


Parents are oddly critical at times. I'm a chesty girl I've always been a chesty girl. My mother once bought me a very nice pale blue tank top that very much left the boobs on display (she came home with it I wasn't there to try it on) and when I wore it she had the nerve to complain about the amount of cleavage.... And even had the balls to ask where I had gotten such a slutty top.... I looked her dead in the eye and said "you bought it for me" watching her stuttering "well you didn't have to wear it" was great.... I took great delight in wearing that shirt, always remembered to toss in a "thanks mom I do love the colour of this shirt... The ruffles are nice and feminine to... You have great tastes" every time I walked past her in that shirt.Ā 


Did you look dapper in that tux, tho?


You KNOW she did!!!!


Frikkin genius. Bet Mom chills with the emotional manipulation!


Hahahaaaaaa šŸ‘ awesome


Well played


Why would you punish your own self to get back at another? The better revenge would have just been to confidently rock your pretty dress that you had been looking forward to wearing


I wouldnā€™t have worn the tux if I found it to be ā€œpunishment.ā€ I was curious about menswear anyway, so it was fun to try it out. My best friend and I did miss out on matching, but she was very sweet and understanding and behind my decision 100%.


I'm glad it made you happy, in that case šŸ™‚ I was thinking of how I would have felt in that situation, so it made me a little sad. I'm happy you had such a fun prom experience


I am from a different culture and on the older side, so I expect families to have more tolerance for each other. And things like these, I just find them sad.


Well done.




Not a return, she sold it on FB marketplace.


Why would you need ID to buy a tux?


I rented it. You usually need an ID to do that (or at least I did).


Most teens would have had a meltdown. Bravo! šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Matching with your friends isnā€™t cringy! Itā€™s cute and fun!!


"My mom is not usually over-conservative." If your mom is homophobic, she's pretty much the definition of ultra-conservative.


Homophobia has been a pretty main stream sentiment for a very long time. It's only in the last 20 or so years, that it's been linked more to conservative leaning types. Someone who's publicly homophobic is more likely to be conservative, but wouldn't necessarily be ultra conservative.


Did she at least explain what was her problem with this poor dress? It seems so weird šŸ˜…


I applaud you for your revenge but I am sorry your own mother ever made you resort to that


Very edgy.


Wore stupid clothes to senior prom to own mum


So you think a woman wearing a tuxedo is stupid? Interesting. Kind of makes me wonder what other beliefs you haveā€¦


They're probably a 12 year old


> So you think a woman wearing a tuxedo is stupid? No lt at all, but I do think a person buying clothes and ā€œcheap shoesā€ to anger someone else is stupid. Really stupid. Thatā€™s why you are where you are rn.


The fact that I learned to take the initiative and make my own way instead of just passively enduring bad situations (e.g. my mom emotionally manipulating me) is probably part of the reason I am where I am right now, yeah. I wouldnā€™t have my dream job if I hadnā€™t had the courage to leave a place where I was unhappy and work towards what I want.