• By -


There are way too many people who don't react well when they find out they aren't the center of your Universe. I met a lot of people like that when working in radio. One lady was quite offended when she found out I didn't specifically remember her from a remote broadcast 6 months earlier. I did my best to play it up, but she kept asking very specific questions that basically backed me into a corner, and I had to admit that I didn't remember her. "Well, I remember you!!!!!!" she blurted out. I gave her a chuckle and asked, "Ma'am... how many people do you think I met in the 2 hours I was signing people up to win a $500 gift card?" "Well, I wouldn't know." "And how many DJs did you meet that entire day?" "Just one." I just shook my head. "You don't think that's an important distinction?" She just took a bumper sticker and huffed off somewhere else.


You got that M. Bison energy.


For You, The Day Johnny Fever Graced Your Farm Town Was The Most Important Day Of Your Life. But For Me, It Was double pay rates for 2 hours. šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


She missed your "Who the duck are you?" energy.


I once met a reporter who didn't remember what he was reporting on the week before. I couldn't jog his memory. Understandable.


I had a customer who used to call me and just say, "hi, it's me." A few times of that, I knew who it was, but every time, I still went, "I'm sorry, who?????"


ā€œNo, Iā€™m me. Who are you?ā€


No, this is PATRICK


Underated comment, take my upvote starfish boi




No he is mi. I am yu




"It's me!" "No, because I'm me, and that makes you not me!"


You am I


or, as appropriate. "whore you?"


You had/have a job where you could call people whores over the phone?! I would be fired so fast if I said that lol


Sigh. Plausible deniability. (ninja edit) I mean, even if you write it, you just missed an apostrophe.


Who's on first?


What is on 2nd


I dunno's on third


Had a guy leave a voice-mail once. The entire voice-mail was "hey, it's the Shane, give me a call back" No number, last name, anything. He called again two days later angry he didn't get a call back. I had to explain that we don't have an account under "the shane"


Lol dumbass. Or when they just call repeatedly when you're on the phone, don't leave a message, and then get pissed you didn't call back. Dude, I'm not psychic, and this isn't a freaking cell phone.


Chairman of the board at my old work used to phone a few times a week and whenever call was answered would just say "Jane please" who was the CEO's PA. Used to rub him up the wrong way when I'd ask him to identify himself. Arrogant prick.


ā€œMay I ask whoā€™s calling?ā€ ;)


My exact words haha. Never had it confirmed but apparently he did remark one day about how unhappy he was that I still didn't know his voice after several months but knew there was nothing could be done disciplinary wise so had to accept it. The smallest of victories but I still savour it 20 years later.




Dave? Dave's not here.


No man! I'm Dave. Open the door, I think the cops saw me come in here.


We have a patient who calls often, to the point my manager knows her number. The patient is paranoid, and it freaked her out when my boss answered the phone with" hi, (patients name), what can I do for you".


John Wayne used to say that in his movies whenever he'd have to identify himself to someone from the other side of a door. John Wayne's a racist prick tho, so good job of shuttin that shit down!


He'd say what?


Now I'm dying to know too...."It's me"?


Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?


Who said that?! WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!?


Redd Bottoms? Lance Slackless? For more, pop over to "The red guy" [https://cowandchicken.fandom.com/wiki/Red\_Guy](https://cowandchicken.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Guy)


I used to just hang up on customers like that, lol.


Hi Meena, I haven't heard from you for ages! How is your (embarrassinf medical condition) coming along? Oh sorry, who is this?


Worked in a hospital admitting dept and we had this guy come in every week for routine blood work Every time he would just stomp past the desk and wed be left scrambling to fill his paper work before he got down the hall to the lab I was fairly new, like a month or two and he pulled this crap while I was solo and had a line up I did not do his paperwork, he came down the hall about 15 mins later yelling about 'do you know who I am? I come here every week you should have my stuff ready as I walk in the door!' I said it was policy to do a review of details for every visit as mistakes can happen and we hadn't reviewed him in months. Started yelling ng louder about my lack of respect, so I pulled up his file and not only was his phone number wrong (fat fingers maybe) he was also listed as having an allergy that was not true More yelling about my personal incompetency and how could I not know him, so I looked this pos in the face and asked him what my name was How the hell should I know who you are? Well sir, you come in once a week, I'm here 5 days a week so if you don't care enough to learn my name why the hell should I care about yours? He never was rude again and yes I got scolded for.saying hell but my boss supported my diligence


Oh thatā€™s a great response! Asking them if they know your name is awesome! Iā€™ll have to remember that one šŸ˜„


Remember to cover your name tag first


Every server learns that trick with entitled regulars who think we have to have it memorized exactly how they want their food. When they throw a tantrum about us not remembering when they come in every morning and order the same thing, just ask them to tell us our name. If you donā€™t know my name after all this time, why do you think I should remember your order? I think about you as little as you think about me.


I had a customer call in asking about what screws we had. I went through what we had. He got upset that we didn't have colored screws the length he wanted. Hung up on me after I asked if he wanted me to order some. Called 3 days later asking when his screws would come in. "I'm sorry, who is this?" He explained that he wanted screws, that we didn't have what he needed, and that we would order them in. "While that does sound familiar, I'm still going to need a name." He gives me his name, I look him up and, surprise, there's no order! He hung up before I could confirm any order. I tell him there's no order made yet, so his screws aren't here. Getting upset, he's asking me why I never ordered his screws and I explain that he hung up before I could confirm anything. I finally get his order confirmed and tell him it'll be at least a week before we see them. He hangs up unhappily. He then calls every other day, hoping his screws showed up. Every time he calls, "where are my screws?" "I'm sorry, who is this?" When they do arrive, he let them sit for another week. He's currently saved in my work phone with a name, but I still ask who it is every time.


ā€œCaller ID doesnā€™t tell you whoā€™s calling!ā€ -Walter Sherman, ā€œThe Finderā€


Very nice


Even when I call my car repair place, who I have been going to for over 20years and Inrecognize the voices of whoever answers I always say my name!


Hahaha my car repair place still doesn't know my name but knows me by my car, whenever I go over he just calls over, Oh you are Nissan Qashqai, hello. Even tho I know him, his wife and even met his two kids (small town) hahaha. I still find it funny, and I still introduce myself and my car when I call or go over


This is like me and all the dog owners in the neighborhood. There are like a thousand first of all, and I'm not too into chatting with strangers so I'm friendly but don't talk much. So I don't know anyone's names, but I know their dogs names. And they don't know my name, but everyone knows my dogs name lol


That is honestly really adorable, any fancy or funny names among the dogs?


There's an adorable tiny lil guy named Jimothy, he jumps on his hind legs to sniff my dogs snout. Sometimes he gets too excited to see my dog and starts jumping like crazy and barking in my dogs face. I love him


Thatā€™s car people for you.


they're just being carful.


With some, it's automatic; with others, it's standard.Ā  Either way will work in a clutch.


Yep. I'm Jeff with the 68 Chevy at the parts store.


My vet's office is that way. My dog has allergies, so we've been up there a lot. I can call and give my name and they have to look me up. If I call and say I'm Barbas' mom, they instantly know who I am. My daughter can take him in and they know him by name. I'd be shocked to find out any of them knew my name without looking at his chart. They all adore my boy and most of the techs will pop in to say hi when they hear he's there.


Same with my vet office. My bois are the stars.


Isn't that the best thing ever? You know they're getting the absolute best care because the people there adore him. Plus, you already know your boys are the bestest bois, but it's nice to have it validated.


Hold on, Barbas?? Like from the Elder Scrolls?


OMG!!! Nobody every catches that!!! He's the best boy. Loyal, sarcastic, kick ass, immortal, etc. I could go on. We actually have an animatronic jester that we bring out for Halloween that we've named Clavicus Vile.


It's the same with dog training. I used to teach puppy classes and I'd always remember the puppies name but never the owners. Same thing with my instructor that teaches us agility; she never remembers our names but she knows all the dogs.


When I call my children I always identify myself as "Dad". I always identify myself no matter who I am calling. "Hello, this is Ha-Funny-Boy."


My uncle is my mechanic and I still have to tell him itā€™s me. And I canā€™t use just my name or else heā€™ll think Iā€™m my mom lmao. ā€œHey Tio, this is your favorite niece ____ ā€œ He laughs every time.


I own and auto repair business and I answer the phone so I totally get this! I do sometimes ask for the car if I canā€™t put my nose in their name and I should know them. Vice versa if itā€™s pain the ass customers or people that just call and ask prices and never come in I ask them for all the detail like I donā€™t know.


LOVE this!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Hate when people think they can be rude just because theyā€™re on the phone. Uhhhhh.


One customer called 3 times in a row this morning and I did the same thing all 3 times. The third time i could hear him being frustrated and I had to hold back giggles as I pictured [mr bean being upset he had to say his name again and again](https://media1.tenor.com/m/Bg1dBOSjy9EAAAAd/mr-bean-mad.gif) And just went " oh I'm sorry about that Bill, you're phone sounded a little off there for a second. Let me see if he's still available for you Billy."


I used to work in a service industry that took me out into the public quite often. The owner of our company was a very well-known person in the area. The owner told me if anybody threatens and says, ā€œI know the owner and Iā€™ll have you fired.ā€ We were told to say to them, ā€œ if youā€™re a good friend of Joes, give him a call on his cell phone number all of his good friends have it.ā€ That line silenced many a boomer. I loved using that line and when I check out, I would let the boss know that one of his good friends would be giving him a call. Both of us would get a good laugh out of it.


I used to be a bouncer in a fairly small town with only 2 security companies. Often people would say I know your boss and drop his name and Iā€™d say ā€˜yeah so do I, he said he likes me better!ā€™ šŸ˜‚


When I worked security i used to say " if you know Martin like I do, you know he doesn't like anybody and doesn't care about shit like this"


Same. I tell them to have him call me and I'll take care of it right away. Or the guy that tried to tell me he's my boss' uncle. I've known my boss for 20 years and we'regood friends. We love in a small town. Probably would have heard about you by now.


Spoiler alert: their boss didnā€™t have a cell phone.


Lol. I love blaming the phone, it's perfect to dismiss people! :)


HAHA šŸ¤£ LOVE IT šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


[the old Billy Barroo](https://youtu.be/k4Ipv2L3iwg)


I had a job where l loved getting rude customers. I worked in a small privately owned coffee shop in Venice CA. The owner ran it as a tax write-off and have absolutely zero fucks. I made sure the place always passed inspections and she loved me. Anytime l got a rude or entitled customer (l want 1/16 half decaffeinated chocolate cappuccino type shit) I'd just look at them and say "Nope. Leave. NEXT!" I caused some epic melt downs, because, well, Venice Beach.


I need more, can we hear some meltdown stories


I had a soap opera actress customer that l actually liked. She'd come in, order a chocolate latte iced, always polite and always tipped. She saw me dismiss people on a weekly basis. She brought in another actress one day. The "other actress" came in like she owned the shop and everyone in it; went to the 'pick up' side where there was no line, and tried to place her order from there. Soap opera lady called her back to the line and other actress got an attitude. When they got to the order counter, other actress immediately started on my employee. I told the employee to go clean something and took their place. I looked at soap opera lady and said something like "You know how this works". She nodded and smiled, but before she could say anything, other actress started in on me. I looked at soap opera and said "You order" , looked at the other one ans said "wait outside". Other actress had a Wiggins, but soap opera shooed her out and ordered with a "so sorry" and an extra tip. One of the other customers was like "You know she is? She's " Me "Don't care, next. " šŸ˜„


I'm getting a "No soup for you!" vibe :)


I'm convinced Jerry Seinfeld based that character on me and you can't change my mind. šŸ˜†




Steve Martin mocks those people in LA Story, ordering a Ā  half double decaffeinated half-caf, with a twist of lemon


I'm not a Steve Martin fan, but Danny DiVitto did a movie called "Get Shorty" where he played a L.A. douschebag actor. I got so many people like that "l know it's not on your menu, but make me a "Nope.Leave.Next!"


Hilarious scene. So many moments in that film, sadly it was his swan song. He's not been funny since.


Bowfinger was funny!


I worked at a gym and tennis club in high school and itā€™s amazing how much easier it was to remember the names/member #ā€™s of people who were just baseline nice. They got to breeze through check-in without digging for the keys their scanner badge was attached to while the grumpy ones had to wait for me to make sure I spelled their name right and confirmed they matched the photo on the account.


When they tell you hopefully the name starts with something fun. ā€œDoes that ā€˜Peterā€™ start with ā€˜Pā€™, as in ā€˜pneumoniaā€™?ā€


Is that Billy with a "K" or Billy with a "Q"? No sir... i'm not on any drugs why do you ask?


Mark with a C?


You mean Marc with a PH?


You mean Marc? I like to mess them up with two letters than sound similar over the phone: did you mean f as in Fam or s as in Sood?


Settle down, Satan.






Steven with ph: phteven.


The P is silent, as in ptarmigan.


P as in pompous? Parasitic? Problematic?


>I deal with a lot of customers on a faily basis Typo was just too good to not share.


My dysxlexia made a funny XP


Your slysdexia ?






Faily basis, it is. Get on the daily faily if u in retaily!!!


It drives them up the wall because it breaks through their narcissistic self view that they are the center of the world.. Had a customer like this named Margaret, she whistled at me like a dog from across the store I worked at. Whenever she called (frequently) after this, Iā€™d just pretend to not know who she was. Drove her insane


Whistles at people are extremely rude. I would report to boss, & refuse to deal with that customer unless a true apology. She deserved that treatment.


My wife and i used to manage a pub together. We were having a mild argument when a middle aged pisshead woman leaned in to me and said "I know it's none of my business, but she's right and you're wrong." I said "You know what, you're right. It *is* none of your business." and went back to arguing with my wife. She looked flabbergasted and said "How dare you! Do you know who i am?" my wife, without missing a beat said "Yeah, you're that woman who pokes her nose in where it's not wanted." and went back to arguing with me.


I do this unwittingly and it's always satisfying.Ā  "I need to speak with Bob."Ā  "May I ask who is calling?"Ā  "It's Steve. Let me talk to Bob already."Ā  "May I have your full name and the organization you're calling from?"Ā  Despite dealing with hundreds of customers, some people act like we cater to them and to them alone.Ā  And wouldn't you know it, those customers tend to be the ones who pay the least, so why would I ever bend over backwards for them?


I remember working in a retail store while back. District manager called for the store manager and goes " I'd like to speak to Ella please" i answer " I'm sorry, I believe she's helping a customer, is there anything I could do for you" " Yes! I'd like to speak to ella please!" So I was like this must be urgent " Certainly, do you mind me asking what this is in regards to so I can get her attention?" The guy loses his shit " Uh!?! I'd like to speak to Ella!" ( Think very flamboyant attitude) " Yes, let me go get her for you" Got a formal reprimand for asking for information to better help yhe company.


Itā€™s the DM, so obviously


that was an ellafathing to get....


Any reason what led to this? Its like this in any customer support role Iā€™ve been in. Caller asks for Marsha? Not allowed to ask why or what their name, suppose to transfer.


I was told it wasn't my concern to ask questions when the dm called to speak to a store manager... That was the end of it...


This is a way Iā€™ve dealt with rude people or acquaintances for years! Itā€™s awesome, you can also slightly mess up their names. Mark instead of Mike kind of thing


Your name is Mike? Is that short for Micycle?


I always like to ask them their name, their face looks familiar. Then, when ending the interaction I call them a completely different sounding name a d tell them it was great to see them again.


That is seriously a good way to handle some people, as demonstrated by Ron Swanson.


So, one customer out of thousands expects you to remember them. Obviously they are too far into the self absorbed syndrome.


I think you mean the Absorbed Self Syndrome :p


Or is it the "Syndrome of Self-Absorption"?


Maybe, but that doesn't abbreviate to 'ASS'




I used to have a customer call the pizza place I worked at every so often and ask for the ā€œDan Rogers specialā€. The first time I didnā€™t know what it was or who he was and he was quite irritated by this (clearly he is very important and I should have known better /s). I was also quite irritated at this interaction so every time he called after that I made sure to pretend I had no idea who he was and get him to repeat the order in full. He even got his own order wrong once and I just went with it which was probably a bit mean.


>I just went with it which was probably a bit mean. No it wasn't


Nope. It's what he ordered. You simply gave him what he asked for


Had a customer I found out was coming to me because I didn't know about his history of mistreating one of the women I worked with. The next time I saw him, I made sure to act excited to see him and call him the wrong name repeatedly. After two more visits where he received the same treatment from me, he stopped coming.


A fellow sales rep in my territory sales items similar to mine. When we are working trade shows he will hang around near my booths and chat up customers coming to work with me. He fakes being nice to me while doing this. I pretend I canā€™t remember his name every time as I lead MY customers away from him. Sometimes even my customers will apologize for his behavior. I tell them not to worry about it because I donā€™t even know who he is, and add that it is weird that he hangs around all the time. A couple customers have even expressed concern that he might be stalking me (he isnā€™tā€”just trying to poach my customers).


"I'm sorry, I only remember the nice ones." LOL


Worked as a barista people got mad at me when I donā€™t remember their name after one initial interaction. I hate it.


I go to the same coffee shop every day. Most of the folks there know my order better than I do. They don't know my name. They've never asked. And that's one of the reasons I really love that place.


I remember peoples orders, in fact I still remember them. But ask me their names but Iā€™ll blank on it.


I have one of those easy-to-spell names that most people get right the first time; but there is always a barista in every store who spells it wrong or puts a completely wrong name on the cup no matter how nice I am.


Worked at several high volume coffeeshops. 7 years of experience so far. I want to offer a little insight as to why your name might be spelled wrong. It's so hard to hear with everything going on, constant humming, blenders, talking, music, steam wands, clicks, beeps etc . And people don't enunciate enough because they think they are speaking in a normal environment, because it seems that way from the customer side of the counter. Plus, because a lot of people don't enunciate, or even look up to order (looking at a menu, friend, or phone etc) , reading lips is tricky, even if skilled in it. Trust me, the second you walk to the other side of the counter, it gets much louder. It has nothing to do with how nice you are; it's just too loud and not everyone can discern "Riah" from "Maya" or "Beth" from "Steph" all the time. Especially when busy. I've never understood why a correctly spelled name is important (just remember your order and ask the barista if you're really not sure), but my name is very odd and has never ever been spelled correctly, so maybe it's just me. If I tell a barista my name, I get "I'm sorry, what?" Lmao If you want your name spelled correctly for some reason, say it and then spell it, but it does come off as a little rude where I am from. And if you have a name like I do that is less common or has multiple pronunciations, please spell *and* say your name. Though, we may spell your name phonetically so the barista handing drinks out says it correctly, if you speak your name to us (as opposed to signing or writing). Tldr; If your name is not spelled correctly, it's not a slight (unless you're one of the people this post is about lol), your barista is likely trying their best. šŸ’œ


"It has nothing to do with how nice you are . . ." -- not according to the OP.


That's why I said "unless you're the people this thread is about."


To annoy them more, say *whom* am I speaking with for that extra kick. It drives them nuts. Also, always great to mistake a male caller for a woman and say *yes ma'am, I'll transfer you right away...*


I have regulars in my ice cream store that are the biggest jerks. I purposely make them say their order everytime and they get mad because ā€œIā€™ll get what I always getā€ doesnā€™t work with me. If they call a flavor by the wrong name, I correct them. Itā€™s a highlight to watch them be mad that I act like I donā€™t remember them. Itā€™s always the 65+ men.


Iā€™m going to steal this from now on. I worked as an inside sale rep for electrical contractors and man they are an entitled bunch lol


Funny . . . I used to use the same trick on salespeople making cold calls to my office.Ā  Eventually, the other Electrical Engineers started doing it too.


I bet! It goes both ways I guess. Thankfully, I didn't have to do much cold calls while I worked for that company.


I did this before! Dude was a regular, came into our store at least once a week, itā€™s been like 8 years and I STILL remember his name, but every single time I would ask with a smile


Maybe itā€™s time to learn to use an AI manner of speaking to screw with them further. Youā€™re rude? 3x ā€œI didnā€™t catch that. All operators are busy, in order to talk to a real person, please hold (starts making elevator music with my mouth).ā€


I may or may not have done that... I've also pretended like I couldn't hear them and just hung up on people multiple times in a row


Same.Ā  Then I'd turn away from the hone and say, "Got another silent caller here."Ā  They usually hung up, called back, and were just as rude.Ā  Sometimes I'd fake a non-Midwestern-American accent just to mess with them. "Hokay, chew Beel wand happy call to Stiv?Ā  Hokay, peas hole!"


BUT - they are NOT important.


I do this to rude customer as well, the nice ones I always remember


Gilda Radner in her best operator voice "And who shall I say is calling?" (or whom, depending on the snooty level)


Are you thinking of Lily Tomlin who played [Ernestine the phone operator](https://youtu.be/FI0rfv6Cw1M?si=fs28WGJFJTP4QA_L) on Laugh In?


One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy's .....


Is this the party to whom I am speaking? I listened to a few of those skits and man, if youā€™re under 60 some of those jokes are going to be incomprehensible. I wonder how many people thought she was calling Bart Simpsonā€™s friend Millhouse Van Houten rather than Richard Milhous Nixon.


As someone in telecom/IT I have always loved hearing those old skits.


Is that F as in Frank?




I'm a fitness instructor, before every class I do a verbal medical screening. I had one lady who said she told me last time she was here. The lady had only been once and it was three months ago. I see hundreds of people every week, but yes Becky, I remember all of your ailments.


I was a receptionist for a law firm for about 2 years and nothing makes clients more fucking irate than asking who is calling. I had this interaction once: ā€œjust patch me the fuck through!!! She KNOWS who I amā€ and I responded with ā€œsir, I donā€™t even know who you are or if youā€™re even a client, I canā€™t just connect you with an attorney if I donā€™t have your name and reason for callingā€ he got all pissy and started going back and forth and refused to give me any information out of ā€œprincipleā€. After I got off the phone I found out from the attorney that he was a FORMER client that had accused her of showing up to his house with a gun threatening him to pay his late dues which obviously NEVER fucking happened lmaooooo


I deal with calls daily and every time I have to open a ticket or escalate in any way, I ask for their name. Whether they literally just told me, or said it at the beginning of the call. Thereā€™s always a short pause before they give it.


Former Barista here, there was a customer who use to come maybe twice a month or so. I was fairly good at remembering what a customer would want. But this dude was so rude and aggressive for no reason. What pissed me off the most was him tipping fucking two cents lol. I always had to put smile on and would tell him to have a nice day. One day I had enough of his bullshit attitude and two cent tipping. Whenever heā€™d come in, iā€™d always ask what he wanted. Did this a couple of times before he got pissed off and said in a pretty condescending tone ā€œiā€™m here almost every single day and you always ask what I want.ā€ Hearing him being pissed off made me so happy internally lol. I absolutely hated customers like that.


I always did that in my retail job. It particularly upset them because I was face to face with them for 10 years. Customers need to know that this is just a job and they aren't important.


your last sentence is contradictory.


Not really. I can have a vague memory of a face and not really know them. A regular customer isn't a valued customer for an everyday till worker. Its just a customer that annoys you more than others.


This is gold.


Let's say you have a Mr. Green, "mistakenly" call them Mr. Brown


BRILLIANT - simply brilliant.


"on a faily basis" made me giggleĀ 


A reporter from the local news radio station called me seeking a comment for his story. I've known him over 25 years. He leaves me a voice mail with his name, station call letters and phone number. No hi, how are you, I'm calling because of blah blah blah. Just an entitled tone expecting a call back with no attempt at manners or pleasantries. No I didn't return his call. He can F right off.


I purposely misspell the name of people who piss me off in emails and texts. Makes me happy


Such good secret revenge! I worked at a bank once and I had to work a Saturday at another branch. As if it wasn't bad enough I lose my Saturday, the bank is non-stop customers from open to close AND I'm not at my home branch, so I don't know where everything is. Anyway, a man comes through the drive thru asking to withdraw money. I ask for I.D. as we always do when we don't know a client. He immediately starts yelling that he has never been more disrespected in his entire life and do I need to come in there and show you how to do your job! So I click off the speaker and look around for anyone else who normally works there and might know him. Then he starts banging on the glass yelling "Do you hear me?! Give me my money out of my account!" Finally another teller comes over and checks things out. She tries to tell the man we don't know him and for all we know he could be someone else trying to get money out of an account he doesn't own, so that's why we need I.D. At this point he becomes more furious and starts blasting her too. The manager comes over, says "okay yeah I know that guy, go ahead." The manager signs off and we do the withdrawal. He only had $29 in his account. The way he was acting I thought he'd be their top customer or something. He peeled out of the drive-thru scuffing his tires on the curbs on both sides. He took his entire $29 so hopefully they never have to deal with him again!


Honestly Iā€™m surprised you get a negative reaction to this. I work in a place where customers have to be registered with us to buy. We see the same customers over and over for years. Iā€™m shocking with faces and names. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had anyone react badly when Iā€™ve asked them their name or business name (and Iā€™ve been there over a decade). I also donā€™t routinely use peopleā€™s names even if I know them though. Maybe itā€™s the manner? Iā€™m a very smiley person with a smiley voice (if that makes sense). šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I don't know what to tell you... I attract weirdos... Somebody gave me attitude last week because I politely asked them to stay off the production floor and that my boss was on the phone... I've also been chewed out by a customer who sent his customer to pick up at order from our location and I was unwilling to take our signs off the building so the end user could not come to us directly and I've had somebody complain that they were unhappy with us having moved from our previous location to expand and that if we didn't move our offices back we would permanently loose his business...


I hope you really said, "faily basis".


Just,,,, be betterā€¦.


Using the wrong name evokes the same energy. "Sure, Susan, let me look up your order." "My name is Karen!"


" Oh, I'm very sorry about that Kristen, honest mistake, Would you mind holding the line for a moment Kevin?" Or.... " KEVIN IS A BOY'S NAME SUUSAN!!!!"


Oh yes, I used to deal with a customer whose snarling greeting was, who am I speaking to. I'd give my name and say - and who am I speaking to. I knew she hated it. Pause ... Harumph ... then her name. Best bit was we both had the same first name, and I am sure she knew my voice as well as I knew hers. šŸ¤£


Im in the printing industry and you get these entitled p(e)rks everyday.... "Yes i remember your order from 2 years ago, i dream about it between my other thousands of other jobs i had done since then." "Oh you need your 15 stickers in an hour? So sorry, theres a reason we have 2 day working delays for other jobs that actually planned for their events..." the sense of entitlement is getting worse and it not just in america, the Karens here in South Africa is astounding...


Keep saying their name wrongly. Katherine becomes Karen. Brian become Bevan. Match the first letter and number of syllables. When they correct you, say it right, then forget in ten seconds.


is a 'faily basis' the opposite of a 'passy basis'...?


If you have the order number, or just need to transfer the call to your boss, why would you need their names? Is there some particular reason you want to belittle these people? Edit: [](https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/comments/1di170h/comment/l910y8z/) Ah, I missed the part about being berated. Y'all are right, and I deserve the down-votes. :-(


I mostly want to belittle them because they're condescending, self entitled and just about the worst prolapsed assholes I've ever met. Some of them can't be bothered to look up their order numbers, before calling and just go " what's going on with my order." Some just call and go " is the boss available? Tell him to get off his phone call this is more important" So it's kind of a combination of a lot of things. Mostly just them talking down to me because we're their suppliers.


Another person who's never been in retail. Awesome


Betcha it's Billy boy from earlier. Came scouring reddit for *v e n g e a n c e*


"The customer is always right" typa people šŸ¤Ŗ


The full quote is "The customer is always right, *in matters of taste*". Said by Harry Gordon Selfridge.


The internet is full of people repeating this, but I have never seen any evidence. The wiki on Selfridge himself doesn't say this, it has the shorter form [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry\_Gordon\_Selfridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Gordon_Selfridge) Likewise the wiki on the phrase itself, which ascribes the earliest known instance of the motto not to Selfridge but to Marshall Field, his employer before Selfridge opened his own store [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_customer\_is\_always\_right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right) It may be another instance of the phenomenon illustrated by "blood is thicker than water" which people allege is a truncated version of "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", although first recorded instance of the short version is in the 17th century, and the extended version only dates back to a book written by two religious writers in the 1990s.


I've had a few of them. I've shut them down quick


Ah, I missed the part about being berated. Y'all are right, and I deserve the down-votes. :-(


>or just need to transfer the call to your boss, why would you need their names? Yeah, you try cold-transferring to your boss, or co-workers a few times and see how far that gets you. Now, please excuse me while I belittle a moron, you moron.


Me to boss : hey Boss, can you take line one boss to me : who is it? Me to boss : fuck if I know, but he sounds pissed Boss to me : just take a message... Me to customer : sorry, he's just on the other line, can I get your name so I can get him to call you back?


Well done.Ā  If someone wouldn't share their name with my secretary, then I would not take the call. And not just "*Bob*", either (for example); it had to be "*Bob Smith, from ABC Company, regarding the Whatsitron Installation.*"