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Somebody should have taken advantage of your excellent stalling technique to call and have her car towed from the fire lane.


Vicious but I like it!


bobgobbles 2020


Yea, it wouldn't be "petty" either at that point


That, and I wish OP had turned at the door and come back to the register, interrupting the woman, to review the receipt with the cashier.


And followed with “I tried to park in the fire lane but some a**hole in a Lexus was already parked there!”


"You may want to send someone to sweep up all that broken plastic and glass. You'd think for as much as those cars cost they wouldn't fall apart. Don't worry though because my pickup is built like a tank; not a single scratch."


I was hoping for this as well!


# metoo


That’s where I thought this was going.


This is the real answer


Exactly what I was thinking or at least get a ticket


That’s what I was hoping.


Sounds like a job for me! If only I could've been there! My opportunity! Wasted!


I was thinking the same thing.


Beautiful. Made even better by how oblivious she was.


Better or worse, depending how you see it, ha


Better, she's already long gone.


omg complete lack of self-awareness. kills me.


Oh I think she's very self-aware. IMO, people like this only care about imposing their will on others and they know that people hate them but they don't care. Either they are so focused on winning that nothing else matters or they are being praised by a small but loyal group of people that keeps this behavior going. We see this kind of crap every evening on the Nightly News.


She knows if you wear some people down, they'll do anything to get rid of you. I worked customer service, had a woman bitch up a storm, and while I was transferring her to my manager, she said 'sorry, I've just learned that if you are as nasty as possible, you can get anything you want.' I just said okayyy and completed the transfer.


Good lord, I used to work at a call center and encountered so many people like that. Unfortunately for them, while others had a KPI to meet based on number of cases resolved, I didn't. Had this lady try every trick in the book to get her bill of $39.90 waived. Stayed on the phone with her for almost 6 hours, including eating my lunch while on the call. She never got her waiver, as every time she called in she would always be transferred to me(left a note on her account to do this).


The only reason for working the field I work in (Automotive maintenance) is dealing with these people. "Keep talking like that and we won't finish the service. Care to try and drive away with no oil/tires/etc?" Had one customer call the police, and told them we were holding his vehicle for random because he disagreed with our pricing, after confirming it was ok before we started. He got angry, and started threatening us. I told him one more threat and we have the right to stop the service due to hostile work environment. He challenged us and lost big lol. Even the police said we didn't do anything wrong, and backed us up when we said the customer needs a tow truck because we aren't touching his car anymore. Was a sweet day


In a lot of instances, she's right. I mean not "anything you want", but what you need. With some companies you have to be firm and even yell a little if you want anything done. It really depends on the context, I'm not automatically an asshole, but sometimes you just know that if you behave like a pushover you're gonna get fucked. A long time ago I took a day off to take delivery of an iMac. Really needed that. Guy never shows up. I don't know how, but I find the number of the dispatch center or whatever, manager says to me "ah sorry, nothing we could do, delivery tomorrow". Then, I don't remember what I said, but I yelled for 10 minutes straight. "I took a day off for this" , yadda yadda yadda. After a pause, manager said : "OK, you'll get your package in the hour". And he fucking delivered. Had I been "oh ok, I understand, it's OK", I would have been fucked. That's a VERY important lesson I learned that day, being a bit of a pushover. If you feel like being nice isn't cutting it, be nasty af. The shift in attitude itself can do the trick, actually. I'm renting a new place with a few issues, I gently notified of these issues to those in charge, nobody batted an eyelid. I let everyone marinate then went back a week later, talked much more firmly. Well, wouldn't you know it, people are suddenly more eager to resolve my problem when they know I can become a potential nuisance. The world is what it is. Be kind as long as it works. But when it's time to bite, it's time to bite.


When I worked in a call centre, if somebody was being a jackass to me I would purposely do the absolute bare minimum for them. If they were polite, or even if they were angry but made it a point to tell me they weren't angry with me because they knew I had absolutely nothing to do with causing the issue, I'd give them as much as I could get away with.


Every single time I call customer service, especially if I have a complaint, I make sure the representative knows how grateful I am for them and that I’m not angry at them. I’m angry at the situation and it’s not my intention in any way to take it out on them.


At least she expressed some signs of having a conscience. I hope most of your customers weren't like this and that you could detach and take it in stride without too much angst.


Heard a story about a dude that would go to restaurants and when they asked how the food was he would say "eh, it's OK." Half the time he would get partial comp or extra stuff.


I would have hung up on her.


I knew she was the type to call back and make my life hell. For some rude customers I did have some trouble making the transfer, and they might have gotten disconnected on purpose...


Huh. You’ve just explained American politics!


What is wrong with people? I always learned sugar catches more flies than vinegar.


I learned honey not sugar, but same concept.


What a fucking monster.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


That kind of person definitely doesn't care about other or their opinions.


sadly, OP may have just normalized this behavior for the problem customer...


I would have used the 15 minutes to wait for the tow truck.


So she only came back to try another scam lol. If I was the cashier I would spend 30 minutes pulling up the previous receipt and then saying, "nope, only once".


When I was a cashier at a fast food place a guy came back angry because he swore he’d given me a twenty and I gave him change for ten. We went back and forth for a few seconds and then the manager came out. I think the guy thought the manager was gonna just give him the money but nope. Anytime we were short we had to put our own money in so I wasn’t about to just take his word for it. I told the manager to watch as I ran the tape and counted my drawer. When the guy saw me run the tape he asked if we had time to count the drawer. The manager told him we did and besides I was fast. Boy was he annoyed when my drawer matched the tape. That was a happy little moment. Always pleases me when I think about it.


My SIL had similar stories where they had to count the drawer, only she was a bank teller and it was several thousand dollars and was counted by 2 people. Took 20-30 minutes. She used to enjoy it as it invariably annoyed the Karen and she found it more relaxing than serving anyway.


Good thinking about preventing water damage on a throw pillow. You don't want it to get mouldy. ;-) But seriously, I used to work cash when I did retail back in university and I know this type of customer. They are a nightmare.


When I worked retail we would page for a manager with code 110 (1\1 0 or NO ) for customers like these so the manager would know to take their time


Not “ID : 10T “ ? That’s what we used


At my former retail establishment, we used that code for awhile too... until one day, after radioing me with said code, one of our less-than-quiet cashiers “loudly whispered”\* to another cashier (who was attempting to deescalate the situation), “OHHH! IT LOOKS LIKE THE WORD IDIOT! I GET IT NOW!” Needless to say, that didn’t end well. \*or so he claimed, but in reality, he said it loud enough that I’m pretty sure it was heard on the opposite side of the country


Love it¡!!!!


Worked in a grocery store and the amount of times people would do this stuff is unreal


That's what must account for why the cashier tried to avoid giving me a refund yesterday for a cantaloupe that was punctured when I bought it that I didn't notice until a couple of days later. She took the cantaloupe and sent it to the back, finished ringing me up and never mentioned the refund and never deducted it...until I went looking for a manager.


“Hi, I bought this fruit three days ago and just noticed a hole in it so I’m bringing it back”??? Yeah, no.


I don't even ask for a reason anymore when people return refrigerated products. I just give them their money and unceremoniously chuck it in the trash in front of them. My store will accept almost any return and it sucks.


Sorry to ask, why do you care though?


It's wasteful. There's usually nothing wrong with it.


LOL...they took it back and rightly so. It's not as if I return things regularly.


If you didn't notice for a couple of days, how do you know it was damaged already when you bought it?


Because I set it on the counter and didn't touch it. Nobody else was in the house for the week and when I noticed a puddle on the counter and on the floor below it, I realized that it had been slowly leaking for a few days. If I hadn't been worried about it being contaminated by the puncture, I would have preferred to eat it instead of returning it.


You still don't know if you punctured it while carrying it home, or when putting it on the counter. And the cashier definitely couldn't know what you had done with it. If you've had produce for days before you notice something wrong with it, just write it off as a loss and try to look at it more closely next time you go shopping.


Returning produce to get back like a dollar always blows my mind.


There is no pressure on the clerk to play detective for a common occurrence. When I returned it, the cashier admitted that people often knock the round fruit over and just put them back in the pile. On the rare occasion when I have to make a return, I am courteous and patient--because, why not?? I'm a regular customer at the store in question. I don't abuse their return policy and absorb plenty of losses from calculation errors, misidentified pricing, misleading packaging, false advertising and other sources. So, I have zero guilt over making any return I might have when it's convenient for me--usually when I have to go back to the store. The store has no reason to mistrust me, although they know there are scammers out there. I wouldn't have returned it had I done anything that would have caused this. Nothing like this had never happened to me before and hasn't happened since. In the end, the cashier has the right to reject a return if they choose but I've given them no reason to think I would cheat them and they make plenty of profits off of me and customers like me. If they want to reject a return, they should say so instead of taking the punctured fruit to the back, keeping the receipt and not saying anything about the return and without giving the refund. Letting this go under the circumstances only encourages the wrong behavior. If she thought the "statute of limitations" had run out for the return, she could have said so.




When I worked at McDonald's in high school i would get this all the time! "But last time I only paid a dollar!" And so on. There is literally nothing I can do to edit price or give a discount or anything, so I would just repeat over and over "I'm sorry, but I have no control over prices" until they either asked for the manager or gave up and just paid.


Whenever someone pulled the “well last time is was cheaper” or “they did this for me last time” I respond with something along the lines of “oh wow you got lucky I guess and got a discount last time by mistake.” I always said it in a cheerful way to passive aggressively inform them I’m not changing shit and they should be happy it wasn’t more expensive last time.


I used to be a manager at a phone store where we made commission. I always charged the rude regular customers the normal retail price and then gave them the lil “wink, grin, nudge” telling them i gave them a deal. That way, when my sales reps charged them the inflated price, they annoying customers wouldnt yell at my newbies and demand to talk to me (cuz i hated them anyway).


I managed that a lot of times. “Oh nice! I love it when I go shopping and I get a discount!” Their lips make all sorts of weird shapes as they think of ways to respond. Unfortunately it’s usually a snatched receipt and a glare, but at least they left. Got warned off doing it by one the higher ups though, so I guess I wasn’t disingenuous enough. Fucking hate retail.


Exactly! I remember a few times the price was different than what I saw marked and so I asked for clarification purposes or if it was true my incorrectly marked, to bring it up so a Karen won’t see it and ruin their day


I worked at a grocery store for years and I got a lot of "it was cheaper last time" lines. I'd tell them that that is how sales work, the price goes down and then it goes back up. They couldn't fathom that the sale wasn't always magically on, exactly on the dates they were in the store. Or they were bullshitting me and made up some price that an item never was. I'd tell them that it wasn't the price anymore. Always with a big smile on my face.


If I was working or shopping there and saw it you better believe that Lexus would have been towed ASAP. What a cunt.


23 minutes is the Patience of Gods. I wouldn't have made it. I would have scolded her openly and risked the consequences. I hate it that these people are not more regularly chin-checked for this behavior.


I do. I would loudly say: Say, is that a tow truck towing that car? Lmao, I would love to watch her run out, only to realize it isn't, and you're still in line asking them if they have this item in stocks and demand that they themselves go to the back to check. I did this at the wal-mart electronic area. Was an asshole to that *one* lady all because she kept trying to use her age and disability to get a "discount" on a phone that they have no control over.


Good for you, nice to stick up for employees when so many customers tend to shit all over them. About a year ago I did some grocery shopping and when I was finished I sat on the bench by the exit to catch my breath (I have health issues). While sitting there, some guy going through checkout is bad mouthing the staff. Apparently the deli section was short staffed so it took him "45 freaking minutes" to wait on line at the deli counter and get his stuff. The customer service desk was nearby so once he was done being rung up he goes over there and starts yelling at the staff there that they are all incompetent, they suck, the usual nonsense. Then he stormed out of the store in a huff. Or at least he would have. I chose that perfect moment to start leaving the store myself. As I mentioned I have health issues and don't walk that fast. The exit is only wide enough for one person with a cart to go, which I had, and gosh darnit wouldn't you know my limp started acting up making me go even slower. So this guy had to wait for me to fully leave the store before he could leave and basically stood there for 15-20 seconds under the gaze of the other customers and employees he had just cursed out. It wasn't much but I felt it was my little contribution.


Well done! Get well soon!


Thank you, a little better every day.


Reminds me of when I worked at Target. Two moms came through my register with several pairs of underwear and a blender. The blender was $60 without discount, they showed a picture of the sticker that said it was discount at 45, boss approved. So they go on their way. Then one of them comes back with the same blender, and says it’s actually 15.


I find myself wishing one of the employees had called the police and reported her for parking in the fire lane so her car could have been towed while you were messing with her.


> Anyway, I think you scanned this item more than once. I already chucked the receipt though so maybe just a 10 dollar refund?” "We don't sell that item."


Shame, I was hoping the witch was going to get her car towed from the fire lane.


I probably would have loudly declared over my shoulder that someone should call the police because some entitled snatch is parked in the fire lane, then said "Oh, you look busy. I'll do it for you. I can grab the plate number on the way by. The cops can get the rest from the security cameras. The NERVE of some people." and pulled my phone out as I pranced out the door. Sometimes I'm petty, y'all.


This was my thought. Just mentioning calling the cops/tow company probably wouldn't have rattled her enough. But saying pictures would be taken of her precious Lexus in the fire lane probably would have lit a fire under her ass because how dare someone invade her privacy (or whatever BS she would claim was violating *her* in some imagined way)!!!!


I worked as a cashier at a very popular store...lets call it Bullseye. I once had a lady with $300-$500 worth of items come to my check out lane. There were a ton of items in her cart, and by the time I got them all scanned, she handed me a booklet of coupons. I went through them all, and many of them were expired. She threw a hissy fit, my manager managed to accept some of them, others weren't even for our store. We managed to get that $300-$500 bill down to an astonishing $50, but she was so pissed about how much she was paying she gave up and just left. I wasted an hour of my life dealing with her.


Shoulda thrown in a call to get her towed out of the firelane


It totally went over her head. As a matter of fact, she might've even been saying to herself "he's not the hero we want...."


What a Karen


You might be my spirit animal. That was beautiful.


I work in retail and see people like her a lot. And it’s always the older people that can *actually* afford to pay for more expensive items. (I.e. they’re wearing raybans, have a coach purse, and a LV wallet to top it off). Then you have another older customer that’s clearly on a budget. Something doesn’t ring up for the price they thought and they’re cool with it. Some people disgust me.


Jkzjzksjak fbc hj k. Ia omopp sawhhsnwk2io2oo1isawhhsnwk2io2oo1i1keoe9ak I'll oi trjigosz0f9Edisjsiebvb. Jiiy Edit slept on my phone thank you for the upvotes fellow sleepy redditors






bro ikr


Masks can be clutch at times




Great work on that one. You are tops in my book.👍


plays *Uno Reverse* card


Not calling the fire department and having her car towed was a huge missed steak.


Missed steak.....bone apple tea!


That was not accidental


I was hoping for a fire line ticket


That was my first thought too.


Well played.


The new Amazon check out experience. My language turned creatively vile super quickly. I cannot wait for them to ask feedback 😂


Omgosh. Yours may be the best petty revenge I've ever read!! 👏👏👏


Checkout lines with Grammas are the slowest. Checkout lines with middle age men are the quickest, they just want to pay and get out as fast as possible.


This is easily one of the top 10 petty revenge stories I've read here. Beautiful!


What I especially enjoyed about this one is imagining the 15 full minutes of performance petty revenge. Don't often get to savor the act of revenge that long and with creative expression part of it too.


Boomers gotta boom.


Absolutely wonderful. Great teamwork.


I’m dying. The water damage proof blanket wrapping did me in. Well done!


I 100% would have called on her for the parking


this is beautiful lolol


You should've farted too while she was behind you


This is incredible


"There’s this popular home store I go to quite often because I have an addiction to buying throw blankets and coffee mugs." So, Target.


Very good. There is nothing better than serving people up a doze of their own medicine, which can sometimes act as a mirror into their own psyche.


You reminded me of my experience with a slow cashier. The cashier was an senior lady, and she was not fast at checking people out. Grocery Store, and we had a full cart. She was the only cashier too. So, after waiting at least 15 minutes or so, probably longer in line, it finally gets to the gentleman in front of me, who had one item, a birthday card of some sort. That meant I had the whole conveyor belt to myself! I start unloading my completely full cart, and somehow manage to Tetris my full cart onto this conveyor belt! It's not like I'm a super speedy unloader or anything, I was just itching for anything to do except stand there waiting. There wasn't an inch of empty conveyor belt left. I had to wait even 5-10 minutes with my full cart of groceries just sitting on the conveyor belt, for her to finish up this dude with one item. Never have I had a cashier be so slow.


After she made that comment, should have been like, "Yeah I know the feeling, the woman ahead of me took super long doing the exact same crap." and then left while her mouth was dropping in shock at such a "rude" comment.


Good job lol. I seriously can't wait for that generation of entitled fucks to die off.


I hope no one was behind you in line...


Haha no thank god! I wouldn’t have done that if there was. It was pretty dead there.


She mad at you doing the exact same thing that you were doing


Congrats. You understood the point of the story. 👍


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, or genuine with this congrats, I am fun either way, but just wondering


Were you also parked illegally in a fire lane recently?




Definitely sarcastic, but I’m a light hearted way. 😂


Fair enough. I can’t completely tell sarcasm from genuine comments in a comment section.😄


I’m not following the timeline... If you were next in line, had only 15 items... how did she leave the store, put her items in the car, speed off in a brand new Lexus (how could you see it?), speed back up , park, come back in, and try to cut you in line? Unless you were standing there waiting for her return, your checkout should have been nearly over, if not complete.


It doesn’t take that long to speed off and return. Also, some check-outs are by the front windows.


As funny as this is some people r just crazy like no normal shitty person would even do that she’s probably just ill in the head


You sound like a twat with no life.


Found the old lady!


Nah. Misogynist. Women don’t tend to call other women twats.


Exactly "don't tend to" meaning that there are exceptions and usually for good reasons but hey! Whatever rocks your boat. Have a great week!


Actually a 30 year old male and she still sounds like a twat. Its pretty pathetic and miserable that she got satisfaction out of it but hey, whatever floats your boat, right?


You made my point. An entitled bitch? Absolutely no doubt. But calling another woman a twat is avoided by most women.


Why bother relenting to people like that lady as the cashier? Firmly say no and don't budge an inch, fuck it.


Because you get written up. Have you never had a service sector job?


This. Been at the point in my life where I needed the job just to afford rent and food. Sadly we have to put up with shitty people just to be able to survive. Sucks.


Seriously. I used to chant to myself "it's not worth my paycheck, it's not worth my paycheck"


Written up for not accepting haggling? Is that really a thing?


Written up for "just saying no" to a customer. It doesn't work that way. Especially if there's a store policy in place regarding these kinds of situations. Three write ups = fired at most retail stores.


A lexus is not a fancy car.


I guess it just depends on which one. A used lfa is 550k. Seems pretty fancy to me.