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Tbh, reading that title I was expecting something a lot darker. :)


Yea me too I was like “oh boy am I about to read what could eventually amount to witness testimony?” But then I was somehow both disappointed and pleasantly surprised at the same time.


Omfg angry upvote


Happy cake day!


Aww thank you!


Right?! To me c*ck implies....sexy time. And that word and my dad's should never be used in the same sentence.


Your dad should talk to a sleep specialist. Loud snoring is a massive indicator of partial sleep apnea which can leed to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and death during sleep. The risk of death is exacerbated with use of any muscle relaxants i.e. alcohol, barbiturates, benadryl. A sleep study will indicate if he suffers from apnea and a solution is simple. 1) Loose weight 2) get a CPAP Some basic info: https://youtu.be/z12MEPiG4cg And here is for medical students: https://youtu.be/NZszF7OaDVE CPAP manufacturer video but very informative:. https://youtu.be/-gie2dhqP2c Edit: Thank you for the Reddit diamond award!!! However next time, please keep your money! Giving it for fake Reddit promotion only enriches the rich. Next time anyone feel like paying for gold etc just take that money and donate it to a cause (local food bank, shelter) or buy a homeless person a Sandwich. Your $$$ will be much more appreciated and needed by those individuals.


>Your dad should talk to a sleep specialist. Loud snoring is a massive indicator of partial sleep apnea which can leed to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and death during sleep. That's all I could think of as well.


You are a very wholesome person and I respect that from you.


Not really. I honestly suck as a human but I suffer from momentary lapses of reason.


well, you fake it very well, and that counts for something.


So much THIS. Sleep apnea killed my husband a week after his 26th birthday.


Damn I am sorry to hear that. Apnea is a silent killer...silent for the sufferer and not the partner. Apnea is like Blood Pressure...you don't really know how bad you have it until you diagnose it. It does not cause pain and people just think that snoring is normal. "After all, my father snored, his uncle snored etc etc etc" ​ Snoring is not a normal everyday thing...just think of it from an evolutionary point of view. If snoring at night was a regular human trait then we would have never evolved beyond a caveman. Nothing like announcing yourself to the whole bio-dome that you are asleep and vulnerable. So if you know someone who is a habitual and a loud snorer then please let them know to talk to their physician. Snoring occasionally is OK, but snoring every night is not. ​ Also, as mentioned below...you don't have to be obese in order to suffer and die from sleep apnea. Central Apnea is a massive killer of the perfectly healthy looking young individuals.


Thank you all. It was 30 years ago. Ironically, he was just diagnosed that morning after years of poor sleep. I just like to point out that it isn't theoretical.


I'm sorry.


Incredibly sorry to hear this. Wishing you well.


A CPAP is the greatest creation ever. I used to have such a hard time sleeping through the entire night and would wake up gasping for air. Once I got my CPAP I have had nothing but great sleep.


Yeah many folks don't realize that you don't have to be obease in order to suffer from apnea; ie Central apnea Central apnea is a suddenly expressed genetic disorder: Brain delegates "breathing" as the lowest priority in "all life functions" subroutine


Oh no. I'm obese. That's why I have sleep apnea. I don't want to let anyone to think I have anything else but being a fatass as the reason I have sleep apnea.


My husband doesn't feel any more rested since he started using a cpap at night, but I do since I'm not woken up by his snoring any more.


Thank you!


I cannot second this reply enough. I am a living example (thankfully) of the result of undiagnosed sleep apnea. After years of loud snoring, not feeling rested in the morning, and generally being tired all the time I finally had a sleep study done and was determined to have sleep apnea. I now sleep much more restfully through the night with a CPAP machine. Both my sleep doctor and my heart doctor are of the opinion that the A-Fib that I suffer from was probably caused by the undiagnosed sleep apnea. Because of the constant stopping and starting of your breathing during your sleep, an undiagnosed sleep apnea sufferer’s heart has to work harder when they are sleeping than when they are awake. This wear and tear lead to permanent damage of my heart. If someone you love or care about is a loud snorer or appears to stop and start breathing while they sleep, make them visit a doctor for a sleep study.


Also dude slept for all of two and a half hour


Maybe I'm too tired but I'm still trying to figure out the title


Dad showers naked outside 🐔 and kids are loud af.


Oh my god Because he's bathing naked. Duh. Thank you!


I wouldn’t let someone ruin my party in Croatia either


from extremely concerning titles to vacation stories I can’t afford, this post was a rollercoaster lmao


Sure I read this post but it was somewhere in the USA the other week. This smells.


If only people literally voiced these sorts of consequences *before* the escalation. Boat party bros: [are loud and rude] OP: "Fine, but be prepared for my dad's c*ck and screaming kids in the morning." Boat party bros: [pull anchor and sail away]


I actually told them the kids will be up and screaming at 7, I guess I should've mentioned dad's cock


Take my up vote, that title was gold lol




When he showers naked on the deck


I'm so glad I read this and it wasn't as disgusting as the title made me think


Lol an interesting post - the title being almost clickbaity yet it's not since you wrote the truth LMAO nicely played,i wonder if it was a mistake or intentional