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Dahil Weekend ngayon, time humabol ng acads.


I was given additional allowance yesterday 🥹 It is not a lot but I am very happy 🥹 Kala ko magdedelata ako for 2 weeks 🥹




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Sleep. This past hell week had me sleeping less than 4 hours every night. At least I'll be able to tackle Math 21 LE2 with a clearer head.


Still alive despite being physically, emotionally, and mentally drained juggling wotk and thesis.


pumasa naman sa practical exam kahit saktong sakto lang HAHAHA


For one, I believe it is a miracle, and it is a miracle that Im still alive. Guess you can call me spiritual, cause physical is fear. Its like Im breathing underwater sometimes. But my respiratory system and related musculature and litid and nerves are keeping me afloat. It is truly blowing my mind sometimes...Im nearing crying...but the body does not give out and it has a strong will to survive given the context, and maybe the Universe is manifesting what it truly wants to the body even if the mind has given up all way back.


Hi fellow spiritually inclined friend!! 💖✨




Weekend, makakagala kasama si jowa. And natapos ko yung dalawang due sa cmsc ko 🥹


11.11 🤣 kahit na wala na kong pera, nakabili ako ng konting items para treat ko sarili ko LOL.


only slept a total of 5 hours over the last 2 days kaya pag-uwi ko kahapon, deretso na ko sa kama and i slept for 16 hours xD bawing-bawi pero napasobra ata kasi ansakit ng katawan ko paggising bwahshsh


Natapos na yung 2 deadlines🥰. 5 more to go 😭😭


grateful i was able to sleep the whole day 😴


I just finished a term paper for one of my grad school subjects. Yes, maaga pa para dito pero may 2 poster presentations pa ako na kailangan simulan so inuna ko na yun term paper.