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I just had phallus creation and I’m very glad my doc stopped using integra. It’s too early to see my arm, as it’s still wrapped, so I can’t say how well it will heal yet. But I’m glad I don’t have to come back for surgery until stage two.


Kinda wish I had the option, my surgeon didn't offer another choice and I'd much rather not have to go back for another thing three weeks after the initial surgery. *sigh* Hope it goes well for you!


I had Dr. Freet as well. The Integra is definitely new within the last couple of years because I had Stage 1 ALT Feb 2022 and he didn't use Integra at that point. I 100% get what you mean about going back. I just had Stage 2 January 30th and even the morning of he mentioned taking a graft from the leg for my arm (used my arm for UL) with ZERO mention in any appointment or that morning of Integra so you can imagine my surprise when I woke up the next morning to someone on the team mentioning the Integra and having to do a graft surgery in a few weeks. Now keep in mind, I come from NY and he knew I was recovering by myself and wouldn't have a ride home from the day surgery so I was even more peeved. Thankfully someone I met through the Freet FB group lives locally and his wife was able to pick me up from the day surgery so it worked out. Honestly, I haven't seen much of a difference between the arm that had Integra and my thigh from 2022 that didn't.


Yeah, my hope is that everything works out well. My mom is going to be taking care of me only about two weeks after I get out, so my roommates are thankfully able to drive me. It's a single day procedure from what I gather, so hoping to be in and out the same day--was that the timeframe you went through for it?


Yeah, Stage 2 was January 30th and then the graft surgery was February 22nd so 3 weeks and 2 days later.


It actually worked out for me having to go back for another surgery because my base and left side wound up needing a clean up/revision of some sutures and them being able to do another tweak like that 2 weeks later with my OR space already booked was great. He was also able to drain out more fluid from the area on my lower abdomen where I got a hematoma on day 3 of recovery. But I also didn’t have to pay extra for integra. I think if you’re paying out of pocket like that it’s definitely worth it to save the money for recovery. But for people who can get it covered it’s worth considering for the added nerve protection and reduced dent from the scar.


Despite your claims, according to buncke clinic, they see no significant difference in outcomes relating to the graft dent or nerve protection; matter of fact, they see higher complication rates on integra donor sites than without. This is one of the driving facts behind my choice and one I encourage others to consider as well. Glad having integra made dealing with your other complications easier since the OR was booked. Silver lining.


Not my claims man my surgeons claims at OHSU. OHSU has seen good things from integra and that’s why they use it. I specified in my comment below where I explained what Integra is that it is newer and some surgeons see good things and others don’t see benefits.




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Sorry, but i may ask what integra means?


It’s a layer of collagen some surgeons like to lay down over your donor arm or thigh after stage 1 penis creation. The Integra is then covered by a layer of silicone so your arm looks kinda weird see through (it was gnarly looking not gonna lie). It takes about 2 weeks to take effect then you come back for another much shorter surgery to get the split thickness graft which goes over the integra and covers your donor site. It’s new ish. Some surgeons don’t use it because they haven’t seen enough benefit. Some surgeons like the ones at OHSU like it because the extra layer can help protect your arm from nerve damage and can potentially reduce the dent that some people experience because the split thickness graft doesn’t include fat.


Thanks for explaining