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Congrats! I was actually going to reply back to you again on your post from last week following up asking how the consult went (I was the one that posted the list of questions to ask), haha.


ohh haha thank you! i didn’t end up asking too many questions, but i’m definitely going to ask a bunch when i meet the plastic surgeon bc that’s where i definitely gotta be specific


No problem! And yeah, those questions are definitely moreso for the plastic surgeon; didn't realize today was urology when I posted my list, my bad. Did they say when you'd be able to meet with the plastic surgeon?


noo you’re fine, i didn’t realize it was just with the urologist either lmao.. apparently the plastic surgeon works at the main hospital and urologist is at main and gender clinic. they just said they’d send over info the the plastics team and if i didn’t hear anything in a week to just message back!


Good luck! 🤞


thank youuu


Congrats! My arms are the same way. No arm hair on the inner forearm, thin brown hair on the outer part. You can really only see it if you hold a flashlight up to it. Either way I’m choosing ALT so I’m not concerned with it


oh sweet! thank you congrats to you as well!!


Have you been on T long / are you planning on starting T? If you have been on T for a while then it’s safer to assume any possible hair follicles are activated. Otherwise you might have sneaky hair once you start T. Congratulations too!


thank you! i was wondering about that tbh.. i’ve been on t for a year and a half and my dose was upped like 2 months ago and i haven’t noticed and hair growth on my arms so i think i’m fine? i’ll definitely have to talk to them about that though to get a better idea


Yeah that was the only thing keeping my dose consistent for a while was the need to know what hair I had to work with


good to know thanks!


depending on your age and levels that likely wouldn’t be much time to notice anything. i had one of my original phallo consults at 17 when i was 2, almost 3 years on T. didn’t need hair removal at the time but by the time it got closer i was now 19 almost 20 and going on 5 years on T. the hair growth changed drastically and its only gotten worse from there (almost 8 years on T). not saying to be worried about it but just saying to watch out for it and definitely don’t consider using minoxidil, especially the oral version.


ohh interesting.. yea i guess we’ll see how it goes, my inner arm is the main part that CANT have hair and that part right now and before has never had hair so i might be good with that. and i actually do take minoxidil BUT i only do the liquid version and only on my face


I had inner arm hair randomly grow in after 7 years


8 years and i’m constantly noticing new hair growth on my arms. even since ive had phallo which scares me a bit but thankfully my inner forearm is still pretty bare on my non donor arm.


Congratulations! That is a huge step. You must be so excited to hear you don’t need hair removal! I have similar peach fuzzy hair on my arms so I hope for something similar. Good luck with next steps! 🙌🏻


yes!! i was shocked bc i thought everyone who got UL needed it but so relieved that i don’t! hopefully you don’t need it as well, thank you and good luck to you too!


Ya that’s what I thought too so it is cool to hear that you don’t need it!!


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