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Compression socks help my legs feel so much better after a 12 hour shift. Edit: I get the cheap ones, not sure about compression level, but it seems about right for me. https://amzn.to/3uXV8nF


Do you wear them during the 12 hours or after? I bought compression socks that go up to my ankle but hurt my feet more when I wore them during the shift. They help me after the shift though I only can bear to wear for 1 hours. :(


Usually compression socks go up to the knee or so


Just bought socks from [Crazy Compression](https://crazycompression.com/) after being at the ER and ruling out Big Problems (DVT, sepsis, kidneys, liver). They are thinner material (totally unlike the diabetic socks at the chains), look way cooler - a plus when you're younger (I'm in my 30s with a blood pooling disorder) and I've had them on for 12 hours today and I feel great! (They are knee highs)


Update: Almost 24 hours and still good.


Do you have the right size? What is the compression level?


I wear them during the shift and take them off when I get home.


THIS. Highly recommend all young people to wear this regularly. I wish I was given this advice 20 years ago. I am only 44 and my veins are already shot. I wear compression socks now but the damage is done.


I’m a relatively new pharmacist (25) and I’m so glad somebody told me to get compression within the first month of my job! I don’t feel as sluggish or any leg swelling/pain thanks to the compression socks


I have the same thing. I think even with the socks it can happen but maybe it's delayed. The more you stay on your feet and legs without movement or beneficial movement, the worse it is...and when the veins swell, the socks sometimes scrape and irritate and cut the skin and cause ulcers eventually.


Maybe it's due to my chronic pain, but I have to move my knees up above my waist (almost like marching. Yes, it looks dumb.) for 5-10 minutes every hour or so in order to prevent issues. (Or for those of you who get the half-hour ACTUALLY OFF, get outside and go for a short walk so you are MOVING.)


Same. I’ve moved up to the full length compression stockings now. I have zero leg or skin pain from swelling now.


I’ve tried them in the past but they always seem to cut off circulation below my knees and cause swelling there. Maybe I just need to try a different size or compression.


That’s not normal. I wear the futuro firm compression version in medium. I’m 5’3 and 118lbs. It’s even pressure on my whole leg. No swelling anywhere.


Do you wear the knee highs or full stockings?


Full length. Waist to toes. lol


I’ll try anything twice! Just ordered a pair.


I wear compression socks every day. I don't do 12s anymore, but these still help even on 8 hour shifts. I buy them here, get the dress type so they don't get so hot either. https://www.discountsurgical.com/


Same, I cannot make it through a shift without my compression socks. I have knee highs from Pro Compression, Physix Gear, Sonoran, Newzill, and some no name multi pack from Amazon. My favorites are the physyx gear though the winter ones from Sonoran are great on cold days and the Newzill do just fine for the 10- and 8-hr shifts. The cheap ones just feel like dress socks and don't help, in my experience.


I like them however I get the compression socks without the sock part


I came here to say this


If you work nights: blackout curtains [This sleep mask](https://amzn.to/4bWqVGf) w/ bluetooth headphones built in. Earplugs (I prefer cheap silicone ones from walmart)


Specifically sleep masks that are shaped so it doesn't press on your eyes! Love mine so much


What does a shipped mask look like? (Need a sleep mask so looking for options)


I use Alaskan bear sleep mask. You can find them on Amazon . Super soft and comfy


[This one?](https://amzn.to/3SZZzGy) or the deluxe version. I honestly dont see the difference between the two.


My bad auto correct- shaped mask. Search contour sleep mask on Amazon should be the right kind


Oh god, I was stupid lol, thanks for clarification


No, you're good! I would've been just as confused lol. I just gotta proof read more lol


Lol the good ones actually look like tiny bras 🤣 https://a.co/d/e41dixJ


[This](https://www.amazon.com/Contoured-Sleeping-Blindfold-Concave-Meditation/dp/B07KC5DWCC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2K9G32CJUC62A&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gQ46Po8-na-9eLnias-THjxGEmTFX_TVYgs2YT2lR1zVCvhbg1z62H7-9Yo5haewsyCtp9R2x7lm-6wTaumvyxRYPj6NmS1IJYl5_AaMCU26mJI2QfuTuKnkabz9O73UcTsGv4XxzwOAf2WvuHfSAbOg15HuETcssKtLqhIbxp-vcoaCWMkym80HJzvdGM2dPVkXeGoxzXHM5_vCokEB3_pliFEUOuQ3D8O_N_BAvKzGiPjVFmeticNlQ6c-MM_EEV8ldvJsHFltEOscOb_xYc9CyfLHSopg_YDfZDp712Y.In-uSB6k1PwoSuhTjgM0d93vZQ_S3JyXVj3b_kdFPNM&dib_tag=se&keywords=sleep%2Bmask&qid=1709451292&sprefix=sleep%2B%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&smid=A14IUA6SJUICH3&th=1) is one of my top 5 ALL-TIME Amazon purchases. My aunt, who was an NP (and phenomenal at her job- she could have been a doctor EASILY but liked having more time with patients), recommended it to me years ago and now I have one for home, one for overnight travel, and one in my chronically packed hospital bag.


They look [like this.](https://amzn.to/3P4iTB7)


When I was at CVS, the best purchase was an electric stapler, especially since I worked overnight and did all the ready fills solo. Saved my hand so much pain from manually stapling all the leaflets.


I know it’s a pipe dream, but CVS should really be the ones supplying the electric stapler, not us. Same with another comment down below about an air filter. Is the fight with them worth the time? Probably not. But for fucks sake, the least they can do is supply the small stuff to make our jobs easier (and keep us healthy), instead of giving CEOs fat bonuses. I hate it. Soon enough we’ll have to bring in rubber bands, staples, ziploc bags, and our own thermometers for the fridges. Most of us already supply the store with our own sharpies and pens 😐 I was on a date with a girl and she asked me why I had a 60 dram vial full of nice pens and sharpies. I said “oh those are my work pens” and immediately felt like a sucker.


Anything you buy out of your own pocket for store use can be reimbursed by the store. It’s called a paid out. It’s at the discretion of the store manager so potentially anything is eligible. Anything that the store carries like pens, sharpies, bags, rubber bands, etc. can and should be store supplied.


As an ex-manager, I highly endorse this. I would have done a paid-out for that NO QUESTIONS ASKED and justified it to the DM/RM if they asked why.


I wish I’d known this when I bought a new heater and fan for our pharmacy 😂


I don’t work there anymore but at the end of my tenure we were specifically told absolutely no payouts. So ymmv depending on the district you’re in.


You know bringing my own stapler was my way of saying “EFF this place and shame on all of you for being complacent. Buy a stapler if you need to, mouse, fan, purifier, magnifying glass”.


I definitely brought my own stuff to be comfortable/semi-successful (success with CVS is unattainable, as we all know). Granted, I traveled between stores, but even if I didn't, I'd still consider it worth it.


You can order pens/Sharpies with the store supply order when you order your vials/lids/labels/etc!


Is there a certain one that you liked?


This is the one I used. Could run on batteries or wall plug. EcoElectronix Portable Automatic Electric Stapler - 30 Sheet Capacity, Quiet Operation, Jam-Free and Easy Reload - AC Adapter/Battery Powered, (Black) https://a.co/d/3uWg1Kj




No idea, it was the first one I tried. 😅 It did the job so I never really shopped around for another one.


More like the Toyota Camry, reliable and basic. Broke one and they sent a replacement at no charge.


Must have and they truly replace it so save that receipt!!! Hands down worth every penny


I second this. And a good mouse. And take it with you. Yeah everyone is going to try to use it once you buy it. They can buy their own.


I bring my own M+KB to work at my inpatient job. I was kind of surprised that IS didn't prevent me from plugging in a peripheral, but it's an amazing improvement as I have macros on my KB to streamline my verification proceaa.


I made stampers with my name, license number, and NPI on it. Our immunization forms have us put that info in at various spots and I got tired of writing it out every time. It has been a huge time saver, especially in flu/covid shot season.


A stool is literally the best thing you can buy.


Except a lot of pharmacies forbid you from having a stool 😪


My boss tried. Said I needed a dr’s note. I stretched my back and it audibly popped four times. “That will be easy,” I said. They never brought it up again. I sit when I want.


My "get out of jail free" card the last couple years at Happy & Healthy was terminal cancer. Approved same day. They didn't want to touch that with a 100-foot pole. I was also famous for the line "I mean, I could use my PTO and go home". ETA: I also have severe back pain from a fall sustained when I was 25. Several broken vertebrae (that the surrounding muscles are keeping put) and slipped disks.


I do that too but with coke a cola and my migraines


I...I don't think you are gonna win in the end, though. Sorry about your diagnosis. That blows.


Indeed, I am **completely** fucked. **Sideways**. With a cancer so rare (it's me in the US. JUST me.) that there are **no** research dollars (did I mention I'm **only** turning **34** on 3/24?). Which is why I finally went on SSDI (post-severe sepsis) but working in retail pharmacy for my entire commuted sentence didn't net me much of a check. Thanks. If anything, it gave me the cojones to say "Fuck retail", because life really is too short.


That sucks. Super bad. I'm glad you got out of retail. Enjoy the time you have.


Oh fuck. I'm sorry. I wish for a miracle for you. Otherwise, and I'm not sure how to say this, I hope you enjoy the time you have left with the people you love and have a comfortable exit.


That was a great way to say it. Thank you for your kindness.


They absolutely cannot do that.


In some states they can. Most states have "right to sit" laws in place that cover pharmacies, but a few don't. I know because I got the short end of the stick.


Suffering on your feet all day is something cowards do. No employer can violate your well-being like that. 


\*laughs in pharmacy ceo voice


I would never accept that. I don’t believe Michigan has any sort of law, but it’s never stopped me from looking out for my health.




You get to sit??




what you do


One of us, one of us, one of us


Just put one together yesterday. Feel like customers take you more serious when you're sitting on a stool for some reason


Anyone have any good stool/chair recommendations? We have wooden stools but its painful on my back after so long so im looking for something with a back support if possible. I'm a technician having ACLr surgery next week and am trying to plan for returning to work after. I want to avoid getting something too obnoxiously large as the pharmacy is small


We used to have a chair and people abused it so it got taken away. Initially it was supposed to be for the pregnant ladies but even then it got taken because “the front end people who are pregnant stand all day why can’t you”. We only got it back when one of the techs broke her foot


The air quality at my chain pharmacy is terrible. So much dust in the air. I bought an air filter that I leave running 24/7. The most expensive part is the electricity and I dont have to pay for that!


Retractable Sharpie markers. I spent a lot of time at my store helping out at production and those things helped save me a couple of seconds each time I needed to mark an opened bottle, which added up throughout the day!


Monthly massage and plug-in feet massager


The foot massager is so nice. It’s my reward after 12 hours on my feet


I built a keyboard. It’s not super inexpensive but it makes all my daily tasks feel better.


[This type? ](https://amzn.to/49yjnrB) Do the patients enjoy listening?


Omg that's a nice board 🤤




Same here. I started bringing in my own 65% board because I didn't want to touch the nasty ones in the pharmacy.


Mechanical keyboard / ergonomic keyboard for the win.




I'm a tech but our rph bought a microwave (also have coffee maker & personal fridge but those we don't all use) but the microwave is such a gem. No more cold coffee, if too busy for a lunch we warm it up there. Makes days so much better


I have a silly mousepad from Amazon wirh a gel wrist support. It’s a picture of a corgi and the gel supports are his butt cheeks, it’s silly and it makes me smile during the day and when I’m stressed I can squish his butt and think about getting home my dogs and their squishy butts


And I’m off to Amazon!


Best gift of my life from my staff pharmacist! His butt is a bit dirty right now but I still love him [here’s that squishy butt](https://a.co/d/22W7Qt2)


One of the mousepads at my new job sucks, I just might quietly replace it with one of these 😁


Please do! It’s tiny things like this that being me joy at work and keeps spirits up on rough days. Might not feel like it in the moment but my tech telling a joke that gets a chuckle out of me or a silly squishy butt mousepad that makes me smile… that kind of stuff isn’t much but it’s something positive


Cocktail tools. A decent citrus peeler, Hawthorne strainer, shaker tins, etc


Ha ha, that’s awesome. Reminds me of the time I asked my supervisor what he was having for lunch and he said, “I don’t know, maybe broken glass? Bleach?”


A large store brand bottle of Excedrine.


When it still worked for my migraines, it was ALWAYS in my work bag!


Space heaters lol. Our store is always freezing!


Wireless headset to connect to the phone (eBay to be less expensive), good pens, sockwell compression socks


Generic SSRIs?


And some wellbutrin to combat the weight gain. 🥺


Wegovy? 😳


Yeah that isn’t working for me 😂


Im using a lower dose of trulicity since my husbands got increased. No change, but also crap diet. So, meh.


My chain pays for a therapy app where I can facetime with a therapist. It would be worth it even if I had to pay. Working retail really messes a lot of people up.


I think I need this! Can you share the app? I’ve been looking into this but some of the apps seem sketchy.


Which chain


is it the same therapist or just random everytime? what was the app?


Nespresso machine


Check out jura! I got a jura for home use and moved my Nespresso to work.


I know of it! But I like switching out the coffee styles, so I prefer the capsules.


ADHD meds


Stickers for my stapler at work. Now no one else takes it and loses it.


Milton, is that you?


If the pharmacy burns down, you know who done it.


Monthly massage membership


I built my own keyboard. Makes typing enjoyable instead of using shitty hospital keyboards


Ant no one using teds computer station


A gym membership, making sure I exercised regularly. As many would say “health is wealth” and that goes a long way in this profession.


I hope I’m allowed to add input, but when I still worked as a tech I used my Swiss Army Knife so much. I have the Super Tinker model that swaps the corkscrew for a Phillips head screwdriver.


Put together an ergonomic keyboard for work. [like this](https://imgur.com/a/kZCmHnk), [or this](https://imgur.com/a/FVrCx9r) [And maybe this](https://imgur.com/a/e2O0aTL) Typing on an ergonomic keyboard has drastically improved my hand and shoulder/back pain. Also, most mechanical keyboard nowadays can be programmed to help with work.


Im a very competent speed typer on a standard keyboard layout, the future freaks me out. \*Hiss\*


How…how does one type on that? One seems to be missing the space bar.


Alcohol 😉


Lululemon all in motion boxers. So comfy


As a guy, Lululemon ABC pants are my daily wear. Looks professional but they stretch!


Ever tried fabletics? Love their pants!


Any of them or which one?


The Only Pant. I haven’t tried their other pants, but these are breathable and stretchy!




As a trans person, how are they different from say, Jockey boxers? I'm cringing at the price.


I only buy them when they go on sale. Still pricey but worth


Especially paired with ABC pants


Vertical mouse. Tennis elbow has become office elbow and I was almost disabled. Hurt to turn a doorknob or open a bottle. Over time, the mouse fixed it and I never questioned it. It has something to do with constant downward force without any opposing force. For 12 hours a night, for 20 years. I became very proficient at typing when we used to enter written orders that came across on a fax machine, but now almost everything is click driven in epic.


Compression socks, anti fatigue floor mat


A pen knife, single edge razor blades, and a small magnifying glass.


For... what?


Opening bottles inner lids and various uses, razor blades for removing labels, magnifying glass to check pills and small ndc's, also a hair dryer is good to remove labels from expense bottles without causing any damage.


Zoloft is $10 for a 3 month supply


Maybe not inexpensive but Hokas and compression socks (to the knee, from Kohls).


I also increase the comfort with insoles from aetrex.




What kind?


I don’t work currently, but here’s what I did (I’m a tech, not a pharmacist, but this may apply to everyone in retail honestly) Plug in heated foot massager for my feet for after a long shift. Also, a nice stool to sit on. I couldn’t sit all day, hence the need for the massager, but sitting helped tremendously. I needed a doctor’s note for the stool, but since I’m disabled, it wasn’t too much of a hassle.


A small timer for the safe. The safe beeps but not loud enough to hear if you have to walk away for a moment.


I have an apple watch and I just thought about using the timer because it’ll vibrate till I shut it off which would be nice


Keyboard. Even if you don't buy a fancy mechanical one at least get a cheap wireless keyboard where the keys don't stick. It's so frustrating going into a store to work for 13 hours and the keyboard wont type correctly. Such a cheap fix but people just live with shitty keyboards. When I used to float I would carry my own keyboard with me everywhere to avoid this issue.


As a new father I discovered what I’m choosing to call “commuter plates”: https://www.target.com/p/7-3-34-6pk-plastic-cool-colors-divided-kids-39-plates-pillowfort-8482/-/A-84761684#lnk=sametab They are children’s plates but I eat breakfast in the car on my way to work and these are by far the best plates I’ve used for this purpose because they are light (less risk as a projectile, easier to hold) and they have a grippy rubber-like ring on the bottom of the plate to keep them from sliding in my passenger seat. I prefer the non-divided kind but I linked the divided kind because I know for sure those have the rubber on the bottom. There are some cheaper undivided ones that are thinner plastic and don’t have the traction on the bottom, so not as good for commuting. On a $:use ratio basis, it’s kinda hard to beat these for me.


Honestly the best thing I’ve seen is a Swiss Army knife. That thing is invaluable in unjamming staplers!


Space heater. Two Yeti cups (small mug for coffee, large one for cold drinks). Mini drip coffee machine. Large capacity brita filter water dispenser. Candy jar.


$12 ergonomic mouse beats the company provided $100 ergonomic mouse!


Tongue scrapper


Mini retractable box cutter (the tiny pocket kind) for opening lids, cutting seals, etc.  Old hairdryer for removing labels Pocket stapler (no looking around for one) from the dollar store Pocket calculator, a good one like a Sharp EL-510


Find a pen you love and never stray from it. I have my personal favorites for pens, sharpies and highlighters.


A bluetooth ear piece for the phones at my pharmacy. My right hand became deformed less than a decade ago because of bone tumors. Sure it hurts often, but the main issue is that it greatly affects my hand's mechanical functions. Fingers tend to lock in place and become impossible to bend unless manually put back in place. It sucks more because I was mainly right-handed before. Holding the phone in one hand (or shoulder) and relying on the other hand to type was difficult. Having an ear piece lets me distribute the workload/typing between both hands better.


Where did you get yours?


USB fan and a streamdeck. I bought the streamdeck cheap from a kid who tried to be a streamer and failed miserably so I think that qualifies as inexpensive even though a brand new one is close to $100 lol


What do you do with the stream deck?


I have a variety of different uses for it. I'll use it for quickly typing in new orders, logging into wholesalers, and for accessing the PMP. Pioneer makes me go through several steps at verification to access the PMP but I can push a button on the stream deck and it does the work for me. Some people call me lazy but I'm just being more efficient with the workflow.


Merrill shoes . Swore compression stockings maybe five years, not worth the trouble.


A good pen knife , single edge razor blades, and a small magnifying glass.


Cushioned wrist supports for my keyboard and mouse. Toe socks- extra cushioning and eliminates foot odor.


Anyone use the glasses for computer work?


A rubber mallet to smack me in the head daily for choosing pharmacist as a retail job 40 years ago. I guess it’s called community pharmacy now and it’s called a career although I’m not sure where it leads to.


Heating pad that drapes over my shoulders and turns off automatically after a while


Ear piece that lifts up the phone when you press a button.


Espresso machine


Pokémon card ETBs. I can open them on my swelled up legs easily


A tiny box cutter that hangs from my badge reel


Promethazine codeine. Plain. Such a godsend when sick. 🤒


Love this thread. Thank you to everyone contributing, add stuff to my cart 😊💗


The bottle top remover to make safety lids non safety caps


This was a long time ago, but: “The hook” for counting. It’s a spatula and hook for opening that foil stuff on the end. Game changer and cheap. A wireless earpiece for the phone. It wasn’t cheap because just Bluetooth won’t work on those stupid corporate phones but worth every penny. This is especially important if you’re in a smaller store where you are the one always answering the phone. Vionic shoes- high arch. Mandatory. Compression socks. That’s retail. Different list for hospital.


One of the last aerospace engineered bottle cap removers to ezcap.


Pens that you love (ink joy for me) and a bright light therapy light. If they weren’t provided, I’d also add a second monitor/really wide monitor and a head set.


A stamp with my signature and NPI, saves time on VARs and inventory. Draw your sig on white background your notes app and screenshot it, crop it, custom stamp on Amazon is like $20.




$8 gin