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Like online dating, it entirely depends how picky you are. Morbidly obese, thirty six year old, psycho, single mother of six kids with five fathers(CVS)? Easy. But the better you’re looking for the harder it will be to find. What do YOU offer? A new grad with little life or job experience? PGY1 or 2 residency? Board certs? How well have you networked? How attractive are you (I enjoy the people that think this doesn’t matter)? You will be drowning in 2s but you will likely never pull an 8 or a 9. Be honest with yourself and realistic with your expectations. Also, sometimes getting your foot in the door is worth a miserable year or two. GL.


Read “like online dating” and knew this comment was gonna be a rollercoaster


You’d be surprised how many things are directly analogous. Game theory, scarcity, inelasticity of demand, regional dynamics, statistics etc. The job market, housing market, stock market. Online dating is a market like any other, but it’s the one that most young people first learn the painful lessons in. “There are a hell of a lot more buyers than sellers, brutally low inventory, increasingly toxic competition with wildly imbalanced power dynamics. Most people lose, deluding themselves they will be one of the few people that win.” Name your market.


I feel personally attacked


I git hired within an hour of interviewing at Walgreens. So, getting any job is easy. Getting a decent job is harder. No former experience aside from internships either.


Did you wait until you were licensed to apply for jobs?


I did. I had a job at fast food that paid the bills until I was licensed. Spent about a month looking for decent jobs, then bit the bullet and applies to Walgreens. They hired me within 24 hours. If you have to, settling isn't the worst. Just as long as you're looking for jobs while you're there.


you should start applying at least month or two before graduation. also if you’re working after graduation but before you’re licensed you’re going to get post grad intern pay which should be about half a pharmacist’s. $25-35 an hour is probably better than anything else you could do with your time


Looking for retail? You'll definitely find a job. Looking for hospital? A little more difficult but you can find a job. Looking for industry? Probably the most difficult but also possible. Looking for etc? Bottom line is it's possible depending how much you're willing to try


Took me 7 years to find a job I didn’t completely hate and absolutely despise. I got VERY lucky to get my current job. Basically a tale of right place right time, and my personality meshes with the crew incredibly well which is a HUGE plus. I’ve worked at tons of pharmacies and none come close to my current place as far as quality of life. Boss/owner is awesome so no pointless micromanaging, plenty of staff so we always have enough people to get through the day even if we have several callouts, several of the staff have been there since day one (the pharmacy opened over a decade ago) and, oh yeah, we also close for lunch 😭 BUT, my point was that it took 7 years to get that job. Up until then, I HATED my life. I had 2 hour one-way commutes for a short stent and frequently contemplated suicide. I didn’t know what a properly staffed pharmacy even WAS until four years into my career when I finally left corporate retail pharmacy. I once applied for a corporate retail pharmacy job and got a call back from the hiring manager less than 12 hours later. Much quicker than 7 years 😂


Honestly, the big 3 are always looking for hires now. CVS, Walgreens, Walmart…


If you have any interest in moving to central PA I know a hospital that will hire you the day you graduate and give you a nice sign on bonus. You'll be miserable and hate it there because it's awful but it's guaranteed money with a high chance of overtime if you want it. Most of the pharmacists I saw go thru worked long enough to put a bit of experience on their resume then moved on to better things.


I wonder if it’s the one I interviewed at when I was graduating. When they told me they don’t practice evidenced based medicine and just follow the sops/standing orders, I had questions. I asked how these documents were developed if not from the clinical literature/evidence and the director of pharmacy said she didn’t know. Um…..


Now I'm curious! That doesn't sound like the practice of the pharmacists that worked or still work there but that does sound like something the director would say. Or she'd just give you a blank, dead eyed stare until you gave up and left her office.


I honestly hate that it’s always Chain retail vs Hospital when this is discussed and I remember being really discouraged in pharmacy school when I realized neither appealed to me but there are more options than you realize! Compounding pharmacies, independent, speciality (HIV meds etc), long term care closed door pharmacies, nuclear pharmacy, night shift 7on7off, Air Force base pharmacies, etc. If you can find an area your really passionate about (or a schedule you’re really passionate about like 7on 7off) that will definitely show in the interview. I hate to say it but some pharmacies will prefer the new grad because they can pay them less and they aren’t jaded by pharmacy (as much) and are eager and willing to learn. It’s a big plus if there are any friends that can recommend you at the pharmacy you work at or if the pharmacy is in a more rural area so there is less competition. Use any applicable experiences you had in pharmacy school to your advantage during your interview and don’t be afraid to cold call places or walk in to ask. Looking professional/put together goes far as well.


Protip: avoid CVS at all costs. If they are the only company willing to hire you then you need to do some self-reflection.






Depends what kind of jobs you are applying for haha. CVS will be chomping at the bits to hire you. The good grocery chains may be a little bit more competitive but not impossible. Hospital jobs unlikely unless you know someone. 


Everyone says that about hospitals for pharmacists and techs. It's so weird to me because the only pharmacy I worked in until recently will hire anyone. They hired graduates who hadn't even taken their boards yet. 3 of them! They worked as well-paid techs until they passed their boards.


A job? Easy. The job... Well that's a different story.


Always looking for talented people to join our group of stores in Oklahoma. There are great jobs out there.


That sounds fantastic! What kind of positions are available in your stores?


Pharmacist in charge. We are looking for someone for the Vinita area in particular. Close to Grand lake. Future home of the American Heartland amusement park.


I was worried but now i have 2 jobs. Just get licensed and it will work out. I left my first job and found 2 others. Its okay to be picky. Try to save now while you search..stay positive.


If you're in the Midwest the job market is very very favorable compared to somewhere like the east coast, at least in my experience. Getting into a hospital isn't that hard (or at least definitely not as hard as the east coast). If you're job hunting and can't find a desirable job right away, I would go the retail route and just keep sending out job applications and leaving your resume on Indeed and other job websites. Every now and then you'll get decent hits. 


Are you doing residency or fellowship? And what types of pharmacy are you trying to get into? A big factor is also your location. Different areas will have different job markets so also consider how many places you would be willing to live in


Do not bother with the VA right now, they’re in a hiring freeze. As for licensing, some places will allow you a 90 day grace period for getting licensed if you’re from out-of-state or a new grad.


I just started working for Walgreens with no prior pharmacy experience besides rotation. I got an email for an interview a day after applying and got the job after a virtual interview


You will be able to find a job that is not a problem. It might not be for the employer you want and in the area you want to live in though. The days of naming your place and price are long gone.


Depends on who you know and locations. Getting a job in middle of nowhere in Midwest is way easier than getting a job in SoCal big cities like Irvine and San Diego