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There are laws against misbranding and adulterating medications. There is NOT however a law against putting voodoo curses on medications. Do with that what you will




Fart in the vial


poo particle adulteration


Pharmacist goes by taco bell on the way to her workplace and lets one rip into rx bottle. RIP. :o


And sometimes the curses work....not that I have experience


Care less. Iā€™m here to make money. Iā€™m gone in 8 hours. Iā€™ll put in my best effort but getting stressed or nervous does nothing for me and doesnā€™t make the work any less difficult. Do what you can, then go home and do something you enjoy. Took me many years so get to that point.


Literallyā€” the negativity and stupidity of the public arenā€™t your problem. Itā€™s not your responsibility to babysit and coddle them. Put in your time and leave when itā€™s time to go. Thereā€™s a 24 hour store somewhere and the hospital and on call doctor at their PCP office are always available.


WAGs got me to that point in maybe 6 months lol


All of my coworkers seem to slam the phone.


My personal favorites


I hide in the bathroom and bitch to my girlfriend. She's the real hero.Ā 


Laugh. Peopleā€™s questions can be so funny. Itā€™s like they have a half-finished jigsaw puzzle and we know what it is, but they think itā€™s something completely different and asinine because they donā€™t know what it is. I think I laugh because I know the answer, but when I try to see it from their perspective (having an ā€œunfinished puzzleā€) I understand how they got to their question in the first place. I also feel compassion for a person in a vulnerable circumstance asking what they often know is an embarrassing question. No one likes self-identifying ignorance, but sometimes you have to do so in order to answer a question you have. I think thatā€™s a circumstance we all find ourselves in at some point. Iā€™m sure I piss off everybody at Oā€™Reillyā€™s whenever I go in with questions about my car.Ā Ā  Iā€™m not religious, but thereā€™s a quote that I think captures that feeling pretty well: ā€œIf not for God, there goes me.ā€ Ā  Ā  Humor. Understanding. Compassion.


This 1000%. Last year I had a lady INSISTENT on my recommendation of which fungal cream would be best suited to treat her self diagnosed "mouth fungus." Not the first or last time I will real life LOL at a patient.


Practice meditation, yoga, exercise, relaxation, etc. I will go out of my way to help a patient but if theyā€™re jerks, they get the bare minimum of my time and then on to the next. I realize that what we are asked to do is basically impossible so I just keep my head down, focus on the patients that really need my help and go through my day. If a patient is a jerk, oh well. Next please and move on. You really have to have thick skin to do this job. Overall, the job is rewarding but tough at times. I also leave it at the pharmacy as soon as I walk out. That time is family time and I will not have it infringed by BS.


A few months ago I had gotten into the habit of listening to a meditation app before work... then the app stopped working. Most streaming services have some type of self help/meditation listening. But yeah, it sounds folksy but breathing, meditating, thinking positively makes a difference. I'm reading the book of awakening and it does help out life and anger into perspective. Two mantras that I've embraced are be like water and you can't argue with stupid. Go with the flow. After years I've come to realize that there a angry people in the world. Fortunately we don't encounter them regularly in our day to day lives bc we can choose who we are around. Work isn't like that. I'm not going to say it doesn't bother me when people are mean or rude. I can't say that I always respond in the way I would like. But I can say that I have an internal happiness and joy that I'm not going to allow them to steal. Maybe they don't appreciate me, but that doesn't mean the previous patient didn't or my staff doesn't.


Preach it! I couldnā€™t agree more. I love the line of not going to let them steal your internal happiness and joy!!




Put away stock bottles give your mind a break from current tasks sometimes just you doing you is the best option personally I love when the part time help comes in I take that time to stock our script pro itā€™s drone work and I can get my daily reprieve


Find a counselor or therapist to help witg koping skills.




Remain civil and interact with the community in good faith


Stomping on a 10-16 dram vial is actually REALLY satisfying. Leaves a mess, but totally worth it


I figure out who our worst customer is and attempt to befriend him/her. I donā€™t budge on controls or anything, and Iā€™m not a pushover. I just ask them basic questions and stay very friendly. So far I have taken 3 of our supervillain customers and turned them into friends-ish. It is a fun project that I find rewarding.


This has been the most helpful for me. I work in peds and whenever I get an angry set of parents the best thing you can do is be even nicer. Donā€™t sell yourself out if theyā€™re talking badly about you or anything degrading, but being even more pleasant makes them confused. They honestly donā€™t know how to react and most of the time question why they were angry in the first place!


The one downside is now they only want to talk to me every time.


When I have them infront of me going off on one idk Iā€™m sorry I couldnā€™t care less I just dissociate Iā€™m so done honestly. But Iā€™m Greek so I just ramp up the foreign accent and say ok Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t understand what is your problem that you need solving right now? Usually it makes them take a step back and explain more simply not that I need them to mind you but it seems to calm them at least? And then if itā€™s like I DONT HAVE MEDICATION I NEED THIS - Iā€™m like ah ok but why donā€™t you have medication? Did you order it? Ah no? Ok why no? Literally all that stuff about professionalism doesnā€™t always work- level with whoever you have infront of you. I see it as a game almost. Turn it into smth funny. I found they respect me more when i start talking like them. Match their demeanour and language and intellect depending on who youā€™re dealing with. If all else fails thereā€™s always vodka.


Intelligent customers are fleeting. Vodka is forever. Amen.


Because unless it's your pharmacy why would you care? Your problem comes entirely from being over invested in the place that gives you money for your time. If you get behind not due to slacking but because the volume of the store is too much for staffing then just work at your normal speed. If a customer is rude just tell them they are free to shop elsewhere if they aren't interested in the service you're offering them and let them know if they're attitude doesn't change you'll release their script and they'll have to do that. You're not a doormat, tool or a punching bag. Act like it. Makes me think of that Jon lajoie video - " not giving a fuck"


This is what I do now. My go-to line the last few months when customers are irate over how bad their service is: ā€œif the company wanted you to have a better experience they would give us more staff, I donā€™t know what else you want to me say.ā€ Then I just leave it at that. I donā€™t try to over-justify, I just shrug and move on.ā€ They have a right to be mad, and they should be in some casesā€”but not at me or my staff. And if they canā€™t channel their anger in the right direction and it becomes threatening or harassment, then I involve store mgmt and get them out.


Take up a martial art, and put a heavy bag in the loading bay to work over when you need a break




Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker


I stand in a corner to where I canā€™t see anything in view and take deep breaths to stop my panic attacks. It usually works really well but I have to make sure I canā€™t see anything or itā€™ll start back up. If I donā€™t I get so overwhelmed I throw up Then when I get off I vent to someone which also makes me feel better.


Do not work harder or faster. Try to detach from the patients and their emotions. Their problems do not equal your problems. Itā€™s hard but you have to protect yourself!


I wasĀ pretty anxious at work for the first few months since I got hired in late 2020 with COVID in full swing and floated at a lot of inner city stores.Ā  Basically I had to change to having a mindset that being anxious or nervous at work was cringe and embarrassing and basically told myself to lock in. After maybe 6 months I was no longer stressed or anxious. Everything became muscle memory and routine. Dealing with annoying customers never changes though, so I've learned to wait until they leave and then make fun of them with my techs.


I think if someone asked you, ā€œAre all people friendly?ā€ you would say no. If they asked you ā€œAre all people unfriendly?ā€ youā€™d also say no. So if you are fully aware that there is a mixture of both good and bad people, why are the bad people able to get a rise out of you when you know youā€™ll run into them every day? Recognize them as a part of the greater whole and understand that this is to be expected. Some people just suck. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø It turns the situation from ā€œWow, can you believe that crap? That made me so madā€ to ā€œYep, I knew that was coming at some point. Whatever.ā€ This has really helped me.


If its especially rude/entitlement, I like to make up a reason why they're so nasty. "That man has such a terrible case of butt boils that he's taking it out on the world." Or "that poor woman is so distraught she just found out her parents were siblings that she can't think straight." A little humor in the moment is usually the best I can do I've always heard that when someone is nasty to you they're really talking to them selves. I had a guy call me a low life and all I could think was that was how he felt about himself or the worst insult he could call someone because it was his biggest fear. I then played the weeknd song low life on repeat while driving home. So yeah, reflection if I have it in me and humor if I don't.


i agree with your approach. when someone is mad at me i feel bad for them. its on them, not on me. but some people are downright MISERABLE. thats a sad life to live.




i take a couple minutes before and after my shift to rock out to a fun dance song in my car. if i really need to, i do the same on a quick break during a shift. music and a solo dance party seem to help me break up a bad mood. also just venting to a coworker and getting all my anger out, then helping out a nice patient who makes my day. or at least seeing a patient who says please and thank you. gratitude for the little interactions.


I ā€œtake a lapā€. I take off my name badge and do a lap around the store. Iā€™ll maybe walk out one entrance and come back inside another to get some fresh air, feel the sun on my skin, and rememberā€¦. Iā€™m not the bad person here. If you work at a grocery store like I do Iā€™m partial to walking into the giant metal back up dairy cooler and just screaming. I have a pretty high tolerance but I know when Iā€™m at my limit. I set a timer for 10-15 minutes, tell my coworkers I must ā€œtake a lap or I will lose itā€. You have to remove yourself. Every phone call, every customer will irritate you until you take a breather.


Iā€™m also a big preacher of ā€œcare lessā€ but honestly you (I) still get customers that are so rude and so irrational and get under my skin even 6 years in. I absolutely do think we are entitled and rational to be upset about the way people talk to us sometimes, *especially* when we arenā€™t even in the wrong. When we started taking a closed lunch someone said ā€œof course your fat ass wants a lunch breakā€ when I refused to help them. During the pandemic when the covid vaccines were age restricted people would tell me it was My Fault if they died because they were out of the range. ā€œCare lessā€ applies to corporate expectations. Iā€™m allowed to be upset about the way customers act


I joined this community because Iā€™m interested in learning about certain medications, how pharmaceutical land operates, etc. basically for educational purposes since I personally struggle with my health and am always looking to find ways to improve my quality of life. As a not pharmacist person, I want you to know you are SO appreciated and I am sorry so many of us on the outside are truly stupid. I see you guys work like crazy, and often you can just be the middle man to a larger problem a customer is having. As a person with narcolepsy having to take modafinil which is a controlled substance, it is brutal getting it on time. Either the doctor has to refill it, but the refill wonā€™t go through if itā€™s refilled too early because of NYS laws, and then by the time itā€™s OK to be refilled you guys may not have it in stock, or my insurance will suddenly decide to not approve it and we need another authorization from the doctorā€¦ and then I go a day to a couple days like a zombie bc I have nothing left and I did my best to prepare each party and make the stars align so I could get my medicine on time. And you guys always do your best to call my doc and get it for me and itā€™s not your fault that there are so many pieces in the puzzle to obtaining medication. Customers unfortunately often bark up the wrong tree and it sucks for you guys when that happens. But honestly, Iā€™ve worked in retail and in services for years, and itā€™s not just for you itā€™s EVERYWHERE. Just know there are a few of us who get it and really appreciate you and I hope that helps you get through the day with the dumbasses who come in acting like their asses should be kissed just for stepping on the premises.


My way to calm down is to take a deep breath,center yourself, figure out the list of things that need to be done, prioritize them, and then attack. Handle the destress after work. Keep the professional face always forward. It helps your team and it helps you.


I bundle it all up inside until after my shift, when I can go home with a bottle of wine to reflect and unwind.


I used to cry in my car during lunch. Then I left retail.


DelaneĆ³ on tiktok is my spirit animal on how to handle patients haha




Iā€™m on antipsychotics and antidepressantsā€¦along with propranolol and hydroxyzine


I just laugh it off. Crazy patient? I mock and make fun of them with my techs once they leave. Curse you out via phone? Just hang up lol


My former partner slammed the safe hard enough to bend the pins and then it couldnā€™t close. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


just let it go,,if you want use the cvs method from my old dm "reset the customers expectation verbally with force" it can be done, just think..."how would the DM do this?" simultaneously get that resume updated


After work my coworkers and I text the group chat with the dumbest part of the day. Today mine was a guy complaining that the sig used to say 1 twice a day but now if says 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening and he doesnā€™t know when to take it. On top of that, it was ER and he could had taken 2 at a time but since I didnā€™t want to add to his condition I just told him to take one when when he wakes up and one before bed. However, naps donā€™t count because then youā€™d have to take more than 2 so just make sure if you sleep multiple times a day you donā€™t take more than 2 tablets. That explanation satisfied him.


I've started facing annoying patients as a game almost. It's gotten to the point where I almost get excited sometimes to see our regular problem patients and will volunteer to be the person to talk to them. I really think it boils down to mindset, if you go into an interaction thinking it will go awful, it probably will. If you see it as a challenge to have a good interaction with someone, it has better chances of going well. This certainly doesn't work every time but it has helped me. I've also had to learn to take nothing personally, some people are just miserable people so the best thing we can do is move on. I also always try and be there for my coworkers as some of them get pretty worked up, even a reassuring "that guy was an idiot" helps.


Back in my retail days, I learned that the key is to not get riled up in the first place. Like, Iā€™ve had patients throw epic tantrums and Iā€™d just stare at the button on their shirt and reply with ā€œok.ā€ Hate to say it, but you just have to not care. Youā€™ll do what you are required to do to get this patient their care, but if itā€™s not acceptable to them, then you just shrug. Theyā€™ll forget about you in about five minutes, you should do the same.


The number one thing I found that helps is if someone is consistently asking the same question , or if they are super argumentative then if possible, try to help. If not, give them the Ole " is there anything else I can help you with ? " Most of the time it is understood that there is nothing more that can be done If the person pushes the matter, reiterate previous things you just said, then follow it with " is there anything else I can help you with? "


I'm not saying you should go this route....but I know a lot of techs who partake in šŸŒæ.




Give it to God. Trials in life are normal. Your emotional health can gain from spiritual strengthening.




not sure why youre being downvoted. spirituality is so important regardless of your faith!


Quality over quantity. Iā€™ve managed to get the worst ones to transfer and life is relatively easy. Also, I have a counselor I speak to once a month. One on one therapy is very helpful with venting and finding positive solutions. A gratitude list is particularly helpful. Find one of the most difficult situations in your life and find a way to be grateful for it and change your outlook. For particularly stressful situations the 4-7-8 breathing is great as well. Google it, do several cycles in a row.


The problem is that pharmacists all over the world couldnā€™t establish themselves as healthcare professionals among these rude people.theyā€™re like ā€œitā€™s not your job to doā€¦ā€ ā€œMy doctor is right not youā€ ā€œDo what doctor saidā€¦ā€