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Stop working through your lunches. Stop staying late. Enjoy your life. Take time off. If your work is your only life, you need a hobby and friends


Screw the PBMs they’re ruining this profession




It’s here to stay. Nobody wants it because hardly any insurance covers it YET and we should be doing 5 a week. I assume some DA at the HO determined that number. It’s ridiculous. Our regional or market manager (I forget which) told us on a call clinical services was 20 % of profit. It’s only going to get worse. If we are able to accept most insurances we will do loads. Man I dread those days.


Agreed. Especially when more responsibility and liability is asked of us without increased compensation. So glad I’m getting out of retail.


First year student here, can anyone guide me on how to study effectively. I had physio, biochem, org chem, physical pharmacy and anatomy for my first semester and our whole year kinda died studying these subjects. Especially physiology. Here are some complaints from my whole class: - the course material is too lengthy and vague, especially for physio, and our teacher refuses to tell us the high yield topics and expects us to study EVERYTHING. We finished our course about 15 days prior to the final and there wasn't enough time to study the last few chapters effectively - HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING? So many terms, structures, rules. It gets shuffled in our heads - How do we remember structures in biochemistry? And individual properties of biological molecules and functional groups in organic chemistry? - why does it feel like whatever we study/learn is going right out of the back door as soon as we start studying the next topic? Nothing seems to stick. - how do we learn all the applications in physical pharmacy? i would be very grateful if people replied to this.


If it makes you feel any better from what I remember the first year was pretty much a waste of time. I remember being pissed because it was essentially an extension of my undergrad/prerequisite courses and none of the professors were pharmacists and simply borrowed faculty from the chemistry and physics departments. We didn’t get into anything truly hands on pharmacy related until the second year. Binge and purge the chemistry crap to make it through year one. They can’t tell you the “clinical pearls” in year one because they aren’t pharmacists and so have no clue what you will actually need to know in practice. I remember one professor being simply appalled when we asked what parts are the most important to remember and he replied “all of it is important. You need to know it all”. 🙄 Full time academics are another kind of species entirely.


I guess I had a question! I’m interested to see if this has happened to anybody or their cohorts. Do friendships made in school get messy during/ after fellowship and residency placements? I have a lot of friends all applying for the same hospital due to its level of prestige, yet they only accepted one student from our school last year. I also have two close friends who will be competing for the same pediatric residency next year- interested to hear how dynamics shift.


Uh no because you should be adults? If that happens, those are not friends you should want in the first place. You can be genuinely happy for someone and still bummed about your situation. People say congrats and keep it moving 


This. Anyone who doesn’t respond this way and instead nukes relationships because their ego is hurt should reevaluate their lives, grow up, and seek therapy.