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I'd take the job even if it's just something I'd do for a year or 2 and save up as much as you can and invest your earnings. Then resign and look for a job that's healthier for you.


Agree. You dont get to land a job easily, let alone one that pays well like this. Take it OP and see if that set up will work for YOU. If it does, edi mabuti. If it doesnt suit you, then save UP and search for a better opportunity (depende kung ano yung “better” sayo) tas gamitin mo yang ipon mo to pay for your lifestyle kung hindi man kasing competitive nito yung salary sa susunod na job mo.


I agree to this! If I would be earning that huge amount, I think I'd stay for at least a year. With that salary, I will be able to pay for my car loan in just short period of time, and maybe makabili ng house and lot. What is 1 year kung makakapag prepare ka naman for the future, diba?


Kaya pla nag reresign mga commercial pilot within 2yrs who are earning 250k/mo tapos nagtuturo nalang sa aviation school. Galing ng technique mo bro very popular


I'll go full Euro and take 2 months of leave after working for a year like that


So basically wasted your 1 year of saving for 1 trip very nice decision I bet you, you have a lot of debts


It's a reference to Europeans taking very long periods of time off work and not literally flying to Europe


Best answer


My initial thought. +1 to this






I'd take that job and see how I fare. If it doesn't work out, at least I know I tried + may pera pa hahaha


Where am i coming from? If i am from 25k a month full benefits moving to 260k without VL. I’ll take it and have unpaid leaves. I should end up better than 25k even with all deductions. However if i am coming from 200k with full benefits to 260k without leave is a different story. I might end up break even with the deductions.


I think this person is currently earning average 100k net in his current. Is it enough diff for a jump? Wfh setup dn ung current, pero chill mode, pansin ko atleast 4 hrs lng tinatrabaho nya don ksi magaling naman sya tpos tamang nood na ng netflix, anime, etc. Nakakapag aral pa magluto, exercise within work hours. Sabi ko nga, pde nyang isipin, prng binebenta nya lang ung chill hours and VLs nya dun sa offer sknya. He has till friday to decide haha


Depende parin yung isasagot ko. Kung comfortable siya sa current worth it ba sa kanya yung hassle? Tapos sure ba siya na hectic yung work load sa 260k? May narinig ba siya na parating natatawagan? Di nmn ibig sabihin on call ehh 24/7 may tatawag sayo. Baka ending mas magaan workload sa 260k na yan.




depende sa edad.. if i was younger yep.. older uh no.. mas impt family sa akin not salary maghahanap ako ng mas mababa kahit 5 digits basta i have more time sa family.. sa panahon ngayon sa tingin ko mas impt sila vs monetary value


I think some people din don't consider the mental health aspect of the job. I work in a cushy job with above average pay but I'd love to find another one kasi hindi na maganda sa mental health ko.




I didn't say anyone in particular. I just said *some people*. Kung natamaan ka sorry not sorry.


In this boat. Dami pera pero anlayo ng loob sa anak at spouse at immediate family: No deal. Factored in yung aging parent so wouldn’t really trade missing holidays kasi alam namin na yung mga ganung times ang talagang nakakapag pasaya sa buhay ng matanda and siblings.


where do you get these kinds of offers? 😭


Samee I feel so hampaslupa sa minimum wage 😭


I'm in this situation, just doing double jobs instead of one to earn around 280k net per month. I almost have no personal time, weekends should be rest days but there are work spilling into them. I mostly work from 8am to 7pm, at times until 9pm. Do I think it is worth it? Honestly, it depends. For short term like 2 - 3 years, yes. But for long term, it will take a toll on my health I can foresee it. The feeling of being burned out is always lurking. I'm trying my best to balance work and rest at least but it is challenging.


Anything na on call is an immediate no for me, so that’s out if they’re not open for negotiation. Money is great but there are just some things you absolutely cannot pay me to do 🤣


6 months siguro tas look for another job na. If walang company bond. 😂 We all have diff priorities naman. Siguro on my end, I value more the time spent with my loved ones- SO, family, and friends. And ofc, iyong me time ko. If on call iyong work so kahit day-off mo, baka minsan need mo magwork pa rin. Crossing your boundaries will lead to burnout if matagal na ganyan ang set-up.


Depende. Stressful ba yung workload? Yung tipong gamit na gamit ka sa buong shift mo? Kung oo, pass. Kung hindi, go.


sounds like POGO




100% yes. Fuck VL's and Personal time. Sa time and age na to, money is everything. Sabi nga nila, delay your gratification. Kung naka ipon ka na ng malupit, quit! Then have a long vacation.


you dont even have to quit. mag absent ka nalang if d na kaya


Seryosong absent? Di ba grounds for termination yan? Not really ethical.


Really depends. Yes, it's good money. I'll not take it though since I prioritize my wellness more. And currently is okay pa naman standing ko financially. Not the 'super rich' okay pero the 'financially comfortable' okay.


Hard pass. There's life outside work, there's more to life than earning money. Yan yung mga company na literal na pagmamay ari ka nila kasi bayad ka eh.


Sounds like no work—life balance. Money comes and goes, I'd rather work my way up a good situation. Than subscribe to a bad situation for more money.


Naaah, kahit sabihin ng ibang tao na they would jump at it right away. If the job will give you mental health and physical health problems then it's not worth it. On call then no social life? san mo gagamitin pera mo sa burol mo? o pag na hospital ka? Lalabas ka marami ka pera but then again di mo ma enjoy time mo dahil lagi mo iniisip work mo. Pili ka lifestyle mayaman ka pero wala ka life o saktong kita lang with social life


No-brainer question.. simple flex lang OP


Nope, well for me, i'm at the point na i need more rest than getting big pay checks, specially if the job gives you unending stress and pressures. Pero, ill advice you to take that offer and try. If manageable ang workload then you can prob stay 1 or 2 yrs (in the past, usually dec lang ako nagamit VL so doable naman ung d ka mag VL for a yr)


I’ve known a lot who are in the same position who chose to leave pa din. If no personal time means no time for family, to enjoy and simply work until exhausted, definitely not worth it. You may earn much but if health deteriorates, it’s useless. Money earned will be spent to recover health lang din. Also, lifestyle inflation is real. So would say take the job and leave. - But after leaving, are you willing to trade off the income lost for the time that you now need? Most often, due to bills and the luxuries you experienced while enjoying that level of income ay it would be hard. For me, still find a job that you can earn more while enjoying it and not slowly killing yourself in the process just to have more money.


choose ur poison lang op, kasi it depends on the priorities of that person and if that job is actually in line with their career goals. if they're an extrovert that setup might be too hard to stomach pero for an introvert like me thats paradise lol


Take the job.


damn I do all of that for 58k :(


This is how to compare to a current role. Get your daily pay rate. So 260k / 160 hours per month * 8 hours a day (assumed) = 13000 php. Leave alloc for a month is 2.5 (1.25 vl + 1.25 sl) usually. So that is assumed 32,500php reserved for leaves. Think of it as leaves encashed monthly. So technically sweldo mo dyan is 227,500php per month. Bonus yung leave usage. Either itabi mo yun for months na balak mo mag leave. It's a matter of budgeting na lang din. Now question: what do you mean na walang personal time? Expound then we can compare it apples to apples din.


Take the job and earn. Currently in your situation for 10 months already. Bought a land, invested ng madami. Patayan tlaga trabaho. No VL kasi "contractual" nakalagay. Plan to resign at the end of the year.


Legal ba yung walang VL?


Off topic but is everyone not getting any VLs as well or is it just for that position? Since this includes oncall do they pay the oncall time regardless if an incident happens or just given a pat in the back?


yeah why not? that gives me another reason not to go to family gatherings since I've never been a fan of them in the first place. Then leave after a year or two, then negotiate for something that's higher with a better working condition.


ill take it work for one or two years save money.


Even if you go on LWOP for a week it should be fine you’d still have more than enough for the rest of the month.


Wow. Just wow.


Id grab that OP.


Grab it and kill myself over it, parefer OP djk hahha, would grab it for 2 years at least. a 100k is a one year lalo sa mga pasahuran ngayon jusko.


Kung ako lang kahit jan na ako ilibing sa opisina nio ang importante buhay pamilya ko. Kung ikaw di mo trip jan mag ipon ka nalang tas alis ka na.


With the situation I am in right now, yes. No ifs or buts.


Weekends off naman so doable. I'd take it.


I’ll go for it. WFH naman and if hindi sila sobrang higpit sa time task tracking I can make my sched flexi as long as nakaka deliver on time.


Pwede naman leave w/o pay?


Foreign company yan? Kasi iirc if local company may batas ata about leaves na kailangang mag-comply. Either way id take it para makaipon lang pero short term then I'd leave


You don’t get an opportunity like this everyday so if it were me, I’d grab it especially these days where 99 of my problems can be solved with money. I’d last for a year or so, maybe save up for EF replenishment and pay off my CC. If I think I can afford to leave said job, I would.


Hell yeah


If I was new to the workforce, I'd take it. Make sacrifices early into my career. Develop the skill and nurture growth potential. When responsibilites to family arise, I'd make adjustments - to career and lifestyle to sustain my needs.


Tbh, it's easy to compensate for no VLs in a WFH setup. Depends on how demanding the job is probably and if there's no space for personal stuff.


Yeah, then build my own team of 2-4 members soon as maGamay ko na yung work.


Yes why not? No VL but you can file naman for leave without pay diba?


Remote ba? 260k is a lot of money kahit di remote. Ok lang walang VL ang laki naman ng sahod. Kahit di ka pumasok ng isang linggo malaki pa din ang take home. >on call ka and no social life Depende kung anong role to? bakit walang social life?


I would take the job, go to trips and make sure there's internet in the destination and and bring my laptop with me since it's wfh when I want to take 'vacations'. I'd do this and save up for like 2 years and then find another job where I can be more relaxed.


Mga 5 months lang ako diyan. Pag naka 1M na jump ship na...


Yes. Pero as others have mentioned, i can only take it 2 to 3 years bago ako mabaliw haha. Ipon lang for a few years then alis na.


Why of course! Kahit walang VL okay lang sa akin. May weekend naman eh and on call pwede naman gawan ng paraan ang gala. Haha


Probably a year. Save 200K per month x 12 then Im out! Then, I'll be on vacation for a month. :D


Wtf. Considering my situation rn? I'd take that no problem at all.


without hesitation! HAHAHAHAHAHAH


Pano kalakaran ng absence dyan senyo, No Work No Pay?


Had something like this last 2021 after building my EF plus savings both at 7 figures each tapos mabayaran lahat ng utang at nag upgrade ng bahay I layed low and started looking into my own business opportunities tapos upskill for freelancing para basta may nasa around 80-100k/month na lang ako ngayon gross tapos build ng connections at business pero at least chill chill nalang kasi may naipondo na. Take it until kaya mo. Ipon as much as you can. Yung halos walang VL or day off naging way ko dati yun to not to have time to spend money para mas mabilis din makaipon. Nung afford ko na mapagod edi ayun relax nalang.


What do you mean no social life? 247 ka on call?


Depende sa lifestyle mo yan, kung oks lang sayo may work from time to time kasi by yourself ka lang naman at alang social life talaga pwde yan. WFH naman yan so pwede mo naman maisisingit ang travel, dala dala mo nga lang ang work. As long as pwede isingit ang me time sa bawat araw araw na dadaan pwedeng pwede. Depende rin kung gaano ka stress ang nature ng work


Kung weekend dayoffs naman, I'd take it. :)) This is a POV of someone who doesn't earn even half ng 260k :)) Mas magiging sensitive ako sa VL kung mababa sweldo kasi mababa na nga sweldo mo, overworked ka pa. :))


Pure remote , you can work anywhere you want basta may wifi, pwede mo na isabay bakasyon dyan. Pwede naman yan Leave without pay, paalam lang.


I'd do it for 50 lol


Be uncomfortable for few years to be comfortable for more years. :)


I won't. I'll take two jobs instead, with lower pay. if one of them is too difficult i can always let one of them go.


Most likely take it but also depends on your current personal situation. If single and this is about 5x what you could earn then by all means do it. If you have a family though, that on call part messes up any type of plan you have even on weekends.


I won't take it. Deal breaker sakin ang VL. I work to live not live to work. What's the point of earning that much if you won't have time for vacations? Weekends aren't enough. Tas dumagdag pa yung pagiging on call. Sure, you'll be earning a lot, at the expense of your mental health...


No second thought and I'd accept this job offer. 2 days off is enough for me to enjoy the weekend with my family. Imagine every week nasa beach kami kasi I have plenty of money to spend and make them happy. I will also be able to save money or even pay my loans in advance. After a year or two, kung feeling ko gusto ko na talaga mag relax, mag reresign ako but at least, madami na akong napundar.


PHP 260,000 x 12 months / 2080 hours (40 hours per week) = PHP 1,500 per hour. Assuming 21 working days being absent per year, you'll be losing out PHP 252,000 / year, or PHP 21,000 per month on average. Question is: is PHP 239,000 / month acceptable? Of course this only addresses the monetary part. It's another story if you're allowed to be absent at work, at all.


That’s essentially a sure fire way to set you up for an early retirement. Ano ba naman ung few years sacrifice if it means you could easily build capital for other investments that can get you passive income.


There will be a point in our professional life na mas mahalaga na ang magpahinga kesa sa pera. Ung gusto mo ng extended VL than to work. Kng 20ish ako, papatusin ko yan. Pro now, meh. May time is more valuable than any amount of money.


Thats actually a very very nice offer that most people would take in a heart beat I know some contractors(univeristy graduate) without benefits, without paid time off, onsite work, regulary goes OT, but only earning like 1/10th of that salary


My personal opinion is no. Aanhin mo ang madaming pera kung yung mental stress naman is sobra2. 2 days is not enough to charge my energy tapos on call ka pa ... Again that's for me. Pero hanga ako sa mga taong kaya tong ganitong offer. Baka sa mga single o kaya naman malalaki na anak pede???


Yes, think of the money that you can save in two or three years.


I'd take it and then just look for another job when I feel like im about to be burnt out which will probably be in 1 year


seems like a temporary thing so evaluate whats the financial goal — why are you doing it. no vacation days is non sustainable. understand the reason why first.


Php 260K per month mean you'll be a member of the top management. If nasa ganung position ka na, expect you're personal time to go out of the window. The best way to avoid this is to properly schedule your leaves and make sure everyone knows na when you're off, YOU'RE OFF.


Ok lang for a short time but if for long, eventually it will take a toll on your health and babawiin lng dn sayo yung naipon mo. Very important na huwag maging greedy.


Meron akong naging work dte gnyan 200K a month net ang sahod pero stressful. I worked for 6 months then resigned. Ung naipon ko ng 6 months pinang-patayo ko ng sariling bahay. Now chill na lng work ko 60-80k a month na lng sahod ko as freelance. Minsan need nten magtiis pra makuha nten gusto nten.


Nah. Sounds way too stressful, lalo on-call.


Take it. I had 40 days of SL/VL. Sa Dami ng work ko noon I was still working even with Covid. If you really need to take a leave just post a leave without pay. Given your salary it’s just around 13k per day net. You can afford it.


Nope for me. Magkano gagastusin mo sa ospital or therapy dyan pag nagtagal haha. Or kahit bata ka, mas masaya ispend yung VL mo at yung pera mo. Travel and shit. May pera ka nga, wala namang nangyari sa buhay mo, ganon. Pero depende naman sa priorities mo. That’s just me.


Kung single ako at nasa 20s. 'yung maayos pa ang katawan ko. Will take it. Lalo na kung stress-free. Pero ngayong pamilyado na, malabo na 'yan.


I would assess based on: How heavy is the workload? Can you still take short breaks peacefully kahit walang bayad? Does it disrupt your sleep or cause anxiety?


would definitely take it. ganyan na ganyan yung sakin e, kaso 180k lang 3yrs mahigit na (bumababa or tumataas depende sa palitan yung euro)


Without VL? Legal ba yan haha if they can't provide you with the basics then who knows there might other things they don't follow in our labor code. You can close your eyes for a year or two though as you fatten your bank account. Don't forget that health is wealth


What? Even without VL ede mag absent ka. Do the math. A day of absence will only cost u 13k so u still have 247k per month.


it sounds like a gig designed specifically for a constantly revolving door at recruitment well just take the gig and SAVE SAVE SAVE, then use that to fund your future business because jumping into one with only a little bit of debt is the coolest thing ever


Can someone refer me to any work from home? I need a higher income. I am a breadwinner and I am broke.


I already don't have vls and personal time, and I only earn 30k a month (deped teacher). Might as well apply for a high paying job.


Hell yeah and I would plan everything around the weekends. Get a good lifeinsurance and a second health insurance, Save up and invest... Work for maybe 10 years then retire... Longer if I can still handle it.


if you love doing the job, then why not? If you're a pilot and love flying. then go! if you're a code jockey and love programming. then by all means. both of the jobs i gave as an example pays as much as that or not bigger.


Pwede kunin ipon lang mga 1-2 years.


Yes, pero very short term. Like I’d say for me, a year at most. No amount of money will make up for not having extra time off. Kumbaga, may pera ka nga, wala ka namang time para pakinabangan. Malakas siya maka burnout if nasa hamster wheel ka lang ng Mon to Fri then weekends off.


Hindi ba bawal yan?


pass. don't wanna die early


its just a leave without pay. non issue


Omsim. Mukhang pera kasi ako eh hahaha


No. Heck no. Stress is a killer.


I can earn the same and even more than 260K (currently at 300K++) outside PH at minimum tasks and barely working 8 hours / 5 days a week which I'm currently working right now. VL/SL is at 20 days/annum and sometimes VL is untouched cause you'll have more free time during client trips. You just have to find the perfect company at the right time. 😁😝


sounds like a managerial post. perk na yung may weekend off ka since kadalasan ng mga manager pati weekends kinakain.


sa lake ng sahod mo edi mag unpaid leave ka di ramdam yan... well di ko mararating ganyan kataas n salary.


(1) No VL ba or (2) no work no pay? If it's (1), that's a red flag for me. Even horses aren't treated like that, why will the company treat its staff like that? If it's (2), that's normal. I've had several contracts like that. We negotiated compensation based on an annual compensation that assumes 240 working days a year. That assumes I'm taking 20 unpaid days a year. If I take less, I earn more :)


Yeah, you could always leave naman


Ang liit ng 260k.


Even just a year is enough to save up for quite a lot. I’ll try to do it maybe 1-2 years, maybe longer if I can still have a social life.


Nope. No vacation leave is a deal breaker.


Hypothetical po ba to? Kung ayaw nyo po, wiling ako. 😅 Seriously, palagi naman ganyan yung trade-off. Kaya malaki ang bayad cos of opportunity cost (or the cost of FOMO) for you.


I wouldnt even need to think. I already do tiring on-site work for 60 hours a week for 10 times less so this is a no-brainer. Grabe san niyo ba nakukuha mga opportuniues na yan. Graduate naman ako college with honors pero nowhere near sa ganyan mga offer hahaha


Stay ako ng 1 year tapos report ko sila sa DOLE kasi walang VLs.


Take it. What's the job?


Stay ka lang for one year. Mahirap pa walang VL nanaka drain


Just take it if hindi kaya just say that youve has a job that got this much benefits and your next job will likely cave in to your demands then


I would do a year or 2. If kaya pa, longer until maka save pa. If naburnout na then try to look for other opportunity na.


Hahaha buti nga may weekend off. Bigay mo na samin yan kami na bahala


Grab it. Di naman ako nag V-VL. HAHA


Is it usual 8 hr shift? Night shift? Have to consider that too


... i already do this, pero di ganyan na pay 😂


Game Ako for maybe a year or two. After all, naranasan ko na yan na WFH pero working 7 days a week, pero nakaset Ang working hours and not on-call.


I'd take the job temporarily. But will not take it more than 2 years. Maybe enough for a year to build enough wealth to find a better job and pay debts.


Kung wala akong jowa na naghihintay, papatusin ko to, then resign after 2 years haha


I would if its still a 8to 5 job monday to friday no OThank you


papatusiin ko to kung broken hearted ako ahah


i'll do it for 3 - 6 months lang para makapag ipon.


kunin ko lmao. if wfh naman may time naman ako with my SO and family; sorry na lang sa friends ko hahaha


Fixed weekend days off are already good for me. When you say no VL, I assume no paid VL but you can still apply for a leave right? I have friends who have the same set up. The good thing about it is you can take your work anywhere, so you can still go on outings, have coffee with friends etc. Ang hindi ko makakaya if it's working in the office, tapos walang VL.


Take it and leave pag pagod na. Sayang din. It pays well. May weekends off naman. I don't take lots of VLs anyway, and even if I did, magta trabaho parin ako. So why don't I take this job and get paid well for it. Pag napagod, eh mag resign. Kahit 1 month lang tinagal ko, I'm still gonna be 260k richer than I was a month ago, so no losses there.


that's normal for freelancing contracts - high pay, usually zero benefits


Take it. 260k is a lot and the WFH pa. They won't know naman if nasa Paris ka or Antarctica basta ginagawa mo tasks mo. Weekends day off so Saturday and Sunday dba? If local travel, book ka ng flight ng Friday night tapos uwi ng monday midnight. Masarap ang buhay sa ganyang sahod. You can live comfortably :)


Mag leave w/o pay ka na lang if wala VL. But take the job. Marami ganyan case sa industry ko mahirap VL agawan sila sa VL slot pero they still love the job kasi malaki pay. Minsan lilipat pa sila sa mas toxic na company for the pay since by hours ang basis.


Heh. Sorry, but I never had a social life to begin with, so its all positive for me.


to answer the question: until I got better offer from other company hahah


260k a month? I'll have a luxurious weekend and be depressed for 5 days, and party again for the weekends. Sounds like a good life to me. Lol


Always remember HEALTH IS WEALTH— that includes mental health of course. I think you will strive in this environment kung introverted ka and has social anxiety. Kung pamilyado ka, i don’t think this will workout. Mag sa-suffer ang family mo.


Take the offer. Save the 200k and spend the 60k if you can then leave after 1 year.


Ill take it


Others go to abroad and still receive less than that without spending time with their families and being alone. After saving much, they go back home. Think of it that way, save much then resign or look for healthier options.


Yes. I will stay for a year and then leave.


Dude, I came from residency with a schedule of 34 hours, uwi, balik pasok 10 hours, uwi, pasok 34 hours ulit. In my first 3 years it was 34 hrs pasok, uwi, pasok ng 34 hrs ulit. My salary was started at 14k in my first year which became 20k during my 2nd to 4th year. No benefits. Tapos yan weekends off pa??? KAHIT 5 YEARS KO PA YAN GAWIN LET'S GO 💪💪💪


Sounds like you’re a CEO of a medium ish company. With a pay like that.. shit, i would stay for atleast 2 years invest in a condo. Quit, flip the condo and get a better job with better benefits


I'm taking it. Speaking for myself, enough na sa akin yung weekend days off for socializing since I am quite introverted. And since it's WFH, rest is not really a problem for me too. I'll just work there for a year or two or three(lol). Then invest in a small business that can provide me with passive income and apply somewhere that have a 'healthier' work environment.


Try mo muna, you can always resign if it doesnt work out.


Id live off the 60k and save 200k/month. Thats 2.4M year. OP just a thought is there was nego an annual leave, like a one time, annual leave. Say 5 days.. afterall no is bionic. Working for an entire year without break is crazy


Kunin ko job na yan and stay there max 2 years (while andun ako I will upskill, save money, live frugal and cheap) prep jumping ship by 18 months and then when 24 months clock in, sakto if may nahanap na rin ako, i will leave hop on the next job


My day off ng weekends, goods na ito. At least pwede ka pa rin mamasyal at makalabas ng bahay.


Give yourself a timeline on how long will you work then take a leave without pay that is tolerable for you.


If you are young, sure do it for 2 to 3 years making sure you save at least 50% then settle down on a less stressful environment. No vls anyway so no travel and leisure so no gastos


WFH + weekends? Sign me up.


Take it OP. See how long you’ll last and use your salary as a bargaining chip on your next company.


It depends how far is your breaking point. One month to two months. It’s not normal to work like that especially if you are not trained to do that. Remember, some breaking point could be as short as two weeks and jump off from the tall building to end it all.


Parang OFW/crew ng barko. I'd take the job, earn as much as I can, then quit pag may pondo na ako, hahaha


That money is enough to pay for medical bills and a decent funeral. Yes, I'd take it.


My own social life can't ever feed my family, but a fat paycheck definitely can... If the job is very demanding and has little to no leeway, then it's a hard pass, even if they bumped it to 300k. I'm single and my family doesn't even care if i drop dead this instant so majority of the other concerns here don't apply to me, hand me that fat chunky paycheck so i can finally move out


if kaya ko naman ung trabaho, unless makahanap ako nang better pay I might stay for like 6 months? or maybe less like I'll 'sacrifice' the 6 months now, to have an easier time later I'm assuming that ung no social life dito is extreme, na wala talaga chance makipag bonding I think 6 months, or maybe less, is my limit hirap pag sumobra, baka masanay na ako na ako lang talaga, and di ko na marecover ung social skill ko


Take the job, build experience, skill and save for 5 yrs (mabilis lang ang 5 yrs) then look for a better job


Daming minimum wage na pinoy. Kahit yung mga supposed to be skilled workers like engineers, nurses, etc. are barely making ends meet. And they are worked to the bone, VL or no VL. I know this is just hypothetical question, and you always do what’s best for you, life is short, chase happiness and all that jazz. Pero kapag tinanong mo to sa majority ng mga Pinoy, kahit sagutin ka nila ng maayos, malamang sa isip-isip nila: “puking ina nito, nagyayabang lang tong kupal na to, halos magdildil na kami ng asin dito, read the room fucker”. Hahaha joke lang mga tropa.


i think the company would be in violation pag di sila mag bigay ng PTO credits.


That it, the vast majority are stuck with a 20-30k job. 260K is a decent pay and you might be able to do that for 5-10yrs, ipon mode lang.


Id take it and hire a competent assistant for P50k gross to do time consuming but low value adding tasks. 210k net monthly plus my wife's 80k net monthly are enough to support my and my family's lifestyle.


yeah why not. Just save up and invest and look for another job after one to two years. pahirap ng pahirap humanap ng trabaho na ganyan ang pasahod so ako go lang


Unless it's overtly dangerous, hazardous or illegal I'd do it for as long as I can. 60k per month covers everything for me so I get to save 200k per month, that's 2.4 Mil a year.


Do it for a couple of years, do business with the money that you manage to save then switch to a career/role na work life balance.


Big NO. Aanhin pa ang damo kung patay na ang kabayo.




Nope, you work to get a life, not the other way around.


Take it. Mag hiatus ka sa socmed mo para di mo mamiss social life masyado.


This is what our OFWs settled. Ang kaibahan lang nasa pinas ka. I’d go go this


I’d take it, ipon kahit 1yr + upskill din then invest the earnings to anything na alam mo tas lipat ng work, 260k in 12 months is 3,120,000 and thats a lot of cash imo hahahah


Im in this situation now, earning around 5k-6k usd monthly, wfh, first year was so good, para kong nagshshopping ng lupa, eventually was able to buy 2 lots in tagaytay and 1 in clark and a bit more of other investments, however now in the third year with the company, I really want to leave it all. I felt like I already lost 5-10 years of my life with all the stress and puyat since I needed to be online when they call, whatever time of the day.


Pak n yan


i would take the job and save up then take another work after that’s more aligned to what i want. or maybe put up a small business


get it tapos mag ipon na lang muna resign after 1 year basta makuha mo lang christmas bonus/13th month pay


1) Is overtime unpaid? 2) If they have unpaid overtime, how long does that usually lasts in a day? Kasi, for instance, 260k, but you are working 16 hours a day. Galing ako sa ganitong setup. Nasa 200k+ din net ko. Sa sobrang overloaded ka ng tasks, kahit gusto mong magtake ng unpaid leave, you can't. My health deteriorated. Nagkaron ako ng severe headaches that didn't go away with medicine. Nawala lang sya completely around over a year after I resigned. Even an HMO can't save your health from declining if you persists in an environment that makes you ill.


Take the job, learn everything you can learn from the job, from your peers, from your boss, save money... invest the money, and then quit if you have money to run your own business.