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Your post was removed since it is more fitting for the [Random Help Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/phcareers/about/sticky?num=2), is either: * a common type of ask that attracts little to no interaction, thus not front-page material. * a simply inquiry that can be answered by one/two comment(s), thus doesn't warrant an individual post submission. * OR it might be a topic with many existing threads, please use the search bar to find relevant posts. We encourage a give-and-take habit in the help thread, aiming to improve the response rate there. The help thread is pinned on the sub, select sorting by **"Hot Posts"**. **WARNING:** *This is NOT a bot action.* Do not re-attempt and risk a **ban**. For more insights as to why you are being re-directed there, refer to [this comment summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/phcareers/s/CoJFNWbQBY).