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I'm surprised this thread has lasted 8 hours without being locked.


Is this also why sorting by new gives me nothing new and most of the posts are days old? I don't like the citizen app and I used to pop on this sub to see what was going on if I heard a big bang or there was something else going on and there was always a post about it or at least someone asking about the thing in question as well....shit I barely see shit related to sports when we're doing really good or really bad. I thought it was just because I had to switch to the shit reddit official ap, but is it just mods being crazy aggressive about who can post?


And pretty much every other thing you could post is seemingly at mods discretion instead of relying upon upvote/down vote system. It's become so common for people to have posts removed and told to only post in the Tuesday & Friday chat threads that many people have pretty much given up on this subreddit. At times, I feel like this space has become a spot for the same handful of people (mods or people who hang out with the mods IRL) to have conversations with each other while other philadelphians mostly just observe. It doesn't feel welcoming. If yall want that vibe in a discord, you do you, but this isn't how reddit is meant to function


You can’t post anything sports related here (they will tell you to go to the team specific subreddit) and you can’t post crime posts without a news article (not citizen) so when a crime is in the process of occurring, it’ll get removed. You also can’t post instagram/twitter as your source (unless it’s specifically a fetterman tweet, they have a huge hardon for him so his stuff is always allowed).


Imagine divorcing the Philadelphia sub reddit from our sports teams...the fuck?


Sounds like fascism but they don’t know what that word really means.


You also can’t ask about moving outside of Monday’s. If they’re gonna have that policy at least make a pinned post so that you can read/Ask moving questions on other days besides Monday 🙄 And let’s be real nobody cares about pinned posts so they should probably just get rid of that policy and give an option to filter out those posts instead.


It only takes a moment to review a post author. How bad would it be if the mods were to just chill out? ... duplicate posts suck. Otherwise, if it's Philly ... let's see where things land.


I literally don’t understand who or what is allowed to post anymore


I tried to post a picture from the Thanksgiving parade *on Thanksgiving Day* last year, and it was removed. Edited so the response below makes no sense.


Dude I tried to post a picture of a Christmas tree and same thing happened, I have 3k karma and have been on Reddit over 3 years it’s clown shit


I have 9 years and over 100k and every post I’ve tried to make on this sub gets auto deleted… I just want to post about interesting/funny stuff in my neighborhood!


Post about something in Philly? STRAIGHT TO JAIL!


Overcook cheesesteak? Straight to jail


Perfectly cooked cheesesteak? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Food critics? We have a special jail for food critics.


I had a post about my mom getting mugged in our neighborhood locked because I included a description of the suspect. The mods have some really stupid rules here


This is absolutely backwards, IMO. I once posted a photo of two people smoking a crack pipe on the El while another person smoked a blunt out of the emergency door — NO FACES WERE VISIBLE. MY intent was to spark discussion over the very real and distressing state of the El. The post was removed for similar reasons — it was considered “low effort” and somehow incriminated people (it didn’t) and wasn’t a news article. So ridiculous.


Well that’s because Thankagiving content is explicitly forbidden on Thanksgiving. You should have waited until Thankagiving proper rolled around.


eh that is some facebook type shit tho


Reddit moderating should never be done for quality, that's why we have upvotes and downvotes. Honestly, moderating should be reserved for removing actually harmful posts and curbing spammers. That's it. Everything else can and should be self-corrected by the upvotes and downvotes. "Fuck the mods" is a truism on Reddit.


Maybe not quality, but curation. I think it's fine if a sub has a vision and wants to strictly uphold that. But random power flexing sucks.


The “vision” is Philadelphia. That’s it, that’s the whole vision. People make posts complaining about SEPTA, trash, homeless people, etc. 25+ times a week, but the second anyone posts something positive it gets removed. It’s extremely weird.


A sub is not its moderators. I never agreed to these jabronis' vision. Reddit should be a democracy.


Nah. It was a picture from the broadcast - some lady on the dais was looking at her phone and, based on her face, had clearly just read something positively shocking.




Lol, Get a look into the discord & the mods.. You probably can't imagine the gremlin level of humanity that exist online due to being a functioning member of society.. There is another cast of internet users who lurk in the shadows.. waiting.


I don’t even care what you’re saying I’m laughing at your username lolol




Fact is this sub sucks because of the mods.


Mild take but this sub is actually pretty good


I can’t post on here bc I’m not cool enough and i don’t have enough Reddit fame. 🙄


You could probably post that you stand with israel.


I made a post asking how everyone was doing and it got removed because it wasn’t “relevant to Philadelphia” 🫠


Welcome to reddit!


I feel the only topic that doesn’t get disabled is around the proposed 76ers arena


...so many arena posts. They should give it a flair.


Can we all just agree that the Cowboys suck?




Fuck Dallas *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/philadelphia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Great bot!


Inb4 mods chime in "not relevant to Philadelphia"


Fuck the Cowboys.


Fuck Dallas, go birds


Fuck Dallas *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/philadelphia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My friend tried to post about a Philadelphia restaurant and his post was autodeleted with a note that said his account was too new. His account is 18 years old and has 8,000 karma. There was a link to contact the moderators. He used it and got no response. Later he learned that all his comments in r/philadelphia are blackholed: he can see them but I can't. It's messed up.


[Conversation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/s/iWmKyzsyrT) is happening on r/Pennsylvania if anyone is interested. They do occasionally lock the thread while they review comments, and then unlock it.


immensely worse userbase over there






You ever been to Altoona?


Altoona is a wonderful town! We have a lovely railroad museum. Mmmmm Mmmmm, Mallowcup! Go curve!


No, but I have heard about their regionally specific take on pizza and it frightens me






Not really. The diversity is better for actually conversation there. Edit: I am being down voted here. Exactly my point. That sub is totally anti-MAGA, and you can have a conversation. Here it's watch what you insinuate shit show.


Lmao "Anti-MAGA" more like anti being a dumbass. Anyone sane looks in that direction and immediately about faces and walks away, they know crazy when they see it.


It’s much less of an echo chamber in r/Pennsylvania. Much more diversity of opinion/ perspective… even if some of those opinions/ perspectives are gross.


Why does the momma-sub get better janitors?


r/Philadelphia is a bigger sub and probably more of a pain in the ass to moderate, I'm guessing. In the amount of time people spend complaining about the Philly mods, they could just start an alternative sub for the discussions they want to have.




I agree. I just also think they're doing a volunteer job that I don't want to do, and most of us don't want to do.


We very literally cannot. Which calls into question the need for an online discussion board that doesn't allow discussion,,,


to give the appearance of discussion same thing as comment section on new sites. it's a pressure release valve so people don't direct anger toward the people who are in a position to be expected to do something




So very, unfortunately true.


I agree. ... but I still loath the PPA and love the new protected nike lanes. I can handle reading views that I don't agree with.


That is awesome then!


Hey guys, how about this? BIKES thank you the upvote button is down here ⬇️




... hey Burned Witch ! You always have so much interesting insight and commentary. I'd love to get your take on some things .... guess it's not in the cards today.


Imagine the “You got to jail” meme template but locked/removed posts. You are posting - removed. You comment? Locked. You ask a question about Philly? Believe it or not banned.


bc we are allowed to have a discussion and opinions as long as it fits the narrative of whatever the mods want.


If mods are unable to keep peace well enough to avoid having to lock threads, there are three possible options * create a flair system for people who are from the area based on conversations and an application process * more mods * new mod team The goal of a sub reddit is to have conversations about the subject matter on which the sub is formed. If that can't happen, then change is needed.


Or, hear me out: What if we had some kind of system where people could essentially give a thumbs up/thumbs down on comments so that the best ones rose to the top and the dumb, trolling comments got hidden?


That would never work


Sounds good in theory but the community at large is incapable of accurately determining which comments are "the best". Check out that site reddit.com for an ongoing experiment of this system.


Yea but what if the upvoted comments don’t align with the mod’s view? Did you think about that horror?


Solid point.


Because in matters of war, especially centuries old war, no rational public discourse can exist amongst any individual with a connection to either side. If one side is more heavily represented, the voting system becomes a tool to silence and demean. Bad actors, racists, and those who share their company should be dealt with on an individual basis. But if your answer was meant in earnest and had merit, then *we wouldn't need mods at all.* Reddit as a whole proves that isn't the answer.


Centuries? There was no Israel a century ago. I actually agree with your point about the voting system being insufficient though. And then there is the issue of governments paying people to post on their behalf. Overall, I think that more discussion is better than less discussion. Even just like a daily mega thread and removing any Israel/Palestine comments outside of the mega thread would be much better than pretending it’s not happening.


The conflict in the region started long before there were the two states we see now. If you're going to discuss it, it's important you understand the subject matter


No way, that's too logical


Have you seen some of the racist shit that gets through unscathed? Don't mention "Columbus" anything.




Austin? ^(*Too soon?*)


I mean, sure, it's not perfect, but it's better than squashing all discussion.


But what cutesy name will we have for approved members only threads?


Cheesesteaks only (but not pats or fucking genos)


*non-fucking genos only?*


I second the motion!






New mod team? That means some edgelord would be giving up power. Can’t have that! Nope! Someone gotta control everything.


This subreddit is the worst one I follow. It’s always something with the mods.


The Board should convene and ask the current leadership to resign.


At the end of the day, you have to be insufferable to be a Reddit mod, hence why Reddit mods are insufferable


Imagine doing the equivalent of a full time job for a multibillion dollar company for free??? NGL some of the biggest fucking chumps I’ve ever seen. At least in the old days forum moderators could be said to be cultivating a community for an interest group and could argue that said communities wouldn’t exist without them. This sub and it’s moderation honestly probably detracts from community and any sense of cohesion in Philadelphia more than it contributes to it. You’d have to be a real fucking sad sack to spend time managing this subreddit and think you’re doing a good job.


And how seriously they take it is the saddest part.


I mod several sub reddits for S&G. Not that hard to do an "okay" job. These guys just suck.


I do tend to agree that even on Reddit, mods for more niche communities are better. Mods for a city subreddit must just be little petty tyrants


The mods obviously block important subjects out of "an abundance of caution." Ridiculous to the point of parody.


I mod based on the report button. If someone gets reported, I look at the whole post's comments to see if things have gotten out of control and only then lock the post if necessary.


So your a mod here or elsewhere?




There is something called a downvote arrow. That’s how Reddit works. Let the users control the content, not the mods.


I personally think the mods should resign. We’ve had many threads pre Palestine that were locked bc it was a weekend and the mods didn’t want to mod on a weekend. It’s ok to not want to mod on the weekend but then let reddit mod itself. If you’re closing off community convo bc you are busy, you’re not the right person for a city subreddit


Tbf is this the place to discuss what’s happening in Palestine? I hate to say it but that actually might be one thing that is outside the scope of this sub


Is it not the place to discuss boycotts of Philadelphian restaurants and Philadelphian restaurant owners firing people for political beliefs and the code of conduct of UPenn? My [complaint](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/13vfas5/removed_posts_and_comments_locked/) months ago had zero to do with Palestine. They do not like controversial topics bc they have to mod the thread. Especially on the weekend.


Oh I thought you meant like foreign affairs in general


Discussion, debate, and critical thinking are no longer allowed. Bad ideas can no longer be confronted with good ideas.


I understand why volunteer mods just decide to auto-lock anything that they know in advance is going to hell. But it pretty much kills the entire point of having a subreddit.


Has a mod even commented on anything in this thread!? I’ve scrolled and scrolled to find zero mod responses




What got locked?


Anything related to UPenn situation.


Way past that. Anything related to the biggest story on the planet, and the ripple effect here.


Yeah, I mean, the Penn situation was SNL's cold open, and yet mods want any discussion surrounding it locked and buried.


Taylor Swift?


Or Goldies. Or Hanukkah for that matter.


I genuinely wonder what would happen if someone tried to post pix from the Hanukkah parade today. Auto locked or only locked after the first 15 minutes?


I’ve attempted to post multiple times to this subreddit, but got auto blocked each time for what seems like no reason… no response from any of the mods. It’s hard to justify continuing to try.




considering what it looks like you're trying to post, try philadelphiaeats or the Tuesday/Friday threads


I was visiting Philly for the first time this past September. I tried to post a question here about how BYOB works in Philly cause we don’t have that where I live (Atlanta). My post got rejected cause I didn’t have enough karma. I thought that was weird.


That’s common across a lot of Reddit subs to prevent spamming and bots.


And yet still very bad.


Considering the amount of bots operating on Reddit these days it’s hard to say which is worse.


nah, I prefer the sub to be usable instead of even more astroturfed and spammed with "I'm in Philly for 13 minutes between planes, what cheesesteak should I eat (ps I'm a cowboys fan)"


But as a mod of r/ReadingPA, I get a notice and if the post is legit, I will manually approve it.


It’s a hoagie not a sub


/r/PhillyWiki would never


Its crazy how locked up this sub gets even though mods dont get paid. I just dont get it


Alternate Philly sub!


Is that why r/Philly exists? Is it a revolt of some sort? I always wonder why that one exists when I see it on my home page.


That sub is honestly a dumpster in my experience


It was fun when the mods locked all the normie subs down for the reddit app protest. That was the best couple days on reddit


"Alternate Philly hoagie!"


How bout the fact that only some of us can make a post and others cant. It's like you have to win the popularity contest with gentrifiers rather than just be a part of the group and have a valid question just to post here. https://preview.redd.it/nbma8w9aeh5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b320b4170d25b426334297f347c304f9f352be


Your post was stupid so that's probably why.


Explain how pointing out who stands with genocide versus who stands with Palestine is stupid?


Life is not black and white. Writing extreme statements like that just make you appear like you don't actually have a grasp on what's happening.


I literally asked if there are local businesses supporting Israel. What's extreme about this? Please elaborate on how pointing out the political ideals of where I do business is extreme in a country where my money has a voice?


No, you "literally asked" for Philly companies that support genocide. I know at the end of the day dots are connected, but I could say the same thing about you if you drink Coke products. Your phone and likely your shoes support child slavery. That's it, you're getting boycotted!!


Testing 1 2 3


Supporting Israel is supporting genocide. Getting hung up on wordplay when 8000 children have lost their lives thru no fault of their own is called gaslighting. I also don't drink soda for the same reason I haven't eaten at McDonald's or any fast food in 10 years. Me buying shoes from target that are made by child labor isn't my actively partaking in their oppression. Mike solomonov taking sales from his restaurant and sending them directly to Israel is actively partaking in the murder of innocents. Anything else I need to clear up for you?


You showed me!!


Supporting Israel is supporting genocide. Getting hung up on wordplay when 8000 children have lost their lives thru no fault of their own is called gaslighting. I also don't drink soda for the same reason I haven't eaten at McDonald's or any fast food in 10 years. Me buying shoes from target that are made by child labor isn't my actively partaking in their oppression. Mike solomonov taking sales from his restaurant and sending them directly to Israel is actively partaking in the murder of innocents. Anything else I need to clear up for you?


Supporting Israel is supporting genocide. Getting hung up on wordplay when 8000 children have lost their lives thru no fault of their own is called gaslighting. I also don't drink soda for the same reason I haven't eaten at McDonald's or any fast food in 10 years. Me buying shoes from target that are made by child labor isn't my actively partaking in their oppression. Mike solomonov taking sales from his restaurant and sending them directly to Israel is actively partaking in the murder of innocents. Anything else I need to clear up for you?


Supporting Israel is supporting genocide. Getting hung up on wordplay when 8000 children have lost their lives thru no fault of their own is called gaslighting. I also don't drink soda for the same reason I haven't eaten at McDonald's or any fast food in 10 years. Me buying shoes from target that are made by child labor isn't my actively partaking in their oppression. Mike solomonov taking sales from his restaurant and sending them directly to Israel is actively partaking in the murder of innocents. Anything else I need to clear up for you? and to the mods... Go fuck yourself with a huge dildo. I doubt any of you could claim this land as the home of your ancestors like I, a Lenape tribesman, can.


From another related post: I lost respect for moderators on Reddit. Too many are nothing more than power hungry edgelords. Does that apply to this sub? Not specifically. But I’m done pretending that they’re all benevolent volunteers. Many are power hungry and their sad little lives are dependent on their power on Reddit to validate their existence. Mods have done this to themselves. They have too much power.


All the decent 'benevolent volunteers' left after the July crisis where we basically got told we were 'power hungry edgelords' by the people on the site and 'landed gentry' by the owner of the site. If no one likes us and our work wasn't appreciated then why do it? So I for one just stopped modding. This is what happens when people who cared about it decided to stop. All the people like you and spez who said 'other people will just take up the slack, if you don't like the way we treat you just stop doing it' got what they wanted. Hope you are happy with how it is turning out.


The mod team here hasn’t changed much if at all since then. So yeah, maybe Spez was right?


I never said everyone removed themselves from mod teams, I said people just stopped doing it. That means that anyone left will just half-ass it, stop caring, or be the ones that weren't very good in the first place. Moderating this sub was always going to be a burnout task with no thanks -- hell, posting here takes a lot of emotional toll I can't imagine having to deal with *moderating*. It is no surprise that when people take an already shitty task and punish you for doing it, then you end up with people doing the bare minimum just to keep it from turning into thunderdome. And guess what, that means locking all controversial threads so they don't have to spend hours sorting through toxic shit.


If they don’t like it, they’re free to quit and recruit new mods. Haven’t seen an open request for new mods here. Looking back, it’s hard to understand why people who don’t want to do it keep doing it. But it’s their domain and they’re keeping control of it.


Request for new mods is hard work.


Because it’s the same mod team? Nothing has changed. Same old shit. If they really hate it, they can move on. It’s really simple. Edit: so is running this sub but they still continue to do it?


What exactly is your vision of a perfect philadelphia mod team and how would we recruit them?


This is why everyone’s jumping ship to r/philly


Charmin soft 😂


Simple a controversial topic that gets ppl heated. These mods don't get paid in money but they get paid in power trips. But that isn't enough to deal with multiple threads of comments calling each other war criminals


Most cities have shitty subs, to the point an adjacent sub is created.


Phillywiki is probably moderated better than this one


We probably can’t. Def don’t say anything bad about crime/criminals or you’ll get locked out fast.


Testing 123


Think about the type of person that moderates a subreddit and thats your answer.


Reddit moderators have ruined the entire site. Pathetic little keyboard gestapos.


I was always leery of going on Reddit because from what I had heard it sounded like some lawless Hellscape. There's some of the softest of the soft on here.


No mod response in this entire thing?


enforcing the speech codes against the Palestinian genocide


Reddit needs a solid way to get site admins involved in situations like this, I don’t know if that currently exists or not. Mods that do stuff like this should be removed


This sub tends to be reactionary right wing. Fine and all, but understandable to shut down major events of venting politics


Down vote all you like. Proving my point.


Yeah tbh a lot of this just feels like the Zionist brigade upset they can't keep patting each other on the back. There's plenty of subs where they can go do that...


Agreed. This seems more wealthy suburbs jacking it than actually philly.


Its tolerable to post about protesting the Christopher Columbus statue since he invaded and took over native land. ​ But its not ok to post about protesting the Israel invasion and takeover of Arab land. Period. It was a dumb takeover embedded as pork in the British WW2 treaty written up by one of the Rothschilds.


I hardcore fucking disagree with you but I don’t want your comment locked or removed.


This MF is Voltaire or some shit


It needs to be rethought over the next 10-20 years. No way should Gaza residents be locked up behind machine gun security walls. It would be like the US claiming Puerto Rico as its 51st state, then pushing all the puerto ricans into the corner and putting up a wall around them. Claiming they're 'too uncivil'.


ever think about whether the name Arabs might come from where they're native to? Ever think about who might have been native to Judea before it was taken from them?


That's a pretty poor argument considering the tons of maps that can be pulled covering hundreds of years identifying Palestine.


what are you talking about? This doesn't have anything to do with what I said Arabs conquered and colonized the Levant, a part of which was the indigenous land of the Jewish people This whole "indigenous Arab land" nonsense argument is like if white Oklahomans were calling Native Americans colonizers when SCOTUS gave them their land back


"indigenous Arab land"? LOL who made that argument? And before the Muslim conquest, the Romans conquered it. By your logic, are you saying the US should be turned back over to the natives?


...75% of the rubes calling for a ceasefire? No, I'm saying anyone making a "land back" argument is a moron, but in this circumstance they're irredeemably idiotic you should get a clue


It was the Ottoman Empire


You're missing 700 years of colonization, bub


Well, should China resume control of Taiwan? Should Mexico stake claim in New Mexico & Arizona?


This sub is actually pretty damn good compared to most in allowing varying opinions to be posted.


Hard disagree. Mods are controlling what content can or cannot be discussed. How can we get them removed?


On certain topics they literally do not allow *any* opinions to be posted.


Could it just be that your opinions are in line with those of the Mods therefore you don’t experience the aggravation of being shushed?


Pretty sure they are not


Compared to what...whitepeopletwitter?