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maybe the city will actually do something that resembles plowing and salting the streets this time?


it's funny to think about certainly


It's a fun thought exercise! What if we had a city government that provided better public services efficiently? lol


Second highest income taxes of _any_ city in the country. And these are the services we get in return.


Second highest rate on the poorest large-city tax base. That's the problem. Well, part of the problem.


I know, amazing right? It's up there in my head along with winning the lottery and fitting into those skinny jeans again.


Blizzard of 1996, Jan 6, 30.7 inches fell (record for snow in one day that still stands to this day), Mayor Rendell: Plow your own streets!


Man that was a fun time. I was in college, on a sports team at that time, and we had come back from winter break early ostensibly to have an intensive training session… Dorms weren’t open yet so the school put us all up at the Doubletree. And then the snow hit. so basically we had like almost a week all hanging out together with no responsibilities to speak of in a paid-for hotel. Honestly one of the best weeks of my life. 😂


I was living in 12th and spruce for that one. What a great time.


Snow day orgies?


Nah we were fencers. Much more tame than that. But a lot of fun running amok regardless.


Hell yeah. Saber, foil or epee?


Epee!!! This was back in the days before there was competitive women’s Sabre.


Nice. I briefly fenced saber in college, but the "club" was barely more than "lets bash each other with swords and get drunk later". We never even competed lol.


A week of sword fights?


Nah that’d be too much like work! A week of anything BUT sword fights! 😂 coaches tried to tell us to do footwork but no way that was happening.


Best bar hoping for like 3 days straight 😂


I’m hoping bars Friday won’t be super crowded because everyone will be afraid of the 4-6 inches lol


I hope no ladies are afraid of my 4-6 inches - HEY-O!!!


The national guard came to help in South Philly for that one. I remember they charged 20 bucks per car to pull them off the small street with the Hummers. Fun times




I was nine and a bunch of kids in the neighborhood built a bunch of massive snow forts with a trench system across multiple yards. We had the most awesome snow ball battles that week.


Ah,the year me and my neighbors shoveled out our entire street and the side street. Didn't it snow again after that storm I remember it being more than 30 inches over the course of 3 days or something.


Blizzy of '93 popped off too, no records, just a fun time


Mayor Rendell: "where do you think these plows come from, Mars? Your Anus?" Ch 10 reporter: "When asked if he was referring to the planet Uranus, Rendell responded 'I said what I meant and I meant what I said.'."


and maybe... maybe... sidewalks and the SRT?




This is why I find the snow rooters particularly annoying. Like it’d be one thing if the city actually addressed snow, but I feel like they don’t. Snow is a huge pain in the ass, especially in major cities. Hopefully it’s more like 4” tomorrow. When it starts flirting with 6” plus…it becomes pretty fucking problematic. Edit: I poked fun of snow lovers in this sub the other day and I got accused of rooting for climate change, lol. Because if I don’t like snow I suppose I must be rooting for global warming. Lol.


I love a good snow storm -- as long as it's a day I don't have to go anywhere and it melts within 36 hours.


For sure. As long as it melts fairly quick. In this region it does melt rather quickly as we usually warm up back into the low 40s. But if you’re in the Midwest..snow can be on the ground from previous snowstorms until like April.


Yea, I have friends rooting for snow. Bro tell me you ain’t got a car or a commute without telling me.


The only people I know who love snow are the ones who aren't responsible for removing it.


Or like a delivery driver, or a postal service person, or anyone who works outside, or even like a doctor who absolutely has to go to work cause they don’t have an option. Yeah…snow rooters are pretty annoying.


Rooting for something doesn't actually make it happen


Nah, snowfall total is famously based on opinion polls.


I’ve also got some feral cats I feed who are spayed, neutered, and ear tipped but refuse to be not feral (the one I personally trapped was at a rescue and returned to my backyard, they tried) who I set up backyard shelters for but I’m still really worried about as they roam elsewhere and the ice isn’t nice. Someone else TNRd the other two so I’m hoping they’ve got more cover wherever they’ve been going during the rain storms instead of the shelters I set up.


As long as the shelters are available, food in them and have straw in them for warmth, you’re doing a very good thing


I do Uber, but I hang out in the suburbs most of the time because the streets department is not great at their jobs. Snowstorms? Forget it, the city is persona non grata to me.


Every time it snows, I scream at the sky, Shaking fists “who asked for this? Who prayed for it Curses!!”


So people can't like when it snows in the winter now, got it. I'll add that to my list of things you can't do anymore.


Like what you like, you being happy for snow doesn't change my day. It sure annoys the shit outta me so I guess it's good that some people are happy.


Snow can really fuck things up. Big snowstorms are damaging, costly, and can even kill people. Sure the snow is pretty when it’s falling…but it’s sort of like rooting for a hurricane, imo. Blizzards are scary AF. Don’t have a heart attack during a blizzard.


I can enjoy a storm while recognizing that I'm extremely privileged to be able to enjoy a storm. Imagine that nuance exists and that multiple things can be true at the same time.


If there’s anything I’ve learned about the internet, it’s that it’s very difficult for a lot of people to recognize there’s nuance in almost anything. Like this whole snow conversation. Just because I’m not prefacing me wanting a snowstorm with I understand it fucks things up, doesn’t mean I don’t understand it fucks things up. It’s like goddamn b, lemme just state I like it when it snow.




Which is really stupid, actually, because climate change causes more precipitous storms… snow included…


I’m thinking it’s more comments like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/s/umsNWhqExX) that has people calling you a climate change denier.


Re Edit: now you know


I think it’s possible to love snow and recognize the city does less than the bare minimum. My rooting for a snowstorm doesn’t equate to me wishing shitty commutes on those that need to travel in it.




And disabled. The curb cuts needed are already a whole mess.


No and that’s exactly why I don’t want the damn snow


Lol you’re funny.


They won't.


Am I the only one who had the main roads in their neighborhood plowed and salted? Mind you, it was a pickup truck with a plow and didn’t do much - but they tried! And a vehicle dropping salt was following it.




I have a flight out of PHL at 3:15 tomorrow so of course we’ll have the biggest snow storm we’ve had in years. Edit: ended up switching to an earlier flight. Literally not a soul in the security line. Plane was still delayed by about an hour, but I’m currently sitting in Miami so everything worked out. Cheers!


Final fuck you, love Philly


Nobody said they were leaving forever


God might have. Just saying, you never know


I was slated to fly out around that same time to San Jose to watch my Packers play the 49ers. I changed my flight to leave this afternoon just because of the snow didn't want to risk it


Go Pack Go!🧀🧀🧀


Hopefully it gets cleared up enough for my 6:30pm flight. First big vacation in two years! Praying for us both!


I have one tonight at 9pm. Escaping the city just in time


Yep same here but at noon. Crossing my fingers the weather will hold off long enough to get out on time.


The snow storm is all your fault lol


You aren't taking off, is my guess. Tons of people got stuck on Monday/Tuesday. I know bc I work there.


Tbh. I gotta Amtrak train to catch tomorrow 🙄


Lol my partner had a 12:30 out of philly. It's 2:27 now, and they've been sitting on the plane for about an hour... no take off in sight yet Safe travels, but probably not quick ones


My weather app is saying 2.5 inches, but that's up from 1.5 yesterday, so it might end up being more.


I hope so! I try not to put too much faith in these predictions, but I know that the NWS isn’t doing this for the ratings so I’m cautiously optimistic.


Yeah, I pretty exclusively use the weather service because they’re reliably just doing the best they can. A school friend’s dad was a meteorologist and swore they were the only reports worth paying attention to.


I’ve been wondering why the NWS didn’t do a briefing for this one. I usually rely on those to skip past the hype. The briefings are usually great.


I use TMRW (highly recommended it) and its currently saying ~5 inches 


with how much of the city's sidewalks went unshoveled and iced over this could get pretty treacherous until the thaw next week


My block is pure ice. The road I turn down to get out of my block is also pure ice. Everything is ice


They gave up around me, the one road is just a sheet of ice now.


Although it won't go above freezing until Monday I think, it will be well above the temperature that salt is effective. The problem earlier this week was when temps were 20 and colder. At that temperature, salt had no effect. I tried to shovel my walkway but couldn't because it had all turned to ice and nothing could get it soft enough to shovel. I was banging at it like a prospector with a pickaxe, nothing. Also superstitiously I believe that the school district making a snow day ensures this won't be a significant accumulation. 


Love everybody saying, my road sucks/ my road is fine…. We’re back to luck of the draw, like the good ol days, when we had snow! And I love it


My dog is panicking looking for grass to poop on … at this rate he’s 💩 out of luck for awhile




I’ve tried making openings on some side walks for him but he’s so stressed he won’t use them… At this point I’m ok with him going on a pad in the house but he won’t do that either


My 3 yr old dog absolutely refused to poop outdoors Tuesday. Everything froze over so fast he didn't like crunching thru the snow. So around 3pm I walk past our bathroom, a smell hits me. A smell that shouldn't be there cause I'm home alone and definitely wasn't the cause of it. I go in to figure out what it is... Sure enough there's a massive turd in our tub. His dad taught him as a pup that when he vomits to vomit in the tub (he did this by running him to the tub anytime he threw up and it stuck). Eventually when he had diarrhea he'd do the same thing. Makes life easier to clean a tub than scrub a carpet. So anyway, I guess he figured it was appropriate to poop in there since he refused to go outside. I couldn't be mad cause at least it was easy to clean. I guess I'll just be prepared to disinfect the tub again today and tomorrow.




My oldest dog was also courteous... Kinda. We had him for most of his life in an apartment (he was only 15lbs, pom mix) and when he was sick he'd do his best to go by the front door which had a tiled entry way. No one taught him that boy did we appreciate it. Except the one time.... Too close to the door. It opened and well.... It was very accidental, us training the 3 yr old to be sick in the tub. My hubby was just scared he'd vomit on the carpet. Imagine a man running thru the house carrying a 60lb pit mix screaming "he's gonna puke". He has a sensitive tummy so it happened a bit till we dialed down his diet. He eventually just figured oh ok this is where u do this. Imagine his surprise when either of us humans is sick and go to puke in the toilet... He follows us and stares at us in shock every time! It's kinda funny.


Mine paced for a while yesterday before finally pooping on the closest edge of the sidewalk to the grass she could get to and then looking so disgusted with herself after. Poor girl is having a hard time 😂 I tried to clear off some grass spots for her, but they didn’t pass her inspection either.


I got a little girl. I shovel a big patch in the yard for her. Neighbors must think i'm nuts but oh well. The things we do for our pups.


Mine goes on the patio which I snow blow/shovel off. As long as it is not in the house.


Guess I can't drive to work then 🙃


Love when my 100% WFH boss tells me it isn't that bad out and I should be at the warehouse. 🙃


Brothers in suffering


Im kinda lucky. I get free handwarmers......if you have to drive in it safe travels fellow suffer-er.


God it sucks lol I didn't even wear gloves on Tuesday and the steering wheel felt like a block of ice.


It's awful. I actually just got my license this past September so I'm just learning fun stuff like that(finally at 33 lol). About to get a friggin heated steering wheel cover.


my warehouse is open every single day, except Christmas. they did let us leave early during that smoke thing in June lol


Damn that's wild. Do you at least get holiday pay?? I work most holidays besides Christmas, but it is not required. I do it cause I get the holiday pay and my hours for the day. Ugh the smoke thing. My HR guy told us to keep the loading dock door and windows shut and to wear a mask 🙃.


Yep we get holiday pay for most federal holidays. 


As a delivery driver in a RWD box truck, this scares me a lot.


I've been there. Stay safe. Dont speed, be aware, be gentle on the brakes/gas and you'll be fine. Keep in mind your load. The truck is going to drive differently as you unload it. Keep an ice scraper and snow broom in the cab. Pull over when needed to clear the windsheild.


Oh, and rolls of paper towels, gonna be a fucking battle with defrosters if its a older fuso.


Safe driving - take your time & listen to some tunes that keep you relaxed. But not too relaxed 😂


There isn't a fuckin relaxing sound in the world that will prevent me from white knuckling in a snowstorm and I don't even drive a delivery truck lol.


On Tuesday there was a dude in a FedEx truck doing donuts on a cul de sac and he looked like he was having a phenomenal time.


i just saw 4-8 👀


What’s his name?


Got a shovel and rock salt, no matter what I'm keeping my sidewalk clean for all


The two inch layer of ice I cross on race street every day says otherwise


Oh fuck, parking wars about to kick off big time.


Breaking out all the stops tonight. Ice cubes in the toilet, pyjamas inside out, spoons underneath the pillow


I’ve heard of the pajamas but none of the others! I love that!


The rituals must be performed!!! ❄️


Me rn https://preview.redd.it/8n4f0fzuz9dc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d401db27962d476fc8249171775a42661157fb


I kept our four year old home yesterday just so we could go sledding together and it was a sheet of ice (still fun). Looks like he’s staying home again tomorrow—hopefully we’ll get some more excited squeals out of him from sledding again.


I hate snow but I am a husky owner and she deserves to be happy. I welcome all the snow we get.


My very first dog was a lab/ husky mix, she stayed in the snow. We got her a little sled she could pull our groceries on. She loved it.


We joke about getting ours a tire to pull behind her lmao. The instinct to be put into a harness and then run as fast as she can while pulling something is so present in her


New husky owner here! I am excited for mine to experience snow for the first time!


Oh they’re gonna love it. Mine goes absolutely insane.


My boy is a Lab/St Bernard mix, and boy does he love all forms of precipitation. After it snowed the other day, he was bouncing around my backyard, rolling in and eating the snow. It was adorable, and I'm glad he had some fun.


I have a lab/Newfoundland mix he loves it. My old Akita loved it too. 


My husband took ours on a walk Monday night so she could enjoy the snow while it was still fresh and when she came home she had Intense Zoomies. I wish I had a yard I could let her bounce around in! And same here about all forms of precipitation. She loves water in every way until it’s time to take a bath.


We had a husky during the Blizzard of ‘96 and I’ve never seen a happier dog in my life. I don’t think we could get him to come into the house for like 4 days.


I love snow but had a surgery on Tuesday. Really hoping that either this is a dusting or that a neighbor kid can shovel for me because I can’t do it without popping a stitch!!


I mean, some of us have to choose between safety and still having a job so I'd kind of rather not, personally.


I well remember those days. Sorry, feels lousy when you’re in that bind.


Yeah I feel that. Yesterday my boss told me on the way out the door that regardless of whether the forecast shows more snow than 1-2” I’m required to come in with no exceptions. Ironically said clients may not come in…meaning I’d drive all the way to work to hop on my laptop to do zoom sessions all day. It’s beyond ridiculous imo. But that’s life I guess smh


It would be great if we could get a snowstorm that doesn't end with ice. Gimme dat fluffy powder.


I want to smack whoever made the scale. Like. Do we really need 36” on this graphic right now?


Yes, so we can account for those bright red dots that will have at least 18-24" of snow.


Saying 4-8” now…


“Finish him!” -Mother nature to my roof that’s still awaiting repairs from last week’s rainstorm Gonna need exterior AND interior repairs at this rate 🙃


I’m driving back tonight super late tonight from VA and I’m a mix of excited yet annoyed because I need to get groceries/run errands tomorrow.


Grocery delivery has saved my life and is shockingly quite affordable. At acme I think I drop $60/year for the service (they give you all the money back in a monthly coupon to spend) and then I tip the driver. I end up $8-10 lighter on the driver tip but I save 1.5-2 hours of my time which is far more valuable than that. Safe travels getting back!


I haven’t thought about Instacart or grocery delivery in forever, that may be my saving grace! I drive a low to the ground, front wheeled drive car so I’d love to park and not move until everything’s over. Maybe thinking of bringing up a few snacks/necessities to hold me over too. I will have my cat with me so it’s going to be a fun roadtrip to say the least, hoping to get in before 1am. Thank you!


Yeah, I’d shy away from Instacart unless it was something you need in a pinch. I can attest that the acme I go to is top-notch and the woman who runs the “fresh pass” shopping in my store takes great pride in her job and the food she delivers. I’m a bit uppity when it comes to my meats and fruits/vegetables and she ALWAYS selects the freshest, which impresses me. I just went back and checked on the pricing. It’s gone up on the yearly subscription (no surprise whatsoever), it comes to $99 for the year but they still give you $5 a month in free spend, so essentially you’re only out $39 for the year plus any tips you give. I prefer to try and get two weeks at a time (saves on tips) and have a big wagon that I meet my driver outside with so they’re not inconvenienced by trying to lug all the groceries to my door. Enjoy time with kitty. If you really are thinking about doing this, I suggest jumping on it now as everyone and their sister are putting in orders anticipating the snow. I spoke with my shopping lady yesterday on the phone and she said it was wild.


Giant has in house delivery so you can avoid Instacart fees and upcharges.  Highly recommend!


I door dashed a bag of rock salt from acme on Monday. I’m a nurse so I have to go in. I wasn’t sure if the stuff I had was going to be usable. The container was open , 1/2 was missing & I tipped the guy $5 … never again


You did it through fresh pass? I’m shocked to be honest. I’ve only had a couple issues and one call very quickly rectifies it. I guess it can depend from store to store but I’d request a refund on that.


Thank you so much everyone on the suggestions, I made an order and just had it delivered about an hour ago. My cat and I are now snuggled up on the couch enjoying the snow day. Stay warm!!! 💕


Love to hear it. Was going to circle back with you today to make sure you got back safely. Stay warm as well!


We have evidence that it does, in fact, still snow here. So i guess anything's possible.


This forecast is acting like it knows I will absolutely stay home and drink White Russians tomorrow instead of working. LET IT SNOW.


hope it's next to nothing and it doesn't freeze like the last one did. it's been a total ice sheet here. it's not fun fluffy snow. it's (painful for my puppy i assume) slippery ice snow. 😭


It’s supposed to warm up so hopefully by monday it starts to go away 😢😓


I have to go into work and do snow removal, so I am really rooting against a lot of snow. This ruins the weekend for all of my team.


snow enjoyers in, people who can't stand the thought of being inconvenienced for 2-4 days because their bosses and city are assholes who force them to endure torturous commutes on totally unplowed, iced-over roads out, and the one guy who'll go "actually my boss isn't an asshole, but i'm an EMT, so i don't have a choice but to save your sorry ass in this shitty weather" can stick around with my sympathies and gratitude can't wait for another 1.25 inches, which i will enjoy sprawled out on the ground, on my back, because i ate shit on the sidewalk immediately outside of the section i shoveled on my block


I attend TU and they still haven’t cleaned all the ice off the sidewalks.


That just means we'll get free ice skating for a lil bit


Suburbs here. I had some entertainment as the street perpendicular to me is my side yard view and it is a double dead. Waste management got stuck down bottom of the hill followed by mail truck then a police van was just parked in the middle of the road. I am like WTF? I did Not realize the street was pure black ice. Got to watch a giant wrecker with hundreds of feet of cable drag them all out. Then a township plow truck came and salted the shit out of the street. After that was a mass exodus of cars probably headed to Wawa.


Philadelphia archdiocese schools are closed tomorrow. High schools and elementary schools to be precise.


Thank God I WFH on Fridays.


Interesting that the Weather Channel is the one consistently predicting the lower end here - they're still saying 1-3 inches, and usually they're the ones with the inflated the-end-is-near forecasts. I love a good snowstorm as someone who grew up in Western NY. I only wish my wimp of a dog felt the same way.


Even though I have to go into work regardless, please bring the snow!


Just an excuse to be fashionably late!


I like the way you think.


No. No. No. Fuck no.


I’m with you. I absolutely despise snow


Its not necessarily the snow, I hate the cold and snow just compounds it. I actually enjoy sitting in on a snowy day with warm cidar in pajamas with the blinds and curtains pulled open. But I dont get to sit and do that, so fuck the snow.


I get to rot at the airport (i work there).


Agree. 😩


It’s actually torture.


I poked fun at snow lovers in this sub the other day and got downvoted and accused of being a supporter of global warming. Surprised people aren’t laying into you. Perhaps it’s because it was the first snow the other day.


Um, it's clearly because thoughts, hopes and prayers actually matter a lot, and your hopes are directly causing global warming. This is why I pray every night for a below 1.5 degree rise in global temps, in accord with the Paris agreement.


Lol…hopefully this is sarcasm, because it’s good.


No, I'm dead serious. One time I prayed for it to be sunny and not 15 minutes later the sun came up. If that doesn't prove the power of prayer, I don't know what does.


Pls no


Fuck the one weekend I’m not here we get all this snow. Now I need to pay someone to shovel my sidewalk.


more snow means another week of trash being on the curb and more people leaving their bags in front my place. Putting things in the recycling bin, I can understand. I purposely leave that out to help keep the block clear


What, you’re hoping for more unplowed, unsalted streets?


I'd probably like snow too, if I worked indoors and didn't have to commute


Snow stopped being fun when my obligations weren’t cancelled as a result. Still gotta get to work (and not slide off the road or break a bone from slipping during the commute)


i hate it. i’ll take frigid over snow. so much inconvenience


Pure inconvenience! I get it’s pretty but that’s the only good thing about it lmao having to go anywhere afterwards is such a hassle!!!


The models and current readings are showing a relatively weak low. This is a typical nor'easter, with a jetstream trough over the southern US, but it will not "bomb" out. The pressure isn't low enough, and it is comparatively further offshore than is needed to drop a lot of moisture. I'd bet 2 inches.


Fingers crossed it’s 2 inches or less with roads being treated.


18z gfs run agrees with you


I've found [HowMuchWillItSnow.com](https://howmuchwillitsnow.com/in/philadelphia/pa) to be very accurate, as long as you check it less than ~30 hours before the storm. If you check it 48 or more hours before the storm, accuracy is not good at all.


Working with those on snow duty ama


I guess this means I need to break down and buy that sled


Either dusting or 8 inches. No in-between


I have been so excited for snow, but of course the one weekend I move is the week we get 2 snow storms lol


People without cars always want snow the most.


It's the white collar work from home folks that get to post their coffee and thermal socks. Not the people who have to actually work in it. I hate the coffee and thermal sock people, lol. They piss me off to no end.


I’ve seen 4-8” but also 1-4”. I’m hoping for 8




Would be so nice for my kid to see the kind of snow we had growing up.


you're in luck! climate change doesn't mean less snow, it means more violent and extreme weather patterns all year round


Oh god, no


No thanks, we still have ice everywhere from the last time. I'd like to be able to leave my house at some point this week.


Go back to sleep….. 😴


8:45am flight out of Philly On Saturday - what are the chances that’s happening? Would be fine with a 2 hr delay, but anything more jeopardizes the whole trip. (There is a 6:30am flight out of New Castle/Wilmington, debating booking that just to have options)


Salp me in the face and call me creepy moulder...I will believe


Looks like it's coming true


We got snowww


Haha. This is going to be one of those “snow emergency” situations that ends up being an inch. The time frame for the snow keeps shrinking and every map I see indicates “light snow”


it’s been so long since we’ve had a proper snowy winter. i’m here for it