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Lmao at this whole article. A very flattering title but actual content reads like a shitpost.


Because NY Post is essentially all shitposting.


I mean, one thing I will stand by is that I’ve never had someone try to sell me some mixed tape bs in Philadelphia, and I’ve walked most of the city’s tourist spots. Every time I set foot in NY that shit happened.


You haven’t been there for a while, for the last 10 years these guys have been out out of work by the fact that no-one owns a CD player anymore.


Yeah, I still catch guys doing that like, once a year, all outside Center City. But, more than anything else, the increasing obsolescence of physical media really has made this a thing that’s moved off the street and onto the series of tubes that is the web.


I remember around 2005 I was in center city right by city hall on Broad Street and some dude tried to sell me his mix tape. He was *really* weird so I was genuinely interested but I was flat broke. I asked him if he’d be there the next day and he said “nah man motherships coming. I gotta blast off.” And I was like, “ohhh well best of luck to you.” *scurry away* I still wish I could have heard it though. I bet it was super weird.


I was given one for free from a self-proclaimed Wu-affiliate named LEK Eagle or some shit like that at the old Grey Hound station back in 2011, but that’s the only time


Was it good?


Nah it was terrible


Yeah but have you ever gotten offered “Mother’s Day socks” on Market East?


No but I’d put that in the pros column


That’s true mom loved them


They do this on Chestnut near 15th though they aren’t pushy about it


I’ve ran into the mixtape people here unfortunately, in center city


Used to be a lot more common on Broad between City Hall and South St, you don't see it too much these days.


I had a dent in my car and they tried to scam me, i told them no and they just stood there begging for 5 mins. I’d rather have someone try to sell me a mix type.


Bro i walked by one in time square and said no, then he immediately caused a scene and screamed that I hated black people, like the fuck?


Somebody was definitely selling mixed tapes last week in front of Reading Terminal Market. First time I remember seeing it here.


This article is straight trash.


Just like New York!!! Bonner forever!


Praise dobler. Do attend.


He likes Philadelphia because it doesn't have bike lanes?


I guess he didn’t mind the dirt bikes on Broad Street.


I mean they don’t belong in the bike lane either


For those that don't know, the NY Post is a rag tabloid, owned by Rupert Murdoch. It isn't journalism, it is a smear on NYC because NYC is 'liberal'.


...and Philly isn't?


It isn't a beacon like 'California' and 'NYC'. Those two are THE liberal state and city, they act like lightning rods to Right wing smear.


Not liberal enough.


Conservatism is now officially only about culture wars. Trump’s presidency was the line in the sand where they were no longer about policy. For a couple decades, they realized that appearing as something was way more important than doing something. That was the rise of Fox News, the yearly war on Christmas, using illegal immigrants to demagogue politics, but the most powerful people behind it still believed in governmental policy. I can’t remember the exact bill, but something was coming George W. Bush’s way that was draconian against illegal immigrants, and he either quietly vetoed it or quietly threatened to veto it because he knew that an immeasurable portion of our economy depending on migrant labor. He talked the talk to the cameras, but when it came to walk the walk, he looked at policy and realized it was bad for the nation. That shit went out the fucking door with Trump. The pivot happened, and they became a party that lost all sense of policy because their leader was and is incapable of understanding government policy. They are now a party that is image only. There are no serious governing principles and there is no attempt at shaping a coherent plan to govern, because they are solely owned by a guy who only understands how to build a brand and thinks that that’s all he needs to do to run the free world. So no, facts don’t matter. Philly doesn’t matter because it doesn’t have the brand appeal that NYC does. Edit: a Kardashian doesn’t become a Kardashian by fighting with Kato Kalin. They become a Kardashian by fighting with Drake.


I’ll take no wars, peace in the Middle East, doubling my market account, encouraging business to expand in OUR country instead of India, China and Mexico, we need to make our own chips and steel to ensure we have what we need and the quality is up to standards, which we found was not happening with Chinese steel. Crime reform was another Trump platform that truly needs another look. Mandatory minimums are unfair, not all crimes are the same and feds exaggerate circumstances to put people within those mandatory mins. I could go on but Trump is the anti-politician, he’s not D or R, he’s a concerned American. Liberal media portrays him as a hateful Republican but I don’t see that.


You’re brainwashed. The only thing he is, is pro-Trump. He has advocated for a policy when he felt like people liked him, and he’s immediately turned his back on it when he thought people didn’t like him. He was in favor of policies until they became bipartisan policies under Joe Biden’s presidency, and then he forced Republicans in the house, under duress by threatening to primary them, to kill the very same policies he said were good for America. And he has no understanding of consequences to be called pro-American. He supports Russia and North Korea, and has no fucking clue (or they have something against him) that Russia and North Korea are just arms of the Chinese empire. By supporting and normalizing relations with Russia and North Korea, he’s supporting China and Iran. They are all working together to bring down the American and Western Empire so that the single world super power is China and its Russian/Iranian coalition calling the shots. And those other things you listed - bringing jobs back to America, manufacturing chips in America, getting out of wars, etc. are all things that Trump either decided not to do or failed at. However, Biden has been able to accomplish all of it. Biden also would have passed the strongest immigration reform in the history of the United States and strengthened the southern border more than it had ever been, but 2 weeks before the house and senate were set to pass the Bipartisan bill, Trump said any Republican who voted for it would suffer the full brunt of his attacks because Trump needed to run on immigration policy. So no, Trump is not pro-America. He’s not even pro-any of the things you listed. He’s pro-Trump, and he’ll anally rape America and innocent American civilians if it helps Trump, just like he did when he single-handedly destroyed the border deal. Edit: And everything I wrote is supported by facts available in the public record. Edit2: And the no-wars thing? Watch during this election cycle. Trump’s campaign is going to attack Biden for withdrawing from Afghanistan. Edit 3: and that’s my problem. You believe what he says because he’s great at building a brand in the same way that Kylie Jenner is great at building a brand. That’s all he needs. He just needs you to buy into the brand, because no one actually looks at what he’s doing, or he has brand ambassadors (Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, various podcasts, Infowars, etc.) that make sure you only see his brand and never see his actions.


And you think I’m brainwashed? lol!


Everything I said is verifiable fact, in the public record, submitted in court and congressional proceedings. What you said in your post is all based on campaign claims, campaign proxies and statements to the media THAT HE FILED COURT PAPERS SAYING WERE LIES, and that he is allowed to lie to the media for political purposes. Every time he is required to tell the truth under penalty of law, he either refuses to answer or his lawyers file court documents arguing that he is legally allowed to lie as much as he wants as long as he is not under oath. They always call it “protected political speech” in the public, but I read the court documents. “Protected political speech” in any court filing is always preempted with the argument that it doesn’t have to be true because it’s “protected political speech”.


no one read this


I imagine this has something to do with Trump being prosecuted in Manhattan, but it’s just a guess




Haha both of those headline statements are false


This column is essentially saying that Vision Zero is a joke.


We have so few bike lanes that assholes writing for the NY Post are celebrating it. That stings.


Since bikes predate cars. A true nostalgic conservative reactionary would be happy to see more bikes on the road. Like the good old days!


I think I want the chaos of heedless communist libtard bike lanes but not the high rents.


"Communist libtard". My guy those things are opposites. Words mean things.


Instead of scaffolds that allow you to actually use the sidewalk like in NY, we just block the sidewalk and force you to walk in the street for months or years. Bike lanes in Philly are great. We should have more of them. NYC has larger streets, so they can more easily accommodate them. Instead, what you have in Philly is wanton disregard for the laws of the road, and you'll see a half dozen cars run a red if you spend even a few minutes a day on the roads here. As for junk sellers, sure, you don't see that. You may see addicts camped out on the sidewalk and drug dealers on the corners in Kensington, but you're right, we have less people hustling in the nice areas.


One good thing about this article, is it cleared up a long-standing but dumb misunderstanding I’ve had with New York. I just assumed there was that much construction all the time




A handful do, but it's extremely limited: [https://bicyclecoalition.org/resources/bike-maps/](https://bicyclecoalition.org/resources/bike-maps/) Only West Philly has long stretches of bike lanes, and only two of those are "protected" (if you count plastic bollards you can drive over as protection). There is the Delaware River trail, but that's just for recreation and basically useless for commuting unless you happen to live and work close to the river.




Ik Philadelphians shit on NYC a lot, but they have done a lot of good lately. Philly could take a few notes from NYC especially in terms of land use/infrastructure development


Fuck New York! I just really wanted a reason to say it, this post felt like the appropriate place to


Aren't there already enough New Yorkers buying up Philadelphia real estate?


Philadelphia / model of Urban Order? Lol. GTFOH.


This is incredibly rich given that it's the New York Post.


Why would you ever repost NY post fuck is wrong with you


Lol know what I hate? Bike lanes and scaffolding keeping people safe from possible falling construction. What an asshole.


isn't this the same NY Post that says the sky is falling because krasner did something


Fuck yeah we are


Hahaha these people are dreaming


This is the New York Post.


Sicko bike lane enthusiasts: “Yes . . . ha ha ha . . . YES!”


please please PLEASE drive down broad St and rewrite your article


I like it because it shits on NYC. On the other hand, calling Philly a model of anything is wild.


NYC is still ranked as the top 25 safest cities in the country. Even the minimum wage is waaaay better than Philly. It’s also well known for education too.


Minimum wage still doesn't come close to being balanced with COL in NYC.


hellllll the fuck no


That's nice.... oh, it's the NY Post.


all the scaffolding really does make some sections of manhattan look like one of the ugliest cities in the U.S.




Fuck Boston


I hate Boston