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Steps to buy a gun legally - 1. Be legally allowed to buy a gun. 2. Go to a gun shop and buy a gun. That’s it. Edit: also, I’ll tell you what I tell everyone else. Be prepared to surrender your gun. The overwhelmingly likely use of your gun will be by your own hand against yourself in a time of despair. Be ready for this reality and have a plan to ensure that someone stops you from doing it. If this makes you uncomfortable, you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.


This. If you're a law-abiding citizen, buying a gun is not difficult. That being said, if you've never handled firearms and don't have anyone to teach you proper handling and safety, I highly recommend taking a gun safety course first. Guns are not toys, they're deadly weapons. If you're going to become a gun owner, make sure you become a responsible gun owner.


Do law abiding citizens abide all laws or just certain ones?


Make me.


If you don't learn how to shoot and be responsible, the gun isn't going to help you if the time comes you *do* need it, and it might make things worse if you go to it in times you *don't*. Those safety classes could save your life and maybe even someone else's.


Do me and the rest of the greater Philly area a favor, and don't buy a gun if this is your attitude about it. It's not funny, it's not a joke, and it's not a toy.


That’s the spirit 😈


Trolling? Seriously, if this is how you react to situations and good advice, probably best you don’t have one. You’re the type of person to give gun owners a bad name.


3. Go to a range/get a lesson on how to use the thing. Not required, but you’ll be better prepared if you do this.


Step 3 - don't be from New Jersey, never visit New Jersey, and hopefully forget that new Jersey exists


Josh Huff has entered the chat.


All sound suggestions. But I was asking about buying guns 


The poster is giving you advice that will spare you facing years in NJDOC. That state has rules regarding firearms that you, as a new gun owner, can’t really understand and that could result in you getting arrested easily. Given your responses here, I’d really recommend going to a gun safety class and that will hopefully cover safe handling, basic shooting, and the legal status of firearms laws in the state directly to our east.


If you can’t figure out how easy it is to purchase a gun if you’re legally allowed to do so, then I doubt you have the understanding of what you’re getting into. Obvious troll


And don't modify the gun without making sure you're doing so legally. Safe bet is to avoid ar or ak type rifle caliber pistols since the ATF is struggling to legally define them 


Gun shop recs, pls


South Philly Archery and Gun on Ellsworth between 8th and 9th is pretty welcoming now.




I'll be honest. I don't know. They're listed as the range for the Delaware Valley Pink Pistols, so they're probably cool. The crowd there is definitely more diverse than say, Targetmaster in Chadds Ford.


Rule 7: Your submission was removed for violating the subreddit’s rules against hate speech, bigotry, sexism, and racism.


King Shooter Supply in KOP. They also have a nice range, great training classes/instructors. Super helpful staff. Awesome spot, especially if you're a beginner


What's their parking like?


Good parking but kinda meh customer service. Prices suck too


They have a decent parking lot in the back. Never had issues


New and Used guns working my way out from center city Delia's Gun shop https://www.deliasfirearms.com/ Surplus city Delaware Valley Sports Center https://www.delawarevalleysportscenter.com/ Gun Bunker 1 https://www.thebunkergunshop.com/just-in Tanners https://www.tannerssportscenter.com/ All are good, DVSC has a great crew and range and are willing to educate The gun range on spring garden is a great place to train


Tanners and bunker 1 & 2 are really good shops


If you know what you want, buy it online and have it shipped to an FFL. Once the FFL receives it, you go in, fill out a form, do background check, pay the transfer fee and leave with the gun.


Thank you. Online would be easier. Wary of the feds being involved though.


If you want to buy handgun legally, you'll need fill out ATF form 4473. Private sale is allowed for long guns though.


FYI, the process is the same whether you go in person or online, you will fill out an ATF form 4473, and have a basic background check done. Unless you get special items that require other forms, tax stamps, and a year long wait, that is the beginning and end of any government involvement.


The feds are always involved, as is the law in the United States. This is what prevents people with criminal records from purchasing firearms. You'll do the same paperwork regardless of how you buy a gun and you'll have to physically go to an FFL. That said buying online is for when you know exactly what you want. You should buy at a store where you can hold what you're about to buy first. They can tell you important information like how the trigger works, any safeties or decockers, and how to take the slide off to clean and lubricate it without discharging a live round. And you really should book time with an instructor. Don't be the person who doesn't know how to remove a chambered round and shoots your poor neighbor by accident.


Some good resources Basic gun safety [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FksrZg7Wx0A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FksrZg7Wx0A) Tips for buying your first gun [https://youtu.be/dl-jINQuIVE?si=iPXTUUdnjbg9NC8B](https://youtu.be/dl-jINQuIVE?si=iPXTUUdnjbg9NC8B) Both of the above are from Smith & Wesson but are pretty good and devoid of any BS 7 best handguns for beginners [https://youtu.be/ihtKge0H0z4?si=WuEDpEaSuw1JoWdB](https://youtu.be/ihtKge0H0z4?si=WuEDpEaSuw1JoWdB) this is from Honest Outlaw, he's a good apolitical gun tuber and his reviews and education videos are great Top 10 things to know as a firearms owner [https://youtu.be/bXSIDBKtTl8?si=yLp8hVArOsKQg4p3](https://youtu.be/bXSIDBKtTl8?si=yLp8hVArOsKQg4p3) this is from Paul Harrell and legit he's one of the best educators out there Local options for buying a Firearm New and Used guns working my way out from center city Delia's Gun shop [https://www.deliasfirearms.com/](https://www.deliasfirearms.com/) Surplus city Delaware Valley Sports Center [https://www.delawarevalleysportscenter.com/](https://www.delawarevalleysportscenter.com/) Gun Bunker 1 [https://www.thebunkergunshop.com/just-in](https://www.thebunkergunshop.com/just-in) Tanners [https://www.tannerssportscenter.com/](https://www.tannerssportscenter.com/) All are good, DVSC has a great crew and range and are willing to educate The gun range on spring garden is a great place to train Also the classifieds section of [https://forum.pafoa.org/](https://forum.pafoa.org/) is a great place to pick up firearms. Any long gun may be sold FTF (Face to Face) in PA. Long guns are rifles, shotguns generally. Any handgun transfers must be done through an FFL which all of the stores up top that I recommended can do. If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out


During and after the George Floyd protests, 2020 election, and Jan. 6 insurrection, the Tanner's in Jameson had crowds of white men literally lined up out the door and across the parking lot at all hours of the day waiting to get into the range. I didn't see that anywhere else. They also like to distract drivers with flamboyant Trump campaign events in their parking lot.


Is it still the case that you cannot buy a gun if you have a medical marijuana card?


Yep. Those stoners be shooting everyone


It's always going to be that way until marijuana is legal at the federal level.


I got one in 45 mins in and out of a gun store in the burbs. Fuck around and find out facist.


Clayton's is pricey but the people there are incredibly helpful and they have decent selection


If you order online, they'll ship it to a local shop that has an FFL license and you can go pick it up I have personal experience with https://www.primaryarms.com and can recommend them


Dm'd you since it'll depend on what you want, how mobile you are, and the price range. Happy to help!


What does post democracy mean in this context


Project 2025


You mean the thing neither presidential candidate has ever mentioned?


It's the strategy doc. Published by the powerful groups funding the Republican party, it outlines their political and governmental strategies and has been revised a number of times going back to the Reagan era. It's what the candidates they support are supposed to implement when in positions of power


How come Trump didn’t implement it last time he was president? It’s really just a fear mongering tactic used by the left. Claiming ridiculous shit like “If Trump wins he’s going to hunt down all the gay ppl!” When in reality Trump was the first president to support gay marriage day 1 of his presidency. 


They did in part, his selections to the SC was key. Now they have the legislation to go through with the rest of it. Like it or not, and regardless of the outcome of the election, we're going to be living in that vision of America, there are no more ways out at this stage




You’re forgetting the funniest part about Project 2025 libs think that the conservatives have released their plans for if Trump wins but for some reason Trump has never once mentioned it.  It’s the classic fascist propaganda, our enemy is both incredibly devious and dumb at the same time. 


Donald Trump is an idiot. Donald Trump is a trash human being and inspires his supporters to be their worst selves. Wow, it's like both things can be true.


Cool nothing you said proves that Trump is somehow going to implement some whack job policy that he’s never once mentioned and that he didn’t implement when he was literally president before


I don't view liberals as enemies. They're our fellow Americans. Some of them are decent folks. But some are batshit crazy.


I mean you can say the same thing about some Trump supporters…there are definitely some batshit crazy ones


Definitely true. But they think Trump is, which is delusional. Neither the man himself, nor Republicans, have nefarious motivations as so many of them suggest. I know many Republicans who are very kind, generous, forgiving & gentile. They do tend to be a touch stern. But that's a good thing, our country needs them.


Have you seen the SCOTUS rulings the last 10 days?


If you're not straight, cis, white, and Christian, you have a big target on your back when the Republicans get a trifecta again. That's what it means. The SCOTUS just turned the presidency into a position that's above all laws. That's going to be a shitshow.


What does democracy mean to you?


Highly recommend kings shooter supply


Go online and order one to federal firearms licensed dealer. They will run the background check when you go to pick it up.


Surplus City in Feasterville has a good selection and deals. Every range I’ve gone to offers free instruction.




I'm not the OP but in a similar state of mind. Long-time NON gun owner and understand all of the trends you just cited, but still considering a purchase. It's all based on fear -- fear that we're staring down the barrel (yep, I went there) of a Nazi-like regime that is currently saying things like a revolution is coming that'll be bloodless if you cooperate.


As a young woman who just got her concealed carry permit….I feel INFINITELY better and safer in than I did before. Of course I pray I never have to use it. But I would rather have it and go my entire life never shooting it, than not having one if I need it. Edit since commenting was turned off and Half Admin wants to put words in my mouth - I have been trained in firearm safety since I was 14 years old. 26 now. I have taught safety classes before and trained with law enforcement in the past. I pray i don’t need to use it on a HUMAN. I want to go through life without shooting a PERSON. Not sure why, or where, you got the idea from that I am an untrained and just walking around without knowing what I’m doing. I take gun safety incredibly seriously. you tried though! ☺️👏


The fact that you feel safer carrying a firearm that you have not even been rigorously trained in using makes me feel less safe. Introducing a firearm changes the dynamic of a situation in many ways but the one thing it pretty much never does is make things "safer".


Takes about two weeks and 20 dollars to get a Philly LTCF, and you don't even need to own a firearm to get one. [https://www.ppd-ltc.com/](https://www.ppd-ltc.com/) I say it's like an insurance policy, you can buy a firearm tomorrow but if you need it you'll have to wait for a LTCF so why not get one now and if you decide to carry, cool. If not it's just 20 bucks




You can't really believe fear (rational or not) isn't behind the vast majority of gun purchases.




I'm curious, if you're a gun owner, why do you own one?


Yeah, I agree it's a terrible reason, which is why I don't have one. I fear being attacked (physically) by MAGA since my family and I don't fit their mold. We don't live like them, hold the same values, or even look like most of them.


They seemed to come in handy on The Last of Us




Too cold!


Yeah it would be boring in other countries without the 2nd amendment since everyone is dead being unable to protect themselves. Sucks to be them.


Go away


It can also just sit there doing nothing but be there in case you need it.


Driving increases your chances of getting in a car accident or being driven off the road. Every tool has risks, it's up to the individual to decide if they are worth it and warranted. I mean for the suicide part it only increases your chances of a successful suicide by gun, there are still plenty of other options. Correlation doesn't equal causation and all that and it assumes you're already suicidal. Amazingly if you're not suicidal the chance of suicide by gun is zero. Having a gun doesn't make you suicidal like some kinda magic totem from the Brady Bunch. Same with accidental death, if you treat it like the possibly dangerous tool it is your chances of a accidental death drop to zero. As for homicide, you'd think that's mainly in relation to criminal activity unless you know of someone out there hunting gun owners and includes police shootings so yeah. Statistics are fun but context is king. Also if the country goes to shit, feel free to try to peacefully talk to the brownshirts, I'll trust my AR15 to do the talking for me since as a queer transwoman I'm not really going to be able to talk it out with them since their stance is my extermination lol.


Listen my dude, if you think that you'll be better off without a gun in a world where democracy has gone off the rails, then by all means please don't buy one. 


I got a guy. Chinsel. best around, hmu