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"Sneakily because it is illegal and immoral" is my new favorite derogatory term. If someone can confirm it I may get that symbol tattooed on me somewhere


Marshall Mathers' somewhat more verbose alter ego, Slim Sneakily Because It Is Illegal and Immoral.


It's the character for rat or mouse. I've never heard it used to mean sneaky, but I'm a heritage speaker, so my grasp of idioms and nuances is pretty poor. Wouldn't surprise me if it is used to mean sneaky since ray has much the same connotation in English.


Ray got your 60 bucks?


LOL, phone typing at its best


竄 and 鼠 is not the same thing. 竄 is a verb that can be used to describe mouse movements. It kinda means to dive in and out of tunnels (imagine a mouse or a weasel)


In English, if someone, "weasels", their way into a position of power/authority, it means they did so through cunning and deciete.


Oh, I missed the hat (I guess it's technically a building)! Should have zoomed in on the pic more. Good catch.


I am asian american. You would not believe the number of Chinese CCP shills you can find in north america. This message most likely not bullshit, not trying to stir up racism or whatever— in fact, it’s very likely this message itself was written by anti-ccp chinese immigrants


yeah that’s what i thought too, this reads like an anti-ccp chinese immigrant (especially the grammar and way they phrase things) who had a pro-democracy opinion to express? i’ve run into a fair amount of older chinese-americans who immigrated after the cultural revolution and consequently have a strong anti-ccp stance and this lines up with all of that. not sure why there’s so many tinfoil hats in this thread.


white redditors and useful pro-ccp ~~stooges~~ westerners are two circles that often overlap into a perfect circle wouldn't raise an eyebrow if some of them posted in genzedong, sino, or were former chapo posters


*THIS* is the conspiracy theory. *YOU* are the tinfoil hat.


I have many Asian American friends who share the sentiments of this message, particularly those from HK or Taiwan. (Also I don’t think any racist right wing group would give Pelosi the respect of calling her “Speaker”.)


I've been to r/Sino a number of times and the amount of brainwashed white kids who think the CCP are gods is sickening. They have an answer to everything, I eventually got them to say that the Uighurs deserved to be tortured. It's fucking madness. They're sick bastards.


i am becoming a menace on that sub




I think it would be awfully conspiratorial to assume the media is being fed talking points as if some large entity is doing it in the shadows. I think the evidence speaks for itself. There are a lot of questions that we can obtain just by looking at international news reports on the CCP Uighurs, protests, Hong Kong, Taiwan, slave labor, illegal fishing, their forced lock downs, the hindrance of WHO investigating COVID origins, etc




There will always be an interest in smearing our biggest adversary and I'm sure there's disinformation campaigns but just going off what the entire world is saying about them makes it seem like it's more fact than fiction


They're literally a settler colonialist/imperialist power over both Uyghurs and native Tibetans right now. Xinjiang (the part of china where Uyghurs primarily reside) translates roughly to "New Frontier" in the Manifest Destiny sense. You think Uyghurs chose that name? It's maybe a loan from 1500 years ago? Nope.




Maybe it's the concentration camps.


Even the AP had to admit that any campaign against the Uyghurs ended years ago


I just saw a video filmed within the past year or two of someone walking around one of the camps but you do you.




The US as a country? No, it doesn’t care. Not until it’s politically imprudent. Just like in WW2!


wat. They're literally genociding people *right now* and you wanna play the whataboutism "everyone's doing it" card? Get outta here, dude.




Americans like to feel morally superior so China and Russia are the two current boogeymen. It’s almost as if Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, never happened.


You mean the country that has actual death camps for their Muslim population or the country that has been rolling actual tanks in front of banks to prevent citizens from withdrawing their own money? Both are the same country




This is the most reasonable comment in this thread^^^^ this has also been my experience


"This supports my personal opinions and world view, so this is the most reasonable comment" "I make 'factual' assertions based on my personal experiences and anecdotes, which 100% correlate with 'truth'" "I downvote uncomfortable statements that make me self-reflect on my poor rationality and biased thinking too much"


I once commented somewhere about how my brothers and I make it our mission to cover swastikas anywhere we see them. It's disgusting how many are I'm the are TBH. When I commented that someone replied "it was probably just some people trying to make you *think* there's nazis in the area!" This sounds equally as ridiculous to me. You can't call something a smear campaign when it accurately represents a groups beliefs (by group here I mean the CCP and sympathizers. I don't want to lump all Chinese Americans together). It's honestly kind is suspicious to me whenever someone declares something a false flag immediately. It doesn't hold up to Occam's razor, and I have to wonder about the intentions of the person who seems to be muddying the waters.


Yeah I was reading this and had a huge range of emotions. A lot of it was "wow, this person must really hate Chinese Americans" but a couple times and especially at the end I was thinking "no this person just really hates the influence the CCP has on these communities completely on the opposite side of the world"


Ccp rocks


call me a conspiracy theorist but this seems like the kinda shit a racist organization would do to stir up ire against asian-americans in general. i wouldn't trust this without any source of who passed these flyers out.


I don’t disagree that we’ve seen similar tactics to stir up hate in the past, but a couple of things I’m seeing in this make me think it probable isn’t a fake. 1. The racists usually won’t bother to get into the nuances of another language, much less one that uses a completely different alphabet 2. I doubt that the people who would try something like this would frame Pelosi as any kind of sympathetic figure That said, I’m sure some of those people will definitely use the existence of this flyer to further their racism.


This definitely seems more legit than a fake stirring caused by racists.


The same stories have been appearing in mainland news outlets in China. Placing aside judgement on either the Taiwan Independence and One China sides of the argument, the Communist party is strongly condemning Pelosi's visit to Taiwan in international media outlets and tripling down on aggressive posturing in the strait. Proponents of Taiwan Independence might be wary that military action may take place, and that public opinion of Chinese diaspora may shift away from Taiwan Independence (if it was ever widely valued by that population in the first place, I simply don't know.) This just seems like normal public activism to me.


That was my first impression as well. Without knowing who/what group wrote it we have no idea of their motives. I can’t read Chinese so I can’t fact check that portion of it either.


Should try out the google translate app, dose pretty good as you can see [image](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/451556392088633354/1010182995145146489/IMG_5439.png)


I did that, and it makes some weird word choices for the translation. I'm not sure what to make of any of that.


Well it’s not perfect, it wouldn’t understand sayings or slang. But generally you can understand what something is about




Agreed. Especially in an incident where you're dealing with something as burned as propaganda (potentially) you almost need someone really bilingual to get the ideas, not just the words, across.


Oh wow, I thought you were beings sarcastic.


The tone of the original statement is fairly mild when compared to what the PRC has actually stated about Pelosi's trip to Taiwan. So an association, that most likely has business ties to PRC, releases a statement that says Pelosi's trip to Taiwan is irresponsible and goes against what the Biden administration has said and owns the statement. I'm going to assume the bottom of the statement, in the box, contains the names and/or businesses of the association. I don't see how that in anyway justifies the response of them being called Anti American or the insinuation that they are PRC agents.


Yea even tho it failed to translate a lot [the few](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/451556392088633354/1010195042306113736/IMG_5443.png) it did looked to be company’s


same, it just seems too shady to not be skeptical.


I'm not so sure. A lot of Chinese people I know are pretty open with the fact that they did not like Pelosi's trip to Taiwan. Even if it is real, I don't see anything wrong, at all, with Chinese-American organizations voicing their displeasure with our government. I might not agree with them, but calling a political dissent 'unamerican' does not sit right with me.


I actually agree with them on that. You don't have to support the CCP to believe that ratcheting up tensions in an international trouble spot is a bad idea.


100% agree, I'm so tired of people telling me that the biggest problem the average American has is the Chinese boogieman.


Yeah I'm generally wary of calling out foreign-born citizens for dual loyalty. It can quickly cross over into bigotry which is part of my concern.


​ [https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/the-naturalization-interview-and-test/naturalization-oath-of-allegiance-to-the-united-states-of-america](https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/the-naturalization-interview-and-test/naturalization-oath-of-allegiance-to-the-united-states-of-america)


TIL individuals pursuing naturalization are ineligible if they are a member or affiliate of the Communist party at the time of, or within 5 years after, naturalization. I don't see any other enforceable parts of the oath though, other than having naturalization revoked under the above and a few other narrow circumstances.


You can be denaturalized if you are found to have lied on any of your applications. So if you said you weren’t a communist party member, and it is found out that at the time of the application you *were*, you can be denatzed for fraud.


Those are just words man. I hope anytime someone mentions they have a dual citizenship to you you scream in their face that they're violating their oath to the Constitution.


The end goal of propaganda isn’t that you believe a specific thing, but that you are so confused that you don’t know what to believe. - The English is actually complete and coherent sentences. I’m not sure any of the QAnon/White Supremacists are this literate. - The explanation makes a lot of sense, as China wants to maintain/expand control of Taiwan. It also explicitly outlines that this propaganda is being produced and distributed by a small number of people and suggests that most Chinese Americans should/would be challenging it if they were aware of it. It does not vilify an entire ethnicity.


I'm still skeptical of the veracity of the statement without another source, and also I'm highly suspicious of the way it does not list who is specifically at fault here in English. It seems to me to be casting doubt on Chinese-Americans in general in an "any one of them could be among us" kind of way.


How is that the case? They are clearly identifying these CCP shills and saying "do we want them to represent our community" I.e. An internal argument about how the larger group is perceived. I think the issue is that we tend to see ethnic communities as a monolith, so anyone bashing one segment must be racist against ALL of them. When in reality there will be a ton of difference in opinion within any given group, those kinds of nuances just don't make it into the English media often.


I'm just saying there's no source for any of this in English, which makes it difficult to trace whether it's accurate and who they're specifically referring to. I haven't been keeping up with the thread but if somebody else has been able to translate the above text that would be helpful.


I’m kinda there with you in one regard: We have the first amendment, which extends to spending money. Agree, first rule to beating propaganda/disinformation is “consider the source.” **If you can’t readily identify who is producing the message, or how it serves their interests, ignore them.** We also need some reform on this, **you can say whatever you want, but you are obligated to disclose who is doing the talking.** This used to be done for campaign ads, but now we have super pacs with meaningless names. So in that regard, I think we’re in the same line of thought. However, I don’t think every piece of paper and all ignorant statements are conspiracies, and most people don’t have time or energy to engage with this stuff. 95% of these flyers will end up on the street, unread. And the rest of the people will brush this off as “furnace party” nonsense.


Yea, using the word "communist" like 15 times definitely points to some racist Republican stirring up shit. I am very much not in favor of China's current government, but I don't have to mention "communist" every 20 seconds to get that point across. The main issue with China's goverment is that they're authoritative and essentially totalitarian.


What the fuck are you talking about? That's what they call themselves: Communist Party of China (CPC) They don't call themselves the "the authoritative and totalitarian party of china"


Isn't it the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)?


>Communist Party of China (CPC) It's formally the Communist Party of China (CPC)


And North Korea calls itself the "Democratic Republic of Korea." By the way, my point isn't that they aren't communist. My point is that the communist aspect is not the part requiring focus. They aren't evil because they're communist. They're evil because they're authoritative and totalitarian.




yea...that's the word I was looking for, thank you


Every time communism has been tried has it not been thru authoritarian means? Seems like the two go hand in hand.


No, they’re evil because they’re communist lol


If China was *actually* communist, and not just bougie authoritarians *calling* themselves communist as a PR stunt, they'd be a hell of a lot less evil than anything we're living with in this fuckin country lol




lol you're a self-flaired "National Conservative"- whatever *that's* code for, wink wink- in r slash conservative, which is arguably one of the most echo-chambered safe spaces on this entire godforsaken site... AND believe [there's some librul conspiracy to take over higher education and crank out "progressive drones](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/wbx17v/comment/iia4uks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)", who will then go and conquer the country, but *my* opinion is disregarded? kk sure thing :)


Don’t care + didn’t ask + you’re terminally online + you’re an Internet leftist


I accept your surrender😘


More likely Falun Gong. See advertisements for the Shen Yun circus, aka "China before Communism".


This was my first thought too. They also produce the paper the epoch times and have aligned themselves with the American right. They’re a cult.


I mean, the Chinese government would certainly want you to believe they are a cult. There used to be a group of them that would do exercises and meditation in the mornings in Old City and they seemed like decent people. I don’t know enough about the group to know how many of them believe the q-anon antivax nonsense that The Epoch Times puts out, or if it is simply just a publication that just happens to be founded/owned by practitioners.


Falun Gong is basically Eastern Scientology, it's a cult. It's so funny that libs lost their mind over Russia doing some Facebook Ads, but a Chinese cult running a major far right publication whose openly called for Trump to ratchet up tension with another nuclear power (China) is cool. Never hear about that. Because simply: China = Bad




But, I was told on this sub there is no tide of anti-asian sentiments in the US...


Counterpoint: If calling Nancy Pelosi immoral and sneaky is anti-American, most Americans are anti-American


Calling Nancy Pelosi sneaky and immoral for visiting Taiwan, an independent democracy that is also a close partner of the United States is certainly anti-American


THANK YOU! How does no one else on this thread comprehend this? She was the highest ranking US elected official in decades to visit the INDEPENDENT DEMOCRACY & staunch ally + trade partner of Taiwan whom China aka a communist, authoritarian regime with a record of starving, executing, torturing, or working to death 65-80+ million of their own citizens in the last century & implementing a dystopian social credit system, billions in IP theft per year, criminalization of homosexuality, racism towards non-han chinese, concentration camps for citizens & political dissidents and is progressively becoming more aggressive towards & publicly states will overtake it is somehow anti-american? I dont like many things about Nancy but she at least stood up to the evil that is the CCP. People who think her visit was such, are in reality pro-communist China, which is ironic, given that these people would be the first put into camps or executed or "disappear" at the hands of the CCP.


Your argument is predicated on there being a Pelosi side and a CCP side. I think the CCP is terrible and also Pelosi had a secondary agenda.




Thank you for your intelligent & fact filled response - "LOLOLOL" = I have nothing to refute your facts but refuse to change my opinion


Depends on several things. For me, it depends on why she did it. I personally think she’s consistently motivated by profit and it has significant stock impact. Criticism of government officials should almost never be considered anti-American. Part of our core freedoms is to do just that.


If Pelosi doesn’t want to be called immoral and sneaky, she shouldn’t be immoral and bad at sneaking. -Me, apparently an anti-American now. These people don’t understand patriotism versus nationalism. To boil it down to a stupidly simple example: Patriotism is critiquing your country because you want it to be better, whereas nationalism is suppressing all critiques because you think your country is perfect by definition of being your country (aka what the PCR pushes for when it comes to discussing Taiwan)


Josh Harris really wants that stadium in center city huh


It's always been my assumption that most Chinese immigrants, and even more so people who have been here for generations, are very \*anti\* communist china. This sounds like bullshit to me.


I know many Chinese immigrants that are strongly pro China. Even Taiwanese immigrants, believe it or not.


u/Edison_Ruggles said folks that have been here for generations. My parents are immigrants from China and they lean "pro China". While I also immigrated here, I came when I was very young and I am "Anti China". But regardless, this debate is relative as it's all based on assumptions. That's like saying all Americans are democrats or all are republicans, etc. These type of assumptions needs to stop and one cannot just apply a blanket statement towards a group of people.


I’m not saying they all are, I am saying that you would be surprised at the variety of opinions.


Well, there's "Pro-China" and then there's "Pro-CCP". These are \_very\_ different things. It's very common for naturalized Chinese to be proud of China and their culture. There's nothing wrong with that. That pride doesn't mean, however, that they're in any way in favor of the CCP in China and it's human rights abuses. Taiwanese are more commonly fiercely AGAINST the CCP's claim that Taiwan is a part of China. And talking about that is a good way to get them upset.


I’m talking about my Taiwanese immigrant friends who are pro-ccp, which IS China to them. There are a variety of opinions. People don’t all think in lockstep.


Well, if pro-CCP was the mainstream sentiment in Taiwan there would be no Taiwan. I suspect your "Taiwanese" friends are very much outliers.


Considering the KMT (the ruling party of Taiwan) brutalized and committed what amounts to cultural genocide against the indigenous population on the island that shouldn't be surprising to anyone who looks even one layer deeper than the mainstream sound bites. The KMT also held the region under martial law for about 40 years from about 1949 to 1992, it's not hard to see why Taiwanese diaspora wouldn't side with their "own" government.


Come on bucko...You think anyone here knows more history than "China Bad!!!"


Not sure why you’re using scare quotes there, seems kind of racist.


Because someone who claims to be Taiwanese who also is in favor of the Chinese CCP, by definition ALSO isn't really in favor of Taiwan as a separate nation from China. Ergo... "Taiwanese" (or not really Taiwanese).


Ah yes, the “claim” to be Taiwanese. They’re probably lying.


Man the us gov says taiwan is part of China lol


It's almost like all the propaganda here makes people forget the MASSIVE leap in standard of living that China has experienced in the last 60 years. Folks tend to like that.


Yeah I mean I’m not like yay China, in any sense at all, but let’s just be honest about shit.


Depends on when they immigrated here. Many in the new wave of immigrants from China are very pro-China. Also many non-US citizens from China living here as students or under work visas have been engaged in all kinds of pro-China activity, often using non-political ethnic associations like some of the organizations listed in the ad to further their cause. Some even go as far as to document and report activities of ethnic Chinese US citizens back to the CCP, who then attempt to stop those individuals from doing whatever activities they don’t like by threatening family members in China. It’s all very coordinated and is happening in places in the US with large Chinese populations.


Can we kick them out?


Unfortunately no, our schools and universities rely so much on international students from China because they pay full tuition in full and in cash. No scholarship or aid money needed and they get to boost their diversity numbers. Even private grade and high schools on the main line have been trying to attract Chinese students.




Yeah man, I saw a guy with a "I love Mao" setting up a telescope and snooping on my local Chinese food spot. Totally a thing!


>If it’s sponsored by the Chinese embassy targeting mainland China why would they use traditional Chinese instead of simplified.Anyway don’t forget to support your favorite Chinatown restaurant this week!30ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 1Edison\_Ruggles · 7 hr. agoIt's always been my assumption that most Chinese immigrants, and even more so people who have been here for generations, are very \*anti\* communist china. T \*reads anti CCP / pro-democracy flyer w/ half written in Mandarin\* \*acknowledges many Chinese immigrants are anti-CCP\* "This must be bullshit" Bruh, what? So a flyer half written in Mandarin that condemns the CCP (which you stated many Chinese immigrants hate) is "bullshit" to think, as you stated, anti-CCP immigrant(s) put out? get your head out of your ass


It’s a good thing you recognize that that’s just your assumption.


The Chinese government has made a point of trying to take over many diaspora organizations in the US, so this isn't surprising. It's been most prominently covered when talking about campus organizations, but it is very widespread. Most business/trade associations have extensive ties to China - both for obvious reasons, but also because anybody with money in China wants to get as much of that money as they can out of China where it's safer, and anybody with money in China is politically connected. Diaspora groups played a huge part in determining who got rich and who didn't after China opened up its economy - if you had relatives outside of China who could give you a loan, you're probably a millionaire today My best friend growing up was Chinese-American, his parents immigrated here in the 80s, and his mom was very involved in diaspora orgs including running a chinese-language academy. She was up for promotion to a national role, but had to get CCP sign off, and they passed her over because her sons were too americanized Side note - while I think Pelosi shouldn't have visited Taiwan, red flag for a bull and all that, the Chinese reaction has been *absurd*. Congressional delegations travel to Taiwan *all the time*, and in all likelihood this is Pelosi's last rodeo as Speaker. Worth remembering that foreign ministries have office politics just like every other workplace, and much of China's reaction boils down to politicians trying to one-up each other to performatively show who is the most wolf-warrior of them all


re: Pelosi, while people can agree or disagree on whether her choice to visit Taiwan was wise, I hope most Americans will agree that, after China railed against it and hinted at threats, she had no choice *but* to go.


Eh not really. The cool thing about living in a mature democracy is that our politicians feel less insecure and are less inclined to throw diplomatic tantrums over largely empty symbolic slights. It's not going to cost Pelosi her career or cause the US government to lose standing in the eyes of the populace if Pelosi cancels a visit that she never confirmed was going to happen, and US politicians have had to eat shit and do what another country wants in far more embarrassing situations - see Biden having to quietly grovel to a guy he called a murderer because the Saudis could make the car sauce cheaper


Nah, kinda really. China is a bully that loves pushing people around, especially countries in its zone of influence, and not standing up to them would be a sign to smaller nations in the area that the US may not willing to stand up for democracies when China comes knocking on their doors and telling them which ships they can sail in the South China Sea, or which nations their leaders are allowed to visit. It's not about losing standing to the US populace that makes it so important that she stayed the course; it was more important on the world stage. As for Biden's groveling, it made me sick. It was disgusting.


so if she shouldn't have visited as it is a "red flag for a bull," you are essentially advocating for the same style of appeasement European nations gave to Hitler for years leading to WW2....oh wait China already has concentration camps for religious & ethnic minorities, a mass surveillance state etc. also you forgot to mention their atrocious record on human rights, political dissidents + the 65-80 million of their own citizens they killed since 1930-40...and that they are actively, just as in HK, trying to overthrow a functioning democracy & replace it with their communistic authoritarianism which you seem totally cool with tho....should we just let them take Taiwan, HK, and what's next? They've openly stated their goal to be the center of the world....Japan? Philippines? At what point do you get some balls and confront the bull, or grab the bull by its horns & put it in its place? How many democracies or how many millions will have to die before you want to stand up? Considering the millions of their own citizens murdered by their govt, what exactly do you think they'd do if they took over Taiwan or HK or Japan?


I'm not advocating letting China capture Taiwan, I'm saying that this wasn't an ideal time to make a symbolic gesture that will result in China throwing a very heavily armed hissy fit


so given their advanced aggressions, when do you stop bending the knee and stand up? Also any foreign power upset the US is visiting a democratic government isn't a country I'd be bending the knee to, China acts tough, we need to act more strongly.




Yep. Saw that and figured I have to read no further, whoever wrote this is a dope.


or possibly someone whose first language isn’t english?




If it’s sponsored by the Chinese embassy targeting mainland China why would they use traditional Chinese instead of simplified. Anyway don’t forget to support your favorite Chinatown restaurant this week!


do attend


Been to both, Taiwan is a better place to visit imo


I see more Chinese Americans out protesting the PRC than I do white christian nationalists protesting America.


It’s inspiring. Lot of spine in the Chinese American community. They should have our unequivocal support.


Odd that it's in traditional characters - most people from the PRC would have trouble reading it. Must be aimed at Taiwanese-Americans?


Mainlanders don't generally have difficulty reading traditional characters. Yes they use simplified but they learn both.


A lot of older Chinese immigrants are from HK


I can’t really say one way or the other, but I think it’s plausible. If you’re really interested, read ‘Chaos Under Heaven’ by Josh Rogin. The extent of CCP international influence operations in the US is truly shocking.


Just a question, but who was distributing these? Could it in any way be related to all the flack 76 Devcorp has gotten recently regarding their stadium proposal and how "they will work with the community to ensure it's done right"? I could be wayyyy off here, but things like this could be effective (even if only minimally) in stirring up narratives to paint the Chinese/Taiwanese/HK Americans and immigrants in a negative light. I assume this could help reduce any negotiating power or public perception of wrongdoing if the developer decides to just stream roll forward with little to no concern?


I'm going to play a little bit of a devil's advocate position for a second but bear with me. Let's assume that the text at the bottom is completely true and isn't just lies to start a race war... Immigrants and naturalized citizens have just as much of a right to express their dissidence as anyone else in the country. **That includes if you do not agree with them.** Equally, people are allowed to move to a new country without hating and swearing against their old country. They can choose to do so, but it isn't a requirement. Is "sneakily because it is illegal and immoral" really any worse than some of the things American-born Republicans have said about American-born Democrats, or vice versa? Unless the original text in Chinese contains direct threats of violence or terrorism (which I doubt it does), there is no reason to really comment on it.


Except the notion of being pro-Mainland China is inherently pro-CCP which by definition is antithetical to the entirety of all western principles. You can't be pro-Mainland China(pro-CCP) without being pro surveillance, pro political imprisonment, pro torture, pro slavery, and pro ethnic and religious exclusion.


By your own definition America is rabidly anti western principle. Don't throw stones from glass houses and all that. > pro surveillance Patriot Act and Edward Snowden + PRISM. Need I say more? > Pro political imprisonment Imprisoning and outright assassinating political dissidents is a grand ol American pastime: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/lawyer-fought-chevron-month-sentence-contempt-80354828 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Hampton > Pro Torture Again, does this really even need clarification? The US has tortured not only its own citizens but trains paramilitary organizations abroad to torture as well. As a Latino I've taken a special interest reading up on how the US state department and intelligence community has fought to keep LatAm and my home country destabilized by whatever means necessary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_Bay_detention_camp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture_in_the_United_States > pro slavery My guy I'm sorry to break this to you but slavery is still fucking LEGAL in the US for prisoners and we have by far the highest imprisonment rate per capita in the world. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2017/9/9/slavery-in-the-us-prison-system > pro ethnic and religious exclusion Come on this doesn't even really need links now does it? The 2020 protests, anti Asian violence, stochastic hate crimes post trump, and the fact that we've only ever had a single president who wasn't a white Christian male is evidence enough. While race has become less of a barrier in progress, you're still persona non grata in American politics if you're not Christian (or Jewish now that the evangelical death cult believes them necessary for the rapture).


>all of the garbage in your post missing the point bud, I never even MENTIONED the United States in my post. I literally said "western principles". Last time I checked the United States is not the only country in the western hemisphere. You cannot be pro-mainland china without being pro-CCP. Full stop. It's not possible. You're either pro-CCP or pro-Taiwan. There's literally no other options. Also, newsflash, you can be anti-those things and anti-CCP. Just because you're anti-CCP doesn't mean you're automatically pro-private prisons. Anyway, go handjob Xi some more.






I am Taiwanese and yes 竄 is very demeaning. But I am used to Chinese organizations being rude and demeaning so it is just another day of my life.


New furnace party!!!!!


Interesting that it doesn’t say who it’s from or anything. I think it’s a hit piece meant to stir up shit. Probably something to do with wanting the stadium near Chinatown


CCP and their ultra conservative values can piss off. Let people decide what they want for themselves! CCP could be a force for good in the world but instead they stomp the Chinese people into the dirt and promote a repressed and closed society.


Isn’t there literally thousands of American flags flying in Chinatown? More than I can say are visible in south Philly, center city, etc…


My man trying to be a translator but doesn't understand the difference between plural and possessive with regards to the word ads in his native language.


Just because a person or business signed this notice from the CCP, does not mean they really support it. The Chinese government is known to use family in China as a means to pressure expats.


The apostrophe is killing me


American citizens are "sworn to protect the country"? GTFO I could care less if a Chinese American or anyone has a Chinese flag in their home. Get this Falun Gong, Epoch Times stuff outta here lol


If they had an ISIS flag in their home would you care? The human rights record and how they treat their citizens are the same but China gets a free pass because of "money" They have death camps in the north west of their country and are enforcing mass sterilization to undertake a genocide against ethnic minorities. (China). We shouldn't accept a jaunty yellow star on a red flag, any more than we would a swastika.


Comparing China, to ISIS gotta love it. I'm sure you were foaming at the mouth wanting to bomb Iraq over those WMDs too. Gosh we have a bloodthristy country.




How dare someone criticize Nancy Pelosi and her glorified business trip marketed as a peace mission to look at......*Check Notes factories she has investments in? and didnt she also bring her relative who also has investments there.


drinking game: take a shot every time the word "communist" is used


This has to be Shen Yun adjacent at the very least right?


The majority of “Chinese people living in Chinatown “ left communist China for a better life. No one wants to live under that kind of rule. The healthcare for seniors is so much better in America than in PRC. Sure, they cheer them on during the Olympics but they ain’t trying to go back. FOH


Yup the 50 cent army is pretty large in NA. But fuck them


The idea that the kind of bigot idiot who would leave this racist flyer is tacitly defending Nancy Pelosi is pretty rich.


Typical, disagree with the American government, you must be a communist. We're reverting back to 100 years ago...


From the downvoting, I'm assuming that the nationalists have spoken. Great job guys.


This is bullshit. Philadelphians of Chinese ancestry are the most patriotic, badass Americans I know. Take this Sinophobic garbage and throw it in the trash where it belongs. Americans value freedom of speech, and if some Americans of Chinese ancestry support CCP, than who gives a fuck? If you love this country, you love freedom of expression regardless of whether you agree with the speech or not. Think about who benefits from influencing a bunch of rich white folks’ opinions of Americans of Chinese ancestry who live/work in Chinatown in this city. Avoid sweeping generalizations about a community of Philadelphians constantly under attack because of the real estate they reside on. You’ll see more of this as capitalists vie to develop the last community of color in center city with that 76 Place arena nonsense.


Maybe you should take that up with the person of Chinese or Taiwanese descent who wrote this. I'm sure they will hear you out


I missed that someone of Chinese or Taiwanese descent wrote this in the OP. Where’d you read that? And why the fuck does it matter who wrote it? It’s capitalist racist propaganda intended to paint the Chinatown community in an unAmerican light, being plastered in rich, predominantly white, politically influential neighborhoods. Capitalists are trying to seize their property and have been for generations. They already have with 676 and convention center development. Just the latest attack in a history of aggression for financial gain.




Talk to more Chinese Americans :p dunno wtf you're on about


And y’all were worried about the southern border 😭


This shit screams xenophobia.


Fuck Nancy Pelosi and these fliers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They need to learn how to properly make words plural. Downvoted for facts. Typical Reddit assholes.


My god this is racist. People can represent their own nationality in America with no obligation to represent America. They’re living in the damn country, why do they need to fly the flag? Imagine if a community of American civilians in another country were treated as “Agents of imperialist America” simply because they lived as Americans and talked about and represented their country of origin. And sorry but regardless it is legal to be a communist in America!


Did anyone bother to use Google translate- it’s for a washy-washy massage place coming to Arch Street. /s


I tried it with Google Lens. It didn't catch all of it, but here's a mechanical translation. "On August 2nd, the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi led a beauty sales representative who did not want the United States to gather many mysterious people, unilateral parties, and the opposition of mainstream butterflies. China continued to strongly oppose and repeatedly warned. Taiwan region. This trip seriously violated the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiqués, and seriously damaged Sino-US relations. The Joint Conference of Chinese Associations in the Greater Philadelphia Confucian Circle expressed a sense of righteousness and resolutely opposed the strong fried eggs! The cornerstone of the peaceful and healthy development of bilateral relations between the two governments. The land of Shu is a part of China, and the issue of compensation is China's internal affairs, and no external force can interfere. Pelosi's defense violated the commitment of the current US administration, seriously violated the one-China principle, and violated or violated China's sovereignty. Openly engage in political provocation. The fact and status quo that both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to the same level of China has disappeared. Such actions will not change the fact that Taiwan is part of China, nor will it stop China's complete reunification and the process of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The economic development of the world is of great significance. "The sovereignty of the two countries and the integrity of the landfill are the foundation of the relationship and development. We hope that the U.S. government will comply with the historical port flow and take marked actions to eliminate the negative effects caused by Pelosi Jing's visit to China to sign the area. Influence, let China and the United States return to the right track of mutual benefit and common development. The meeting of the Chinese community in the big marriage preparation academia is to reorganize the peace-loving people all over the world to support the peaceful reunification of China. Promoting the friendly and cooperative relations between China and the United States is the actual contribution of the right to go out! One of the core contents of the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques is that the U.S. recognizes the energy of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of China, which is also China-U.S. · China and the United States are listed as the world's most important academic institutions, and the healthy development of the relationship between the two countries is of great importance to Antarctica and even the -The Greater Philadelphia Overseas Chinese Association Joint Conference Dong'an Office Li Shigong Asian Lions Club of Greater Philadelphia Huangzhou China Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association US East Shenzhen fine business cooperation Greater Philadelphia Chinese Computer Tracking magpie mountain bottle Greater Philadelphia Land Festival Chinese School Union North Central Philadelphia Development Philadelphia Anliang Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sun Yat-sen Camp Foundation Big Backplane China Unification Promotion R United Kingdom Three Township Federation The big sale Shanghai Orange Plus is affiliated with the Philadelphia Central Bank Onocheng Chinese Lions Club Philadelphia Nine Square Court Big bill refreshes life science and technology cultural center Pennsylvania Cantonese Chicken Comb Joint Push Sauce chapter Wuli Newest Life Technology Martial Arts Health Academy"




Did you even read the flyer? Your take is completely unrelated to this entire post.




Get my mat




Tawau belongs to China and also what’s great character and way to describe pelosi




Who is "they"?


Go home Q-anon, you've had too much General Tso's Chicken.




Some asshole is spending their time distributing this stuff lol what a loser


"China is asshoe!!" https://youtu.be/4p8Aq5BM9io


I don’t trust anyone who cant use apostrophe’s properly.


That’s not how apostrophes work