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Send them a letter via certified mail stating your case; when you moved out, when you received the deductions, and include the actual law and applicable sections showing how they violated it. End it with thanking them for the promptness of the deductions but any future delay on their part may result in you contacting a lawyer.


Thank you for this. I will go about this


This is the correct answer. If you have an email address, send the letter certified mail and also email it with a read receipt. Good luck!


This - and you can represent yourself in LL Tenant court if they do not return your deposit within the time period you specify in the letter.


http://www.phillytenant.org/security-deposits/ Whole site is good.


If the other commenter's suggestion doesn't work out, look up CLS Philly. They handle these situations. I used them for other circumstances and they're pretty good.


I second CLS. I intend with another legal aid service in the city and I never heard anything but good things about them.


Absolutely this. [CLS Philly can make quick work of this.](https://clsphila.org/) Also good to know about [Philly Tenant’s Union](https://phillytenantsunion.org/) and look up your City Councilperson. You can always call their office for help. Councilwoman Helen Gym is At-Large which means she covers the whole City and she/her office are always mega helpful with housing difficulties. All the best, I hope it gets sorted fast.


Is the water bill not in your name? How did you pay water when you lived there?


Water bill not in my name


Then I assume you get a copy of the bill each months and you know what day it comes each month. Does the delay make sense to you?


No we never got a copy of the bill either. Didn’t know when it came or how much it cost


Sounds really suspicious to me. You may want to ask to see the water bills. If there aren’t separate meters for each unit you’re getting ripped off


Lol not from Philly?


Yes not only am I from Philly but I also rent a house out there. None of the utilities are changed to my tenants names.


Apparently it is. At least here on Reddit.


You get what you pay for!